Create a MySpace or Facebook Profile – 100pts. Due First Monday of June (Project must be turned into me on a flash drive) Requirements:

Character Profile Box: Name, Picture, Quote, Gender, Age, City, State, Country, Mood

Thematic Background: Picture or theme that is appropriate for the book’s theme and the character’s interests

Character’s Interest Box: General, Music, Movies, Television, Books, Heroes

Character’s Details: Status, Here for, Orientation, Hometown, Body Type, Ethnicity, Zodiac Sign, Education

Character’s Schools: If Applicable

Character’s Companies: If Applicable

What is the Character up to now box: Short sentence about what the character may be currently up to today or what the character may have been up to during the time of profile creation.

Blog Entry Box: Summary of the book (250 Words)

Character Blurbs Box: About me (character), People I’d (the character would) Like To Meet,

Top Friends Box: Who would the character’s top friends be? Include pics and names (nicknames based on character’s personalities would be best). Include all the characters in the book.

Friends Comments Box: Each friend must comment on the character. The comment may be a reaction to some interaction or event in the book. Minimum two comments from each friend. RUBRIC for all book reports: A Student aims to move beyond the instructions of the assignment and expresses insightful ideas and creativity with regard to the assignment. Visual appeal is elaborate and contains outstanding support. Neat and well put together. Written connection is typed, shows insight, contains original word choice, and is completely free of spelling and punctuation errors. Great thematic connections. B Instructions are followed. Accurate information, symbols, plot, setting, irony, and details are given to support the novel. Neat and organized. Written connection is typed, contains good word choice and may have several spelling and punctuation errors. Projects show some insight and creativity. Good thematic connections. C Instructions are followed. Improvement may be needed in content. Good organization, written in average handwriting. May have spelling and punctuation errors. Vocabulary words may be missing or used incorrectly. Projects have little insight and creativity. Average thematic connections. D An attempt is made toward the instructions of the assignment. The standards have not been adequately met. Errors in organization, written with average or below average handwriting. May be somewhat sloppy with punctuation and/or spelling errors. Missing/incorrect vocabulary words. Below average thematic connections.