Note of Meeting

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Note of Meeting


Monday 12th September 14:00 – 16:00 Warren Farm Barns


1. Introductions: Edward Cheevers, Wotton Estate (standing in for George Chapman)

Apologies: George Chapman, Wotton Estate Duncan Ferns, Buckland PC Libby Carlton, Forestry Commission Graham Butler, Surrey Access Forum

2. Notes of meeting held on 9th May 2016 (attached)

3. Matters arising not on the Agenda

4. Reporting on illegal activity  Country Watch  Off road motorcycles

5. Update on survey work SM

6. Update on condition of BOATS and TROs SM

7. Update on Coldharbour Common Road SM

8. Update on Buckland Lane (email sent out under separate cover)

9. Fly tipping

 Update from Nick Meadows, SCC (to be tabled at meeting)

10. Forestry Commission (no-one from the FC is able to attend today’s meeting)

11. Communications

12. Any other business

13. Date of next meeting Circulation:

Chairman Cllr David Wright, Chairman Surrey Hills Board and Guildford Borough Council

Support Officer: Pennie King, Surrey Hills AONB Unit

Landowner/manager: Paul Redsell, National Trust Mark Richards, National Trust Tony Gregory, National Trust Glen Boxall, Forestry Commission Liberty Carlton, Forestry Commission Lucy Bryce, Surrey Wildlife Trust George Chapman, Batcheller Monkhouse Stephen Taylor, UPM Tilhill Forestry

Highway authority: Steve Mitchell, Surrey County Council

Mole Valley DC: Jackie Lees-Howes, Environmental Contracts Manager

Users: Brian Cohen, Trail Riders Fellowship Gail Brownrigg, Horse Rider

Community/PC: Stuart McLachlan, Capel Parish Council Duncan Ferns, Buckland Estate

Surrey Access Forum:Graham Butler, Chairman of Surrey Countryside Access Forum

Copied for information to: Rob Fairbanks, Surrey Hills Director Caroline Price, Surrey Hill Marketing & Communications Officer Charlotte Williams, Surrey Wildlife Trust Claire Saunders, Surrey County Council Philip Trower, Batcheller Monkhouse Sheena Boyce, Buckland Parish Council

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