P.O Box 661 00516 Nairobi, Kenya

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P.O Box 661 00516 Nairobi, Kenya

P.O Box 661 00516 Nairobi, Kenya. Mobile: +254723495562/ +254720710756 Email: [email protected] www.suftafrica.org


Korogocho slum houses some 120,000 dwellers crammed within one single square kilometer land. It is made up of 9 villages called High ridge, Grogan, Ngomongo, Ngunyumu, Gitathuru, Kisumu Ndogo/Nyayo and Korogocho.

There are three main classes of people living in Korogocho slums. Those who migrated from the rural areas in search of jobs in Nairobi, those evicted from other parts of Nairobi to create space for private developers and the majority of the youths who have been born and brought up in the slums. Most of them do not have their rural areas to fall back to.

It is one of the more than 200 slums of Nairobi, covering together a mere 5% of the city territory. The population living in the slums in Nairobi is estimated at 2.5 million, out of the total of 4million Nairobians. Korogocho ranks fourth in the size of population after Kibera, Mathare, and Mukuru Kwa Njenga. It is an illegal settlement born in the early eighties. Over half of the land is state property and the rest is privately owned. It seems by a single person Mr. Gathecha. The slum is multi ethnic, counting some 30 ethnic groups; Kikuyu, Luo and Luhyas are among the major ones.

There is also a significant presence of foreigners from other countries such as Tanzania. The chief and the administration police have a permanent residence at the very centre of Korogocho village The slums socio-economic reality is very poor; there are no public services and the absence of the state is keenly felt. There are 2 city councils schools with over 4000 children and many other informal private schools are mostly inefficient. It is well to note that 70% of the Korogocho population is less than 30 years of age. The most relevant problems are prostitution, unemployment, drug addiction, alcoholism, rapes, criminality, school drop out and domestic violence.

There is also a massive presence of street children who try to escape from police round ups in the city finding a hide out in the slums. Also many illegal firearms find a place here, furthering criminality, which is now moving in the city. In spite of the difficulties, Korogocho is equally a home for a new dispensation towards a new dream. Active civil society groupings mainly youth initiatives are in the forefront in transforming the slum population.

Most of these organizations have been founded on the basis of the struggle to create human rights Korogocho where every resident of Korogocho’s social, political and economical rights are preserved. SUFT-AFRICA is part of these transformations that is committed to seeing a new Korogocho.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Societies united for transformation in Africa (SUFTA) is a non-governmental and non- profit making organization established in April 2006. The founder members shared a common vision, dream to transform Africa through innovative ideas. The members have witnessed many organizations come to Korogocho, implement their programs and leave, the situation never changes fundamentally.

Part of the challenge has been that most of these organizations do not have their foundations in Korogocho. As a result, while their efforts may be well-intentioned, lack of understanding of the realities on the ground reduce the impact of their programmes. SUFTA has therefore been formed by young professionals brought up in Korogocho with a vision to have a transformed society, which adheres to the principals of human dignity to all human beings world over with specific focus to Africa.

Though SUFTA currently operates from Korogocho, this is just a short-term dream. Our medium term dream is to become a national organization with presence in different parts of the country. Our long-term dream is to make SUFTA an international organization, which will be in the forefront for the struggle to transform the global social, economic, and political challenges that breach principals of human dignity and equality of persons to law. Therefore, the emancipation of the human person irrespective of their social, cultural, political, and economic boundaries is the foundation stone upon which SUFTA has been founded.

In order to achieve this dream of a transformed society where every member of the human society lives in dignity, SUFTA will network with local and International Community Based organizations (CBO’s), Non Government Organizations (NGO’s), Faith Band Organizations (FBO’s), Governmental Agencies, Business Community, Learning Institutions, Women and Youth Organization and all other organizations and individuals who value human life and dignity.

VISION We envision a more transformed society that adheres to the principals of human dignity. MISSION. SUFTA champions a fully empowered independent society where every member of the human family is somebody and nobody is nobody. Our mission is to have a global society that adores the equality of every human person before the laws of the land.

MAIN OBJECTIVE Enhance an integrated community based development process with focus on human rights and advocacy issue.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To achieve the above named objective, SUFTA shall carry out the following activities:  Talent search and cultural promotion.\  Peace building and conflict resolution and management.  Networking and collaboration.  Disaster response.  Outreach programmes in areas of HIV/AIDS and anti drug abuse interventions.  Economic empowering through initiating income generating programmes, micro finance and business skills training.  Human rights advocacy, awareness creation and capacity building.  Education, information, communication and technology progress.  Health.  Consultancy and research programmes.

PROGRAMMES SUFTA has four main Programmes tailored to achieve her objectives:-  Health and Environment to address issues of HIV/AIDS environment and reproductive health.  Human rights and advocacy to implement human rights programmes, civic education, lobbying and advocacy, policy reviews, governance accountability initiatives among other human rights issues.  Culture and sports i.e. cultural promotion, talent development and sports development.  Education and Empowerment i.e. education and training promotion programmes. HIV PROGRAMME NETWORK OF SUPPORT GROUP


Economic empowerment for people living with HIV through income generating activities


 To impart management skills to people living with HIV to independently run their income generating activities.  To support income generating activities initiated by people living with HIV to mop up unemployment.  To sustain the lives of people living with HIV through economic activities PROJECT GOAL

 To eradicate poverty among people living with HIV  To improve the livelihood of people living with HIV


1. Advocacy.  Policy review and lobbying.  Advocating for the rights of People Living with HIV.  Fighting stigma and discrimination. 2. Networking and collaboration.  Stakeholders meeting.  Monitoring care and support provided in the health institutions.  Formation and strengthening of support groups.  Follow ups and referrals. 3. Income generating activities.  Economic empowerment through supporting income generating activities. 4. Orphan care and support.  Paying school fess  Buying school uniforms  Vocational training  Safe guarding the property of orphans after the death of their parents. 5. Behavior change communication, youth to youth programs.  Youth to youth sensitizations in schools and out of schools  Peer education  Peer counseling ACTIVITY JUSTIFICATION FOR SUPPORT GROUPS Poverty has been a major factor that has influenced the spread of HIV in Africa. Infections rates have gone to its peak in the informal settlements due to the economic activities which continues to expose and make people vulnerable.

Many people living with HIV have suffered due to poor nutritional intake, poor housing conditions and food insecurity which has increased dependency levels.

Economic support to people living with HIV is therefore a fundamental aspect of alleviating poverty among people living with HIV.

It is with this reason that SUFTA HIV/AIDS department has initiated a network of support group that embraces the meaningful involvement of people living with HIV, (PLWH) to take charge of their own lives in regard to HIV.

This is due to realization that apart from the medical attention that is provided, there are a whole lot of other things and various issues that is affecting people living with HIV (PLWH) that the organizations and the government cannot provide e.g. issues of abject poverty, fighting stigma and discrimination, advocacy and disclosure.

SUFTA engage people living with HIV in programmes that are fully championed by them in order to find solutions to their problems. It is for this reason that SUFTA has initiated an umbrella body of the network of support groups to address issues that affect people living with HIV in korogocho. These groups consist of leaders who are living with the virus and are from selected support groups to address issues of poverty by initiating income generating activities and running them whereas SUFTA supervise the activities.

The HIV/AIDS programme concentrate much on psychological, economic and social support, this includes stress management by organizing group therapies, economic activities like candle making which offer employment that generate income to the people and also addressing issues of stigma and discrimination by awareness creation.

The candle making project the leaders of the support group to enable full participation of people living with HIV in Income Generating Activities rather than depending on organizations for handouts.

The kind of empowerment that SUFTA does to its community members involves them in identifying their potential and capitalizing on them, this includes supporting their initiatives. This candle project that has ensured ownership and active participation of the people right from inception to implementation and has created employment to members. The candle project is intended to benefit the members and impart knowledge to the leaders in order to train them to catch fish and let them catch fish on there own by letting them run and manage income generating activities on their own for their groups in the near future with minimum supervision from SUFTA management. SUFTA call for well wishers to support this activity to help in transformation of Africa.

METHODOLOGY The candle project has brought together 20 groups and it intends to accommodate 600 people living with HIV. This will be achieved by conducting trainings to 20 representatives of the support groups drawn from 20 groups which has approximately 30 members on business management skills. This trained people are expected to disseminate the knowledge acquired to the members of their respective groups. This will be made possible by conducting follow-ups by the field officers to ensure the group members are nurtured and are acquainted with the business skills that will enable them get absorbed in the candle making project. The project also intends to train 30 people from the support groups on capacity building in management, this group of people will be imparted with knowledge on sales and marketing, record keeping, store keeping among other courses that will require high level of management. This is to enable the project to expand and to employ the 600 people. The project manager and the representatives of the support groups have developed a monitoring tool to ensure that this is achieved.


SUFTA expects this programme to benefit 600 people living with HIV and 3000 siblings who will also benefit as a result of the programme creating employment to their parents and guardians. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE NETWORK OF SUPPORT GROUP


ITEM QUANTITY AMOUNT EACH TOTAL Candle machine 10 18,000 180,000 Wax 25 kgs (50 box) 4,125 206,250 TOTAL 386,250


Activity budget for entrepreneurship training for 20 participants

Stationary AMOUNT NUMBER ITEM PER UNIT QUANTITY OF TRAININGS TOTAL Flip charts 350 10 1 3500 Felt pens 120 10 1 1200 Masking tape 150 10 1 1500 Writing pads 85 20 1700 Pens 12 20 240 KSH 8140

Budget for lunch and per Diem ITEM AMOUNT NUMBER NUMBER TOTAL EACH OF OF DAYS PARTICIPANTS Lunch 200 20 3 12000 allowance Per-diem 200 20 3 12000 Facilitation 3000 3 9,000 fee per day Ksh 33,000/-

Total for training KSh 41140/-

Capacity building on management skills for 30 participants

Stationary AMOUNT NUMBER ITEM PER UNIT QUANTITY OF TRAININGS TOTAL Flip charts 350 10 1 3500 Felt pens 120 10 1 1200 Masking tape 150 10 1 1500 Writing pads 85 30 2550 Pens 12 30 360 KSH 9110

Budget for lunch and per Diem ITEM AMOUNT NUMBER NUMBER TOTAL EACH OF OF DAYS PARTICIPANTS Lunch 200 30 3 18000 allowance Per-diem 200 30 3 18000 Facilitation 3000 3 9,000 fee per day Ksh 45,000/-

Total KSh 54110/-


ITEM QUANTITY UNIT TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL PRICE PER OF MONTH MONTHS Rent 9000 9000 12 108,000 Electricity 1000 1000 12 12,000 Packaging 7050 packets 1.50 per 10,575 of candles packet Branding 7050 packets 2 14,100 Bicycles for 20 5500 110,000 Distribution Record 100 85 8,500 books Marketing 5000 per 12 60,000 month Total Ksh 323,175

Budget for follow-ups on the 30 groups ITEM AMOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER OF TOTAL WEEKS IN A MONTHS IN MONTH A YEAR Communication 2700 per week 4 12 129,600 Total 129,600


DESIGNATION AMOUNT NUMBER OF NUMBER OF TOTAL WORKING MONTHS DAYS PER MONTH Program officer 30,000 24 12 360,000/- 2 field officers 10,000 24 12 240,000/- TOTAL 600,000/

Total Budget for Candle Making project is KSh 1, 534,275/- ONE US DOLLAR IS EQUIVALENT TO KSH 75

All payments may be made through SUFTA Bank Account Below:

Societies United For Transformation in Africa, Co-operative Bank of Kenya, Kariobangi Branch,

Account Number: 0110056517300 Swift code: KCOOKENA

Japheth Oluoch Ogola Finance and Administration Officer, SUFTA

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