Veterinary Technology Curriculum
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Veterinary Technology Curriculum
Course Overview: Veterinary Technology is a course for students interested in continuing their study of animals and related health careers. Areas of study include: career information, office procedures, medical records, nutrition, animal care, medical terminology, instrument care and identification, animal handling, vital signs, laboratory procedures, anatomy, pharmacology, and radiography.
Texts: “Introduction to Veterinary Science” by Lawhead and Baker, Thompon Delmar Learning Publishers “Veterinary Assistant Handbook” ; Faires, Jr; Instructional Materials Sevice, Texas A&M University
Related References: “Production Medicine & Management”; various animals; Animal Health Publications “Merck’s Veterinary Manual, 8th edition”
Course Objectives: 1. Understand the opportunities in and join the FFA. 2. Understand the different job opportunities in Animal Science. 3. Prepare a written report and give an oral presentation to the class. 4. Describe the training, duties, and responsibilities of veterinarians 5. Explain the role and education of the Animal Technician, Registered. 6. Prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation to the class. 7. Identify governmental agencies that provide human and animal health services. 8. Identify areas of employment within the veterinary medical field, including maintenance of zoos, food-producing animals, pets, and work animals. 9. Identify safety procedures used in animal science situations. 10. Demonstrate safe and proper handling of animals. 11. Identify various diseases of the body systems. 12. Recognize and evaluate effects of diseases and parasites on animals. 13. Identify the essential nutrients for animal growth, performance, maintenance, and reproduction. 14. Identify the biological aspects of animal reproduction. 15. Discuss proper feeding and management of animals.
Course Outline:
I. Safety and Sanitation a. Hazards b. Diseases c. Sanitation, disinfection, sterilization d. Handling and restraint II. Veterinary Terminology a. Prefixes b. Suffixes c. Roots and combining forms d. Common abbreviations e. Latin adjectives III. Anatomy and Physiology a. Anatomical and directional terminology b. Cellular anatomy c. Skeletal system d. Muscular system (tissues too) e. Respiratory system f. Nervous system g. Endocrine system h. Cardiovascular system i. Excretory system j. Digestive system IV. Diseases a. Principals of disease b. Disease agents i. Viral ii. Fungal iii. Internal parasites iv. External parasites c. Disease prevention d. Disease classification e. Disease diagnosis and therapy V. Clinical Exams a. Patient history b. Temperature, Pulse, Respiration c. Physical Exam VI. Hospital Procedures a. Administering medications b. Labeling medications c. Bandaging d. Office procedures VII. Careers Expectations of students 1. NO horseplay and other dangerous or unruly behavior will be tolerated because of the nature of the course and the hands-on work that will be performed in the animal lab. Persistence in such actions will result in removal from the classroom on days the student is to work with animals, loss of participation points, and WILL result in a referral. If the behavior does not cease, the student will be permanently removed from the class. 2. Attendance is very important, and will be taken every day. Without consistent attendance students are likely to fail this course. Make-up work must be completed on the student’s own time. School policy will be followed in assigning grades to a student who misses 9 or more days. 3. Be prepared!!! Students must maintain a notebook in which they keep all notes, handouts, and assignments. They are also responsible for bringing paper, pencils, and a calculator as necessary. The student is responsible for providing his/her own supplies. 4. DO NOT EAT SNACKS DURING CLASS!! There is no food or drinks allowed in the animal science classroom because students will be working with animals. It is imperative that desks and hands be clean and free from messy food and drink spills. This is also preventative for safety hazards resulting from potential contact with animals and animal wastes. 5. SHOW RESPECT. Stay quiet when it is not your turn to talk. If problems occur, wait until the end of the period, when they will be settled by the teacher and involved parties. Disrespect of the teacher, classmates, or other people not in the room will NOT be tolerated.
Materials Three-ring notebook Paper – blank and lined sheets Pencils/Pens
Grading Policy The grading policy is as follows: A+= 98-100 A =90-97 B+=87-89 B =80-86 C+=77-79 C =70-76 D+=67-69 D =60-66 F =59 and below **This class will be based on an overall points total. There are many different things that will be done with different points assigned. Please keep track of this on your own as well as checking on the Home Access Center. (You can print out a grade log from my website)
**I will only give you a sheet with your list of assignments completed and grade at mid-marking and the end of the quarter. Do not expect grades to be calculated at other times. If you are in class and choose not to complete an assignment, you will be given a grade of zero. If you are absent or for some other reason not in class, you will be given 2 days from the day you return from absence to make the work up. It is YOUR responsibility to fill out a make-up request and turn it into me. RETURN TO MRS. OLDIS (Veterinary Technology)
This information has been reviewed in class with the students and teacher. Please review it carefully as the parents/guardians. The student AND the parent/guardians must sign the bottom portion. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns about the class or your student. This signed paper states that the student and parent/guardian have read and understood the syllabus that was provided and the student is responsible for their grade and actions in this class.
**I have read and understood the expectations for this class as listed in the syllabus. As the student, I will do all that I can to be successful in this class. As the parent/guardian, I will do all that I can to be supportive of the student and teacher so that my child gets the most knowledge out of this class.
STUDENT NAME (printed):______
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (printed):______
**Contact number during school hours:______