Sequence Data Mining and Structural Characterization
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Supplementary information
1. Supplementary Methods
Sequence data mining and structural characterization
In order to obtain an extensive sample of the currently available RBR sequences, we first used the RBR domain of proteins from the different subfamilies described by Marín and
Ferrús31 as queries in TBLASTN searches against NCBI databases (Altschul et al. 1997).
The accession numbers and residue range (in parenthesis) of the query sequences were as follows: NP_004553 (238-453), NP_899648 (220-437), NP_013643 (180-435),
NP_056250 (132-336), NP_196599 (1564-1754), NP_200833 (301-502), NP_193702
(207-410), NP_179551 (203-390), NP_055904 (2070-2269), BAA92624 (458-677),
AAF29395 (114-317), NP_112506 (272- 470), AAH12077 (699-905), NP_996994 (572-
764), NP_055561 (20-218) and NP_496609 (804-1005). Specific searches were also performed on other databases, such as the protozoan pathogens sequencing projects of the
Sanger Institute ( and the plant and protist gene indices of TIGR
( in order to extend the taxonomic range of our analyses. We selected for further analyses those sequences with high similarity to the canonical RBR domains (minimum expect value E = 10-3) and in which those domains were not truncated. A few genes were reconstructed using bioinformatic tools, most especially
FGENESH+ (see Salamov and Solovyev 2000; online at
Alignments were performed with ClustalX 1.83 (Thompson et al. 1997) and manually refined using GeneDoc 2.6. (Nicholas and Nicholas 1997) Neighbor-Joining and
Maximum Parsimony trees were built with MEGA 2.1 (Kumar et al. 2001). Reliability of the trees was examined using bootstrap analyses (1000 replicates).
1 To characterize the protein domains, other than the RBR signature, that are present in
RBR proteins, we explored the Conserved Domain Database
(, and the Pfam database
(, as well as other InterPro member databases by means of the InterProScan tool ( In some particular cases, BLASTP or PSI-BLAST53 searches were used to solve ambiguities or disagreements among databases.
Domain-association graph analyses
We built a global domain graph to obtain a general picture of the cellular contexts in which the domains found in RBR proteins may be functioning. To generate this graph, we first extracted all available domain information from Pfam-A (release 18.0; see ref.
54) using our own parser program (UVDOM, available upon request) and then we added some data for RBR proteins not available in the Pfam database that we obtained in the structural analyses described above. Our final database contained 7973 domains, of which
4039 were connected to one or more other domains. The 4039 connected domains were treated as nodes of a graph. Edges were drawn between two nodes/domains whenever a protein was defined in SwissPfam ( as containing both of them. A total of 13021 edges were found. We then used
UVCLUSTER14 to extract a part of that general graph, containing all domains that comply with two conditions: 1) they were located at an average distance d 2 from the group of domains present in RBR proteins, being d the “primary distances” among domains, that is, the number of edges that must be crossed to go from one domain to
2 another one (see ref. 14); and, 2) they had at least two direct connections with RBR protein domains. The second condition was used to avoid including many domains that were solely connected through the RING finger, which is one of the most common eukaryotic domains (see e. g. ref.13) and thus behaves as an important “hub” in the graph.
The resulting graph was analyzed again using UVCLUSTER, this time to convert, using iterative clustering analysis, the primary distances among the nodes of the graph (d) into the secondary distances (d’) among those domains. Secondary distances are good indicators of the closeness of two nodes relative to all nodes in a graph and thus delineate clusters of closely linked nodes with a much higher efficiency than primary distances (see details in Arnau et al.14). UVCLUSTER parameters used were: affinity coefficient AC
=100 and number of iterations NN = 105. These secondary distances were used to generate a UPGMA-based dendrogram with Mega 2.1 (Kumar et al. 2001;
Supplementary Figure 1). Distances to built the graphs shown in Figures 2, 3 and
Supplementary Figure 4 were extracted from the global graph using Matlab 7.0 and the graphs themselves were drawn using PAJEK 1.09 (available at http://vlado.fmf.uni- Structures of the RNA binding- or RNA metabolism- containing proteins described in the last part of this study were obtained from the Pfam database.
2. Supplementary Results
An RBR domain appeared in a viral sequence (from a poxvirus that infects insects; accession number AAC97709 [Afonso et al. 1999]). This sequence encodes for a long protein that contains RBR and Ariadne domain, characteristic of the Ariadne subfamily of
RBRs31, together with a carboxy-terminal SNF2_N domain. We favor the hypothesis that
3 this virus co-opted an Ariadne gene from its host that recombined with a viral gene encoding for an ATPase of the SWI/SNF type. Therefore, this exception does not invalidate our previous conclusion that RBR proteins are exclusively eukaryotic.
The monophyly of a few of the 14 RBR subfamilies is not sufficiently supported by bootstrap values, but structural evidence confirms it. For example, all Ariadne proteins have the Ariadne domain while all ARA54 members posses a domain known as RWD or
GI. Ariadne and ARA54 are the only subfamilies for which we found members in both unikont (animals, fungi, amoebozoa) and bikont (plants, alveolata, excavata) species.
Thus, we can conclude that they emerged at the root of the eukaryotic tree (Stechmann and Cavalier-Smith 2003). Supplementary figures 2 and 3 show the phylogenetic trees obtained for the Ariadne and ARA54 subfamilies, based either on the RBR and Ariadne domains (for Ariadne proteins) or the RBR and the RWD/GI domain (for ARA54 proteins). The addition of the subfamily-specific domains allows for a precise characterization of the relationships among the genes of these RBR subfamilies.
In our previous analysis, based on the two model yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we described fungal genes belonging to only two RBR subfamilies, again Ariadne and ARA54.31 Those results were clearly biased and incomplete. Single genes from the Ariadne and ARA54 subfamilies are present in all
(Ariadne) or most (ARA54) fully sequenced fungal species. However, we have also found fungal sequences that belong to the Triad3 subfamily, and our results define two new fungal-specific RBR subfamilies. In summary, at least five RBR subfamilies include fungal genes. All five subfamilies include both ascomycota and basidiomycota species.
We also described the finding of a few protozoan RBR proteins in our previous work.
4 The large increase in available sequences since that study has allowed us to determine that protozoan RBRs form at least two very different, independent groups. One of them is different enough from other RBRs as to define an independent subfamily (Protozoan I, see Figure 1). The organisms that contain proteins included in this subfamily
(Entamoeba, Dictyostelium) are closely related amoebozoa (Bapteste et al. 2002). The second group, which belongs to the Ariadne subfamily, includes several very distant protozoan genera (from amoebozoa, alveolata and excavata; see Supplementary Figure
1). In addition to those two groups, particular sequences from Entamoeba and
Dictyostelium have been found that may belong to the ARA54 subfamily. Although they are not clustered together in our tree (Figure 1), they contain the RWD/GI domain, which is characteristic of that subfamily. There are nine RBR subfamilies with animal members:
XAP3, Dorfin, RNF144, Ariadne, Triad3, ARA54, Paul, IBRDC1 and Parkin. All these families are present in humans, in which 14 bona fide genes and 2 likely pseudogenes have been detected. 15 of those 16 human genes were already described in detail elsewhere.39 We recently found an additional ARI2 pseudogene not included in that summary, that is located at 18q12.1.
In summary, it has become clear that the RBR family originated within the eukaryotic lineage before the split between bikonts and unikonts (Stechmann and
Cavalier-Smith 2003). So far, we have found RBR genes in five of the six major eukaryotic lineages (Simpson and Roger 2004), the exception being Rhizaria, for which sequence information is still limited. The combination of structural analyses with phylogenetic reconstruction based on RBR domain sequences allows the definition of 14
RBR subfamilies instead of the seven known so far. We have found that at least two of them, Ariadne and ARA54, originated very early in eukaryotes, also predating the
5 bikont/unikont split. This study also demonstrates that RBR fungal diversity is much higher than we described before,31 because the model yeasts S. cerevisiae and S. pombe considered in our previous study actually have a very limited number of RBRs compared with other fungi. However, plants, amoebozoa, or fungi still have relatively little diversity of RBR genes compared to animals. Interestingly, some plant species possess a great number of RBR genes (Mladek et al. 2003) but they belong to a few subfamilies and are structurally very similar.
Supplementary references
Afonso, C. L., Tulman, E. R., Lu, Z., Oma, E., Kutish, G. F. & Rock, D. L. (1999) The genome of Melanoplus sanguinipes Entomopoxvirus. J Virol. 73, 533-552.
Bapteste, E., Brinkmann, H., Lee, J. A., Moore, D. V., Sensen, C. W., Gordon, P.,
Duruflé, L., Gaasterland, T., Lopez, P., Müller, M. & Philippe, H. (2002) The analysis of
100 genes supports the grouping of three highly divergent amoebae: Dictyostelium,
Entamoeba, and Mastigamoeba. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 1414-1419.
Kumar, S., Tamura, K., Jakobsen, I. B. & Nei, M. (2001) MEGA2: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis software. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Mladek, C., Guger, K. & Hauser, M. T. (2003) Identification and characterization of the
ARIADNE gene family in Arabidopsis. A group of putative E3 ligases. Plant Physiol.
131, 27-40.
6 Nicholas, K. B. & Nicholas, Jr. H. B. (1997) GeneDoc: a tool for editing and annotating multiple sequence alignments. Distributed by the author
Salamov, A. A. & Solovyev, V. V. (2000) Ab initio gene finding in Drosophila genomic
DNA. Genome Res. 10, 516-22.
Simpson, A. G. & Roger, A.J. (2004) The real “kingdoms” of eukaryotes. Curr. Biol. 14,
Stechmann, A. & Cavalier-Smith, T. (2003) The root of the eukaryote tree pinpointed.
Curr. Biol. 13, R665-666.
Thompson, J. D., Gibson, T. J., Plewniak, F., Jeanmougin, F. & Higgins, D. G. (1997)
The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucl. Acids Res. 25, 4876-4882.
7 Supplementary figure legends
Supplementary Figure 1
Phylogeny of the RBR family. Bootstrap values determined by Neighbor-Joining (NJ) and Maximum Parsimony (MP) methods are shown when at least one of them is greater than 50% (order: NJ/MP). Condensed branches are named according to the corresponding subfamilies. A few exceptional sequences that cannot be definitely classified are indicated. The taxonomic range and the number of sequences found for each branch (in brackets) are also detailed.
Supplementary Figure 2
Phylogenetic relationships among genes of the Ariadne subfamily. The number of sequences included in the condensed branches is indicated (in brackets). Numbers refer to bootstrap values (NJ/MP).
Supplementary Figure 3
Phylogenetic tree for the ARA54 subfamily. Numbers, as in the previous figure, indicate bootstrap values (NJ/MP).
Supplementary Figure 4
This graph shows the close connection among ubiquitination domains present in RBR proteins and those involved in RNA binding or metabolism that are part of the same cluster according to the results shown in Figure 2. Color codes for nodes are the same used in that same figure.
8 Supplementary Figure 1
(animals, fungi, mycetozoa, plants, euglenozoa, apicomplexa) [111]
Oryza sativa (ARIADNE?) Entomopoxvirus (ARIADNE?) Dictyostelium discoideum (ARA54?) 99/94 RNF144 (animals) [12] 99/96 DORFIN (animals) [22]
Protozoan I (Entamoeba, Dictyostelium) [7] 99/99 XAP3 (animals) [16] 97/66 Caenorhabditis (unclassified) [4] 99/99 Plant I [5] 58/ - Fungal I [9]
59/ - Fungal II [24]
99/97 PAUL (animals) [9] 88/44 Neurospora crassa (unclassified) (2) 99/100 IBRDC1 (animals) [6] 94/66 PARKIN (animals) [7]
Plant II [39]
ARA54 (animals, fungi, plants) [44]
Entamoeba histolytica (ARA54?) Neurospora crassa (unclassified) 99/76 TRIAD3 (animals, fungi) [20]
0.2 9 Supplementary Figure 2
82/-- Amoebozoa [4] Paramecium tetraurelia (alveolata) Entomopoxvirus 100/99 98/99 Entamoeba histolytica (Amoebozoa, Plasmodium (alveolata) [3] entamoebidae) [2] 80/ 91/65 Euglenozoa (excavata) [3] -- 100/99 PARC (animals) [6]
100/99 71/ Arabidopsis thaliana (plant) [4] 61 55/90 plant group B [12]
Thalassiosira pseudonana (Stramenopiles) Dictyostelium discoideum (Amoebozoa, mycetozoa) Oryza sativa (plant) 100/99 ANKIB1 (animals) [4]
100/99 plant group A [8]
100/99 ARI2 (animals) [14]
80/79 Fungi, Ascomycota, Saccharomycotina [12]
52/-- Y. lipolytica (Fungi, Ascomycota, Saccharomycotina) S. pombe (Fungi, Ascomycota, Schizosaccharomycetes) 99/ 93/-- Fungi, Basidiomycota [4] 78
100/99 Fungi, Ascomycota, Pezizomycotina [6] 60/63 90/98 ARI1 (animals) [17]
10 Supplementary Figure 3
94/-- Homo sapiens RNF14/ARA54 100/100 Homo sapiens (pseudogene) 100/99 Mus musculus TRIAD2 99/92 Gallus gallus 90/-- Takifugu rubripes 51/-- Ambystoma mexicanum Ciona intestinalis 100/100 ANIMALS 100/100 Ciona savignyi 78/74 Ciona savignyi Apis mellifera 52/-- Takifugu rubripes 100/100 Caenorhabditis elegans F56D2.2 Caenorhabditis elegans F56D2.5 75/63 Oryza sativa 100/100 100/100 Oryza sativa Oryza sativa PLANTS 88/-- Arabidopsis thaliana F5D14.10 99/-- Medicago truncatula Coprinopsis cinerea 95/-- Ustilago maydis FUNGI: Cryptococcus neoformans BASIDIOMYCOTA 51/52 100/100 Saccharomyces 72/54 Naumovia castellii 68/55 Candida glabrata 100/99 Saccharomyces kluyveri Kluyveromyces waltii 99/70 Debaryomyces hansenii Candida albicans Yarrowia lipolytica FUNGI: Schizosaccharomyces pombe ASCOMYCOTA 100/99 Gibberella zeae 92/-- 100/100 Neurospora crassa Coccidioides posadasii 99/-- Aspergillus nidulans 100/98 Aspergillus fumigatus Dictyostelium discoideum Entamoeba histolytica AMOEBOZOA 0.2
11 Supplementary Figure 4