Post of Consultant in Medical Neurology
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Human Resources Directorate NHS Tayside Ninewells Hospital Level DUNDEE DD1 9SY Telephone Number: (01382) 660111 Fax Number: (01382) 632098
Date Date as Postmark Your Ref Our Ref LD/04/14 Enquiries to Ms Lynn Duncan Extension 32261 Direct Line Email [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam
Further to your enquiry regarding the above post, I am now pleased to enclose an information and application pack.
Your application should be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] in the form of the following documents:
1 copy of your CV including the names, addresses and contact details of 3 referees, including your current or most recent employer
It would also be helpful if you could include details of your registration on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council or your expected date of completion of training
Your completed Immigration Status Form and a photocopy of your passport/current immigration status documents – N.B. British and EEA Nationals must also enclose a photocopy of their passport to verify nationality
Please be aware that failure to enclose documentation confirming your current immigration status will result in your application being rejected.
Your completed declaration statement in respect of Appointment & Review Procedures
Equal Opportunities Form (see below)
Please quote reference number LD/04/14 when submitting your application. If you are unable to submit all the above documents by e-mail you can post them to the address at the top of this letter.
As an Equal Opportunities Employer, it is NHS Tayside’s policy to ensure that all applicants are given the same consideration in relation to job selection, promotion and treatment. In this connection, I enclose an Equal Opportunities Form which you should return with your application. This information is for statistical purposes only and will be kept in strict confidence.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 27th March 2014. Owing to the number of applications received and to make the best use of resources, we are unable to acknowledge receipt of applications or to advise all candidates of the outcome of their application. The interviews are to be held on 30 April 2014. If you have not heard from us within 6 weeks of the closing date you may assume that, on this occasion, your application has been unsuccessful.
Yours faithfully
Lynn Duncan Employment Services Adviser
We are seeking to appoint an additional consultant to join the existing neurosciences team in order to increase general neurological capacity and encourage sub-specialist development.
The Clinical Neurosciences Department provides neurological services for Tayside and NE Fife serving a population of over 500,000. It includes Neurology, Neurosurgery, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology and the Chronic Pain Service. There are at present 6 NHS and 1 Academic Neurologists; and 1 Neurophysiologist.
Tayside and NE Fife have a variety of attractive amenities. There is a good range of choice in housing and excellent schools. There are three universities (two in Dundee and one in St Andrews). St Andrews is in addition the home of golf. Perth is the gateway to the Highlands with ready access to fishing, hill walking and skiing. The waters of the Tay Estuary and North Sea are ideal for sailing.
You should have completed your specialist training and have your name on the GMC specialist register for Neurology or be within 6 months of your CCT./CESR(CP) at the time of interview.
Informal enquiries should be made to Dr Jonathan O’Riordan, Clinical Leader or Dr Craig Heath on 01382 660111.
For further information on how to apply please visit Applications in the form of a current CV, including the names and email addresses of 3 referees should be submitted to [email protected]. You must include with your CV the further particulars forms available via the website.
The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 27th March 2014
Interviews will be held on the 30 April 2014
Please Quote Ref No: LD-04-14
A consultant in Medical Neurology is sought to work in the Clinical Neurosciences Department based at NHS Tayside. The successful candidate would be expected to provide a general neurological service for patients in Tayside and North East Fife through clinics in both Dundee and Perth. In addition there would be an opportunity to develop a sub specialist interest. An interest in epilepsy would be desirable but not essential.
The Clinical Neurosciences Department provides neurological services for Tayside and NE Fife, serving a population of over 500,000. It includes Neurology, Neurosurgery, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology and the Chronic Pain Service. In November 1998 the services moved into a newly built unit at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, with fabulous views over the Tay.
Ninewells Hospital and Medical School (901 beds) is a large teaching hospital for the University of Dundee, and houses most medical and surgical disciplines with supporting laboratory services. Within the hospital there is the university Neuroscience Dept, which has an active programme of basic Neuroscience research (5* last RAE). Perth Royal Infirmary and Stracathro Hospital are general hospitals, within NHS Tayside, which have 193 and 10 acute care beds respectively. Stracathro has been developed as an outpatient diagnostic and treatment centre.
The unit includes 14 neurology beds, one with cabling for video EEG monitoring.
The neurology service at present provides outpatient clinics for new and review consultations in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee and in Perth Royal Infirmary, Perth. This new post will add to the existing complement of 5 neurologists. The successful candidate would perform 4 clinics per week which would include one in Perth.
Specialist clinics for epilepsy and first seizures are held in Dundee and in Perth with the support of an epilepsy specialist nurse. Specialist clinics for Parkinson’s disease, movement disorders, motor neurone disease, neuromodulation and Neurogenetics are held in Dundee. Specialised clinics for multiple sclerosis are also held in both Dundee and Perth. There are specialist nurses for Parkinson’s disease (2 posts), multiple sclerosis (3 posts), dystonia and motor neurone disease, as well as for epilepsy (1 post each). The applicant will be covering two neurology clinics in Ninewells Hospital every week, and a weekly general neurology/epilepsy clinic in Perth Royal Infirmary.
The Clinical Neurophysiology facilities include 4 EEG recording rooms with modern digital recording systems, EMG room and 2 evoked potential recording rooms. Full neuroimaging facilities are available at Ninewells, with 2 CT scanners, 2 MRI machines and angiography. CT scanning and MRI are also provided at Perth Royal Infirmary and at Stracathro Hospital.
There are 22 neurosurgical beds, including a 4 bed HDU. Clinical activity includes epilepsy surgery and neurosurgical procedures for Parkinson’s disease. Other services based in Ninewells include an extensive chronic pain service, which also supports baclofen infusion pumps for spasticity management. In addition there is Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology. The Neuropathology service is provided from Edinburgh with regular neuropathology review meetings in Dundee.
There are significant commitments to undergraduate medical student teaching in the third and fourth years and to the postgraduate training of junior medical staff. There is a regular postgraduate programme with weekly neuroradiology and clinical meetings with the neurosurgeons, neuropathology meetings, neuro-ophthalmology meetings and a weekly journal club. There are active programmes of research in epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and Parkinson’s disease. Current additional research collaborations are with the members of the Centre for Life Sciences in Dundee. The Clinical Research Centre houses a 3 Tesla research MRI machine.
1. The provision of a service in Neurology with responsibility for new and review consultations in outpatient clinics and consultations within hospitals in Tayside.
2. The supervision and training of the junior medical staff attached to the unit.
3. A requirement to participate in continuing medical education and in audit.
4. To work on behalf of NHS Tayside for domiciliary consultation throughout the region as required.
5. The provision of neurological care with responsibility for a caseload of in-patients and outpatients
6. On-call service for neurological emergencies, in collaboration with other clinical neurologists (approximately 1 in 5)
7. The provision of sub-specialist care in collaboration with other consultant neurologists.
8. The post is expected to be full time consisting of a total of 10PAs
The Clinical Neurosciences Department
Neurology Dr C Heath, Consultant Neurologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine Dr Ian Morrison, Consultant Neurologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine Dr JI O’Riordan, Consultant Neurologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine (Clinical Leader) Dr R J Swingler, Consultant Neurologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine Dr G Stewart, Consultant Neurologist Dr K White, Consultant Neurologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine Dr M Muqit Welcome Senior Clinical Fellow and Senior lecturer in Neurology. Four Specialist Trainees in Neurology (two rotating to Glasgow and two to Edinburgh) One ST1 trainee on the general medical rotation. One Foundation Year trainees.
Clinical Neurophysiology Dr K Spillane, Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine
Neurosurgery Mr E Ballantyne, Consultant Neurosurgery Prof M S Eljamel, Consultant Neurosurgery Mr D Mowle, Consultant Neurosurgery
Chronic Pain Service Dr P Lacoux, Consultant Anaesthetist Dr J Banister, Consultant Anaesthetist Dr D Hartmann, Consultant Anaesthetist Dr G Gillespie, Consultant Anaesthetist Neuropsychology Dr A Livingstone, Consultant Neuropsychologist
Other closely related posts
Neuroradiology Dr G Main Prof G Houston Dr A Kanodia
Neuropathology Provided from Edinburgh by Prof J Ironside Dr Colin Smith
Neurorehabilitaton: Acute Brain Injuries Mr D Gentleman
Stroke services Dr R MacWalter Dr A Doney
Neurogenetics Dr D Goudie Dr J Berg
Neuro-ophthalmology Prof C MacEwen JOB PLAN
Monday am Ward round/journal club/clinical governance pm Outpatient clinic Ninewells
Tuesday am Outpatient clinic Ninewells pm Ward Round
Wednesday am Multidisciplinary meeting Teaching pm On-call
Thursday am SPA pm Outpatient clinic, PRI
Friday am Neuroradiology meeting/Clinical meeting Post graduate clinical meeting Ward round pm Outpatient clinic Ninewells
Total number of PAs – 10
Each clinic is of 4 hours duration.
The job plan includes 1PA for on call
The final job plan will need to be agreed between the post holder and clinical lead and signed off by the Clinical Director.
The job plan will include being involved in a one in 5 pro rata on call rota for neurology in Tayside based at the Ninewells site. At present the arrangement is to be on call for one week at a time. This equates to a high frequency level one commitment providing an 8% availability supplement.
TAYSIDE – City of Dundee, Perthshire and Angus
City of Dundee When choosing somewhere to work and live, quality of life is key. Dundee is one of the few locations in the UK which combines the best of both worlds – city facilities on a friendly community scale and easy access to some of the most stunning countryside in Scotland. Set on the spectacular Tay Estuary, Dundee is a city in a landscape of wild beaches, rolling golf courses, quaint coastal villages and beyond them Scotland’s famous mountains and glens – providing a range of lifestyle choices and house prices unbeaten by other Scottish cities. The salaries of employees in Dundee currently go further on the property ladder than almost any other city in the UK. Where the average UK house price is six times the average salary, in Dundee the ratio is just under four times salary. The range of properties within commuting distance to the University covers the widest spectrum – from rambling country houses and seaside cottages to handsome town villas and sleek city quay apartments. Dundee has put enormous effort into the redevelopment of the city centre and its stunning waterfront along the Tay is now being developed. Excellent shopping sits side-by-side with a vibrant cultural quarter – home to Scotland’s award-winning Dundee Rep Theatre and the highly acclaimed Dundee Contemporary Arts which has become a lively social hub and film house as well as a champion of leading edge arts. These are among the closest neighbours to our city centre campus. In addition, Dundee is to become the home of the ‘V&A At Dundee’, a new development which will be housed in an award-winning, iconic building designed by Kengo Kuma. Dundee is a post-industrial city which has worked hard to reinvent itself and today the University is a key economic driver for prosperity, particularly in the life sciences and medicine. The University is involved in a range of partnership initiatives including a strong access programme and social, education, cultural, business and voluntary partnerships aimed at raising confidence, skills and achievement. The University has excellent working relationships with the City Council, other local authorities, Scottish Enterprise Tayside (the local economic development company), NHS Tayside and a range of other local and national bodies in Scotland and the UK. Dundee has become known as the City of Discovery – the place where Captain Scott of the Antarctic’s ship, the RRS Discovery was built and is now permanently berthed. It is a line which serves contemporary Dundee well with its reputation as a strong research led environment. The University is one of the three biggest employers and the ratio of students and university personnel to general population is among the highest in Scotland. The highest levels of annual sunshine, more green spaces and the purest air quality of any city in Scotland make Dundee a pleasant place to live and comparatively low levels of traffic cut the daily “hassle factor” considerably. An apocryphal tale has it that the local radio station has on occasion warned of traffic jams “causing delays of up to three minutes”. Dundee is also renowned as a friendly city where it is easy to mix and if your passion lies with the green,
Tayside and North East Fife is one of the best places in the world for access to quality and affordable golf. 18 championship golf courses lie within 30 minutes and include St Andrews, the home of golf, Carnoustie and Gleneagles, which is hosting the Ryder Cup in 2014. Within similar reach lie spectacular opportunities for everything from water sports to mountaineering, fishing and hillwalking. There are 41 primary schools in the region feeding into ten secondary schools. In the private sector, Dundee High School is one of the leading fee paying schools in Scotland, consistently scoring well on academic and sporting achievement. Preschool education is widely provided including a number of excellent private nurseries. Dundee is just a 90 minute drive from 90 per cent of Scotland’s population. Edinburgh is less than an hour away and Glasgow around an hour and a half by road or rail. If London beckons, you can get down for a meeting and back on the same day using Dundee Airport, flying direct to London City. Short check-in times are an extra bonus and crystallise the quality of life enjoyed in this part of the world. For more information about Dundee please see: http://www.c o nvention d un d eea n dan g us . c o. u k and http://www. a ng u sa n dd u ndee . co. u k
The terms and conditions of employment will be subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service for Consultant Grade (Scotland) and the General Whitley Council conditions of service, both as amended from time to time.
Membership of the NHS Superannuation Scheme is not compulsory, but all medical and dental staff are entitled to choose if they wish to join the scheme. Until such time as a positive option not to join the scheme is expressed, a member of staff will be regarded as a member of the scheme from the first day of service. This will not affect any individual right to make alternative arrangements. Initially, the employment covered in this contract will be contracted out of the State Pension Scheme.
The appointment will be on a whole-time basis. There are 10-programmed activities.
The successful candidate will be expected to reside within an approved distance of Dundee.
All records created in the course of the business of NHS Tayside are corporate records and are public records under the terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 1937. This includes email messages and other electronic records. It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep appropriate records of you work in NHS Tayside and manage those records in keeping with the NHS Tayside Records Management Policy and with any guidance produced by NHS Tayside specific to your employment.
For discussion of the post please contact Dr Jonathan O’Riordan (01382 660111 page 4763) Dr Robert Swingler (01382 660111 page 3086), Dr Craig Heath (01382 660111)
January 2014
NHS Tayside is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity in employment and accordingly its advertising and recruitment literature will not imply that there is a preference for any one group of applicants, e.g. by the use of discriminatory job titles or material depicting or describing certain sexual or racial groups.
In general, the shortlisting process will be conducted so as to give all candidates equal consideration against defined selection criteria. The following criteria will, therefore, be applied equally to all candidates irrespective of age, sex, religion, ethnic origin or disability and avoiding judgements on the basis of assumptions or stereotypes.
The following framework is suggested as a basis for preparing the shortlisting criteria for use by the Clinical/ Group Director in conjunction with the Chairperson of the Appointments Committee. An alternative format may be used if this is felt to be desirable provided that the basic principles of objectivity and equality are observed.
POST: Consultant in Neurology
1. Length of Service 5 years neurology specialist registrar training (E)
2. Qualifications MRCP or equivalent general training (E) Accredited by relevant Committee Neurology CCST/Neurology specialist register or be within 6 months of your CCT/CESR (CP) at the time of the interview (E) 3. Advanced clinical training and experience Area of specialist interest and expertise
4. Teaching experience Desirable
5. General experience As required for entry into neurology specialist registrar grade (E)
6. Particular requirements and/or areas of special interest -
7. Research and publications Research experience, research degree and publications desirable
8. Management training Desirable
NOTE: Criteria marked with an “E” on the enclosed documents have been identified as essential for the post concerned.
Please be aware that all job applicants, including British and EEA nationals must enclose photocopies of their passport (outside front cover, page containing personal details and resident permit/visa stamps). If you have been issued with a Biometric Residence Permit, a photocopy (front and back of card) must also be enclosed.
Shortlisted applicants will be required to bring their original documents with them, for inspection, when attending for interview.
1 Are you a national from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, YES NO Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom or Switzerland?
2 Are you a national from the Accession States (A8 YES NO Countries) – Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia or Slovenia?
3 Are you a national from the Accession States (A2 YES NO Countries) – Bulgaria and Romania? If you have circled ‘NO’ to the above sections please tick the box which relates to your current immigration
status, and provide expiry dates:
Tick Expiry Status Date
I hold a Tier 1 (General) Visa as a highly skilled worker
I require a Certificate of Sponsorship
I hold refugee status
I have indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom
I have right of abode
Any other immigration status – please specify:
Print Name: …………………………………......
Date: …………………………………………………………. APPOINTMENT AND REVIEW PROCEDURES
Declaration Statements and Statements of Policy
Statement of Policy regarding fitness to practise proceedings by a licensing/regulatory body and relating to criminal investigations in the UK or overseas. Registration with the General Medical Council or General Dental Council imposes on doctors and dentists the duty to provide a good standard of medical care for, and to behave appropriately, towards patients. NHS Employers also have a duty to ensure that patients receive a good standard of medical care and ensure as far as possible the safety of patients. We therefore need to establish if you have been found guilty of a criminal offence, been bound over or cautioned or are currently the subject of proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution, in the UK or any other country.
Applicants for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Application forms will include a declaration for applicants to complete declaring any previous or pending prosecutions or convictions, including those considered ‘spent’ under this Act. Forms will also include a declaration of any cautions or bind overs.
We also need to establish if you have been the subject of any fitness to practise proceedings in the past, or any fitness to practise proceedings are being contemplated, by a licensing or regulatory body in the UK or another country and this is also reflected in the declaration.
This information will be treated in confidence and will not debar you from appointment unless the selection panel considers that it renders you unsuitable for appointment. In reaching such a decision we will consider the nature of the conviction/action, how long ago it took place and any others factors that may be relevant.
Failure to disclose a criminal offence, having been bound over or cautioned or that you are currently the subject of criminal proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution, or fitness to practise proceedings undertaken or being undertaken by an appropriate licensing or regulatory body, may disqualify you from appointment, or result in summary dismissal/disciplinary action and referral to the General Medical Council [General Dental Council] for consideration if such a discrepancy came to light.
If you would like to discuss what effect any previous convictions, police investigations or fitness to practise proceedings taken or being taken either in the UK or by an overseas licensing or regulatory body might have on your application, you may telephone the Employment Services Adviser, Medical Staffing, on 01738 473302, in confidence, for advice.
Model Declaration Statement regarding
(a) any criminal offence, being bound over or cautioned, or current proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution and (b) fitness to practice proceedings taken or being currently contemplated by a licensing/regulatory body
1. Have you been convicted of a criminal offence, been bound over or cautioned or are currently the subject of any police investigations, which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution in the UK or any other country? YES/NO
Note: Applicants for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. You are required to declare prosecutions or convictions, including those considered ‘spent’ under this Act. If yes, please provide details of the criminal offence, order binding you over or caution or details of any current proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution, including approximate date, the offence, and the authority and country which dealt with the offence.
2. To the best of your knowledge have you been or are you currently subject to any fitness to practise proceedings by an appropriate licensing or regulatory body in the UK or any other country?
If yes, please provide details of the nature of proceedings undertaken, or contemplated, including approximate date of proceedings, country where proceedings were undertaken and the name and address of the licensing or regulatory body concerned.
I hereby declare that the information given here is true.
Job reference number: LD/04/14 Equal opportunities monitoring
We want to ensure that our job opportunities are open to all. The only way we can ensure there is equal opportunity is to monitor applications we receive, and compare the profile of people who apply with those appointed. Therefore this form asks you for your ethnic origin, gender, disability, religion, sexuality and age. The information you provide is confidential and is not used in the selection process. It will be separated from the rest of your application when we receive it. 1) If you are currently an employee of this NHS Board, will getting this job be a promotion? Yes No 2) You are: Female Male 3) Have you undergone, are you undergoing or do you intend to undergo gender reassignment? For example, this includes having changed your sex (gender).? Yes No Prefer not to say 4) What is your age? I am ___ years old, and my date of birth is: _ _ / _ _ / ______5) Do you have a physical or mental health condition or disability that: . has a substantial effect on your ability to carry out day to day activities? . has lasted or is expected to last 12 months or more? Yes No Prefer not to say . If you answered ‘yes’ please tick if it is either of the following: Learning Disability Physical impairment Long standing illness Sensory impairment Mental health condition Other (please describe):
. Again, if yes, please describe any particular arrangements you would need for your work location:
(Continued on next page) - 2- 6) What is your ethnic group? Choose one section from A to F, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background A: White Scottish Irish Other British Polish Gypsy Any other Traveller White background B: Mixed Any mixed background
C: Asian; Asian Scottish; Asian British Pakistani Indian Chinese Bangladeshi Any other Asian background
D: Black; Black Scottish; Black British Caribbean African Any other Black background
E: Other ethnic background Any other background
F: Prefer not to answer 7) To which religion, religious denomination or body do you actively belong?
Hinduism (Christianity)- Church of Scotland Sikhism (Christianity) - Roman Catholic Christianity Judaism (Other) Other faith / Islam belief Buddhism No religion (none) Prefer not to answer 8) Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? Bisexual Gay Man Lesbian/Gay Woman Heterosexual Other Prefer not to answer 9) Where did you see the Advertisement for this Post? Newspaper (which one?) Professional Journal (which one?) Vacancy Bulletin SHOW (NHS Scotland Website) Job Centre Plus Other (please specify)
Thank you.