College Council Retreat August 7, 2013, Butch’s Steakhouse ______Dr. Stephan J. Nix (SJN) Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik (SO) Dr. Larry Peel (LP) Tamara D. Guillen (TDG) Dr. Breanna Bailey (BB) Dr. Jianhong Ren (JR) Dr. Kim Jones (KDJ) Dr. Bruce Marsh (BM) Dr. Patrick Mills (PM) Dr. Rajab Challoo (RC) Dr. Sheryl Custer (SC) Eusebio Torres (ET) Dr. Joseph Sai (JS) Eric Hollingshead (EH) Austin McCoy (AM) Trisha Gottschalk (TLG) ______Not present: A. McCoy 1. Admission, Transition, and Graduation Standards -Test scores, GPA, class rank: focus on PPEN to raise standards on SAT/ACT to 18/810 with focus on math as 19/450. For unconditional, SAT/ACT 21/970 with focus on math as greater than 22/510. Need to work out details for Pre-Pre-Engineering. Minimum COE requirements of 2.25 GPA in engineering/math/science to graduate.

-“Success” Index: track engineering/math/science courses to be 2.0. All pre-req courses need to have a C or better in order to move up to the next course in engineering/math/science.

-“Distinguished” graduate: must meet the following criteria of 3.0 GPA in math/science/ engineering, EIT, Internship/research project.

2. College Infrastructure -Master plan: some suggestions are 1) turn DOTT into an industrial lab for research & outreach, 2) modify Gross Hall to extend the building out, 3) build a whole new building in the parking lot across the street. Need to come up with a plan w/logistics to present to the Provost for funding and also bring in more personnel w/ increase of students. Would also need to allocate space for EFCREO & AE institute along with bigger conf rooms w/ distance learning capabilities.

3. FE Exam -No more review classes will be offered, instead we will look into bringing in professional test givers, possible workshops and guest speakers to prepare students for FE. New FE test is computer based and will be offered in San Antonio. The college will arrange for transportation. We could still do mock exams as well.

4. Influx of Graduate Students -Expecting about 73 CS, 40 EE, 45 ME, 10 CE & 7 EVEN. Overall about 270 grad students have expressed interest in coming and already have VISAs. Graduate studies will have a waiting list for scholarships and the continuing scholarships will be offered next semester. Need to evaluate classroom situation, maybe starting using TTH 12:00-2:00pm slots for classes again.

5. Computer Labs -EC 275: has ability to hold 50 computers, but we will need to add a second door and possibly knock down a wall that will take away one graduate student office to add more space. No refresh money available to purchase new computers.

-HPCC: still in the works, only 4 nodes have been replaced out of ~40. Eagle Ford storage will be put on it. Faculty & students would be able to access it for use. Dr. Diersing is keeping up with it.

6. Technical Writing - Drs. Custer and Bailey will be meeting with IEI and need to know requirements from depts. Can open it up to undergrads as well, although writing intensive courses will target undergrads. Students will have to pay a small fee. 7. Affiliated Faculty -Think about professional organizations to send out letters on affiliated faculty. Depts can determine who to target. Dean will send out announcement for depts to tweek so they can send it out on their own.

8. Administrative Flow -Trisha will be communicating w/ secretaries relating information on what projects are going on as discussed in college council. She will also cross-train them, help them to be more efficient in assisting chairs on deadlines, etc.

9. Rumors, Conspiracies, etc  FYI- Engineering marvels schedule will be as follows (from dept drawing): #1- CEAE, #2- ITEN, #3- EECS, #4- MEIE, #5- EVEN, #6- CHNG. New episodes start around Oct. 1, 2013.