Annual Program Assessment (APA)

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Annual Program Assessment (APA)

Annual Program Assessment (APA) Academic Year 2015-16

Program Description The A.A.-T in Geography transfers to a four-year college and prepares students for a future in a field related to Geography. The Geographic Information Science (GIS) non-transfer Certificate and AS degree prepares students for GIS related careers which are enhanced by completion of a bachelor or graduate program. For students currently working within these fields there may be potential for salary and/or career advancement. From local to global scales, geographers study political organization, transportation systems, marketing, economics, climate and weather, urban planning, land use development, globalization, and more. They examine distribution of land forms, study soils and vegetation, analyze limited resources such as water, and human impacts on the surface of the planet. In general, Geographers work in government research, public agencies, and are environmental consultants for nonprofit organizations. Geographic Information Science (GIS) involves basic to advanced analysis and scientific research methods for identifying patterns, trends and relationships that are represented spatially and temporally on maps, large databases, reports and animations. Recent advancements make it possible to analyze, interact and produce maps using cloud technology. Students enrolled in our GIS courses online have the advantage of learning advanced communication and mapmaking skills that prepare them for a career in GIS, anywhere.

I. Program, Course and Assessment

A. Awards and Completion Using the 2015 Program Review Data for your discipline, please provide the number of Associate degrees and certificates awarded. Also report the average time to completion for these degrees and certificates. Please respond to each prompt below.

A1. Awards

Under “Program Award Count”, provide the total number of Associate degrees and the total number of certificates awarded by your program per year. (Please see instructions for suggested response formats for this and all subsequent prompts).

Click here to enter text.

 For each degree type (AA/AS for Option B, Option C and Transfer) and certificate (CT), is the number of awards increasing, decreasing or constant?

Click here to enter text.

1  If the number of any award is decreasing, please identify this award and suggest ways to reverse this trend.

Click here to enter text.

 Is there any additional information or commentary?

Click here to enter text.

A2. Average Years to Completion

Under “Program Average Years to Completion,” report the typical years to completion for each degree and certificate in your program.

Click here to enter text.

 For each degree type (AA/AS for Option B, Option C and Transfer) and certificate (CT), are the numbers increasing, decreasing or constant with time?

Click here to enter text.

 How do the rates for each degree and certificate compare to the District Average Time to Completion?

Click here to enter text.

 If any of these rates are much larger than the District Average Time to Completion, please list these awards, their completion times and provide suggestions to decrease their completion times.

Click here to enter text.

 Is there any additional information or commentary?

Click here to enter text.

2 B. Program and Courses Please review the data for your program and courses and respond to each prompt below. NOTE: Please utilize the Fall 2015 Convocation input for Fill, Retention and Success Rate responses.

B1. Fill Rate

B1a. Program Fill Rate

Provide the typical Program Total Fill Rate and the typical Institutional Average Fill Rate (see instructions to locate these rates in the data).

Click here to enter text.

 From fall 2010 through spring 2015, how does the Program Total Fill Rate compare to the Institutional Average Fill Rate?

Click here to enter text.

 Over this same time frame, how do the site-specific program fill rates for San Jacinto (SJC), Menifee Valley (MVC), San Gorgonio Pass (BAN), Temecula (TEM) and online (ONLIN) compare to the program’s total fill rate?

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

 Over this same time frame, how do the site-specific rates compare to one another?

Click here to enter text.

3  Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above. Please provide brief commentary and suggest explanations for these differences. For each site or modality (face-to-face or online) mentioned, please include its rate.

Click here to enter text.

 To increase program fill rates while maintaining student access and equity, does the data analysis above suggest changes to

o course offerings and/or scheduling (e.g. adjusting the number of sections offered, mix of modalities, frequency, location)

o other?

Click here to enter text.

 What will be required to implement these changes?

Click here to enter text.

 Are there any impediments to the implementation of these changes? For example, if program fill rates are low, can the number of courses offered be reduced without increasing student time-to-completion or impacting full-time instructor workloads?

Click here to enter text.

B1b. Course Fill Rates

 How do the typical course fill rates for courses in your discipline compare to the program total fill rate? Please see instructions for suggested response formats.

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

4 Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

 Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above. Please provide brief commentary and suggest explanations for these differences. For each site or modality (face-to-face or online) mentioned, please include its rate.

Click here to enter text.

 To increase course fill rates while maintaining student success, access and equity, does the data analysis above suggest changes to

o course offerings or scheduling (e.g. adjusting length of course (17.5 vs. 8 weeks), days/times, modality)

o curriculum (e.g. increasing or decreasing content, prerequisites)

o pedagogy (e.g. lecture vs. group work, use of technology)

o other?

Click here to enter text.

 What will be required to implement these changes?

Click here to enter text.

 Are there any impediments to the implementation of these changes? For example, if course fill rates are low, can the number of sections offered be reduced without increasing student time-to-completion or impacting full-time instructor workloads?

Click here to enter text.

B2. Waitlists

B2a. Program Waitlist

How has the Program Total Waitlist Count trended?

Click here to enter text.

5 Describe the program waitlist trends for San Jacinto (SJC), Menifee Valley (MVC), San Gorgonio Pass (BAN), Temecula (TEM) and online (ONLIN).

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

B2b. Course Waitlists

 For each site (SJC, MVC, BAN, TEM, ONLIN), list a course (or two) in your discipline with a large waitlist. Please include the actual typical waitlist size for each course.

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

6  For the courses listed above, what scheduling improvements have been, or will be, devised to satisfy student demand and maximize schedule efficiency (i.e. decrease our waitlist sizes but still fill our classrooms!)?

Click here to enter text.

 What will be required to implement these changes?

Click here to enter text.

 Are there any impediments to the implementation of these changes? For example, does a lack of room or instructor availability limit the number or modality of additional sections that can be offered?

Click here to enter text.

 To decrease waitlists sizes (and increase student access) while maintaining equity, does the waitlist information suggest changes to

o course offerings or scheduling (e.g. adjusting frequency, day vs. evening, location, modality),

o curriculum (e.g. prerequisites, class cap size),

o initial placement (e.g. using high school GPA for initial placement of English and math students)

o other?

Click here to enter text.

 What will be required to implement these changes?

Click here to enter text.

 Are there any impediments to the implementation of these changes? For example, is room size an issue? Is a section typically offered in a room that has fewer seats than the curriculum cap?

Click here to enter text.

B3. Retention Rates

7 B3a. Program Retention Rates

List the typical Program Retention Rate and the Institutional Standard and typical District Average Retention Rates. NOTE: Please utilize the Fall 2015 Convocation input for Retention Rate responses.

Click here to enter text.

 From fall 2010 through spring 2015, how does the Program Retention Rate compare to the District Average Retention Rate?

Click here to enter text.

 Over this same time frame, how do the site-specific program retention rates for San Jacinto (SJC), Menifee Valley (MVC), San Gorgonio Pass (BAN), Temecula (TEM) and online (ONLIN) compare to the Program Retention Rate?

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

 For this same time frame, how do the site-specific rates compare to one another?

Click here to enter text.

 Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above. Please provide brief commentary and suggest explanations for these differences. For each site or modality (face-to-face or online) mentioned, please include its rate.

8 Click here to enter text.

 To improve program retention while maintaining equity, does the data analysis above suggest changes to

o course offerings and scheduling(e.g. adjusting mix of modalities, course length, frequency, location)

o other?

Click here to enter text.

 What will be required to implement these changes?

Click here to enter text.

 Are there any impediments to the implementation of these changes? For example, if courses required for a degree or certificate are not offered regularly, so students are leaving MSJC before completing their degrees and certificates, are there sufficient numbers of instructors and rooms to schedule these courses more often?

Click here to enter text.

B3b. Course Retention Rates

 How do the course retention rates for your discipline compare to the program’s retention rate? Please see instructions (make “instructions” a link) for suggested response formats

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

9 Click here to enter text.

 Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above. Please provide brief commentary and suggest explanations for these differences. For each site or modality (face-to-face or online) mentioned, please include its rate.

Click here to enter text.

 To improve course retention rates while ensuring equity, does the data analysis above suggest changes to

o course offerings or scheduling (e.g. adjusting length, days/times, modality)

o curriculum (e.g. increasing or decreasing content, prerequisites)

o pedagogy (e.g. lecture vs. group work, use of technology)

o other?

Click here to enter text.

 What will be required to implement these changes?

Click here to enter text.

 Are there any impediments to the implementation of these changes? For example, if reducing the length of a course section from 17.5 weeks to 8 weeks would increase student motivation (and, hopefully, improve student engagement and retention), is a room and instructor available for this accelerated section?

Click here to enter text.

B4. Success Rates

B4a. Program Success Rates

List the typical Program Success Rate and the Institutional Standard and typical District Average Success Rates. NOTE: Please utilize the Fall 2015 Convocation input for Success Rate responses.

Click here to enter text.

 From fall 2010 through spring 2015, how does the Program Success Rate compare to the District Average Success Rate?

10 Click here to enter text.

 Over this same time frame, how do the site-specific success rates for San Jacinto (SJC), Menifee Valley (MVC), San Gorgonio Pass (BAN), Temecula (TEM) and online (ONLIN) compare to the Program Success Rate?

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

 For the same time frame, how do the site-specific rates compare to one another?

Click here to enter text.

 Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above. Please provide brief commentary and suggest explanations for these differences. For each site or modality (face-to-face or online) mentioned, please include its rate.

Click here to enter text.

 To improve program success while ensuring equity, does the data analysis above suggest changes to

o course offerings and/or scheduling (e.g. length of course, location, learning communities)

o other?

Click here to enter text.

 What will be required to implement these changes?

11 Click here to enter text.

 Are there any impediments to the implementation of these changes? For example, if a learning community would increase student success, is creating the common assignments or projects a significant challenge?

Click here to enter text.

B4b. Course Success Rates

 How do the course success rates for your discipline compare to the Program Success Rate? Please see instructions for suggested response formats.

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

 Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above. Please provide brief commentary and suggest explanations for these differences. For each site or modality (face-to-face or online) mentioned, please include its rate.

Click here to enter text.

 To improve student success, access and to ensure equity, does the data analysis above suggest changes to

o course offerings or scheduling (e.g. adjusting days/times, modality)

o curriculum (e.g. increasing or decreasing content, prerequisites)

12 o pedagogy (e.g. lecture vs. group work, use of technology)

o other?

Click here to enter text.

 What will be required to implement these changes?

Click here to enter text.

 Specifically, are there any impediments to the implementation of these changes? For example, if supplemental instruction or tutoring would improve success, does a suitable population of qualified students exist?

Click here to enter text.

C. Assessment Summary Please list the CIPs completed during this program review cycle, note any suggested improvements to assessment and/or course delivery and review the three-year CLO schedule to determine which courses must be assessed at least once more by the end of Spring 2017. Please respond to each prompt below.

C1. Completed Fall 2014 Course Improvement Plans Click here to view the course improvement plans (CIPs). Choose “Fall 2014” for Fall 2014 data analysis completed by your discipline. Please list these below.

Click here to enter text.

Open each of these CIPs and…

 Record any assessment improvements to be implemented the next time the course is assessed (e.g. improved or different assessment tool or rubric). See instructions to quickly locate these CIP text fields.

Click here to enter text.

 Also record any course improvements to be implemented the next time the course is taught (e.g. curriculum revision, utilization of technology). See instructions to quickly locate these CIP text fields.

Click here to enter text.

C2. Completed Spring 2015 Course Improvement Plans Click here to view the course improvement plans (CIPs). Choose “Spring 2015” for Spring 2015 data analysis completed by your discipline. Please list these below.

Click here to enter text.

Open each of these CIPs and …

13  Record any assessment improvements to be implemented the next time the course is assessed (e.g. improved or different assessment tool or rubric). See instructions to quickly locate these CIP text fields.

Click here to enter text.

 Also record any course improvements to be implemented the next time the course is taught (e.g. curriculum revision, utilization of technology). See instructions to quickly locate these CIP text fields.

Click here to enter text.

C3. Three-Year CLO Assessment Schedule Click here to view your Three-Year CLO Assessment Schedule. NOTE: each course that is offered at least once a year needs to be assessed twice during this program review cycle (Fall 2014 – Spring 2017). Please compare the courses in sections C1 and C2 above, along with those being assessed this semester (see your e-mail), with those in the assessment schedule and respond to each prompt below. See instructions for additional explanation.

 Which courses still need to be assessed only once more before the end of Spring 2017?

Click here to enter text.

 Which courses still need to be assessed twice before the end of Spring 2017?

Click here to enter text.

II. General Education, Remediation and Dual Enrollment For familiarization with the program data for general education and remediation, please respond to each prompt below.

A. General Education Under the “GEN.ED” section of your 2015 Program Review Data, please respond to the prompts below.

A1. Program Fill Rate

List the GEN.ED Program Total Fill Rate and the Institutional Average Fill Rate (see instructions to locate these rates in the data).

Click here to enter text.

 From fall 2010 through spring 2015, how does the GEN. ED Program Total Fill Rate compare to the Institutional Average Fill Rate?

Click here to enter text.

14  Over this same time frame, how do the site-specific GEN.ED fill rates for San Jacinto (SJC), Menifee Valley (MVC), San Gorgonio Pass (BAN), Temecula, (TEM) and online (ONLIN) compare to the Institutional Average Fill Rate?

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

 Over this same time frame, how do the site-specific rates compare to one another?

Click here to enter text.

 Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above.

Click here to enter text.

 Any commentary or analysis (at the program and/or course-level)?

Click here to enter text.

A2. Program Success Rates

List the GEN.ED Program Success Rate and the Institutional Standard and District Average Success Rates.

Click here to enter text.

 From fall 2010 through spring 2015, how does the GEN.ED Program Success Rate compare to the District Average Success Rate?


Click here to enter text.

 How do the site-specific GEN.ED success rates for San Jacinto (SJC), Menifee Valley (MVC), San Gorgonio Pass (BAN), Temecula (TEM) and online (ONLIN) compare to the District Average Success Rate?

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

 How do the site-specific rates compare to one another?

Click here to enter text.

 Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above.

Click here to enter text.

 Any commentary or analysis (at the program and/or course-level)?

16 Click here to enter text.

B. Remediation

B1. Program Fill Rate

List the REMEDIATION Program Total Fill Rate and the Institutional Average Fill Rate (see instructions to locate these rates in the data).

Click here to enter text.

 From fall 2010 through spring 2015, how does the REMEDIATION Program Total Fill Rate compare to the Institutional Average Fill Rate?

Click here to enter text.

 Over this same time frame, how do the site-specific REMEDIATION fill rates for San Jacinto (SJC), Menifee Valley (MVC), San Gorgonio Pass (BAN), Temecula, (TEM) and online (ONLIN) compare to the Institutional Average Fill Rate?

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

 Over this same time frame, how do the site-specific rates compare to one another?

Click here to enter text.

17  Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above.

Click here to enter text.

 Any commentary or analysis (at the program and/or course-level)?

Click here to enter text.

B2. Program Success Rates

List the REMEDIATION Program Success Rate and the Institutional Standard and District Average Success Rates.

Click here to enter text.

 From fall 2010 through spring 2015, how does the REMEDIATION Program Success Rate compare to the District Average Success Rate?

Click here to enter text.

 How do the site-specific REMEDIATION success rates for San Jacinto (SJC), Menifee Valley (MVC), San Gorgonio Pass (BAN), Temecula (TEM) and online (ONLIN) compare to the District Average Success Rate?

 BAN:

Click here to enter text.

 MVC:

Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

 SJC:

Click here to enter text.

 TEM:

Click here to enter text.

18  How do the site-specific rates compare to one another?

Click here to enter text.

 Note any significant differences found in the comparisons above.

Click here to enter text.

 Any commentary or analysis (at the program and/or course-level)?

Click here to enter text.

C. Dual Enrollment Click here for the Dual Enrollment data. NOTE: If there are no dual enrollment courses in your discipline, you may skip to the next section.

 How many sections of your discipline are typically offered per year?

Click here to enter text.

 Is there any additional information or commentary?

Click here to enter text.

III. Planning and Resource Requirements

Please briefly update the goals and needs included in last year’s comprehensive program review (CPR). Here is the link to your CPR. Please include any updates to your program goals and objectives, along with any additional facilities, staff, technology, equipment, professional development and library resources that would improve student learning or increase program quality and/or efficiency. Specifically, connect your goals and needs with the analysis of program, course and assessment data above.

A. Program Goals

19 Update goals and objectives of your program and describe how you will attain them.

Click here to enter text.

B. Facilities, Staffing, Technology, Equipment and Professional Development

Update facility, staffing, technology, equipment and professional development needs here.

Click here to enter text.

C. Library Resources

Identify library resources (databases, texts, etc.) that would improve student success, access and ensure equity.

Click here to enter text.

IV. Budget Allocation

RAP (Resource Allocation Proposal) Submissions

For which needs identified previously in this program review will you be submitting a RAP?

Click here to enter text.

V. Final Summary

A. Based on the data and analysis contained in this review, please forward your three greatest needs to your dean/division.

Click here to enter text.

B. Discuss any major activities/highlights/achievements and any student success innovations during the past year.

Click here to enter text.

C. Please list all faculty who participated in this review.

Click here to enter text.

D. Any suggestions, concerns or constructive criticism regarding the MSJC program review process?

Click here to enter text.

Once you have completed this entire form, please mailto:[email protected]

20 Due Date: February 11, 2016

Thank you very much!!!


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