ICASAS503A 3. Analyse and Classify Results

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ICASAS503A 3. Analyse and Classify Results

Assessment Event Justify and test a web server

Competency: Weight: ICASAS503A Perform systems tests 50% ICAWEB509A Use site server tools for transaction management 100% ICAWEB512A Administer business websites and servers 100% ICAICT509A Gather data to identify business requirements 100% Event No: Course: Date Due: Teacher: 2 of 2 Diploma General Part 1: 26th Oct (Week13) Steve Wigmore (10327) Part 2: 9th Nov (Week15) Part 3: 23rd Nov (Week17) Elements of competence: ICASAS503A 1. Prepare for test ICASAS503A 2. Conduct test ICASAS503A 3. Analyse and classify results ICAWEB509A 1. Confirm and document task requirements ICAWEB509A 2. Select tools ICAWEB509A 3. Use tools ICAWEB509A 4. Review server tools and task requirements ICAWEB512A 1. Maintain business website and contents ICAWEB512A 2. Maintain business security of the website ICAWEB512A 3. Monitor business website performance ICAWEB512A 4. Undertake capacity planning ICAICT509A 1. Identify key information sources ICAICT509A 2. Gather data ICAICT509A 3. Prepare data analysis for review Submit the following items:  Professional Business Analysis Report (electronic)  Automated Test Scripts (electronic)  Professional Test Report (electronic)  Marksheet (printed if you wish to keep a record of progress)

All printed documents are to be presented in stapled pages or loose items presented in a single A4 plastic sleeve. Where professional presentation is required, marks may be lost for typos, spelling errors, and grammatical errors, difficult to use format or layout, and lack of references to external sources. Always keep a backup copy of your assignment. Loss of your assignment by either yourself or the teacher will not be accepted as an excuse for non-submission.

NOTE: You must satisfactorily complete all tasks in this assessment to be deemed competent (half total marks) in this/these unit/s before additional grading is considered.

Created on 29/01/10 0f120833a7568d3676888860f21e2ec9.docx Last saved by Steve Wigmore on 27/04/2018 Page 1 of 5 Assessment Event Instructions Individual work.

Your client, Create Magazine, has hired your consultancy to recommend and test their new web server. Your job is to find out what their business priorities are to justify their need for a web server. If they go ahead and obtain a web server you are to make sure it works as expected before going “live”. If it doesn’t work, it could cost their organisation dearly, so you need to develop and perform tests, and make appropriate recommendations for future server capacity.

Part 1 Business Analysis Report

a) Use existing business data sources (eg company documents) to develop  critical business questions.

b) With these questions, conduct  individual interviews and a  group survey to gather business data.

c) Create a professionally presented Business Analysis Report which contains an  executive summary of business priorities, a  recommendation whether to proceed with a web server, followed by a copy of the  data gathering tools you used

You may need to meet with your client’s representative (teacher) to clarify their requirements.

Due by 26th Oct (Week 13) Competent ICAICT509A 1. Identify key information sources ICAICT509A 2. Gather data  ICAICT509A 3. Prepare data analysis for review (6 marks) Additional (up to 6 Grading marks)

Part 2 Select and develop test tools You need to test the following functions of the web server:

a) web pages are served securely using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). You will need to  research and  configure this feature.

b) server content can be remotely administered with an easy to use graphical interface. You will need to  research and potentially  install this feature.

c) server response times are sufficiently low. You are required to  develop a HTA (HyperText Application) with VBScript to measure this performance.

d) server access logs can be automatically scanned for unusual activity. You are required to  develop a HTA that reports this activity.

You may need to meet with your client’s representative (teacher) to clarify their requirements.

Created on 29/01/10 0f120833a7568d3676888860f21e2ec9.docx Last saved by Steve Wigmore on 27/04/2018 Page 2 of 5 Assessment Event ICASAS503A 1. Prepare for test Competent ICAWEB509A 1. Confirm and document task requirements ICAWEB509A 2. Select tools  ICAWEB512A 1. Maintain business website and contents ICAWEB512A 2. Maintain business security of the website (6 marks) ICAWEB512A 3. Monitor business website performance Additional (up to 6 Grading marks)

Perform Tests Record the results of the above tests in a Test Log with the following format (you can pivot this table so the headings run down the page).

Software to be tested: Functions included in test: Functions excluded from test: Assumptions: Sche- Test Test Test Expected Actual Problem/ Change Test Signature duled No. Type Description Results Results Change Priority3 Date of Tester Date 1 2 (tick if as Request (if (if result expected) result unexpected) unexpected)

1 Test Types, choose ONE of: functionality, usability, regression, performance, scalability, security, documentation. Refer to class notes for an explanation of Test Types. 2 Test Description should be sufficiently detailed that another tester could perform the same test (you are encouraged to try this with another student). If the test requires a special tool or file, a link or copy needs to be attached to the plan 3 Change Priorities: critical, major, minor, desirable. If the actual results differ from the expected, they need to be recorded; the problem needs to be described as a change request that will be given to the supplier/developer; and the change needs to be prioritised. Refer to class notes for explanation of Change Priorities. Due by 9th Nov (Week 15) Competent ICASAS503A 2. Conduct test ICAWEB509A 3. Use tools  (14 marks) Additional (up to 14 Grading marks)

Part 3 Test Report Based on the results of the testing, create a professionally presented report for your client. The final report should contain the following items:  Objective of web server testing  Recommendation for web server capacity  Limitations of testing (and what could be done better next time)  Summary of test results (highlighting any Critical and Major Changes required)  Include the Test Log (from Part 2) as an appendix Due by 23rd Nov (Week 17) Competent ICASAS503A 3. Analyse and classify results ICAWEB509A 4. Review server tools and task requirements  ICAWEB512A 4. Undertake capacity planning (5 marks) Created on 29/01/10 0f120833a7568d3676888860f21e2ec9.docx Last saved by Steve Wigmore on 27/04/2018 Page 3 of 5 Assessment Event Additional (up to 5 marks) Grading Marksheet STUDENT NAME: Competency Details Mark Competency ICASAS503A Perform systems tests ICAWEB509A Use site server tools for NYC transaction management  ICAWEB512A Administer business websites and servers ICAICT509A Gather data to identify business out of 62 NYC requirements Credit > 43 Distinction > 51  FEEDBACK:

MARKING GUIDE EXPLANATION To gain competency in this/these unit/s you must be declared competent for all elements of competence.

NYC Not Yet Competent: Student has not demonstrated requirements for competency.

MER More Evidence Required: Students who have meet the requirements for competency may receive a MER result which means that they must resubmit with more evidence.

Competency: Student has demonstrated competency in all elements but has done minimal work and shows little technical proficiency with the media or subject matter.

Additional grading is awarded based on the following criteria: Credit:  Demonstrates some high level of understanding of skills to complete tasks  Demonstrates consistent positive approach to mastering a task independently  Demonstrates ability to consistently self assess to achieve outcomes to meet situation criteria  Demonstrates high level research, analytical and creative skills  Demonstrates consistently high quality with presentation of own work Distinction:  Demonstrates extensive skills to complete tasks  Demonstrates consistent in-depth understanding of subject material  Demonstrates exceptional level of ability to transfer learning to tasks without guidance  Demonstrates ability to build on own research to achieve at exemplary levels  Demonstrates exceptional high level of presentation skills

Resubmission penalty: If your submitted work is not sufficient to qualify as “competent” then you may be given one opportunity to resubmit your work for remarking. The maximum mark awarded for a resubmitted assessment will be a competency grading.

Late submission penalty: Your final grade will be reduced by one level for assessments handed in from 1 to 7 days after the due date. Assessments handed in 8 days or more after the due date will only be eligible to receive a result of competency.

Course Grading: If this unit contributes to the course grading, a nominal mark is used to calculate the final course grade. The nominal mark out of 100 is: Not yet Competent 44 Competent 61 Credit 75 Distinction 88

Recognition of Prior Learning: If you have previous experience or qualifications that are relevant to these units you may choose to apply for recognition. For further information about recognition ask your teacher or head teacher.

Created on 29/01/10 0f120833a7568d3676888860f21e2ec9.docx Last saved by Steve Wigmore on 27/04/2018 Page 4 of 5 Assessment Event

Reasonable Adjustment: If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you successfully completing the assessment task(s) you should immediately talk with your teacher about reasonable adjustment.

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