Early Action for Success Phase 2 (2017-2020) Frequently Asked Q Uestions (FAQ)

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Early Action for Success Phase 2 (2017-2020) Frequently Asked Q Uestions (FAQ)

Early Action for Success – Phase 2 (2017-2020) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Helping students get on track in literacy and numeracy in the early years of school through the NSW Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 2017-2020

OVERVIEW OF STRATEGY enrolments. Schools will also be supported by 20 Deputy Principal, Instructional Leadership, 1. What is Early Action for Success Phase 2? Literacy and Numeracy Trainers. Early Action for Success (EAfS) Phase 2, is the Department’s implementation of the NSW 5. What are schools required to do? Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 2017-2020.  Demonstrate within the 2017-2020 School EAfS Phase 2 aims to improve students’ Plan and Annual School Reports how performance through targeted support for student needs, Kindergarten to Year 2, are primary schools in the lowest quartile of being addressed and literacy and numeracy NAPLAN performance in literacy and targets met, through the use of diagnostic numeracy. assessment, differentiated teaching and targeted interventions. 2. What is the focus of Early Action for  Starting with the Best Start Kindergarten Success Phase 2? Assessment, monitor and track K-2 student There are four key features of EAfS Phase 2 progress at 5 weekly intervals, against the supporting Kindergarten to Year 2 literacy and Literacy and Numeracy Continuums/ numeracy: Progressions.  Instructional leadership  Maintain K-3 student literacy and numeracy  Diagnostic assessment achievement data as well as any data  Differentiated teaching required for the purposes of evaluation.  Targeted interventions  Participate in the external evaluation of EAfS Phase 2. 3. How were schools identified for participation in Early Action for Success  Maintain accurate financial records of funds Phase 2, 2017-2020? expended. Schools were identified as eligible using a determined methodology which included the 6. Will schools be expected to develop an following criteria: implementation plan?  Schools performance data with the highest Schools will not be expected to develop a proportion of students in the bottom two separate plan. They will need to identify the performance bands in NAPLAN. actions they will take to address the  The degree of disadvantage of the schools, requirements to meet their targets for improving as reflected in the Family Occupation and students’ literacy and numeracy performance Employment Index (FOEI) values. and ensure this is incorporated in their School  Participation in Early Action for Success Plan. Directors, Public Schools NSW, will Phase 1. endorse the processes associated with developing the School Plan, including literacy and numeracy targets, actions to be taken and budgets. IMPLEMENTATION

4. What extra support will my school receive 7. Who decides what interventions will be put through our participation in Early Action for in place? Success Phase 2, 2017-2020? Assistant and Deputy Principals, Instructional From 2017, 22 Assistant Principals and 366 Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy will, with Deputy Principals, Instructional Leadership, the school’s principal and teachers, lead local Literacy and Numeracy, will support 531 decision making regarding the choice of literacy schools to drive improvement in literacy and and numeracy intervention strategies based on numeracy. The Instructional Leadership the analysis of student learning needs. positions will be allocated to schools commensurate with average K-2 student Targeted strategies will support:

NSW Department of Education | Early Action for Success Phase 2 - Frequently Asked Questions www.dec.nsw.gov.au 1 Schools – Rural and Remote, will report to the  Personalised learning delivered through EAfS Phase 2 principal of their base school, as classroom teaching. determined by the Director, Public Schools  Small group interventions by a class NSW, of the relevant Principal Network. teacher and support staff.  Intensive, personalised assessment and 14. How will the Assistant Principal/Deputy intervention for students with more complex Principal, Instructional Leadership, Literacy literacy/numeracy needs. and Numeracy be selected?

8. Who will fund tiered interventions and 309 Early Action for Success Phase 1 professional learning to support the schools implementation of Early Action for Success Based on the needs of each school, principals Phase 2, 2017-2020? of the 309 EAFS Phase 1 schools will have two As a form of co-contribution, schools will be options to recruit Instructional Leadership required to fund teacher professional learning positions. and meet costs associated with the 1. Internal school Expression of Interest, implementation of programs, initiatives and inclusive of the current instructional leader interventions identified to support student 2. External Expression of Interest. learning. Schools which will commence in the Early 9. Can we focus on either literacy or Action for Success strategy for the first time numeracy? in 2017 Schools will be required to respond to and Schools new to EAFS in 2017 will be required report on both literacy and numeracy in EAfS to complete an External Expression of Interest. Phase 2. Deputy Principal, Instructional Leadership, 10. How will schools report on their progress in Literacy and Numeracy Trainer positions improving literacy and numeracy? Deputy Principal, Instructional Leadership, Schools will be report on their progress in their Literacy and Numeracy Trainer positions will be Annual School Report. recruited by Early Learning and Primary Education Directorate through an Expression of 11. How will schools monitor progress? Interest. The Literacy and Numeracy Continuums will be used as tools for reporting student progress, General Information Kindergarten to Year 2, every 5 weeks and All Instructional Leadership positions will be submitted to the state coordinating team at the temporary appointments for up to three years, end of every term. with the possibility of an extension.

Kindergarten to Year 3 literacy and numeracy Details regarding panel requirements, achievement data will need to be maintained recruitment processes, timelines and methods and made available to the state coordinating for advertising positions will be communicated team and Directors, Public School NSW, when to principals in Term 4 2016. required for the purpose of evaluation. 15. My school received an allocation of more than 1.0 FTE Deputy Principal, Instructional INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy. Do we need to recruit for all the allocation? Yes. Phase 1 schools may choose to use either 12. What is the role of Assistant or both processes for recruitment. Phase 2 Principal/Deputy Principal, Instructional must recruit through external Expression of Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy? Interest. The role is to build student and teacher capacity in both literacy and numeracy, by providing high 16. For how long will the Instructional quality differentiated professional learning and Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy direct literacy and numeracy support, within a positions be held? school or group of schools. All Instructional Leadership positions will be temporary appointments for up to three years, 13. Who will the Assistant Principal/Deputy with the possibility of an extension. Principal, Instructional Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy report to? 17. I am currently employed as an Instructional Assistant Principals/Deputy Principals, Leader. Do I need to apply for my position? Instructional Leadership, Literacy and Current Instructional Leaders may apply for Numeracy, will report to their EAfS Phase 2 Assistant Principal/Deputy Principal, principal. The Assistant Principals, Instructional Instructional Leadership, Literacy and Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy for Small Numeracy or Deputy Principal, Instructional

NSW Department of Education | Early Action for Success Phase 2 - Frequently Asked Questions www.dec.nsw.gov.au 2 Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy Trainer 20. What will be the criteria for selection for positions. the Deputy Principal, Instructional Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy 18. What will be the criteria for selection for the Trainers? Assistant Principal, Instructional  Demonstrated effective high-quality Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy? teaching in literacy and numeracy  Proven successful experience in acquisition and deep understanding of instructional leadership that has improved current research in effective instructional learning outcomes for K-2 students in leadership. literacy and numeracy.  Proven successful experience in leading  Demonstrated knowledge of, and experience the improvement of learning outcomes in in, implementing successful change literacy and numeracy for students in the processes that has resulted in improved early years of schooling. learning outcomes for K-2 students.  Demonstrated experience in the provision  Demonstrated deep understanding of current of high-quality, differentiated, professional research in effective instructional leadership learning, including implementation of the and effective high quality teaching in early Department’s early years professional literacy and numeracy. learning programs that has enhanced  Demonstrated experience in the provision of teacher capacity in improving literacy and high quality differentiated professional numeracy outcomes for students in the learning that has enhanced teacher capacity early years of schooling. in improving literacy and numeracy  Demonstrated capacity to work alongside outcomes for K-2 students. teachers to both model and support  Demonstrated capacity to work alongside teaching and assessment skills in literacy teachers to both model and improve and numeracy in the early years of teaching and assessment skills in early schooling. literacy and numeracy.  Outstanding communication skills with the  Outstanding communication skills with the demonstrated capacity to liaise with a range demonstrated capacity to contribute to of stakeholders and work collaboratively building and strengthening a collaborative within and across teams. learning culture in a school. 21. When does the recruitment process need to 19. What will be the criteria for selection for the be completed? Deputy Principal, Instructional Leadership, The recruitment process needs to be completed Literacy and Numeracy? during Term 4, 2016 to ensure Assistant  Proven successful experience in Principals and Deputy Principals, Instructional instructional leadership that has improved Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy and Deputy learning outcomes for K-2 students in Principals, Instructional Leadership, Literacy literacy and numeracy. and Numeracy Trainers enter on duty for the  Demonstrated knowledge of, and experience beginning of the 2017 school year. in, implementing successful change processes that has resulted in improved 22. Who does the recruitment panel convenor learning outcomes for K-2 students. notify regarding the outcome of the  Demonstrated deep understanding of current recruitment process research in effective instructional leadership Successful applicants’ acceptances of offer are and effective high quality teaching in early to be forwarded to the Manager, School Staffing literacy and numeracy. and the Leader, Literacy and Numeracy.  Demonstrated experience in the provision of Further details about documentation associated high quality differentiated professional with recruitment process will be communicated learning that has enhanced teacher capacity in Term 4. in improving literacy and numeracy outcomes for K-2 students.  Demonstrated capacity to work alongside teachers to both model and improve teaching and assessment skills in early literacy and numeracy.  Outstanding communication skills with the demonstrated capacity to contribute to building and strengthening a collaborative learning culture in a school.  Demonstrated ability to build staff capacity to lead literacy and numeracy teaching and learning.

NSW Department of Education | Early Action for Success Phase 2 - Frequently Asked Questions www.dec.nsw.gov.au 3 23. Will there be recruitment guidelines to 30. Where will the Department find the extra support the recruitment panel? Instructional Leaders from? Guidelines, including template forms, will be There will be a series of information sessions forwarded to principals and Directors, Public for perspective Instructional Leaders held Schools NSW, at the beginning of Term 4. across the state early term 4. Principals will be Advice will be emailed to the school email recruiting Instructional leadership positions account. during term 4.

24. Will there be an Induction Program for successful applicants? SELF FUNDING SCHOOLS Following recruitment of Assistant Principals and Deputy Principals, Instructional Leadership, Literacy and Numeracy, an induction program 31. My school was not identified to participate will be conducted to ensure the successful in Early Action for Success Phase 2, 2017- applicants are briefed and supported in their 2020. Can we self-fund? new role. The induction program will be Schools will have the option to self-fund and facilitated by State Office Early Learning and participate in the implementation of Early Action Primary Education. for Success Phase 2, 2017-2020. A methodology will be developed, in conjunction 25. I received an allocation of less than 1.0 FTE with key stakeholders, to determine criteria for Deputy Principal, Instructional Leadership, the selection of self-funded schools. If selected, Literacy and Numeracy. Can I add to this schools will be responsible for and requested position by self-funding from my Resource to: Allocation Model (RAM) funds? Principals can utilise their own school funds to  Demonstrate within the 2017-2020 School supplement their 2017-2020 FTE Instructional Plan and Annual School Reports how Leadership position allocation. student needs, Kindergarten to Year 2, are being addressed and literacy and numeracy 26. Am I able to convert the allocated targets met, through the use of diagnostic Instructional Leadership position to a assessment, differentiated teaching and classroom teacher or SLSO positions? targeted interventions. As part of the Department’s agreement to  Starting with the Best Start Kindergarten implement the NSW Literacy and Numeracy Assessment, monitor and track K-2 student strategy 2017-2020, the allocated Instructional progress at 5 weekly intervals, against the Leadership positions cannot be converted to Literacy and Numeracy Continuums/ another position or role within a school. Learning Progressions.  Maintain K-3 student literacy and numeracy 27. Am I able to use the allocated Instructional achievement data as well as any data Leadership position in another role within required for the purposes of evaluation. the school?  Participate in the external evaluation of EAfS As part of the Department’s agreement to Phase 2. implement the NSW Literacy and Numeracy Maintain accurate financial records of funds strategy 2017-2020, the allocated Instructional  Leadership positions must be used specifically expended. for the role as described.

28. How many Instructional Leadership For more information positions will the Department need for the new schools starting in 2017? Jason Miezis, Director, Early Learning and From 2017, 408 Instructional Leadership Primary Education Phone: (02) 9244 5080 positions will be allocated to 531 participating schools. This is an increase of 183 Instructional Leadership positions. Janice Farmer Hailey, Leader Literacy

29. What about the Instructional Leaders in Phone: (02) 9266 8088 public schools now? Will they be continued? Current Instructional Leaders may express http://www.dec.nsw.gov.au/about-the- interest and apply for Instructional Leadership department/our-reforms/early-action-for- positions starting in January 2017. success

NSW Department of Education | Early Action for Success Phase 2 - Frequently Asked Questions www.dec.nsw.gov.au 4

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