Literary Terms Set 1- Plot Structure

Literary Terms 1 Climax

2 Complications 3 Conflict

Four types of conflict

4 Exposition 5 Falling Action 6 Mood

7 Plot

8 Resolution

9 Rising action 10 Setting

11 Theme

12 Tone Literary Terms Plot Structure Literary Definition Terms 1 Climax The point in the plot that has the greatest intensity, or where the plot line reaches its peak (conflict is directly addressed)

2 Complications Events that interfere with main characters’ expectations or plans

3 Conflict The struggle a character faces in text Four types of Can be Internal Conflict or External Conflict conflict ------ Internal Conflict- man vs. himself  ( Man struggling w/ his heart or mind)  External Conflict- Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society

4 Exposition The basic situation at the beginning of a story (introduction)

5 Falling Action The events directly proceeding the climax and leading towards the resolution of the story.

6 Mood The feeling or atmosphere the author creates in a story for the reader. Ex: tense, joyful, scary

7 Plot Sequence of events in a story

8 Resolution The final outcome of the story

9 Rising action The series of events that build up the conflict and create tension and suspense

10 Setting Time, place, & circumstances of the story, play, or novel

11 Theme The significant idea, concept, or argument in a work of literature

Theme vs. Subject The subject is the topic on which an author has chosen to write. The theme, however, makes some statement about or expresses some opinion on that topic. For example, the subject of a story might be war while the theme might be the idea that war is useless. 12 Tone The attitude a writer takes towards the subject of a work. It is conveyed through the writer's choice of words Ex: amused, angry, sarcastic, solemn.