AP THEME: Contemporary Life

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AP THEME: Contemporary Life

French Level I– SY 2016 – 2017 AP THEME: Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: Throughout Year: Teachers need to AP SUBTHEME: Travel: Survey of Francophone World; Geography of France appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the (To be taught sometime during first semester) objectives of the unit. (One Week – Q1)

Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.9 The student will connect information about French and francophone culture(s) with concepts studied in other subject areas FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages. FI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between francophone cultures and the cultures of the United States. FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal-Interpretive-Presentational (Facts & Skills) INTERPRETIVE MODE: Map skills • Identify francophone countries on a map. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: France Neighboring countries • Identify France on a world/European map, showing • Name and locate francophone countries on a • Compare and contrast different The French-speaking world rivers, mountains, and bordering countries and bodies map. geographical characteristics between of water. France and other countries. INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Answer questions about personal origin. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Discover the French name of your country of • Produce an oral / written report about a francophone origin. • Recognize different modes of country. . transportation available in francophone countries.

USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in Vision

Depending on when this is presented by the teacher RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES être Colors (flags) Adjective placement Weather expressions Mapping activities : identify French speaking countries using colors, label items (countries, rivers, mountains, bordering countries) ; RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Choose a francophone country and report on their location, flag, food, clothing, etc. in a brochure format ; http://www.atlas-francophone.refer.org/ DVD: The Red Balloon (Le Ballon Rouge) ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate Students identify the francophone Students ask each other where they are Present a small poster of a francophone CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing countries of the world on a map from and answer. country; include a picture of a map, flag, assessments. coloring them following instructions. typical food and dress, literacy rate, and one fun fact of your choice.

Revised: May 19, 2018 1 French Level I– SY 2016 – 2017 Recommended pacing: 4 weeks (Q1) Teachers need to AP THEME: Contemporary Life appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the AP SUBTHEME : Travel: Numbers, Alphabet, Accents, Greetings, Introductions class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.6 The student will present rehearsed material in French, including brief narratives, monologues, dialogues, poetry, and songs. FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures FI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between francophone cultures and the cultures of the United States COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal –Interpretive -Presentational (Facts & Skills) • Terms for greetings, INTERPRETIVE MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: farewells, and introductions • Identify the correct response to greetings and ça va? • Discuss the use of formal (vous) and informal • Compare and contrast the use of formal • Expressions of courtesy • Identify the correct form of address for formal and (tu) address in conversation and writing and informal language in French and • French alphabet and informal conversations. • Discuss the way numerals are written in French. English diacritical marks • Demonstrate how numbers are counted on one’s • Compare and contrast different • Shaking hands and bises INTERPERSONAL MODE: hand. customs of greeting and leave taking in • Gender of nouns • Ask and answer others’ names and how they are • Explore cultural customs when greeting. French and English. • Articles (definite and indefinite) feeling • The expression il y a • Conduct a discussion greeting others; both informal CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: and formal. • Recognize French words in the English language • Discuss how in your own community or PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Complete simple mathematical computations in household greetings are spoken or • Recite the date; French written • Recite the alphabet; . • Recognize French words seen in daily • Recite the numbers ; life • Produce oral and written reports/skit on greetings.

USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES None Crossword puzzles, spelling bees, math problems, math flashcards, play Loto or dot-to-dot. Write the date in the RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES notebook daily. Daily calendar person to recite the date to the class. http://lexiquefle.free.fr/allpha.swf to hear the alphabet http://www.languageguide.org/vocabulary/num/?lang=fr&target=en Numbers listening quiz with three levels of difficulty http://uregina.ca/~laninstit/HotPot/French/Elementaire/exercises/N/n004.htm Simple math listening quiz http://french.about.com/od/vocabulary/a/classroomphrase.htm Classroom expressions recorded http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/family/game/ Numbers and colors game ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA Have a timed math quiz using words Have a spelling bee. Recite / sing the alphabet. rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. only. Have students introduce themselves and Create and sing your own number song. others. Rap the alphabet.

Revised: May 19, 2018 2 French Level I– SY 2016 – 2017 AP THEME: Personal and Public Identities; Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: 4 weeks (Q1) Teachers need to AP SUBTHEME: Beliefs and Values / Language and Identity: physical descriptions and appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the personality, characteristics, feelings, and emotions; Education: objects around the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the classroom objectives of the unit.

Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in French. FI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied are interrelated

COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal-Interpretive-Presentational (Facts & Skills) INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Terms to identify people • Demonstrate comprehension of content from audio CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Classroom objects visual texts relating to peer and example descriptions. • Discuss cultural generalizations and • Compare and contrast the use of • Rules for silent letters stereotyping. gender and adjective agreement in • France’s multicultural society INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Identify and understand aspects of France’s French and English • Subject pronouns • Answer questions about your best friend/yourself. multicultural society. • Begin to compare and contrast schools • the present tense of être in the French-speaking world and the • c’est vs. il/elle est adjective agreement PRESENTATIONAL MODE: United States. • • some descriptive adjectives • Produce oral and written reports/skit on descriptions CONNECTIONS: • adjectives for nationality of friends. • Discuss traits of famous people from French COMMUNITIES: • how to listen for familiar words cultures. • Discuss physical appearance in your •Describe American cultural icons in the target own community or your school and language. compare them to issues in French speaking communities.

USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in Vision Puis-je…

Classroom expressions, numbers, date, greetings. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES

Make an accordion book describing yourself- the book builds with each page repeating the prior text and adding a sentence. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Students read their books aloud to each other. The teacher describes a student in the class- students guess who it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX91500Ck8o video for making accordion books http://www.didierbravo.com/modulesflash/module1/module1.swf game for nationalities and sports (cognates).

ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate Students hear a description of someone Students ask each other to describe their Students describe familiar characters or CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing and identify the person from a classmates and friends. Students play famous people. Students describe their performance assessments. picture. guessing games to identify someone (20 best friend(s). Questions, Guess Who).

Revised: May 19, 2018 3 French Level I– SY 2016 – 2017

AP THEME: Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: 4 weeks (Q2) Teachers need to AP SUBTHEME: Education : classes, schedules, and classroom objects appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages

COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal-Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational INTERPRETIVE MODE: COMPARISONS: • Terms for academic subjects • Identify classroom objects from pictures or realia CULTURES: • Compare and contrast the school day • Express likes and dislikes • Identify which courses you like and don’t like and • Introduce the educational system in France. and school year in France and the United • Liaisons which courses are difficult or easy • Identify the structure of grade levels and grading States. • French high schools and the INTERPERSONAL MODE: scales in francophone schools. • Compare and contrast classes offered Canadian Immersion system • Discuss with another student why you like or and preparation for higher education in • Present tense of reg –er verbs dislike a course. France and the United States. • spelling changes in –cer and –ger verbs • Interview another student asking about his/her CONNECTIONS: • asking questions class schedule • Identify courses that francophone students take COMMUNITIES: • expressing negation PRESENTATIONAL MODE: that are the same as in the United States. • Identify Francophone cultural influences • Present a student schedule • Identify classroom objects for classes other than in communities in the United States. • Present an oral or written presentation of your foreign language. • Identify what French or Foreign favorite course language classes are needed for higher • Present a basic oral or written presentation of the . education in students’ communities. educational system of a Francophone country USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in Vision

RECYCLED/ONGOING Numbers, dates, days and months, classroom expressions, articles-indefinite & definite. TOPICS/STRUCTURES ·Students write their own schedule in French. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ·Students work in groups to write with bulletin board paper: which students take which classes – record likes and dislikes as well. Share the posters with the class and gather statistics; be sure that each group member has a task (writer, proofreader, presenter). http://laits.utexas.edu/fi_media/m4vs/01_voc_salle.m4v la salle de classe video http://www.languageguide.org/french/vocabulary/school-continued2/ pronunciation of school subjects http://peinturefle.free.fr/lexique/couleur.htm adjective agreement quiz

ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate Students identify classroom objects Students ask each other about their Students create and present their schedule CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing from photos or realia or label schedule and classes. to the class, stating why they like or dislike assessments. classroom. their classes.

Revised: May 19, 2018 4 French Level I– SY 2016 – 2017 AP THEME: Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: 4 weeks (Q2) Teachers need to AP SUBTHEME: Leisure and Sports: Activities at School and After School appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. F.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal-Interpretive-Presentational (Facts & Skills) INTERPRETIVE MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: •Talking about schedules and • Comprehend simple, culturally-authentic • Identify at-school and after-school activities • Compare extracurricular activities when activities take place announcements and advertisements related to leisure of students in France as related to school in American and francophone • Pronunciation of the French r activities. schedule schools. • Le baccalaureate and higher • Identify activities being described education in France • Compare and contrast regular verb • Determine whether a person likes or dislikes a • Present tense of avoir conjugations in the present tense for particular activity. • Expressions with avoir French and English. INTERPERSONAL MODE: CONNECTIONS: • Telling time • Ask and answer questions related to activities at and • Make connections between historical • Listening for cognates after school, including likes and dislikes. contexts and current attitudes towards COMMUNITIES: PRESENTATIONAL MODE: afterschool activities. • Identify French descriptions or • Tell if a person likes or dislikes various activities. • Make a graph of frequency of leisure activities directions on products used for/at • Tell when and how frequently a person participates in practiced by members of the class. school and after school activities. various activities. . • Visit a French school supply • Tell what leisure activities a person does or not do. website such as Papeterie Gilbert Joseph USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Negative sentences, question formation, subject pronouns, French educational system.

RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Move game: students cut out and make a paper backpack, students cut out and label school supplies; teacher uses classroom commands mettez+ sortez; students insert and remove items to and from the backpack based on the teacher commands; a strong student may take over as the teacher. Students draw a picture to represent the new verb, conjugate on the back; Students create a short foldable book using photos and the new verbs in order of their day with one sentence per page. Students create a PowerPoint showing activities that they like/dislike. http://www.mjcvillebon.org/web/# See Plaquettes Activites for community center list of after school activities http://www.gibertjoseph.com/papeterie.html Supplies for sale http://www.fnac.com/ buy latest books CD’s DVDs, games, devices online http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/ver1.html listening quiz for er verbs (scroll down) http://www.ac-paris.fr search box Jacques Prévert middle school for schedule and after school activities ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate Students will read or hear a short Create a skit related to after school Students create and present a CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing conversation and decide if the activities. PowerPoint presentation about assessments. narrator likes/dislikes an activity. activities they like/don’t like.

Revised: May 19, 2018 5 French Level I– SY 2016 – 2017 AP THEME: Families and Communities Recommended pacing: 3 weeks (Q3) Teachers need to AP SUBTHEME: Family Structures / Customs and Ceremonies appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal-Interpretive-Presentational (Facts & Skills) INTERPRETIVE MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: Family members, pets and • Demonstrates comprehension of content from audio • Explore cultural customs of nuclear and • Compare and contrast different types of marital status vocabulary visual texts relating to family descriptions. extended family composition. families in France Describing family members: using • Discuss the differences between American and • Compare and contrast the expression adjectives of physical INTERPERSONAL MODE: French family relationships of possession in French and English. description (color hair and eyes) • Conduct a discussion introducing and describing • Discuss the informal terms for family members. • Compare and contrast the use of Interrogatives – Combien y-a-t-il? family to others. descriptive and irregular adjectives in Quel âge? Où habite? French and English. Form, agreement, and position of PRESENTATIONAL MODE: possessive, some irregular and • Present a family tree. COMMUNITIES: high frequency adjectives • Invite a French-speaking person/family CONNECTIONS: Possessive adjectives to visit and present information about Les accents: aïgu et grave • Using Rousseau’s “Une noce à la campagne” French family customs. talk about differences in American and French Recognizing cognates • Identify local French speaking cultures. communities and cultural events.

USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in Vision

RECYCLED/ONGOING Numbers 0 - 60, dates, telling time ; question formation TOPICS/STRUCTURES Nouns and articles; present tense of –er verbs ; forming questions and expressing negation; adjective agreement RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Students will create a family tree diagram. Students will create a foldable describing themselves, a family member and a pet (or additional family member if no pet). http://laits.utexas.edu/fi_media/m4vs/01_voc_dates.m4v. Spelling bee using words with l’accent aïgu et l’accent grave. Give example: très. ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate Students will listen and identify family Students will write to a pen pal telling them Students will create a foldable in written CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing members on a family tree about their family. form describing themselves, a family assessments. Students read and listen to description Students will ask and tell another student member and a pet. The student will of Noah Yannick’s family. about their family. present either their family member or pet orally.

Revised: May 19, 2018 6 French Level I– SY 2016 – 2017

AP THEME: Global Challenges Recommended pacing: 3 weeks (Q3) Teachers need to appropriate the AP SUBTHEME: La Famille et Les Professions number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as there are opportunities to meet the unit objectives Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to apply French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal-Interpretive-Presentational (Facts & Skills) INTERPRETIVE MODE: Professions and Occupations • Identify character traits by pantomiming CULTURES: COMPARISONS: vocabulary emotions or character traits using facial • Identify some differences in French and • Interpret a French personal ads and Nos 61 - 100 expressions and/or body language. American dating customs. compare to American personal ads. Prepositions of location • Identify where objects in a classroom are located • Describe the jobs of various family • Compare and contrast the types of More descriptive adjectives using prepositions of location. members and friends friendships that exist among teens Disjunctive pronouns • Discuss the difference in way telephone in France and America. L’accent cédille, la INTERPERSONAL MODE: numbers and prices are written in circonflexe, le tréma. • Ask and answer questions about phone Francophone countries •Identify character traits and numbers and addresses COMMUNITIES: some emotional states. • Ask and respond to questions about the cost of CONNECTIONS: • Research the after-school activities Phrases for making items in an ad. • Describe the jobs of various family of Francophone teens complaints, expressing PRESENTATIONAL MODE: members and friends location and reading • Create and present a graph or pie chart showing • Discuss the population of Paris and its numbers the age groups of family members. surrounding area • Show a photo of famous person; describe his/her profession, e.g., Yelle – chanteuse. USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Regular –er verbs; Adverbs of frequency; possessive and disjunctive pronouns; question formation.

RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Resources: Use magazine pictures to introduce occupations. Learn to write an informal letter in French. Create an idea map with a circle for each family member and then write a brief letter describing your own family or an imaginary one. Write a description of yourself; include physical characteristics, personality, age and profession. ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate Task

Revised: May 19, 2018 7 French Level I– SY 2016 – 2017 CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing Students will hear description of a Students have a family tree. They ask each Students create a skit assessments. teen’s French family. other questions about their family members. searching for a lost object using location prepositions AP THEME: Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: 5 weeks (Q4) Teachers need to appropriate the AP SUBTHEME: Leisure & Sports : Activities number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.

Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages FI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between francophone cultures and the cultures of the United States. FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal-Interpretive-Presentational (Facts & Skills) INTERPRETIVE MODE: Places around city and town • Identify places around town CULTURES: COMPARISONS: vocabulary • Identify activities to do in town. • Discuss the pastimes of young French people. • Compare downtown places in Aller • Discuss the places around town and activities. francophone countries and the US. Interrogative Words – Pourquoi, INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Compare activities of young people in A quelle heure (see vocab) • Ask and answer questions about leisure activities France and America. Expressions with Avoir – avoir done at cafés and in the city. CONNECTIONS: faim, avoir soif, etc. • Discuss activities of young people in France, COMMUNITIES: Aller PRESENTATIONAL MODE: West Africa and Senegal. • Present and discuss le parc Asterix. Aller + infinitive (futur proche) • Create map of downtown area labeled with places • Present and discuss leisure activities of Preposition: à with definite article • Tell about favorite places and things to do “en ville” – young French people.. and place names (à) vs (dans) cinéma, café, parc.  Present a chart of activities of young French people USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Numbers 0 - 100; family members and friends, possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes); disjunctive adjectives; location prepositions

Game - Box of objects such as movie ticket, sunglasses and paper coffee cup. Student selects an object without RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES looking and the next player has to names a place associated with the object. Magazine photo/clip art for flashcards for places in and around town. Students have to say name of place. ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing Students identify places in and out of to Students create a dialogue about going Create a map of downtown area and assessments. wn where they go and what they d downtown. eight places to go to. o there.

Revised: May 19, 2018 8 French Level I– SY 2016 – 2017

AP THEME: Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: 4 weeks (Q4) Teachers need to AP SUBTHEME : Leisure and Sports: Dining Out and Activities appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages. FI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between francophone cultures and the cultures of the United States. FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal-Interpretive-Presentational (Facts & Skills) INTERPRETIVE MODE:  Food and beverage • Identify items on café menu CULTURES: COMPARISONS: vocabulary • Identify cost of items • Discuss the role of the café in French life • Compare bargaining practices  Eating at a café or INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Discuss dining out habits and common snacks between francophone countries. restaurant vocab • Ask and answer questions about stores and types of in different countries • Compare systems of measurement.  Prendre, apprendre, merchandise. comprender et boire • Discuss shopping experiences. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Convert US currency to euro rates. • Identify cognates related to shopping.  Regular –IR verbs • Describe food and drink item for various meals • Compare food and drink prices between • Discuss French influences in  Partitive articles • Tell about the countries. American economies.  Adverbial expressions – beaucoup, assez, non plus, aussi, tout de suite USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in Vision Aller ; aller + infinitive ; Interrogative Words; Expressions with Avoir – avoir faim, avoir soif ; Preposition: à with definite RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES article and place names (à) vs (dans) ; nos 61 – 100.

Students create a map of downtown Paris with landmarks such as museums, churches and cafes. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Aller – students conduct quick survey of five or six classmates of where they go downtown on weekend ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs Students create a menu of food and Students create a dialogue about choosing Groups create scene in which they rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. drink items a café and dining out order from a café menu.

Revised: May 19, 2018 9

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