alliancepartnersare: for prioritiesmanufacturing revitalizing proposed by buildingdesigning, exportingand of qualityproducts and aroundservices the globe. The threetop career-readycitizens capable of joiningworkforce;the enablingand manufacturers once to again leadthe calls strategy for Renaissance:Four Goalsfor EconomicGrowth The public privateand sectors must come togetherto build onthe NAM study, ManufacturingNewinto Life Breathing organizationsare currently working better toward a future. as America a installment,whole. In this explore we various examplesof how and companies industry The partfirst of our focused four-partseries on challengesthe facing onlynot manufacturers,but North “Made North in America”isa as priority, andCanada, Mexico U.S.the are dependentall another.onone astoundingstatistics—explains manufacturingwhy isso critical to andeconomicgrowth, thatdetermines whitepaper—whichreferences President Obama’splan to revive industry,the well as as some recent, vital three of revitalizingaspects manufacturing, one North mostAmerica’s of critical sectors.The In February2012,Association the for Manufacturing (AME)released Excellence a whitepaper detailing North America. North industrypolicy-makers, associationstrade and operationsexecutives representing manufacturers across Toerican economy. date, AME has received that e recognizepolicy-makers importancethe of anindustry that hasbeen backbonethe ofNorth the Am and de, encouraging join developthem or to efforts focusing on local state creation.and job It isimperativ initiative,whereg” AME, along other with hasorganizations,been reaching toout policy-makers nationwi The ManufacturingAssociation for Excellence (AME) has been leading “Revitalizationthe of Manufacturin Northand Carolina.” Germany,” President said.Obamawant “I them taking placesroot in MichiganOhioandlike and Virginia states.other don’t “I generationwant next the of manufacturing jobs roottaking in Chinalike countries or abroad White at Houseconferencea wherewith hemet leadersof firms ininvesting President praisedObamacompanies that bringing are manufacturing jobs back to UnitedStatesthe from processes, to more leading competitivenessby putting people backto workbuilding atthings home. transform themselvesto compete more in knowledge-intensive and information-fueled innovative public policyfuture legislation.and Their goalshould be to helppublic schoolsystems companiesand revitalizationofmanufacturing the sector,and mustpolicy-makers considerthese elements shaping in prioritycontainsEach elements must that beconsidered in developingpublic policies that the support    Improvecompetitivenessglobal companies for productPromote processand asinnovation, well as developmentresearchand better Build a educated trainedand workforce Association Manufacturing Series:Excellence Whitepaper for puttingpeople, businessesschools, and governmentthe to work; producingliterate Breathing New Life into into ManufacturingLifeNew Breathing more than ,

torevitalize industrytheand National For Council AdvancedManufacturing 400 signatures of support state from federal and grow the grow economy. The AManufacturing SouthCarolina and its and and

Page1 train or train retrain workerswho ability thehave toadvanced workin manufacturing jobs,which ultimatelywill innovativeand ideas; reshoring(insourcing); and redeploying Training Within to(TWI) Industry programs readycitizens; establishing consortiums to help and sustain businesses throughgrow sharing technology forprioritiesthree revitalizing manufacturing engaging by in reforming public toeducation produce career- isjoining with AME corporateits members leadingother and learning organizationsto adopt top these to creation countlessthe newof jobs. through which collaborativethe sharingofpractices best make organizationsto competitivemore leadwill industryallsectors, and GovernorMcDonnell endorses “Revitalizationthe of Manufacturing”initiative, The Commonwealthrecognizes that drivesmanufacturing technology, andproductivity innovationacross utilizingand practices,best its can NNSgrow business. plansto with hire thousands of the workersin nextfive maintaining years. By a highlyworkforce skilled biggest customers,contemplates possiblecuts to ship orders,continuesNNSto move full-speed ahead practices,which accelerate journeytoits achieve operationalexcellence. as Even Navy, the ofone NNS’ the Over years, hasbenefitedNNS relationshipits from with by AME sharingand industryadopting best praised that company supportthe its offor revitalization the of manufacturing the within state. Secretaryof Commerceand Trade,Carrie Cantrell, presented letter from a GovernorRobertMcDonnell 2010.hasThecompany such been an advocatefor manufacturing that excellence Virginiathe Deputy GermaneSystems,for instance, was as aselected for tourAnnual site AME’s International Conference in companiesThese also to strive individually fostera manufacturingrobust environment within Virginia. participants supporting in initiatives byAME openingtheir doorsto share best practicesduringplant tours. year tour this include News Newport Shipbuilding(NNS) Germane and of whichSystems, both are active how showcase the Commonwealth’s business facilitates climate industry’sthe success.Highlightsof the example, For Virginia the EconomicDevelopment Partnership conducts advanced manufacturing tours to been activelyve engaged in manufacturingpromoting excellence. BC’s was stateVirginia firstthe to pledgesupport its for initiative,and AME’s is also statetopthe innamed CN challenges,keeping these two mind.challenges in accountability with improvementthrough processes. program Their continues to publicaddress school total almost oninputs focus outcomes,and and onnoprocesses;focus and two, linkisa there failure to arethere two fundamental forreasons longstagnationthe in public K-12education. there One, exists an system—including and state governments, federal highereducation privateand schools. Grayson,Jackson C. saidJr. hehas a butsimple difficult mission—to transform entiretheeducation to empower toschooldistricts improve and efficiency effectiveness. transformingeducation through process and performance management, benchmarking and practicesbest businessesto the enhance U.S. system. education APQChelpsschool withdomore districts by less program launchedwas 1996the in with of utilizingvision samethe strategies had that transformed public schoolschallenges,the American and Productivity QualityCenter’s Education (APQC) teachingstyles to helpstudentslearn the and basics engage activelythem in participating and learning. adopt andquickly skills.master Schools new collegesand need to providea curriculumrelevant and environment to and nurture studentssustain workerscapableand of new ways thinking and of tolearning for blueprint education Thepublicreform. education system needs to providea learninglifelong The ManufacturingInstitute’s Therenumberare of ongoinga initiatives by organizationsmanufacturing to helppublicreform education. Reforming Public Education manufacturing revitalize and Special Report: America’sReport:Special Top BusinessStates for 2011 Roadmapto Education for Reform Manufacturing

. . The Commonwealthand businessesits ha isa comprehensive Tohelpaddress the APQC APQC Chairman Grayson said North Star North

Page1 releasingnotoxic chemicals into water.eitherairor qualityhuman life greatlyreducingwhile of our consumption of energy virgin and and raw material, bea will there need for new way thinkinga calledof “compression”—learning how to continueimproving organizationalmodel. needThey will toto deal learn how economicand with survivability,ecological and In future,the consortiummembers needwill to become more become andcompetitive reapbenefitsthe of learning about new technology innovativeand ideas. academicinstitutions, government agencies,laborand and learningorganizations canband togetherto regulationsinfrastructureand for growinghaving or access to needed Localcompanies,resources. Consortium participatemembers in resolving problems the suchas of alack workforce, trained itself.” cluster and growth; stimulating third, by offormationthe new businesses, expand andwhich strengthen the area;the in second, by the driving directionand ofpace innovation, underpins futurewhich productivity “clusters”affect competition broadthree byin ways: increasing “First, productivitythe companies of based intomanufacturing. Business Harvard School Michael professor Porter thesesuggests that industry Consortiums,aor grouplike-minded individualsof samethe with mission, canhelpto breathe new life Consortiums the become manufacturing world’s leading powerhouse. ultimately studentsallallows become to educated,the workersneededskilled North for America to NationAct.the(LEARN) Act benefits all The LEARN studentswho forare failure, andrisk literacy In particular, IDA supports developed newly the Literacy forEducation Results All, for abilitieswriting and that are central to andan education individualsallow to in be successful today’s organization,One Internationalthe Dyslexia Association helps(IDA),studentsdevelop reading, language advancemanufacturing. knowledgeofsame the technology,science, engineering and needed math skills for jobs or collegein ManufacturingPathway Map encourages studentsto considera career manufacturing, in and helpprepare using them,by the Anotherprogram, Manufacturing competitiveness,and overall organizations.success of their valuable resourcesto helpthem stay abreast of current industrydevelopments, improveand skills,the new improvementcontinuous and strategies offers aAME members its multitude of industry-leadingtours,and conferences, members AME are discovering continually implementingand company-to-company shared-learningexperience. engaging Through workshops, seminars plant and trusted a network of volunteers who are committedto leveraging practitioner-to-practitionerthe and to journeyofthe continuous improvement and excellence.enterprise membership AME’s iscomposed of The ManufacturingAssociation for Excellence (AME) premieris thenot-for-profit organization dedicated Associationthe Excellence About forManufacturing Trainingand Within efforts. Industry Look this for installment in mid-May. andcompanies industryorganizations working are towarda better future—specifically,through reshoring month, Next as part of continuingwhitepaperAME’s we exploremoreseries, will examples of how practices,assist in members accelerating their collective and learning help launch consortiums. new Every learning. year, AME bring consortiumsacrossfrom North American togetherto sharebest ExcellenceBusiness Consortium organizationsplans deploy to at least10 more 2012. AMEin also has alliancepartners, thelike Kentucky/CincinnatiConsortiumbuilding firstisthe block ofAME the Consortiaandnetwork, the isa leadingAME supporter of developinganindustry network of

.” For moreFor information, visit CareerPathways . Career . Pathways providescareer readiness and skills advancedmore , whosemission , is to businessachieve excellence through shared , , proven is a toway reachout to public This schools. program # # # # vigorous enterpriseslearning or email Join AME leading in “ the consortiums [email protected] . AME . Northern . and embrace a new Revitalization ofRevitalization Virginia

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