International Air Traffic Automations Systems ltd.

IATAS Beta Partnership Program Registration

Please fill all fields applicable to your organization.

Once complete, you can fax to +972-77-440-8046 or scan and email the signed PDF to [email protected]

* Multiple selections should be checked with an X for all applicable ** If returned by email and 1-6 are within the email footer, they can be omitted.

1. Your name: ______

2. Your role: ______

3. Your email: ______

4. Your contact info: Tel: ______Fax: ______

5. Organization name: ______

6. Website: ______

7. Interested in: [X Interests ] general information tailored solutions automation feasibility, roadmap, planning, impact studies, etc. hands-on demos hands-on trials beta testing (pre-field trials) field trials and testing simulations for maximising current operations simulations for semi/full automation feasibility an impact Participate in closed groups, meetings and events Other (specify):

Although not mandatory, to ensure you get the most out of the beta programme, we recommend to fill pages 2 and 3.

* Signing this application does not bind your organization nor IATAS to commit in any way to any product or service purchase nor delivery.

Date: ______

Signature: ______

Page 1 QC: /beta/iatas_beta_partner.docx International Air Traffic Automations Systems ltd.

IATAS Beta Partnership Program – Optional Information

To ensure your organization gets the most out of the beta programme, and for us to better prepare and communicate with you, the more we know, the better it is for you, so feel free to tell us more about the following:

1. Which of the following solutions would be applicable to your operation?

2. How can we best serve your organizational needs so you get the most impact from this beta partnership (trials, information, future discounts, etc.)?

3. What are your organization’s current challenges (operational, organizational and technological)?

4. What are your organization’s foreseen challenges in next 2 decades (operational, organizational and technological)?

Thank you for taking the time to assist us in serving you effectively.

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