NAME Fan Yang Wallentin

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NAME Fan Yang Wallentin


NAME Fan Yang Wallentin

PRESENT Associate Professor, Research fellow, Uppsala University. POSITION

OFFICE Department of Information Science ADDRESS Division of Statistics Uppsala University P.O. Box 513 751 20 Uppsala

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: International +46 18 471 1158 National 018 471 1158 Fax +46 18 554422

HOME Hökvägen 2 ADDRESS 757 56 Uppsala

Telephone: International +46 18 429469 National 018 429469

BORN October 18, 1962 Tianjin, China

MARRIED Bo Wallentin

CHILDREN Mauritz (1998) and Sofia (2001)

DEGREES B.S. Tianjin University of Finance & Economics, 1984 M.S. (Statistics), Tianjin University of Finance & Economics, 1989 Ph.D. (Statistics), Uppsala University, Sweden, 1997 Computer Science 40p, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2000

AWARD Nominee of Psychometric Society Dissertation Prize, 1997. Scholarship for young female researcher by The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, 1998. The Arnberg prize by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, March, 2000.

RESEARCH Non-linear Structural Equation Models. 1998-2003. Funded by the Swedish PROJECTS Research Council for Arts and Social Sciences.

Structural Equation modeling with Ordinal Ipsative variables. 2005- present. Funded by Swedish Research Council. January 2007 VITA: FAN YANG WALLENTIN

EXPERIENCE Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Tianjin BoHai University of Vocational technology, 1984-1992.

Participant of ICPSR ( Inter University Consortium for Political and Social Research) Summer School in Ann Arbor 1995.

Statistical consultant for Project “Experimental studies of test accuracy in subjective Measures of decision influence in dyads”, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway. 1997

Research Associate, Department of Statistics, Uppsala University, 1997-1998.

Guest Professor, ZUMA (Zentrum Fur Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen), Mannheim, Germany. February 1998.

Post Doc. Fellow, College of Education, Department of Technology & Cognition, University of North Texas, August 1998 - July 1999.

Guest Professor, ZUMA (Zentrum Fur Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen), Mannheim, Germany. February 2000.

Senior researcher, Department of Statistics, Uppsala University, 1999-2003.

Senior Lecturer, Department of mathematics, Natural and Computer Sciences, Division of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Gävle, 1999-2004.

Associate Professor, Department of mathematics, Natural and Computer Sciences, Division of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Gävle, 2004- 2006

Senior Guest Lecturer, Department of Economy and social science, Division of Statistics, University of Dalarna, 2004-present.

Guest Professor, Graduate school of group related enmity, financed by German Science foundation. November, 2005.

Associate Professor, senior research fellow, Department of Information Science, Division of Statistics, Uppsala University, 2005-present.

Guest Professor, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, China April, 2006- present.


Psychometric Society

Swedish Statistical Association

European Association of Methodology (EAM) January 2007 VITA: FAN YANG WALLENTIN


Multivariate Analysis, Factor Analysis, Covariance Structure Analysis, Structural Equation Models, Statistical Applications in Behavioral and Social Sciences, Applied Statistics in Medicine.


Basic Statistics, Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Multivariate Analysis, Applied Statistics, Matrix Algebra, and LISREL Related Courses, Biostatistics, Statistical inference.


 (1996) nonlinear structural equation models: The Kenny-Judd model with Interaction effects. Pp.57-88 in G.A. Marcoulides & R.E. Schumacker (Eds). Advanced structural equation modeling: Issues and techniques. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. (with Karl G. Joreskog).

 (1997a) Non-linear structural equation models: Simulation studies of the Kenny-Judd model. (Dissertation) Acta Univ. Ups., Studia Statistica Upsaliensia 4. 172pp. Uppsala.

 (1997b) Estimation of interaction models using the augmented moment matrix: Comparison of asymptotic standard errors. In Wolfgang Bandilla & Frank Faulbaum (Eds). Advances in Statistics Software 6. ZUMA Publication. (with K.G. Jöreskog)

 (1998) Interaction Modeling: A Step-by Step Example. In G.A. Marcoulides & R.E. Schumacker (Eds). Advanced structural equation modeling: Interaction Models. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

 (2000a) Robust standard errors and Chi-Squares for the interaction models. Advanced Structural Equation Modeling: New Development and Techniques. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. (with K.G. Jöreskog)

 (2000b) Interaction models in latent Growth curves. Advanced Structural Equation Modeling: New Development and Techniques. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. (with Duncan, Duncan, & Li).

 (2001a) Comparisons of the ML and TSLS Estimators for the Kenny-Judd Model. In R. Cudeck, S. DuToit & D.Sörbom (Eds). Structural equation modeling: Present and Future. Scientific Software International Inc.

 (2001b) Testing Interaction with Three Different Methods in the Theory of Planned Behavior: An Analysis of Traffic Behavior Data. In R. Cudeck, S. DuToit & D.Sörbom (Eds). Structural equation modeling: Present and Future. Scientific Software International Inc. (with Schmidt and Bamberg).

 (2003) Is there any interaction effect between intention and perceived behavioral control in the theory of planned behavior? A meta-analysis and an evaluation with three estimation methods. Method of Psychological Research. 2003, Vol.8, No.2 (with Schmidt and Davidov)

 (2005) The impact of folate status and folic acid supplementation on the micronucleus frequency in human erythrocytes. Mutation Research. Vol.603, issue 1. (with Abramssom- Zetterberh, Durling, etc) January 2007 VITA: FAN YANG WALLENTIN

 (2006) Latent Variable Scores and Observational Residuals., (with K.G.Jöreskog & D. Sörbom)

 (2007) What gets measured gets… - On indicating, mobilizing and acting Accepted by Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal Volume 20, No.4. (with Gröjer and Catasús etc.)


 Work locus of control and job tension as predictors of career commitment in technical professional work teams (with Schumacker etc).

 Confirmatory Factor analysis with Ordinal Variables: A Simulation Study.


 A Comment on Latent Interaction with an Unconstrained Approach and an Empirical Example (Davidov).

 Why cut a piece? The Intention to reduce weekly working time among a population sample and its explanation (with Steinmetz and Schmidt).


 Non-linear structural equation models with interaction effects. Presented at Multivariate Statistical Conference in Tartu, Estonia, June, 1994.

 Estimation of non-linear structural equation models with latent variables. Presented at 50 th Session of the International Statistical Institute in Beijing August 1995.

 Estimation of non-linear structural equation models with latent variables. Some results of simulation study. Presented at The 20th Biennial Conference of the Society for Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences (SMABS) in Barcelona, Spain, July, 1996.

 The main results of simulation studies of the Kenny-Judd model. Presented at the Sixth International Meeting Dissertation Research in Psychometrics and Sociometrics in Leuven, Belgium, December, 1996.

 Estimation of interaction models using the augmented moment matrix: Comparison of asymptotic standard errors. Presented at SoftStat meeting in Heidelberg, Germany, March, 1997.

 Nonlinear structural equation modeling with the theory of planned behavior: The Results of the analysis of traffic behavior data. Presented at Oregon Research Institute, USA, May, 1999

 Estimation of interaction models: Corrected standard errors and Chi-squares for ML under the nonnormality. Presented at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, and June 1999.

 Comparisons of the ML and TSLS Estimators for the Kenny-Judd Model. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society in Lawrence, Kansas, USA. June 1999. January 2007 VITA: FAN YANG WALLENTIN

 Robust Standard Errors and Chi-Squares for the Interaction Models. Presented at The 22nd Biennial Conference of the Society for Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences (SMABS) in London, UK. July 2000.

 Is there any interaction effect between intention and perceived behavioral Control in the theory of planned behavior? Presented at Högskola i Dalarna, Sweden, 2002.

 Confirmatory Factor analysis with Ordinal Variables: A Simulation Study. Presented at the International Meeting of Psychometric Society (IMPS), Cagliari, Italy, July, 2003.

 How Interaction Effect Between Latent Variables Be Tested in Practice – An Overview of Existing Methods. Presented at the Dept. of Education, Göteborg University, September 2003.

 Confirmatory Factor analysis with Ordinal Variables: A Simulation Study. Presented at Högskola i Dalarna, Sweden, 2004.

 Revised version of Confirmatory Factor analysis with Ordinal Variables: A Simulation Study. Presented at the 24th Biennial Conference of the Society for Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences (SMABS), Jena, Germany, July, 2004.

 A Supersimulator for Structural Equation Models. Presented at 3rd world conference on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Limassol, Cyprus, October, 2005.




 Principles of Statistics  Statistics for Business  Applied Statistics  Educational Statistics (for graduate students)  Mathematical statistics I  Mathematical statistics with Applications II  Probability and Statistics  Regression and Time Series Analysis  Epidemiology  Pedagogical research processes and methods II  Pedagogical research processes and methods III  Statistics for nurses ( A level)  Statistics for nurses ( D level)  Statistical inference (for graduate students)  Advanced Biostatistics (for PhD students at Medicinal faculty)  Repeated Measurement (for graduate students) January 2007 VITA: FAN YANG WALLENTIN

 Structural Equation Modeling (for graduate students in Statistics)  lecturer at LISREL Courses and Workshops in Taipei, Taiwan, August 1995, in Uppsala, Sweden, 1996, in Barcelona, Spain, July 1996, and in Heidelberg, Germany, March 1997, in Dallas, USA, November 1998, in Shanghai and Tianjin, China 2006, in Tallinn, Estonia 2006, in Athens, Greece, 2007.


 Ämnesansvarig för statistik och metamatisk statistik  Sakkunnig för tillsättnig av lektorat i statistik vid Högskolan Dalarna 2003, 2005  Sakkunnig för tillsättnig av lektorat i statistik vid Umeå universitet, 2005

 Ledamöt i betygsnämnden vid disputation, Institutionen för psykologi (Nazar Akrami) 2005-05-13  Ledamöt i betygsnämnden vid disputation vid Institutionen för psykologi (Gunilla jörklund) 2005- 10-14  Ledamöt i betygsnämnden vid disputation, Institutionen för Informationsvetenskap, Statistik (Andreas Carlsson) 2006-11-10.  Ledamöt i betygsnämnden vid disputation, Institutionen för Informationsvetenskap, Statistik (Anna Hermansson) 2007-02-16.


 Professor Karl G. Jöreskog, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, Email: [email protected], Tel: +46 18 291433

 Professor Anders Christoffersson, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Email: [email protected] , Tel: + 46 18 471 1139

 Professor Kenneth Carling, Institutionen Ekonomi och Samhälle, University of Dalarna Email: [email protected], Tel: +46 23 778967

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