Econ 1A, Spring 2017 Introduction to Macroeconomics
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Paul Harvell Econ 1A, Spring 2017 Introduction to Macroeconomics Course Syllabus
Office: 432C. Office hours: MW 11-12:30. TTh 9-9:30, 12:35-1:25pm. Phone: (831) 477-5218. Email: [email protected]. Begin your subject line with “ECON:”. Class webpage(s): Click on Econ 1A for this class
Books: The required text is the study guide to Brief Principles of Macroeconomics by David R. Hakes and N. Gregory Mankiw. The basic text, Brief Principles of Macroeconomics by N. Gregory Mankiw (the text that the study guide is written for), is available, optional but recommended. The current edition is the 8th, but the 5th, 6th, or 7th will work fine.
Students must sign-in to preserve their space in the class Grading will be primarily determined by four exams (including the final). All exams are equally weighted and are not comprehensive. Each exam is a combination of multiple choice (about 70 questions) and written questions. Exams are closed notes and closed book. Lowest midterm score will be dropped. The final will NOT be dropped For those wanting to count all three midterms, there is an optional alternative final project (AFP) where the class grade is based largely upon the three midterms. There is a bonus for taking all three midterms – the bonus is the result of a calculation based on your test scores and on the clicker scores. There are 6 planned clicker activities. “A” students can lose their bonus points. There is a small bonus for properly following the instructions printed on the exam. Grading Policy: Grade: A: 90% B: 75% C: 60% D: 45% Must bring Apperson test form to each exam. Also, get yourself a good eraser. Calculators are allowed (and recommended) in class and on exams. No other electronic devices are allowed on during an exam, this includes cell phones, smart phones, iPods, iPads, laptops, blenders, guitar amps and curling irons. Showing up late to an exam can result in a penalty (> 10% of exam) to the student Written questions can receive negative scores up to the point value of the question No audio or video recording of lectures is allowed without prior permission (I don’t wish to be on YouTube) No Extra Credit assignments No make-up exams, no alternative test dates or times other than class sessions on schedule dates Points may also be awarded for an extra activities or assignments, but none are planned. All who are allowed to add, whether on the waitlist or not, must process the add on WebAdvisor using an Add Code As of Summer 2009, no lectures will require a two-drink minimum. Finish what you start
Students should retain all tests until official notification of course grade. Students wanting pass/no pass grading option need to submit a written statement requesting that by the official deadline. Obtain a form from the class website. Students are responsible for dropping the class. Students are responsible for knowing hours of operation of the bookstore in order to obtain materials necessary for taking the exams.
Any corrections or changes to this syllabus will be announced in class. Any cheating will be punished with at least a score of minus the number of points possible (for example, -80 for an exam) and the score can not be dropped. Allowing or creating the opportunity for another student to cheat is also a form of cheating. Further action can be taken by school administration. Students automatically consent to re-take an exam if the instructor has any question about the integrity of the results.
All students needing accommodations should inform the instructor ASAP. Veterans may qualify for accommodations. Wounded Warriors may have acquired injuries which through the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) entitles the use of accommodations to ensure equal opportunity for students with verified disabilities. As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accommodations are provided to insure equal access for students with verified disabilities. To determine if you qualify or need assistance with an accommodation, please contact ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORT CENTER (Formerly DSPS), Room 1073, (831)479-6379.
Cabrillo College – Breakthroughs Happen Here ™ Student Learning Outcomes 1. Assess a macroeconomy utilizing key macroeconomic indicators. 2. Analyze and predict changes in the macroeconomy using appropriate models and theories. 3. Analyze government policies for their possible impact on the macro-economy in the short run and/or long run or propose government policies to meet short run and/or long run economic goals.
Outline of Class I. Macroeconomic Theory A) Chapter titled: “Measuring a Nation’s Income” B) Chapter titled: “Measuring the Cost of Living” C) Chapter titled: “Production and Growth” D) Chapter titled: “Saving, Investment, and the Financial System” Midterm #1, February 15/16 (week 4) Covering Section I
II. Monetary Theory A) Chapter titled: “The Monetary System” B) Chapter titled: “Money Growth and Inflation” Midterm #2, March 27/28 (week 9) Covering Section II
III. Unemployment, International, and Business Cycles A) Chapter titled: “Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts” B) Chapter titled: “Unemployment” C) Chapter titled: “Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply” Midterm #3, April 24/25 (week 13) Covering Section III
IV. Short Run Government Policy & the Phillips Curve A) Chapter titled: “The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand” B) Chapter titled: “The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment” C) Chapter titled: “Six Debates over Macroeconomic Policy” Final Exam, see final exam schedule, Covering Section IV
Other Important Dates: February 4, Last day to add or to drop and receive a refund February 5, Last day to drop without receiving a “W”. February 17 & 20, Holidays February 24, Last day to request pass / no-pass option March 2, FAFSA Priority Deadline for next year (Financial Aid Application) March 20-25 Spring Break April 7, Last day to apply for degree (and be in the graduation program) April 22, Last day to drop with a grade of “W” May 15-20, Final Exams May 19, Graduation May 23, Grades should be available on WebAdvisor (they might be available sooner)
Travis McGee's still in Cedar Key, Paperback novels make young girls dream and That's what old John MacDonald said Judy's spending quieter days in the stream My rendezvous so long over due With Goodman, Giovinno, and John Mac D. All of the things I've sung and read They were such good friends to me They still apply to me, They all make sense in time (J. Buffett) (J. Buffett)
(J. Buffett)
Any writer who writes only when he "feels like it" is perhaps not only an unsuccessful writer, but quite possibly an unsuccessful human being. (I am not using success in any strict monetary sense.) (John D. MacDonald) Cabrillo College – Breakthroughs Happen Here ™