Dirofstudorg1944 1945.Pdf

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Dirofstudorg1944 1945.Pdf *-; • • ,... \.e. ,.. .-- -;I. • , e. ..' " f OFFICE OF TI~'DEAN OF STUDENTS Stuaent Activities Bureau List of organizations, 1944-45 President or Comment & Name of organization Contaot'Per~on Adviser Desoription P.O. Phone Univ. Add. & Phone GOVERUIljG .130ARDS .AND COUNCILS Agric.' Student Council Jeannette Grant Henry Schmitz, Dean,Col1ege Agric. student UF887 Ne.1957 Agric., Forestry, and Home. government Eoonomics,frof. and Chief Div. of Forestty.-202Ad(UF) Ne 4616 ' AH.;.U Council Jes.n D~naher TheronA.Johnson, Director, Student .6~8 G1.72e5 Student AotiV1tiesBureau government , 213 Adm.--777 ··AlphaPhi·:chf; ·Vi. :rr. Siriith, lritermura1 Academic frat. ! i'. .... D1t.ector, ·Assoc. Prof. athletic counoil ·PhY~. Education~-203CH 791' Architeot\ital Student "Roger P~t·c.h .' R~' C. Cern~Y:·Ass'~.: Prof. All stu.cler;l.ts in . Council:' . .' :3450 ·'At. ?Z5'1" At'chitecture';'':E' 315--314 school of arch. • . ~. ~ '. • .. ~. I• Arts College Inter-. M:yra; Mersky '1;'. R. McConnell, Dean and Faculty-stl,1dent medfaryBoard ." t., '79'06 C11.2056 .. ':Prdf. SLA~-219~dm.-·-121 '. academic .pr.oolems board .. : :As&ooiate'd Yiomen ;" . ,. :Kf.i·9~ ,Markkud 'Barbara dahe,' J.sst. Dir't· J\ll University Students 5660 Gl.7653 student Activities Bureau tomen 213 .b.dm.--777 ! . ~ .. ;·l.ttsOOia~(Jd·:.W••ri' . Ann' Tho~i>,Jn': '. E'thel Gorham~:inst. Textiles j~ll Agrfc. Students--Agrlc.' . tJFl021 ·)tl'.:e4.5~. ,: and,' Glothing'.:-m: 302--Ne. women , "4616' Bd. l1f Publ-ications '-Betty CUdwor'th : E ~G.': l,illiamson, Dean of Suporvision of 3003 'V~h.1358 ' .. St,'-1,dents and Prof. of Go pher, De.ily, ..... :Psychology--213 Adm.--628 Ski-U..Me.h Coms'to'ok; Hall' .. Eldena Eiler's 1h~ Hag~#ah~~C~in.Fellow Dormitory g~vern­ Govt .,Assn.·' '.' .:'7932 l.13: ~al':71 .: ComS tock-:'Ma.til77 . ing group Ev:e.h'ing'· Stude-fit . 'Le'ona i'o......ne ". .Wa t~6n Di,9,)p~rInan, .P~.ogram Studentl, in Associat-ioll . 3353"15 AVe.S. D1:re9tor,' General B:icten. extension' Hopkins 7671' Division--409 Adm.--244 division Interfraternity Murray Butts. J~m3S Borr.3s·on, I~dml~. Each~c13.pemic 'Council .. 3143 Gl.l63S· Fellow,. Student Activities fraternity re­ Bureau,' 2l:3'1~drn~-'';'777 presented Int~rpror~ssional " Dona Simpson .. i3a~bara. Cl1itk', I\sst•.Dir. Inter-professioml . Sorority'Council . 3259 Ne'~5875" . StUdent J.ctlvit1es Bureau soror~ty group , 2i3"1.dm.--777 • C_?C a.,s • w• • • - 2 ~ Law School Counoil Everett F.r,as~r, ])eap, Law All students SChool.-~L~04.-623 . in' law ~cdical Technology Verna 'Rausch Lucil1eJ. noila.nd, lnst. Students in Council 3130 Hy.5995 ~edical Techno10gy~-E~~ !.1odical 408H--llia.3177-.Rospita1 Technology Meredith Hall Self­ Virginia. ROse 'Laura Matson, lnst. ~nd Dormitory Govornment Jissn. Bacon , Prcceptress--IieNJdith governing grOUp 1054 Ne.1957 Hn.l1--No .1957 l~urs J s Student Govt. 'Nancy \'~ay Phoebe Gordon, Asst.Prof. School of J.ssociation Powell Hall Nursing--MH 118--187 Nursing Ma.8177· Panhollenic ~ssn. Dorothy McNo~ll Barbare. C1o.rk, ~"sst. Dir. Each acadomic 8245 Gl.7921' Student Activitios Bureau sorority ro­ 213 Adm.--777 prosentod Pi Phi Chi Yim. LI. lIe.. tson Yi. R. Smith, Intra.mural Intor-profossioaU 5840 El.4875 'Director, ;.ssoc. Prof. fraternity co~l Phys. Education--203 CH 791. Sanford Ha.ll \ CaroJ. Holm 1~roo1la Vig, T~~h. Lsst. Dorntitory G6v~rning Counci~ .. 11 7 .1,:0. .8177 'Neuropsychin~ry~-S~nford governing. H..'\ll--Ma. .; 8177 group Student·y,t'lr 'Efforts' 'Lila ~ia~.' : 'T.·Johnson, B. Clc..rk, Dir. Studont war Coordinuting Council" j;.rufc'r-sorr·· ..... ~.sst. Director, Stud'ont offort coor­ 5854 Lo.2477 ~otiviti9s Buru~~--213 tdm. dine.ting council 17? .. 0" Stud~nt Council of Eargctrot' j.nn .. ··:'j.Bonjamin Schmoker, Exec. Coordinnting Roligions .Poterson Soc •. Uni v.YMel\. und Coardin. c4~puS roligious 770201.1339':' ator o~ ro'figious work--YMCA group.' .' ~ ... tjl.. 1013" Technicnl Commission SDJnuel C,~.Lind, Dean, St~dentsin Ins·titutoof Technology Institute of 145 C--587 . , Tochnology ~-.' ~ , . Tochnolog Bop,rd !furry Bronner H. C. Hichc.rdson, .Asst. Supervision of 4<t62 Ch.2811 .P'r~f. EngliEih--l08~~-275 Technolog /;"",<. Union lourd of Joy Nisson G.Rny Higgins., D:iroctor, Union progre.m Govsr"nors ~263' 13r .7220 l!i~esotc:. Union-...105 CLW 'planning " ~'i21~ < ~ ',~ Union Board of GlariD Tran- Doris Ch~p~n Agr:1.c·.Yrlipn .. Govornors--Agric. tano'!!'::f .' UF~-Ne.378Q Pr:ogram ~p,~~ing { "i .; . UfiOZ7Em.4J79'· " .. <.'~ .- U. Farm Christian Evolyn ~r1?-Q ,,1t?~~rt L.'l.n,sing, I.,s.soc. ,. Coordinflte.~· Council' ...' . ·UF119S ':l~:. 3186 Prof• Chicf Rhatorio--UF roltg~oqs groups ,';..;Wc'a6l6 , .. "'d'~,!:~fij. ~~~"""""""'Y--,'-, ~'f'f'Y--,17::~i{~?i\::~':>'~~-T , .. , .',', . -...\5 .. Women's Athlotio , Elaine''t!joset·: I;;lbo, do Bower, lnst. Woman's ·e.thletio Association GY~9 Du.4S24 Physic~1 Education 159--Norris--880 \ Ed itOJ" , Bus. Iv:c.nngor L.dvisor Gophor , ~eg Enp1csdon Cnrol Ringstrom Frod L. Kildow , 6741 ·Mn.8117 7224 Em~8812 lisst. Prof. :. J ourne.1ism, 106 MR--8S8 Gopher Poavy--Ag. Robort Boobe Donald Piorco/ Edward G.Choyney, UF813 ~:i. 3826 Prof. Forestry Noryttin Sorgo GR HOH (UF) UF1251 'To.3657 Henry'Rottschae­ fJr, Prof. Law, 26~ L--622 .. :.".:" •. :.. t :'." :"'''1 ': ", Minnoc6n" "::;Norrtl:il. !NeTson' :Maf!;c.ret Mo.ll3.nd ·Eva Dond1sCin, Comstook' '''':938 "'Dr. 4945,:, i~s soc. i?rar. 953 Nutrition-~315HE -Edi th lIed';! ... : ...:..; 'No .46:1;6 , ... ~ • . 1,:. SanderSon " /' 991 PD.•3429 j ", ' Minnosotri.-:Dc.ily Gerry Sohle,' Eldridgo': Drdhe.tt So.rno as Gopher 6630 Gl.2470 ;'831-8 Gl.5941 !I5.try· Bro·nner Ravmond Tarleton !I~' C. RichriI"c;1son 446'2' Ch.2611 \3i32 Gn .3613· As 5t'. -frof. ,Eng. E 108--275 .':' , Ski-U-?Lc.h .. ·Sute.hM Si:tylo" JdtLnno·'Cl"f'hs.n S:oxmons GO'Ph~r 8849 Gl.1949 7812 Gl,138l ".! t .' ENTERffi ISES Description ; John'l'o.ylorTheron ;,~: Johnsim" Dir. HanaleI;; fina.ncbl UFi1l2' No.3t96 . Studont .i1.6tivitios :Buronu drives on campus . j.dm~213--777 RELIGtOUS t:.~"D' SOCIJiL SERVICE: '.. ' '.. I '-"- Cnntorpury .?lub Ruth Barker Rov. L. Ch.rko Episoop/:'.1 student '~158, V,h.171'3 . ell so 6th group' , ~ . \ '(j1'.1622 Cntho11c Students Luoille Fr0d L. Kr~ntz, ?rof, .'.g. cCtmpus 'eonf'ratc'i-h:tty' :;. , 'FitZsimncms', fiorti~ultUN--UF--ML 9218 69,tholic Group 8140 Ne'..3136' : , Christien Modie~l' H. O. Hal:vorson, Pro!'. ­ Media ;studont8 .c Soottty • " "". a..t..l..,.... ~5••-550 ,';'elitl0.tn~up ;.:.... N&.8230 " :.~; ." '. Christian Scionco Co.millf'~ BC'.llou Venning P. Hollis Christian Organiza.tion 7493 Em.4030 . UE'.nnger Photogruphio Sci13~~o;:~;~JJ.. .' _.~~ . ". LAb, OD 106 (UF)-"Ne;.461.6 ... ~_ ... " .. ,;.~".",- ......... ,. .. ./ "... ~"" Do I to. ICo. Ptxl Phi Richr'.rd Lundqui-st. Ho'V. Carl Lund"'Quist Luthortln 2612 10.3866 1425 Univ. J;.ve.--Br.2889 fratornity Frionds Student F'cUo,,"rship. i.nn So..gl;Q.u Rov. Rudolph Norden Luthoran 6752 Comstock 327 so 14--Ge.7582 students Hillel Foundation. Sa.re.. Stoirunr,n Rr.bbi .... E. Idllgru!n J01'iish st.udents 7·g8 Hy. 3981 1507 Univ. sc--Gl.l185 Intor-Vn.rsity V. Elving j~der~ Eliza.beth Carlson, Asst. Evangelical Christian Followship son PFof. 1,..o.thom&tios--121F studonts :,'.;" Lengue. 7688 Gl.3742 , . ,..-2·32·-Du~8871 Kappn K~ppa~bda It.orrilyn Ol'aon Gina o~ V.f.ngsness, Inst. Luthere.n 3134 G1.3297 . GormRn-208F--473 s01'orlty Kappf;>, Phi Mc..rgaret Mnrcoll Norma ~hlquist Mothodist '1336 Hy. 66·3 l1 ',i309' £1 Hot~~vo ~ .... sorority .10.296.4, . Ll,lthoT!ln GtuQQnts. Peggy Oliver Rev. C~rl Lund....Quist Luthornn studonts • .il.ssQo1atiQll' 7844 Gl.1.869 IdZ5 Uni~.~-Br.26a9 LuthQrnn Studonts Julin Pottvr Rev. A. G. Lowis Luth6ran students J..s socin.1'.1i on.......1.f;. UF'1142 N'J. 3786.2246 'Luthor ?h-Mi".0.304 <:". ':, Ne~~n Founao.tion Barbara Bongston Fnthor L. Forroy Catholic students Guild 6981 Lo.6704 6~9.:.._qC.~~.~t.!.. G~.~17~ .. .. ~ -.__ .... -_.. ~ .' .'~ .... .. Northrop Club Connio Gillio. ~It:l.r:y L11013 Beck- Congruga.tionnl .4335 IGh227.5 . 5 St •. 8th .I.v.e.· se • studonts "G~-~2910 . Phi Chi D:'llta. ·i.iloonS. Burr 5766 Comstock Red Cross Suporvisors Butty Jano .,.Elizab0t-h .St\dloy~;'606 Surgical Club Sh!'.ughncssy 11th.i~vo. so--Ol ~ 7200 dro s sings un!t 3176 Em. 9585 j",.' , • ~•._~ .••-'or ..~:i _. -, ,!;IQ\Ire,r.(i .408$01\ ·'''.Rlt;v,•.: GeoTgQ Fe;ttf1I"--71S' 10th Baptiet :s-trti~8 8561 01. 2525 Ave. so......G1.2:3.94 ~?~;;~tt~f ,;~~,r: .. , ,"ij';-':i'-"i; .N._ ","i'.""",/"":~,.' ~,'/~ ~/:r;/·;}'· \ ~~~~. Vfeh:3yFound~tlon . Phyllis R~dford .~ov. Virgil Kr~ft--616 Methodist Coul1cHi ".. '57'27 'Cc .2592 ·l1th Avo .--Gl.2863 students Yioslo~r Founda.tion Marilyn Nopor Alice Stout--Ne.0212 lbthodist Couilcil--j~~ 957 }Jo.3786 s tud0l?-ts--ag •. • .•... !. ~GstminstQr Founda.tion Bovorly pa.vios Ja.mes Boren--826 Dolnwa.ro Presbytorinn Studon-tCouneil, ' 3·978·:1a.2992. 80.--Gl.2894--Gl.7769 studon,ts JoM;Christ1t',ll... J •. Bcnjamin Schmo),{pr, Bxoc. Eon's roligious son Sec. Univ. Y!.iCA& Coor. of .• 6365 l.a~ 92,19' Ho lidous •\;ork--Yl.:CA-';'125 -- ,". > • ,-.',' .. y .kr.C .~•• --;.gric. B.ruce fhrding Dnvid Belgum--Bxoc. Soc. Eon' 5 roligious . , .. UF8B7. 'No. 3196 UF-'Yl4Cl~--Adm,.I11~,. UF j.gric. cr.mpus " ..... lkncy RJid Dorothy '"hiting, Exoc. Soc. ~iomcn' s religious 7400 Comstock YI'.Cl:.--C1:!U--5M--Du.5666 4' .. Y.Y••C•.A:.--J.gric. Svcac.....F'J·r.;n l.:l:'.rion Ho.gun, l!;x0 c·.. ·So c • V;om:Jn's .rJlicious UF857 Dr.
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