Vol. MMII Editor: Lloyd Johnson Issue: November/December

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Vol. MMII Editor: Lloyd Johnson Issue: November/December

Vol. MMII Editor: Lloyd Johnson Issue: November/December

Black’s Beach Bares Newsletter Black’s Beach Bares PO Box 12255 La Jolla, CA 92039 The Beach in General: The first week of October was sunny and the tides a few days before and after are warm, but most of the month has been comparably high. gloomy. There has been rain at the beach, but it caused no discernable damage to the Flags and T-shirts: beach or the trail. The beach has not yet Two flags have been made with the new suffered the seasonal loss of sand. Beach logo and will now fly at the beach in place users have dropped to dozens on weekdays of the old seagull flag. and about a hundred on weekends. Imagined T-shirt designs are becoming With the return to standard time and the prototypes and there will soon be a way to shorter daylight hours, the better beach order your own. There is currently an order hours are 9am – 4pm. Lifeguards are also for pocket-sized embroidery on bright spending less time on the beach. Lately they yellow T-shirts. Under the logo, it simply are only occupying their station at Indian says “http://blacksbeach.org” All T-shirt Canyon on weekends. They have also been designs include the new logo on a bright seen practicing cliff rescues. yellow shirt with text underneath. The desired text underneath is the question. I Spring Tide: have made prototypes with the text, “Life is Spring tide is a condition of very high and Black’s Beach.” Other requested text very low tides in the same 24 hours. With includes simply, “Black’s Beach, San our highest tides in the morning and the Diego.” I would be interested to hear which seasonal loss of sand, there will be little dry of these phrases interest potential buyers, or beach for our use. You may want to bring a what phrase you would like to see on your chair just to keep dry and away from the T-shirt. cliff. low high Gliderport News: Nov 4 full -1.2 7.3 8:17am Remote controlled gliders have returned to Nov 19 new -0.3 6.3 8:13am the skies above Black’s Beach, as of

Dec 4 full -1.8 7.6 8:31am October 11. I spoke to Dave Jebb about Dec 19 new -0.8 6.6 8:19am Jan 3 full -1.5 6.8 8:59am this. He tells me that only the senior pilots Jan 18 new -1.3 6.5 8:40am will be flying the really big gliders and there will be safety checks before takeoff. There Sometimes the highest tides occur in the is not necessarily outside identification, but evening and sometimes in the morning, but on-board identification has always been keep in mind that there is a comparable high required. tide about twelve hours earlier or later. Also Beach etiquette is now in Spanish.

http://blacksbeach.org [email protected] Vol. MMII Editor: Lloyd Johnson Issue: November/December

Nude Beach Etiquette place under the sun. The beach you save Nude beach etiquette is a set of standards, could be your own. often left unspoken. It leaves offenders Etiqueta de Playa Nudista without the excuse of ignorance. Etiquette Etiqueta de playa nudista es un estandard de informs newcomers what to expect and that comportamiento, frequentemente dejado sin they are not alone. Nobody should feel that decir. Deja a los ofensores sin el pretexto de they are facing rude people alone. If you ignorancia. La etiqueta informa a la gente want to think of it in terms of rules, there are nueva que esperar, y que no estan solos. only three. Nadie debe sentir que tienes que afrontar a los majaderos solo. Si quieres pensar en 1) Respect the boundaries. The beach you terminos de reglas, solamente hay tres. save may be your own. Don’t go out of established nude 1) Respeta las fronteras. La playa que areas. To wander nude into clothing salvas puede ser la tuya. compulsive territory may offend many, and No salgas de las areas establicidas puts the whole beach at risk. No overt como nudistas. Caminar desnudo en sexual activity. Nude is not lewd, but territorio de ropa obligatoria puedes ofender combined with sex, it undermines our image a muchos y ariesgar todo. and could cost us our freedom and No actividad abiertamente sexual. enjoyment of the beach. Estar desnudo no es vulgar, pero combinado con sexo, da una mala impresión de nosotros 2) Respect the people. y nos puede costar la libertad de la playa. Do not photograph people without their permission. It is common courtesy to 2) Respeta la gente. ask first. Not everyone wants to end up in a No saques fotos de la gente sin su stranger's photo album. Never photograph permiso Es una cortesía común preguntar any children but your own. primero. No todos quieren estar en el album Respect the privacy of others. If de un extraño. Nunca saques fotos de niños there is a lot of room, then give people a si no son los tuyos. respectable distance. Recognize when you Respeta la privacia. Si hay espacio are unwelcome. amplio, entonces dale a la gente una distancia respetable. Reconoce cuando no 3) Respect the beach. eres bienvenido. Pack it in, pack it out. There is no trash collection at Black’s Beach. If you 3) Respeta la playa. carried it down, you must carry it back up. La trajiste, llévatela también. No It is recommended that you pack out a little hay recolección de basura en Black’s Beach. more than you packed in. Not everyone Si la bajaste, tienes que subirla. Se packs theirs out and much trash washes up recomienda que subas un poco más que la from other beaches. que trajiste. Algunos la tiran aquí y la marea trae basura desde otras playas. Speak up for our standards. If a person seems unaware of beach etiquette, explain it No te quedes callado. Si alguien parece no kindly and plainly. Give them a copy of conocer la etiqueta, explícala calmadamente "Nude Beach Etiquette". Don't let uncouth y claramente. Dale una copia de "Etiqueta individuals ruin our fragile and beautiful de Playa Nudista". No permitas que poca http://blacksbeach.org [email protected] Vol. MMII Editor: Lloyd Johnson Issue: November/December gente arruinen nuestro fragil y bello lugar bajo el sol. La playa que se salva puede ser esta.

http://blacksbeach.org [email protected]

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