Public Art Melbourne Test Sites: Application Guidelines
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Test Sites:
Application Guidelines Contents
About Test Sites...... 2 Who Can Apply 2 What kind of ideas are suitable? 3 Test Sites Schedule 3 Test Sites Report 4 Test Sites Eligibility 4 Selection Criteria...... 5 Activities not funded...... 5 Funding Support...... 6 Levels of Financial Support 6 Funds Management 6 Program Dates...... 7 Insurance...... 7 Tax Advice...... 7 Test Sites Map...... 7 References...... 8 About Test Sites
Test Sites is a new opportunity for artists with bold public art ideas to research and develop on site in Melbourne central city with support from the City of Melbourne. Inspired by Melbourne’s robust public domain, Test Sites is about encouraging artists to explore their creative visions and contribute to our thriving public art scene. Each year, multiple rounds of support will be offered, giving artists access to seed funds of up to $3000; professional advice from staff at Public Art Melbourne, artist mentorships, workshops and location assistance to negotiate city spaces and obtain permits. More about the process of developing public art and less about the presentation of finished works, successful artists will be supported to work in situ within the public realm, taking inspiration from the city space in which they operate. We want artists to be inspired about working in the streets and the spaces in between, in our creative city. We want you to tell us your ideas and how you will explore them using our city streets, laneways, parks and buildings as your own personal studio.
Who Can Apply
Test Sites is open to artists working across all art forms and at all experience levels, wanting to try out ideas in the public realm. The program also looks to support artists with a studio based practice in trialling their work in the public domain.
What kind of ideas are suitable?
Test Sites is designed to assist the research and development of new ideas, new artworks, development of existing works or adaptations of works for public space. Test Sites applications can be for projects in diverse art forms including film and sound works, performance, sculpture, collaborative and interactive work, installation and other hybrid forms or emerging practices. All projects should be temporary and special measures may need to be taken to adapt project ideas to ensure they can be completely removed from sites without trace. Due to the ephemeral nature of Test Sites, the program does not commission street art. See below for further information about street art.
Test Sites Schedule
Stage 1
1. Tell us your idea! Test Sites Application Form is completed outlining your concept, intended site and other related details. 2. Applications are assessed. 3. Successful and unsuccessful applicants are notified. Stage 2 4. After consultation with the Public Art Melbourne team, successful applicants complete the Production and Logistics Questionnaire and submit a proposed budget. 5. Project sign-off and contracts signed with Auspicious Arts. 6. Testing begins on site – bring your camera. 7. Testing completed within three months and Test Sites Report is submitted.
Test Sites Report
After testing an idea, successful applicants will need to submit a short report, capturing the experience of working in the public realm.
The report will include: 5-8 high quality images (minimum 300dpi) A video clip, max 2 minutes (optional) A written response summing up the experience of testing your idea in the public realm (max 200 words) A biography of the lead artist or artists (max 200 words)
The report’s content may be published on the City of Melbourne website or printed publications for the purpose of promoting Test Sites, the Public Art Program and the activities of the Arts and Culture Branch of the City of Melbourne. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that images in the report are suitable for publication, do not contravene copyright laws and that individuals featured in images have given their consent to being photographed for publication. Photo Consent Forms will need to be collected from people featured in images submitted in your project report. Photo Consent forms will be supplied to successful applicants.
Successful applicants may also be asked to submit a final budget or other related information that will not be published online.
Test Sites Eligibility
To be eligible to apply, applicants must meet the following criteria: Idea testing must take place within the Test Sites focus area – refer to the Test Sites Map (see below) for further information Test Sites must not form part of a university assessment Applications must be submitted online by the published close date and time. Late Submissions will not be accepted Applications must be for one-off ideas test Applications must be for research and development of an idea and not presentation of a project Test Sites must be temporary and not cause any permanent changes to sites Only one application per artist or arts organisation can be submitted per funding round Applicants must submit relevant support material Applicants must have acquitted previous grants and have no outstanding debts to the City of Melbourne Selection Criteria
Applications will be assessed by a panel and scored on the following criteria:
Artistic Integrity Ideas that are compelling and clearly articulated Ideas which contribute to the development of the artist’s practice Ideas that aim to activate the city in interesting and engaging ways Ideas which contain an artistic consideration of the intended site or the public realm Feasibility Testing of the idea is achievable on the intended site or a site substitute and within the budget and timeframe Testing of the idea is safe for artists and the public
Activities not funded
The presentation of fully developed artworks Artworks that have been fully realised or previously presented in the public realm International travel and accommodation Test Site ideas that are part of an accredited course of study Activities taking place outside of the City of Melbourne and Test Sites boundaries (please see link to map, below) Activities, projects, programs and events that have a political purpose, or applications made by political organisations Proposals from City of Melbourne employees Capital works, facility maintenance and improvements Course fees Parking or other infringement fines Street Art projects that leave a residual trace on site Illegal graffiti Test Sites ideas taking place without permission of land or building owners Test Sites ideas funded through other City of Melbourne programs or grants
Street Art
Street art including stencils, paste-ups and murals will not be supported by the Test Sites program, although ideas that open up a dialogue with existing street art is encouraged. Artists working in this field can plan and produce projects independently with the permission of building owners. Street artists may be eligible to apply to the City of Melbourne Arts Grants Pro 1gram for project specific funding. Further information about the City of Melbourne’s approach to Street Art is contained in the Graffiti Management Plan 2014-18.2
Controversial Content
1 2 Art works in the public realm must take into consideration the experience of a wide range of people who will encounter the work without warning. While patrons may choose to view explicit or controversial art works in theatres, galleries and other indoor spaces, artists must be sensitive to the experience of people who encounter the work unexpectedly.
In deciding if work is appropriate for public space, the City of Melbourne will be guided by an excerpt from Australia’s Advertising Standards Code 12 which states that, ‘communications must not portray images or events in a way that is unduly frightening or distressing to children…and must not demean any person or group on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, age, sexual preference, religion or mental or physical disability’.
Applicants must notify the Public Art Melbourne team if their idea contains potentially controversial content.
Funding Support
While Test Sites is more than a funding program, successful applicants will be asked to submit a budget proposal for their idea in Stage 2. This will detail costs including artist honorariums, materials, consultant fees, technical expenses, site cleaning costs and other relevant expenses.
The draft budget will be submitted to the Public Art Melbourne team for approval, and successful applicants may be asked to make changes to the budget before it is finalised. For example, applicants could be asked to budget for an engineer's certification in order to meet permit requirements.
It is expected that applicants will not seek funding from other sources for their Test Sites idea.
An Artist Honorarium of up to $300 per person per day can be covered in the project budget. This amount is equivalent to the minimum daily rate for a public artist in the NAVA Fees Schedule.3
Levels of Financial Support
Minimal Test - $500 This level of support will cover an artist honorarium and support for securing permits and a site from Public Art Melbourne. Moderate Test - $1500 This level of support will cover an artist honorarium, support for securing permits and a site from Public Art Melbourne, with some limited infrastructure and materials. Complex or Significant Test - $3000 This level of support will cover an artist honorarium, support for securing permits and a site from Public Art Melbourne, infrastructure and equipment, collaborator or consultant fees.
Funds Management
The financial support component of Test Sites will be managed by Auspicious Arts Projects Inc. Successful applicants will enter into an agreement with Auspicious Arts who will provide further information about the management of funds.
3 Program Dates
Public Art Melbourne reserves the right to change the dates and deadlines for any component of Test Sites, including workshop dates, application deadlines and the frequency of application rounds. Council also reserves the right to invite artists to participate in Test Sites or other programs.
Test Sites projects will be covered under Auspicious Arts’ Public Liability Insurance. Auspicious Arts hold public liability cover to the value of $10 million. Further information about insurances will be provided to successful applicants.
Tax Advice
The Australian Taxation Office may consider payments received through Test Sites as taxable income. The tax office can help with information on tax, including GST. Call 13 2866 or visit .
Test Sites Map References
Further information about Public Art Melbourne. 4
City of Melbourne’s Public Art Framework 2014 – 20175.
City of Melbourne’s Graffiti Management Plan 2014 – 2018. 6