Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region N Virginia District Chapter C Newsletter
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Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region N Virginia District Chapter C Newsletter
June 2014 Volume 31, Issue 6 Chapter meeting the 2nd Sunday of each month at Angelo’s Steak and Pancake House, 755 J. Clyde Morris Blvd, Newport News, VA. Eat at 6 PM; meet at 7 PM, everyone welcome.
1 From the Assistant’s View
2 From the Director’s Chair 3 Important Dates 3 Notes From Your MEPC 4 Motorcycle Safety 5 A Reason to Smile
6 Motorcycle Trip 8 From District 10 Region N 13 From National 15 For Sale 16 Chapter Officers & Staff
17 Upcoming Rides and Events 19 Flyers The Tidewater Wings GWRRA VAC P.O. Box 1266 Yorktown, VA 23692
From the Assistant’s View
GWRRA VA-C Tidewater Wings/ June 2014 Page 1 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region N Virginia District Chapter C Newsletter
Susan Berry, Assistant Chapter Director
Wow, May already….where does the time go?
Congratulations to Michael Pitts for graduating from High School….now the fun starts!
We all have someone in our lives who has served in the military and we are all very proud of them, and some of us have had someone in our lives who gave the ultimate sacrifice to this country. I had an Uncle who gave the ultimate sacrifice in WWII, I never got the chance to meet him but my mother, his sister loved him very much, and my grandmother, his mother loved him even more. I hope everyone took the time on Memorial Day to think about what Memorial Day really means, and I hope everyone has taken the opportunity to thank military personnel that they see in their daily lives to thank those now serving for their service. I do and it is always amazing how many of them are shocked when I tell them “thank you for your service”. When I see someone with a baseball cap that indicates they are veterans I try to thank them as well.
I know some people in our chapter who have served in the military, but I don’t know everyone who has so, I am taking this time to thank you for your service.
Summer time is here and hopefully we will get some good rides in and we can continue to make friends and learn more about each other.
By the time you read this we will have already been to Papa Joe’s and I am sure we will have had a great time. Several other trips planned in the next few weeks and I hope to see more and more of you riding.
Don’t forget our ice cream rides, remember you could be the one making a “C” turn – this past ice cream ride it was I. You do know that I am directionally challenged, right?
Hope all is well with each of you and if you need any help with anything or have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Susan Berry, ACD 757-810-8915, [email protected]
From the Director’s Chair John Newbauer, Chapter Director
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As I write this I am looking out at the sunny seventy-five degree day outside and wondering: what am I doing in here? Well, as I just stated I am trying to write a newsletter article and put together a newsletter that is both informative and interesting – like that is going to come out of this head – not any time soon.
As some of you have noticed, Susan Berry will be conducting our get-togethers from now on and will be taking over the Chapter Director role; while I remain on in an advisory position should she need it. Susan has a lot of great ideas, an abundance of experience and knowledge, and a desire to see the Chapter grow. We are fortunate to have her and I know you will help her in making this the best and most funnest (as my granddaughter used to say) Chapter anywhere.
There are lots of rides set up for this year and I hope y’all get out there and enjoy any and all you can. If you have a ride idea for the Chapter, let our Ride Coordinator (Randy Morris) know … we’ll try and work it into the schedule. Don’t forget there is an ice cream ride every other Tuesday at 6:30 pm through September … check the ride schedule at the end of this newsletter for dates and meeting locations.
See ya on the road John ♠
Important Dates June Birthdays Anniversaries GWRRA Anniversaries Jerry Johnston 6/2 Jerry & Francis Jackie Wall 18 years Johnston 6/4 Randy Morris 6/24 Randy & Deborah Morris 6/26 Lynn Floyd 6/28 Dave & Donna Huey 6/26
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Notes from your favorite MEPC Sharyn Sulligner, Chapter MEPC
Boy, another month already. Time really passes when you’re having fun. And May has been a fun month. Between the Salty Dogs poker run and Chapter D’s Dory Park event, we have had some great rides. The ice cream rides are always fun and food filled events. Our latest ride was to DC for Rolling Thunder. We had a good time; however, this was one of the rides where what happened in DC, stayed in DC. Susan and I have been attending the Memorial Day Rolling Thunder Event since the late 90’s and personally it is the best way for me to celebrate this day. Of course, the ribs cookouts are good too. I have to agree with Nannette M’s suggestion that the motto for GWRRA should include Food somewhere in our slogan, i.e. “Friends for fun, food, fun, food with side orders of education and safety.
As the MEPC, one of my tasks is getting and keeping new members. In order to do this, I need ‘all yawls’ help. The following is an article taken from old GWRRA newsletter. It deals with the cause and effect in the membership cycle. The article reads in part:
The amount of effort needed to achieve successful membership recruitment is to a large degree inversely proportional to the quantity and quality of effort expended on it.
The membership cycle begins when someone is recruited. Most of us probable joined GWRRA as a result of a positive introduction by an enthusiastic member who told us about the great benefits the association had to offer. We joined a local Chapter and our expectations have either been fulfilled, resulting in a satisfied and enthusiastic member, or we have been left disillusioned on a few occasions.
My challenge to you is GET INVOLVED IN THE CHAPTER’S MEMBERSHIP CYCLE. You ask…”what’s in it for me? Why should I care about new members? The growth of our Chapter is vital to its continued existence and well-being. We will continue to enjoy the many benefits of a healthy organization. We will get to watch and be an active part of our Chapter’s growth. It is very satisfying to know we have all done our part in making Chapter C the best there is.
I don’t want to be a selfish person and keep all the happiness to myself. I want to share that with every member of Chapter C and I need your help to do that.
Join me next month and learn how we can keep those members we have.
Sharyn D Sulligner Chapter C MEC ♠
Motorcycle Safety Dave Huey, Chapter Educator
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Newsletter time again already, where does the time slip away to? Riding season is almost officially upon us and it is going to be busy. It is the top of the riding season and rally season. Don’t be foolish and start out on almost worn out tires to get a good deal at a rally. We only have 2 wheels on the ground and believe me you want them to be good ones. I personally have experienced 2 rear tire failures and it is no picnic. My failures were a puncture and a tread separation that were unforeseen but quite a thrilling ride. Believe me you don’t want this to happen to you if it can be avoided. I know we always talk about pre-ride checks but don’t get lazy and stop doing them. You know the old saying ‘the life you save might be your own’. I can’t emphasize that enough. We choose to ride motorcycles and I wouldn’t give it up for anything but it requires us to be more aware of all things around us. Spring Thaw was great this year with good weather and a wonderful crowd. Thanks to all who helped make this a success for the chapter. The 1st bike clinic for the year was a great success as always. Even with the questionable weather several rode out to have work done. We got all of the work accomplished and then did what we do best, sat around and enjoyed the day and each other’s company. It is always a good time even if not much bike work happens. The first Ice Cream ride of the season is upon us. No one will want to miss out on going to Dairy Queen for that first cone, blizzard, shake, sundae or banana split. Doesn’t that just whet your appetite to come out and join us? We had a Rider Ed day with 4 seminars: Co-Rider, Team Riding, Motorist Awareness and Crash Scene Response on May 17th 9:00 AM at Dave & Donna’s house. The Chapter provided lunch, and nine Members came out to increase their knowledge and have a good time.
That is it for now, be careful out there folks we want to see you again real soon. Dave ♠
A Reason to Smile
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Motorcycle Trip Submitted by Sydney Newbauer, Chapter Member
He dreamed of a long motorcycle trip With his wife of 40 years And of the wonderful experiences The two of them would share
She thought long and hard about The plan he brought to her For they’d be gone for several weeks On a motorcycle too, oh dear
There definitely would be no make-up And helmet hair would be the style The rest from all those daily chores Kind of made her smile
The trailer was packed with clothes and a tent Two sleeping bags were in there too They would camp along the way Yes, that is what they’d do
They left on the sixteenth of May In the year two thousand five And her prayer as they headed west Was please keep us safe and alive
The back roads are what they traveled No busy interstates for them There were pictures to take and places to see And campgrounds to welcome them in
Their goal was the Pacific Ocean Then they’d head north from there There were friends and relatives to visit And wonderful stories to share
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At Oregon they turned and headed east Crossing many of the northern states Michigan had them heading south And longing for their front yard gate
What sights they’d seen on their journey Grand Canyon, Four Corners, Zion Park And too many more to list right here But the memories will stay after dark
We traveled well over eight thousand miles There were twenty seven states we passed through And arrived back home June twenty second Knowing what I must do
I’ve an album filled with pictures And notes telling where we had been And I’m so glad I don’t have to say Wish we’d done it way back when ♠
From the District Director Dennis & Kristen Weston, Virginia District Directors Article taken from the April 2014 VA District Newsletter
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Yep, the newsletter this month is a tad late, and yes, it is because of me again. Kathy, our newsletter editor, tries to keep me grounded and focused. But this month has been a hectic month for me, work, work, work. Unfortunately I'm not retired and out riding like some of you; still got another 20 years before I can do that. I believe the riding season...knock on finally here. The good news is all the events that have occurred recently were lucky enough to enjoy nice weather—rain and snow free. We have been fortunate enough to fit all of our Virginia Chapter's events in our calendar and all of them have been wonderful. Hats off to all the Chapter Teams and Members that have contributed to their successful events. It looks like all the Chapters are getting out and supporting each other and having a good time doing it. Visitation looks healthy in Virginia! Don't forget to get your ride cards signed as you make your rounds. So how is recruiting going for your chapter? Are you out spreading the word and enjoying the ride? Is your gathering overflowing with new faces eager to have the fun you have had in GWRRA? Remember what it was like when you first joined GWRRA? Spread the word, remember they don't have to ride a Goldwing to join GWRRA. Don't forget Rally in the Valley will be here before you know it. But before that, Wing Ding will be taking place in July and our All Chapters Picnic is scheduled for August. Put these events on your calendar and enjoy some good riding and socializing with friends. More to follow on Rally in the Valley, but remember new venue this year with a host hotel. Send in your registration to Mae today and make your room reservation before they are filled up. Other hotels in the area are listed on the District Website under the RITV tab. Remember if you have any questions or com-ments regarding this years' event, contact us; and as always, our door is always open. Dennis & Kristen Weston
As promised in last month’s newsletter, our intent is to keep communication lines open with all of you regarding the upcoming RITV changes. Here are a few comments that we’d like to address: ●”When will the persons wishing to attend the closing ceremony be allowed in?” Closing ceremonies begin at 7:00 for everyone, with doors opening at 6:00. We are assuming the person asking the question is assuming those eating the meal is being let in first. There will be NO separation of meal versus non-meal purchasers. At this time we still plan to have assigned tables put aside for each Chapters’ use allowing them to all sit together. Those purchasing the meal will simply go to a separate room, get their meal, and return to their table
GWRRA VA-C Tidewater Wings/ June 2014 Page 8 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region N Virginia District Chapter C Newsletter and enjoy. Those not eating simply stay at their tables or visit with others while they wait for the closing ceremony to start. ●“$23 for a meal is expensive.” Please note, the meal is offered merely for your convenience and not a requirement. Catering is expensive, which is why we can no longer include a meal in the registration price without increasing registration to $50. The meal is being offered at the price the hotel charges, we have not padded the price. And you do not have to purchase the meal; have dinner with your friends elsewhere and return to the convention site to a reserved table to enjoy the closing ceremonies and announcements.
Hey all, here is the Wing Ding Schedule, please pass this on to all your folks that may be going to Wing Ding this year, we could really use some volunteers for Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday, 7-1 VA 11:00PM - 6:00 PM Friday 7-4 TN 8:00AM - 12:30PM Friday 7-4 KY/WV 12:00PM - 5:30PM Wednesday 7-2 VA 6:45AM - 12:30PM Wednesday 7-2 NC 12:00PM - 5:30PM Saturday 7-5 KY/WV 8:00AM - 11:30AM
Thursday 7-3 NC 8:00AM - 12:30PM Thursday 7-3 TN 12:00PM - 5:30PM
From the District Director Dennis & Kristen Weston Virginia District Directors ♠
From Region N Kyle T. & Mitzela Craig, Region N Educators Article taken from the May 2014 Region N Newsletter
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Spring is in the air, and for some this means high gusts of wind. A wind gust is a sudden, brief in-crease in the speed of the wind, followed by a lull. According to National Weather Service observing practices, gusts are reported when the peak wind speed reaches at least 18 mph and the variation in wind speed between the peaks and lulls is at least about 10 mph. With all this being said, this spring has been highly aggressive with many gusts of wind. Some gusts have pushed big rigs out of their path of travel on the highways and others have shaken cars as well as pushing motorcycles from one lane to another. I had a personal experience while on the way to the Daytona Bike Week last month. A sudden gust of wind came from the right-hand side and pushed my trike from the center lane to the left lane. It was so sudden and forceful and I was caught completely unaware. By the time I had reacted, I was completely in the other lane. The only thing I could do was to slow down to obtain the control of the situation. This was accomplished by releasing the throttle and applying a small amount of braking. Even so, others were not as fortunate as myself and the result was a crashed motorcycle. Now that we are almost finished with April, we are still experiencing these same forceful gusts of wind. Please be aware that these gusts of wind can be hazardous to your health and your machine. Don't be a He-Man! Slow down and adjust for the environment. For those of you who are still riding on two-wheels, counter-steering has always worked well for me, but one must be ready for the release of the force. The overall best advice is: When the wind is high, just slow down. It's always better to arrive in one piece than to wind up in the hospital simply because you failed to slow down and adjust for the conditions. Remember: Safety always begins with you! "One Team, One Unit!" Kyle T. & Mitzela Craig Region N Educators In GOD We Still Trust...Here in America! The front line of safety begins with you, the motorcyclist . . . “Safety Is For Life!” ♠
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What is Your Bike Worth? Probably Less Than You Think. May 14, 2014 Matt Danielson, Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group From E-mail received from McGrath & Danielson
We motorcyclists are a different breed. For most of us our motorcycles are more than a mode of transportation; they are literally an extension of us. Over time we modify and customize our bikes to make them unique. When a negligent driver damages or destroys our bike they have not just damaged or destroyed a vehicle, they have damaged or destroyed part of us. Our bikes can have value to us that are beyond market forces. That value can come from the rides we have taken on them, how long they have been in the family, or any number of things.
However, to an insurance company, a defendant or a court, your motorcycle is only worth what the market says it is worth. If your motorcycle is totaled the insurance company is only required to pay you the fair market value of your bike regardless of how much you owe on it or how much you think it is worth.
Fair market value is the amount that the motorcycle would sell for on the open market. This should not to be confused with what you would ask for if you were to sell it. It should also not be confused with what you owe on it or what you have invested in it. These things are unimportant and often irrelevant in determining what your bike is worth.
The insurance companies will often look to the NADA guide to gauge the value of your motorcycle. They will also look to see what similar motorcycles are selling for in your geographic area. I often get complaints that the insurance company is not taking into consideration aftermarket items such as additional chrome in computing the value of a client’s motorcycle. While extras and modifications can increase the value of a motorcycle, fair market value is not computed by taking what you paid for the bike and adding up all that you have invested in it. If you add $2,000 worth of chrome to your bike that does not necessarily mean the bike is worth $2,000 more than before you added it. The question is how much will it cost a buyer to go out and purchase another bike like it. The answer to that question is usually less than the owner thinks. Try going on Craigslist or EBay and seeing how much bikes like yours are selling for. That is why I tell clients that if you want to put chrome on your motorcycle, do it because you like chrome, not because you want to add value to your bike.
So what can you do to protect your bike? First and foremost, if you are financing your motorcycle consider gap insurance. Gap insurance pays the difference of what the motorcycle is worth, and what you owe. It keeps you from being "upside down" on your loan if your bike is totaled. By way of example, let's say that you buy a bike for $15,000. Two years down the road you owe $13,500
GWRRA VA-C Tidewater Wings/ June 2014 Page 11 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region N Virginia District Chapter C Newsletter but the fair market value is now $11,000. If you are in an accident and your bike is totaled, the insurance company is going to pay you $11,000. That takes care of the defendant’s obligations with regard to your bike. You will still owe $2,500 on a motorcycle that you do not own. Trust me; those are painful payments to make. However, if you bought gap insurance it would make up that $2,500 difference so that you would not owe further on the bike.
You can also insure your motorcycle for a certain amount, often called scheduled or stated value. If you do that and your bike is totaled, the insurance company will pay that pre-set amount. Take that $15,000 bike that you bought in the previous scenario. You schedule the bike at $15,000. The same two years go by and it is worth $11,000. If you are in an accident and your bike is totaled the insurance company will pay you $15,000. If you do not want to pay for a scheduled or stated value, many policies will offer specific protection for accessories, which guarantees that you will receive value for your accessories. It does not protect you from the natural depreciation in value that all bikes experience over time. If you do purchase coverage for accessories, make sure to save the receipts for any accessories that you purchase.
The bottom line is that the vast majority of us are riding with what is called an "actual cash value" policy (ACV). If our motorcycle is totaled we will get the actual cash value of that motorcycle. If you, as many of us do, see your motorcycle as something that you have a personal investment in and you want to protect that investment, then you need to make sure that you purchase more than just an ACV policy. Otherwise, your investment is at mercy of the free market, and the free market will almost always determine that your motorcycle is worth less than what you think it is.
If you would like to see a video on this topic you may go to the following link:
If you have any further questions or comments concerning this article or any other matters concerning your rights as a motorcyclist, please feel free to contact me at 1-800-321-8968 or at [email protected]
Matt Danielson McGrath & Danielson Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group 1-800-321-8968 ♠ Rider Education Article Motorcycle Helmet Laws and Recovery for Injuries by Joe & Gracie Mazza
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While researching information for an upcoming seminar I will be teaching to my home Chapter, FL1- A Tampa, dealing with helmet myths, I came upon some interesting facts I don't think any of us take into consideration. On the website NOLO, a site pertaining to all things legal, I found the following facts about helmet use and financial recovery after a motorcycle accident.
Many states have laws requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets. These laws can be a deciding factor in your ability to financially recover for head and neck injuries in a motorcycle accident. Recovery depends on your state's motorcycle helmet law, the nature of your injuries, and whether you were wearing a helmet during the accident.
Helmet Laws and Motorcycle Safety: Evidence overwhelmingly suggests that wearing a motorcycle helmet significantly reduces the incidence of head injuries in accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates, for every 100 motorcyclists killed in a crash while not wearing a helmet, 37 would have survived if they had been wearing a helmet. And that doesn't even count the enormous reduction in non-fatal injuries achieved by helmets.
For this reason, the vast majority of states require at least some riders to wear helmets. In some states, all riders must wear helmets. In other states, only riders under a certain age must wear helmets. Only two states don't have any helmet laws: Illinois and Iowa.
Motorcycle Helmet Laws and Recovery for Injuries: If you are a motorcyclist in an accident, your state's helmet law may play a large role in what you can financially recover for any resulting head or neck injuries. Here are some possible scenarios and what your chances of recovery are in each one.
Wearing Helmet, No Head or Neck Injury: If you were wearing a motorcycle helmet but did not sustain head or neck injuries, the helmet is irrelevant to your injury claim. However, it doesn't hurt to mention the fact that you were wearing a helmet - it may help show that you are a responsible rider.
Not Wearing a Helmet, No Head or Neck Injury: Likewise, if you were not wearing a helmet but did not sustain head or neck injuries, the fact that you did not wear a helmet is legally irrelevant. This is true even if the law in your state requires you to wear a helmet.
Wearing a Helmet, Head or Neck Injuries: If you were wearing a helmet and still suffered head or neck injuries, the helmet is important to the claim. It shows your injuries were not made worse by your own carelessness. It also shows how much worse your injuries could have been and therefore
GWRRA VA-C Tidewater Wings/ June 2014 Page 13 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region N Virginia District Chapter C Newsletter how dangerous the other driver’s actions were had you not been wearing a helmet.
Not Wearing a Helmet, No State Helmet Law, Head or Neck Injury: If you were not wearing a helmet and suffered head or neck injuries, it may be difficult to recover for your injuries -- even if your state does not require you to wear a helmet. If your failure to wear a helmet contributed to the severity of your injuries, you may be found to be "comparatively negligent" - meaning you might be found to be partially responsible for your own injuries. Insurance adjusters will likely produce an overwhelming array of documentation demonstrating that helmets usually significantly reduce head injuries. You must then persuade the insurance adjuster that you would have suffered head or neck injuries even if you were wearing a helmet. If the insurance adjuster believes a helmet would have reduced your injuries, then your compensation will be reduced accordingly.
Not Wearing a Helmet, State Helmet Law, Head or Neck Injury: If your state requires you to wear a helmet and you sustain a head injury while not wearing a helmet, it will be extremely difficult to recover damages to your head injury. You may still be able to recover for other injuries; however, the fact that your state has a helmet law automatically establishes your comparative negligence. A motorcyclist in this situation might still be able to obtain some compensation by proving that the injury would have occurred even with a helmet. However, this is a tough task and-if possible at all - requires the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer.
There are many myths having to do with wearing a motorcycle helmet that have been debunked time and again. Basically, they are excuses used by those who flat out refuse to wear one. Saying you can't see as well or hear as well or helmets cause neck or spinal cord injuries, have all been proved wrong by much research over the years. However, the information you just read about financial recovery alone should make everyone stop and think twice when deciding whether to wear a helmet or not. Through my own personal experience where the left side of my helmet was smashed and yet left me with no evident head injury (my wife from time to time disputes this), I can attest to the value of wearing a helmet. ♠ For Sale
2006 Honda VTX 1800N Spec. 2 Bought it in 2009, new, from the dealer Used for mainly highway travel. All services done. Dealer service records are available.
Brand new Metzler ME 880 tires just put on Marlin clock with solid Stainless steel bullet housing Marlin Temp gage with solid stainless steel housing. Ram mount with universal X-mount Fatty Bar engine guard/highway bars
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Kury highway pegs with off-set Two lighter type outlets (one each side of the fork) Throttle lock Accelerator palm rest custom rolled to reduce pressure Drive shaft chrome cover Set of four Bungee knobs Battery tender type charge maintainer. Auxiliary fuse box for additional fixtures to be powered in the future. Wired for turn signal reminder. Memphis shades switchblade type removable windshield Memphis shades lowers High intensity headlight bulb 90 degree hard steel tire/wheel stems K&N filter recently installed X-Bracket, custom stainless steel hinged gas cap retainer. Stebel horn, wired so both the original and the Stebel will sound simultaneously. Very loud. The bike has been serviced and has fresh break and clutch fluids, rear end oil, full synthetic oil, high grade oil filter, valve adjustments, etc. and just inspected in early April. With the new tires and the full tank, all you need to do is jump on it and go.
I have always kept it in the garage, plugged into the trickle charger and covered with a heavy breathable cover.
$5,400 or best reasonable offer. Contact [email protected] for more photos and questions. ♠
Chapter C Officers and Staff Chapter Director Ride Coordinator John Newbauer 757-827-0834 Randy Morris 804-824-9186 [email protected] [email protected]
Asst. Chapter Director Social Coordinator Susan Berry 757-874-5249 Julie Smith 757-898-0735 [email protected] [email protected]
Chapter Educator Charity/Community Relations Dave & Donna Huey 757-325-8838 Sydney Newbauer 757-827-0834
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[email protected] [email protected]
Treasurer Web Master/E-Mail Coordinator Bruce Barnes Jackie Wall 757-766-3391 [email protected] [email protected]
Membership Enhancement Coordinator Newsletter Editor Sharyn Sullinger 757-874-5249 John Newbauer 757-827-0834 [email protected] [email protected]
Chapter Couple of the Year Activities & Fun Coordinator John & Lynn Floyd 757-838-0607 Sandy Renner 757-867-6940 John: [email protected] [email protected] Jackie Wall 757-766-3391 Lynn: [email protected] [email protected]
Ways & Means Coordinator Motorcycle Awareness Coordinator Open Open
2014 Chapter C Rides and Events
June 3 Yes VAC Ice Cream Ride – Cold Stone McD S 6:30 7-8 Yes VAC Ride to Papa Joe’s McD S 7 am 8 Yes VAC Monthly Chapter Meeting Eat at 6pm, meet at 7pm 12-15 Yes VAC Maggie Valley – Wheels Through Time McD S 8 am 17 Yes VAC Ice Cream Run – Sno-to-Go McD N 6:30 pm 21 Yes VAO Casino Picnic McD N 9:30am July 1 Yes VAC Ice Cream Ride – Sonic McD S 6:30 pm 12 Yes VAC Moonlight Ride McD N 5pm 12 Yes VAC Monthly Chapter Meeting Eat at 6pm, meet at 7pm
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15 Yes VAC Ice Cream Ride – Short Lane McD N 6:30 pm 26 Yes VAC VA-U Chapter Event McD N 8am 29 Yes VAC Ice Cream Ride – Sweet Frog McD S 6:30pm August 9 Yes VAC Chapter picnic/pool party @ Randy & Debbie’s NcD N 10:30am 10 Yes VAC Monthly Chapter Meeting Eat at 6pm, meet at 7pm 12 Yes VAC Ice Cream Ride – Dairy Queen McD N 6:30pm 16-17 Yes VAC Blue Ridge Mountain Ride McD N 7am 26 Yes VAC Ice Cream Ride – High’s Ice Cream McD S 6:30pm 30 Yes VAC Fall Sprawl Cleanup TBD if needed September 5-7 Yes VAC Fall Sprawl Meet @ Site 9 Yes VAC Ice Cream Ride – Handel’s Ice Cream & Yogurt McD N 6:30 pm 14 Yes VAC Monthly Chapter Meeting Eat at 6pm, meet at 7pm 23 Yes VAC Ice Cream Ride – Dairy Queen McD S 6:30 pm 27-28 Yes VAC Ferry Boat Ride TBD October 4-5 Yes VAC Culpepper Farm Tour 12 Yes VAC Monthly Chapter Meeting Eat at 6pm, meet at 7pm 18 Yes VAC Bike Clinic @ Dave & Donna’s 9 am 19 Yes VAC Yorktown Day Parade TBD 25 Yes VAC Potluck/Bunco – John & Lynn’s Home Eat @ 5 pm November 9 Yes VAC Monthly Chapter Meeting Eat at 6pm, meet at 7pm December 6 Yes VAC Chapter Christmas Party @ 5 pm Chapter Meetings Departure Locations – McDonald’s Angelo's Steak & McSouth (McD S)- Mercury Blvd & Jefferson Avenue, Pancake House 755 J Clyde Morris Blvd. Newport News, VA McNorth – (McD N) - Ft. Eustis Blvd & Rt. 17 Chapter Website Facebook GoldWing VA Chapter C
Note: This schedule is subject to change.
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GWRRA Virginia Chapter U Old Dominion Wings
“ So m e th i ng
Cool in the
Poker Run
July 26,
GWRRA VA-C Tidewater Wings/ June 2014 Page 19 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region N Virginia District Chapter C Newsletter
First Bike Out at 9:30am; Last Bike out at 10:30am
Games, Prizes, and Food!
Dunk Tank!!!
Hanover Fire Station #5 13330 Hanover Courthouse Road
Pre-Registration: $10.00/person or $15/couple (Due by July 12, 2014) Onsite Registration: $12.00/person or $20/couple;
Kids Ages 6 – 12: $5.00 with pre-registration and $6 Onsite Registration; Kids Under 6 – Free Supporting the Fisher House
Cash Prizes
Come Ride with Us!
Best Poker Hand: $40.00
2nd Best Hand: $20.00 Lots of games to win prizes, take a chance with 50/50 and a Dunk Tank much, more
Largest Chapter in Attendance Longest Distance Traveled by Bike
Lunch 12 noon and awards: 1pm
------Registration Form------
Rider: ______Co-Rider______Chapter: ______Position: ______
Address: ______City: ______State: ___ Zip: ______
Organization: ______Email: ______
Amount Enclosed $ ______Make Check Payable to: GWRRA VA Chapter U
Mail to: Mike Bruce (Treasurer) – 5501 Pouncey Tract Rd. Glen Allen, VA 23059
For more information contact: Rob & Cheryl Ramsey, Directors 276-806-8290 [email protected]
GWRRA VA-C Tidewater Wings/ June 2014 Page 20 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Region N Virginia District Chapter C Newsletter
I/We agree to confirm and comply with the ideas governing this event, and I/we further agree to hold harmless GWRRA VAU or any property owner for any loss or injury to self or property in which I/we may become involved by reason or participation in this event.
Rider ’s Signature: ______Co-Rider ’s Signature: ______
A Portion of the proceeds to benefit the Fisher House of Richmond House of Richmond, Helping Military Families and Chapter U of GWRRA, a non-profit organization dedicated to motorcycle safety and education. ♠
GWRRA VA-C Tidewater Wings/ June 2014 Page 21