Commissioners present: Paul Daniels, Bob Browning, Valerie Folkema, Kelly Barnett.

Staff present: Michael Saindon, Jessi Coon.

Visitors: Kristen Penner, Valerie Schumann, Jeff Wong.

Called to Order at 7:00PM



Wong noted no immediate action items, but business is growing. Saindon noted Wong is working with Hidden Valley out of Grants Pass to supply crab for their fundraising. Wong shared about retail coming in as soon as weather dies down.


Daniels noted changes to minutes, his comments were attached to the November 12th meeting minutes. Daniels also asked about establishing crane rates, it was noted that port staff is meeting with insurance agent regarding liability issues and establishing rates. Motion by Barnett, second by Browning, to approve regular meeting minutes of November 12 and Vision meeting minutes. Motion carried 4 - 0.

Motion by Daniels, second by Browning, to approve the November and December financial reports and payment of bills. Motion carried 4 - 0.


Saindon noted an addition to correspondence from Big Tuna Marine. Hosner noted the business is interviewing mechanics

Page 1: Minutes of 01/14/2015, Port of Garibaldi in order to reopen the full business. It was noted that if Big Tuna MarineMOVED NEW BUSINESS ITEM NUMBER 6 AHEAD OF OLD BUSINESS

Simon Shin introduced himself and shared an overview of the history of his company. Noted that they have been doing research on the coast. Garibaldi caught their attention. Shin noted their long term vision and noted that most hagfish companies don’t handle hagfish properly – keeping the slime and the smell down. Shin noted that their facilities are mainly a frozen processor, they do not over- fish, and they plan to employ 6-8 people. Once their frozen operations open up they hope to employ another 10 people. Folkema asked if there are other facilities up and running. Shin noted facilities running in Japan, but they are still 4-6 months away from the Neah Bay being fully operational. Luquette asked where boats would be out of if not using local boats, Shin noted that they would like to use local boats, but Neah Bay fishermen have already committed. Daniels asked what kind of facility is needed, if processing inside, Shin said yes processing inside. Folkema noted that Tillamook Bay is an estuary of national significance and would like to see the business in action. Folkema also noted Browning’s father used to process eels, but not wanting to see murky waters. Commission noted they would like to see hagfishing done right. Folkema noted not closing doors to the business, but wanting more information. Commission officially tabled the discussion.


TIGER GRANT ENGINEERING UPDATE Saindon noted that Lettenmaier was unable to make it to the meeting. Saindon noted that there will be with all involved parties on Monday November 17. Saindon shared some information with commission about meeting with O’Leary regarding future ODOT plans that may affect the TIGER grant project starting April 2015. Saindon noted needing to meet with Luquette and Barnett to show potential designs.

AUDIT CONTRACT RENEWAL Coon shared the contract renewal documents with the commission. Browning asked if staff is happy with the current auditors. Coon noted very happy with current auditors. Motion by Browning, second by Barnett to renew audit contract with Accuity LLC. Motion carried 5 – 0.


2 Coon noted that the previous year’s survey was included in the packet, the survey is done each year by the port and gives the port an additional discount on their general insurance premium. Staff just needs authorization to take the best practices survey for the board. Motion Browning, second by Barnett to allow office staff to submit best practices survey to SDIS on behalf of port commission. Motion carried 5 – 0.

RV PARK FINANCE/PROJECT UPDATE Saindon noted working with Tammy Crossley, with Umpqua Bank, port staff would like the commission to approve the loan application to move forward with funding. Luquette asked about a prior decision to fund the RV Park construction through a general fund loan. Saindon noted that it was not budgeted that way. Motion Daniels, second by Browning to approve the loan application through Umpqua Bank, noting that this does not commit the port to only this funding option. Motion carries 5 – 0. Luquette asked staff to look into whether it had been voted on to fund project from general fund.


REVIEW 2015 RESOLUTION SETTING RATES, FEES AND CHARGES Coon noted changes to the current rate structure, adding weekly and monthly rates to moorage. Staff and commission discussed a moorage increase, noting that the moorages have been raised every year for the last 5 years. Browning noted that if a rate increase happens it should happen across the board and transient and season pass rates should increase as well. Launch fees were discussed, but tied with MAPS grant funds, so launch fees may not be changed without affecting the MAPS funds the port receives. Saindon noted looking into Daniels asked if crane rates would be added. Olson updated about the crane. Saindon noted card lock and generator training needed. Commission discussed the hours the crane might be available for, especially for crab season. Luquette asked how the generator will be secured. Olson noted that the generator is going to be on a trailer, staff will secure it to the piling.

SDIS INSURANCE RENEWAL Folkema noted that the premiums have not gone up, no incidents. Motion Browning, second by Daniels to renew insurance policy with Special Districts Insurance Services for 2015. Motion carries 5 – 0.

Page 3: Minutes of 01/14/2015, Port of Garibaldi OREGON STATE MARINE BOARD PUMPOUT GRANT APPROVAL/SIGNING Folkema noted the incorrect name on the main page of the grant agreement. Motion Luquette, second by Barnett to approve the grant agreement and signing of the grant agreement. Motion carries 5 – 0.

WHARF PROJECT CLOSEOUT Folkema noted skipping over the EDA Wharf project closeout – no action needed.

PARCEL 7 HOIST PLACEMENT Saindon noted communicating with Pacific, if hoist is placed it must be engineered and designed prior to installation. Once installed there is still no power. Staff concern is mainly to renew lease. Information only.


Olson shared that his staff report has already been reported on.

Coon noted that there is training required of board members, shared dvds with board members in order to receive SDIS additional discount.


Saindon noted the boarding floats are running behind in production.

Working with Hatch Mott on the dredge permitting.

Security cameras are installed, but down at the moment because of weather.

Saindon noted that the maintenance boat needs to be updated. If the floating head is able to be replaced next year, the old floating head may end up as a work barge.

Saindon noted concern about finding funds for dredging the harbor. Met with DSL on harbor expansion and it looks challenging to get the addition of a new harbor.


Browning asked how far the federal channel goes, where dredging might happen. Olson shared the specs on where the federal channel lies.

4 Luquette asked about the barge family (Ebel family). Saindon noted that he had seen Mr. Ebel and last he had heard there was several networks looking to pick up their show, but that was quite a while ago, and is assuming that their show is not happening.

Barnett went to the West Coast Governor’s meeting on ocean health. Barnett noted he was asked for the concern of the port, Barnett noted over-regulation is a concern for the port.

Daniels noted budget concerns. Daniels presented a chart with possible funding solutions. His concern is funding the upcoming dredging and being able to stay ahead of the dredging needs. Folkema noted coastal caucus has set things in motion by setting apart funds for dredging. Folkema also noted TLT tax as possible funds. Daniels noted wanting a sustainable strategy to keep the harbor dredged. Browning asked if the state is still looking at purchasing a dredge. Wong asked if there are surcharges on parking and launching. Olson noted contacting the OSMB about possible ways to address.


The meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

______Valerie S. Folkema, President


______John Luquette, Secretary/Treasurer

Page 5: Minutes of 01/14/2015, Port of Garibaldi