New Club Sample Constitution

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New Club Sample Constitution

New Club Sample Constitution

Article I – Name of Organization

This organization shall be known as ______of Ivy Tech Community College – Northeast.

Article II – Purpose

Provide a general statement of the purposes and scope of the organization. You can also list the purposes and objectives of this organization.

Article III – Membership

Section 1: Qualifications 1. Membership in this organization shall be open to all Ivy Tech students and may include a limited number of non-students. 2. Fifty-one percent (51%) of the total membership must be currently enrolled students at Ivy Tech Community College – Northeast, and only those members may vote, hold office, and represent the organization/campus in an official capacity. 3. The minimum membership requirement is five (5) members. 4. In ordinance with Ivy Tech’s non-discrimination policy, membership and participation shall be available to all qualifying students regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, age, or veteran status. 5. Enrolled students who have paid dues are considered full members, eligible to vote in elections, and are imparted with all other responsibilities and privileges of full membership. 6. Outline member attendance policies and the consequences of non-attendance.

Section II: Types of Membership 1. Voting membership shall be open to all students currently enrolled in at least one (or more) credit hour(s) at Ivy Tech Community College – Northeast. 2. Organizations may require voting members to maintain a minimum cumulative or semester GPA. If so, a statement must exist specifying this requirement. 3. Non-student memberships may be held by faculty, staff, alumni, or community members. 4. Indicate if students who do not meet full membership requirements may join or participate in limited capacities. Section III: Financial Obligation 1. A statement must exist about the financial obligations of members. If there are no membership dues, then simply state as such.

Article IV – Officers

Section I: List of Officers and Qualifications 1. Qualifications for all officers a. Be currently enrolled students at Ivy Tech Community College – Northeast. b. Must be officially pursuing a degree in that major (if organization is related to a specific major/program). c. List any qualifications that apply to all officers. 2. President a. List additional qualifications for the President 3. Vice President a. List additional qualifications for the Vice President 4. Secretary a. List additional qualifications for the Secretary 5. Treasurer a. List additional qualifications for the Treasurer 6. Continue listing officers and qualifications as needed.

Section II: Duties and Powers 1. President a. The president shall serve as the official spokesperson of ______. She/he shall perform all official and social functions pertaining to this office. b. The president is responsible for preparing an agenda for each meeting. c. The president shall preside over all club meetings and has the power to call special meetings as stated in this Constitution. d. The president will not have a vote on any matter, except in the case of a tie, on items being voted on by the club. e. The president may appoint any committees he/she deems necessary to the functioning of the club, and will serve as a member of those committees, with no voting rights. f. The president will sign the Student Life Budget Committee request form to request funding. g. Describe specific duties of the president. 2. Vice President a. The vice president shall assume the office of president, should it become vacant during the term. b. The vice president shall carry out all duties assigned to the president in the president’s absence. c. The vice president shall be responsible for recording meeting minutes in the absence of the secretary. d. Describe specific duties of the vice president. 3. Secretary a. The secretary shall take attendance and record minutes at all club meetings, keeping proper record of each meeting. Copies of minutes are to be distributed to members, officers, and advisors at the next scheduled meeting. b. The secretary shall be responsible for distributing the meeting agenda, once received from the president. c. The secretary shall maintain up-to-date records on members, including all contact information. d. Describe specific duties of the secretary. 4. Treasurer a. The treasurer shall maintain all financial records. He/she shall work with the club advisors in preparing the annual budget. b. The treasurer shall be responsible for preparing requisitions and meeting deadlines for check preparation and processing by Ivy Tech Community College. c. The treasurer shall insure that all club funds are deposited with the Business Office of Ivy Tech Community College. d. The treasurer shall submit a financial report to the club at the end of each semester. e. Describe specific duties of the treasurer.

Section III: Nominations 1. In the event that no member announces intent to run for a particular office, nominations will be taken from the floor. The nomination of officers shall be initiated by the members in good standing. 2. Nominations must be made by ______in order for elections to be held on ______. 3. Advisors will post a list of nominated candidates prior to the election.

Section V – Election Process

1. The executive officers shall be elected from the membership of ______. 2. In order to be elected into office, such person must meet the following minimum requirements: a. Be currently enrolled students at Ivy Tech Community College – Northeast. b. Must be officially pursuing a degree in that major (if organization is related to a specific major/program). c. List any qualifications that apply to all officers. 3. Elections will be held annually. a. State time of year election is to be held. b. How votes will be determined (i.e. anonymous ballot). c. Who will be allowed to vote for officers. 4. State when newly elected officers are to take their posts. 5. State the length of term the officers will serve.

Section VI – Vacancies

1. If for any reason the acting president is unable to complete his or her term, the vice president shall succeed to the position of president. If the vice president is unable to fill the position, the secretary, then the treasurer would succeed, in that order. 2. Resignation a. The resignation of any officer or member of the club/organization must be in writing, and signed by the club officers and advisor(s). Once signed and recognized, the resignation will become effective immediately. 3. Impeachment a. An executive officer, associate, or advisor may be considered for removal from ______for just cause. b. Reasons for impeachment include, but are not limited to: failure to show up for meetings and club activities; failure to carry out duties and responsibilities; or for any action that is detrimental to the welfare of ______. c. Notice of any pending removal will be distributed to officers, associates, and advisors at least five days prior to action being taken. d. Any member considered for impeachment has the right to appear before the club/membership in their own defense. e. To remove any member, there must be 2/3 majority vote of all members present.

Article VII – Executive Council or Board of Directors

Section I: The executive council shall consist of [list officers] and the advisor. Section II: Powers and duties of the executive council. Section III: A percentage of votes of the Board is necessary to pass any business which is referred to the board.

Article VIII – Committees

Section 1: Standing Committee (e.g. membership, finance, social, publicity, fundraising) 1. Define duties and power of each committee. Section 2: Selection of committee. Elected or appointed, who appoints or elects committee members, and how the chairperson of the committee is selected. Article IX – Meetings

Section I: Frequency 1. This organization shall hold at least (number) regular meetings per (time period). Section II: Attendance 1. Meetings shall be open to (state who is welcome to attend meetings). Section III: Quorum 1. “Quorum” shall be defined as the members in attendance at a particular meeting. The quorum will consist of at least (number) officers and a minimum of (number) voting members. Section IV: How meetings are conducted 1. The president shall prepare and distribute meeting agendas for each scheduled meeting. 2. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with (Robert’s Rules of Order, majority, consensus, etc.). 3. Meeting minutes shall be kept of each meeting held. Minutes from the prior meeting shall be distributed at the next scheduled meeting to all members. Section V: Additional meetings 1. The president reserves the right to call additional meetings as deemed necessary for the enhancement of the organization.

Article X – Quorum

Section I: State the number of members in good standing necessary to be present at a meeting in order to transact business legally.

Article XI – Financial Provisions

Section I: Dues are required to be a member in good standing. The dues amount, when payable, and how the dues are collected should be explained. (If your organization does not collect dues, this section may be omitted).

Article XII – Affiliation

Section I: This organization is affiliated with ______. Indicate if your group has an affiliation with an Ivy Tech Community College – Northeast department and/or any other campus, local, state, national, or international organization and explain relationship. Organizations with inter/national affiliations must submit the inter/national constitution or statement of purpose. (If your organization has no affiliation, this section may be omitted). Article XIII: Termination of Organization

Section I: The organization will be considered by the College to be terminated if: 1. The organization does not complete and submit the renewal information and documentation to the Student Life Office when requested. 2. The organization does not hold meetings for one entire academic year. 3. The officers, with the advisor’s signature, submit a written request to the Student Life Office requesting the termination of the organization. 4. The organization violates College regulations or policies, or state or federal laws. Section II: In the event of termination, the organization will no longer be afforded any benefits or have any privileges with the College. Funds held in the College account will be forfeited and returned to the Student Life Budget Committee account to be redistributed to other student organizations.

Article XIV – Amendments

Section I: Amendments 1. This constitution can be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the organization’s executive officers and members present, by resolution, and/or proposal. 2. The amendment will become effective at the next meeting following acceptance. The new constitution shall supersede all previous versions. Section II: Provision of Notice 1. Notice should be given to the membership regarding the proposed amendment one meeting prior to the actual vote by appropriate campus media outlets (fax, mail, email, in person, organizational website).

Article XV – Advisor

Section I: Faculty/Staff Advisor 1. ______shall have a minimum of one (1) member of the faculty or staff of Ivy Tech Community College – Northeast to serve in an advisory capacity. 2. Advisors will serve a one (1) year term, unless they are re-elected, resign, or are removed by college administration. Advisors may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms. 3. Advisors shall not have a vote on any matter brought before the club. 4. Advisors serve as a liaison between staff, faculty, and administration, and the student body. 5. Advisors will assist the treasurer in preparing the annual budget for the club. 6. Advisors will ensure continuity between outgoing officers and newly elected officers. 7. Advisors will attend all club meetings. 8. Advisors shall assist the treasurer in maintaining accurate financial records for the club. 9. Advisors shall sign all requisitions for the club and ensure all paperwork is completed properly, prior to submission.

Article XVI – Enacting Clause

Section I: This Constitution shall become effective upon receipt in the Office of Student Life.

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