Chowchilla Elementary School District s1

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Chowchilla Elementary School District s1

CHOWCHILLA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 355 N. 5th St. – Chowchilla, CA December 14, 2015 - Agenda #10 5:00 PM – Closed Session 6:00 PM – Open Session

MISSION STATEMENT “The Mission of the Chowchilla Elementary School District is to provide each student a superior education in a safe and positive climate that promotes high academic performance, personal responsibility and respect for self and others.”


A. Call to Order The President of the Board of Trustees will call the Chowchilla Elementary School District (CESD) Board meeting to order.

B. Roll Call ___Kenneth Lasiter, President ____Charlene Petitt, Clerk ___Conrad Gaunt ___Leslie Rogers ___Barbara Schnoor ___Dr. Charles Martin, Superintendent

C. Announce Items to be Discussed in Closed Session (Pursuant to G. C. Section §54957[a])


A. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Pursuant to G.C. Section §35146) 1. Agent Representative- Superintendent & Asst. Supt. of Admin. Services 2. Employee Organizations- CETA & CSEA

B. Actions Affecting Employment Status of Public Employees (Pursuant to G.C. Section §54957.6)

C. Public Employee Appointment/Employment (Pursuant to G.C. Section §54961)

D. Liability Claim (Pursuant to G.C. Section §54961)

E. Superintendent Evaluation (Pursuant to G.C. Section §48915)

F. Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation (Pursuant to G.C. Section 54956.9[a])


A. Call to Order The President of the Board of Trustees will call the Chowchilla Elementary School District (CESD) Board meeting to order.

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Report Action Taken in Closed Session (Pursuant to G.C. Section §54957[b])

D. December 14, 2015 Board Meeting Agenda It is recommended the Board approve the December 14, 2015 Board Meeting Agenda. Proposed Action: Approve Motion by______Seconded by______Motion Carried______


The public may address the Board on any matter pertaining to the school district that is not on the agenda, although the Board may not take action at this meeting. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, each person is limited to five minutes. (Ed. Code § 35145.5; Gov. Code § 54954.3)


Dr. Charles Martin, District Superintendent, will preside in administrating the election of President.


It is recommended the 2015-2016 Board Officers be elected as per Governance Handbook Protocal.

A. President of the Board of Trustees Trustee______nominates Trustee______to serve as President of the Board for the December 2015 through the November 2016 sessions. Seconded by Trustee______Roll Call Vote:______Gaunt ______Lasiter ______Petitt ______Rogers _____Schnoor

B. Newly Elected President of the Board of Trustees The new President of the Board of Trustees will preside in the election for the Clerk of the Board and the remainder of this meeting.

C. Clerk of the Board of Trustees Trustee______nominates Trustee______to serve as Clerk of the Board for the December 2015 through November 2016 sessions. Seconded by Trustee______Roll Call Vote: ______Gaunt ______Lasiter ______Petitt ______Rogers ______Schnoor

D. Representative to the Executive Board of the Madera County School Boards Association Trustee______nominates Trustee_____to serve as Representative to the Executive Board of the Madera County School Boards Association for the December 2015 through the November 2016 sessions. Seconded by Trustee______Roll Call Vote: ______Gaunt ______Lasiter ______Petitt ______Rogers ______Schnoor


A. Retirement Presentation- Elizabeth Martinez- 25 years. B. Gold Winning Speech- Miss Andrea Jimenez C. Donation from VFW Auxiliary to CESD D. Wilson Middle School (WMS) Band Performance- Ms. Brittany Chandler


A. Board Member Reports B. Educational Services C. Administrative Services


A. 2015-2016 CETA Disclosure of Collective Bargaining (tab-2 pg. 12-24) It is recommended the Board ratify the 2015-2016 Tentative Agreement with CETA. Proposed Action: Ratify Motion by______Seconded by______Motion Carried______

B. 2015-2016 CSEA Disclosure of Collective Bargaining (tab-3 pg. 25-38) It is recommended the Board ratify the 2015-2016 Tentative Agreement with CSEA. Proposed Action: Ratify Motion by______Seconded by______Motion Carried______

C. 2015-2016 Administration/Management Disclosures (tab-4 pg. 39-50) It is recommended the Board ratify the 2015-2016 Fair Share, “Pie-Formula”, for the non-represented groups. Proposed Action: Ratify Motion by______Seconded by______Motion Carried______

D. Public Hearing: Educator Effectiveness Expenditure Plan (required) (tab-5 pg. 51-58) It is recommended the Board review and conduct a public hearing on the Educator Effectiveness Expenditure Plan as submitted. Open Hearing:______Close Hearing:______Proposed Action: Informational

E. 2015-2016 First Interim Report (tab-6 pg. 59 & insert) It is recommended the Board approve the 2015-2016 First Interim Report as submitted. Proposed Action: Approve Motion by_____ Seconded by_____ Motion Carried ____

F. 2015-2016 CESD Board Goals (tab-7 pg. 60-61) It is recommended the Board approve the 2015-2016 Chowchilla Elementary School District Board Goals as submitted. Proposed Action: Approve Motion by______Seconded by______Motion Carried______

G. Speech Contest Trip Request to Stanford (tab-8 pg. 62-63) It is recommended the Board approve the trip request by WMS to Stanford University for a Speech/Debate Contest. CESD Board Agenda- 12.14.15 Proposed Action: Approve Motion by______Seconded by______Motion Carried______X. CONSENT AGENDA

A. Donations to the Chowchilla Elementary School District (tab-9 pg.64-67) Approve the following Donations to Chowchilla Elementary School District:

1. Donation of $10,000 from Wilfred & Janet Roof to the WMS Speech/Debate Team. 2. 50 PJ/Sweat Sets with socks Clothing Donation from VFW Auxiliary.

B. Madera County Quarterly Investment Report (September 2015) (tab-10 pg. 68-74) Review the quarterly investment report as submitted.

C. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting (tab-11 pg. 75-78) Approve the Minutes of the November 9, 2015 Regular Board Meeting.

D. Travel & Conference Requests (tab-12 pg. 79-84) Approve the Travel/Conference Requests as submitted.

E. Monthly Financial Report (tab-13 pg. 85-105) Warrants Financials Developer Fees

F. Personnel Actions (tab-14 pg. 106-110) (Pursuant to G.C. Section §35146) Public Employee Personnel Action

G. Pupil Personnel (tab-15 pg. 111) (Pursuant to G.C. Section §35146) Out of CESD- (1) Alview/ Dairyland

It is recommended the Board approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Proposed Action: Approve Motion by______Seconded by______Roll Call Vote: ____Gaunt ____Lasiter ____ Petitt ____ Rogers ____Schnoor


A. All Staff Holiday Reception - December 18th in Bd. Rm. / 2:30-4:30 PM B. Community Conversation with Dr. Joseph Castro, CSUF President at MCOE January 21st / 5:30-7:30 PM / RSVP by Jan 15th.


The next Regular Scheduled Board Meeting will be held on Monday, January 11, 2016.

Closed Session at 5:00 PM / Open Session at 6:00 PM in the Board Room, located at 355 N. 5th St., Chowchilla. All regular meetings of the Board are open to the public unless authorized or required by law no action is taken unless the Governing Board is in session open to the public. Closed Sessions are legally allowed, but specifically only for: (a) conference with legal counsel- existing or anticipated litigation; (b) conference with labor negotiator; (c) student discipline; (d) conference with real property negotiator; (e) liability claims; (f) threat to public evaluation; (i) public employee appointment/employment; (h) public employment performance evaluation; (i) public employee discipline / dismissal / release. Individuals who require special accommodation, including but not limited to an American Sign Language Interpreter, accessible seating or documentation in accessible formats, should contact the Superintendent or designee at least two days before the meeting date. CESD Board Agenda- 12.14.15 CESD Board Agenda- 12.14.15

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