Self Contract

Objectives Students will write a self-contract that keeps them accountable to their fitness and nutrition goals.

Description Students will set nutritional and exercise goals. They will also determine how to keep themselves accountable to these goals by identifying rewards and penalties to keep them motivated.

Suggested Time 60 minutes: Entire activity

Materials Download the "Self-Contract" student worksheet.


Classroom- based: Hand out the worksheet and have students work individually. They may want to brainstorm penalty and reward ideas together but their nutrition goals should be their own.

Procedure Directions: Hand out the "Self-Contract" worksheet to students

1. Hand out the "Self-Contract" worksheet to students 2. Ask students to answer the questions on the worksheet and turn it in for grading. 3. Ask students to share their goals, rewards, penalties, and accountability partners.

Note: Weight, as a component of nutrition, is a sensitive topic, and most students will want to keep their personal information private from their classmates.