Official Newsletter of the World Blind Union-Asia Pacific

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Official Newsletter of the World Blind Union-Asia Pacific

EAST WIND Official Newsletter of the World Blind Union-Asia Pacific No. 8

Contents of this issue:

From the Editor New Member of the WBUAP Policy Council: Mrs. Grace Chan, Chairing The Employment & Economic Empowerment Committee (We Call 3e Committee) The First Barrier-Free Website of Blind Massage Industry Is Launching to The World Equal Participation and Sport for All Braille Big Event: Celebrating The Bicentennial of Louis Braille And 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Kuraji Ishikawa Braille Rock on Manly Beach, Australia Blind Citizens Australia National Convention We Can Change Attitudes Now: Association of Blind Citizens of New Zealand Conference 2009 Parents Forum in Fiji Pacific Disability Forum Conference: Vanuatu Visit to Myanmar Danida Capacity Building Project Update WBU-AP Low-Tech Equipment Recycling Website Winners of the WBUAP Onkyo Braille Essay Contest 2009 Obituary Coming Up Contact Details FROM THE EDITOR NEW MEMBER OF THE WBUAP POLICY COUNCIL: This issue should have been already 4 months Mrs. Grace Chan, chairing the Employment & old by now, but here it is at last. Economic Empowerment Committee (we call You can tell from this issue the diversity and 3E Committee) the width of our Region, literally, from Fiji to Mongolia, from China to New Zealand. Grace Chan joined the Hong Kong Society for 2009 saw a few very significant events related the blind (HKSB) on 14 August, 1973 and had to the DANIDA Capacity Building Project which worked in executive positions for 27 years with has been going on in practice since 2006, namely, 20 years as the Chief Executive of HKSB. She Vision Conference, Evaluation Workshop and retired in January, 2008. Logical Framework Workshop. We are featuring Mrs. Chan also has worked as and still is the these events as well as some of the highlights of CEO of the Asian Foundation for the Prevention the project outcomes. In addition to reporting on of Blindness (AFPB) since 1988 on a honorary what have been happening in the two target basis. She has launched a lot of projects for the countries, our experiences also provide us with blind in the Asian Region and, in particular, in some of the hints for the strengthening of our own China. The most significant projects in China organizations and building of our own capacity. include: We will try to keep you informed of the project 1) Mobile Eye Treatment Centres (METC). 22 updates in our future issues as well. METCs will be operating in China restoring As we enter the second year of the current the eye sight of poor cataract blindness living quadrennium, there are a number of events that in remote areas of provinces in China. you might want to mark on your calendar for. In 2) Education Resource Centres (ERCs): 6ERCs particular, we are in the middle of preparatory are operating in 6 provinces to provide works for the Mid-Term Assembly in Japan inclusive education to blind students living in including Youth and Women’s Forums. We hope villages. to see as many of you as possible, in our 3) National Orientation and Mobility Teachers discussions, sharing, and above all, in our circle Training in China: 6 O & M National of friendship and comradeship. Training Courses had been conducted for We are mostly keen on hearing messages and teachers in blind schools and rehabilitation feedbacks from you, Dear Readers. Please let us personnel from China Disabled Persons know whatever you felt about this issue. Federation. Have successfully convinced the Michiko Tabata: Editor-in-Chief Ministry of Education to include O & M into Editorial Committee: Ivan Ho Tuch Choy the curriculum of blind schools in early 2000 Kevin Murfitt so that blind students can be taught formally Kim Mok in O & M. 4) Pioneer in China and in the Asian Pacific Region since 1991 to promote massage as a profession for the blind through organization of Regional Massage Seminars (every two years) with the first one held in Xian, China in 1991 and so far 9 Regional Massage Seminars have been held in the region. The positions held in international Therefore, how to solve the employment problem organizations: of the large number of blind people has become a  1996-2000: Regional President of World major issue confronting the world. Massage, Blind Union (WBU) East Asia Pacific which has the significant effects with its Region. characteristics of easy manipulation, no damage,  1997-2002: Regional Chair of International and no side effects, is welcomed by people in Council for Education of People with Visual many countries. According to statistics from the Impairment (ICEVI). occupational information resources networking  2000-2008: Founding Chairman and Regional systems of the United States Department of Chairman of WBU Asia Pacific Regional Labor, from 2004 to 2014, the massage industry's Massage Commission. growth rate will exceed the industry of all types’  2002-2007: Treasurer of ICEVI average growth level of 21% to 35%. As the  2004-2008: Trustee of International Agency physiological characteristics of the blind are for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) suitable for working in the massage profession,  2004- Now: Council Member of IAPB massage will provide the blind with lots of  Since 2009: Member of WBUAP Board and employment opportunities. Policy Council of WBUAP Recently, blind massage industry is constantly growing and expanding, leading to a huge In April, 2008, Mrs. Chan, together with a demand of fast and convenient platform of number of enthusiastic community leaders and information sharing and study for blind masseurs. blind members formed the Hong Kong Blind Ongoing development and widespread of internet Sports Association and have been working as the has widened people’s vision, and is leading them CEO on a honorary basis since then to promote to a more capacious world. In order to provide blind sports as we believe that through sports every blind massage participator and enthusiast an rehabilitation, blind people will be able to regain exchanging platform and strengthen information their self-confidence and re-integrate into society. sharing, Beijing Massage Administration Center together with the Hunan Yeahcome Health Care ****** Co., Ltd. has jointly established the portal site of THE FIRST BARRIER-FREE blind massage industry, Blind Massage WEBSITE OF BLIND International website, under the proposal of MASSAGE INDUSTRY IS World Blind Union Asia-Pacific Regional LAUNCHING TO THE WORLD Massage Commission, with the goal of promoting development of blind massage and employment of the visually impaired, publicizing and Blind Massage International Website, the advancing healthy and fast development of world’s first barrier-free website of blind massage handicapped industry. industry, was launched on Oct. 15th, 2009. This is the first website belonging to blind The World Health Organization announced in masseurs, and will be a soul house of the blind October 2003 that the global number of the blind massage participators and enthusiasts throughout is 45 million, and visually impaired population the world! reached 135 million. This number increases in the Firstly, the website has an international edition region of 1 to 2 million every year. and a domestic edition, respectively supporting People with visual impairment are more English language and Chinese language. Each of difficult in finding jobs than the able-bodied. them has another 3 sub-editions, Web Accessible By then, we will have 100 blind members Common, Web Accessible Blind and Web participating in regular sports training. Accessible low vision. The Web Accessible We would like to share with friends in the Common is accessible for everyone while the Region three major activities that HKBSA Web Accessible Blind provides blind person with undertook recently, and how we promote equal more convenient and fast navigation, and the Web participation and sports for all in Hong Kong, Accessible low vision gives several choices on China and Malaysia: font-size and color schemes to the low vision. st Secondly, the designed web page follows the 1) 1 Hong Kong-Malaysia-Australia Blind habits of blind and is accessible for keyboard Golf and Blind Bowling Exhibition Match – users. Each picture has an introduction so you can 15 and 16 October, 2009 hear pictures. Additionally, the website is linked To promote the spirit of “Equal Participation with Google blind search engine. and Sports for All” and to celebrate the Thirdly, the website has authentic and rich International White Cane Day, HKBSA, in information. There are papers from international collaboration with the National Council for the st conferences such as WBUAP massage seminars Blind in Malaysia (NCBM), held the 1 Hong and good articles from professional publications Kong-Malaysia-Australia Blind Golf and Blind all over the world. The website has Massage Bowling Exhibition Match on 15 and 16 section divided into History & Culture, Massage October, 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Therapies, Spa & Bodywork, Massagists' Words Thanks to the kind support of Dato and Massage Tidbit. Besides, there are Visually Kulasegaran, President of NCBM, Mr. Ivan Impaired section divided into Eye Info, Braille Ho, Executive Director, Mr. Moses Choo, Knowledge, Life Tips, Computer & Software, Deputy Director of NCBM, Mr. Radha Activities Exchange. Krishnan, Chairman of the Asian Committee of Visit the Blind Massage International website International Blind Sports Federation and Mr. at: T.W. Yam, a Civil Engineer before he became blind and an experienced golfer, the above ****** event was successfully held. 13 visually impaired golfers from Hong Kong EQUAL PARTICIPATION and a total of 32 competitors including sighted AND SPORTS FOR ALL participants joined the blind golf competition on 15 October. Hong Kong Blind Sports Association Earlier in the morning, Hong Kong Golf (HKBSA) was established and officially opened Coach, Mr. H.L. Chan, conducted a workshop on 29 May, 2008. Its main objective is to provide to the blind participants and sighted guides on equal participation and sports for all. Up till now, the basic golf skills. Mr. Chan together with the we have nearly 500 registered blind members. In Australian golfers demonstrated on the green the past 20 months, over 30 sports activities were the proper skills on playing golf. Blind golfers organized in addition to regular training for over were then given the chance to gauge their skills 80 blind members in marathon, golf, bowling and in driving and putting. For the putting contest, blind football. Dragon Boat Rowling Training each participant was given 3 chances to make Class will commence after the Chinese New Year. their shots count. In the afternoon, all blind and sighted participants featured in 8 flights at the Inaugural Exhibition Match. For each flight, Convention on the Rights of People with the organizers teamed up 2 visually impaired Disabilities and to encourage people with and golfers with 2 sighted golfers as they went on without disabilities to participate in meaningful the greens for a round of 9 holes. As a result, activities so as to build a barrier free sports Mr. Ron Anderson of Australia won the environment and inclusive society, HKBSA Championship of B3 category and Mr. Galant organized the 1st Sun Rise Watching Camp on Ng from Hong Kong won Championship of B2 19 and 20 December, 2009 which is sponsored category. by Quiksilver Glorious Sun JV Ltd. During the welcoming lunch, 2 blind golfers, Participants included local elite athletes, Mr. Kim Mok from Hong Kong and Mr. Ron visually impaired friends, international and Anderson from Australia enlightened the guests secondary school students and parents, and with their thrilling encounters on the golf friends from corporations such as Quiksilver course and were well-received by those Glorious Sun JV Ltd., Duty Free Shoppers, present. Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong Science Dato Kulasegaran, NCBM President, Ms. Lai Technology University, singers, sports angels, Poh Guat, National Social Welfare Department etc. Deputy Director, Mr. Peter Sun, Chairman of On 19 December, 27 blind participants and HKBSA, Mrs. Grace Chan, HKBSA and Mr. over 70 people from all walks of life run up Radha Krishnan, Chairman of the Asian from the Choi Hung Bus Terminus to the Fei Committee of IBSA were among the guests at Ngo Shan Boy Scout Camp site at the the welcoming lunch. temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. Mr. Chang On 16 October, blind bowlers from Australia, Hing Wah, Deputy Director of Social Welfare Hong Kong and Malaysia competed in the of the Hong Kong SAR Government, officiated Bowling Tournament. As our main aim was to at the kick-off ceremony at the Camp site. Mr. have sports exchange, we formed mixed teams Chang acknowledged that Sun Rise Watching in that each team consisted of blind bowlers Camp is the first of its kind and a meaningful from Australia, Hong Kong and Malaysia. We activity. Through description by sighted friends were so pleased to see that each team and by sense of feeling and hearing, our cooperated so well and eventually athletes from visually impaired members can share the joy of each country/city won different awards. the beauty of sun rise. On evaluation of the event, we all feel that our On this occasion, Quiksilver gave each objective to promote equal participation and participant a knitted cap to keep their heads sports for all has been achieved. We have been warm and students of Vocational Training told that as a result of this event, many blind Council baked cookies for our participants at friends in Malaysia would like to develop blind the tea reception. In the evening, our blind golf training in Malaysia. Blind bowlers from friends grilled the food at the barbecue stoves Malaysia felt exhilarated to have played with so for our sighted participants after which our many social celebrities and for the first time marathon coach, Mr. Lam Wai Keung, taught with blind bowlers from other countries. participants to dance cha cha cha, rock and roll, etc. around the camp fire. Until the late 2) Sun Rise Watching Camp - 19 and 20 evening, participants were divided into groups December, 2009 to stay in different camps. As participants were To promote the core values of the UN so excited, they preferred to chat and share their life experience with one another rather 3) 1st Hong Kong – Guangzhou Marathon than go to sleep. The Head of the Duty Free Exhibition Match cum Tandem Cycling Shoppers cooked congee for the participants to Activity to welcome Asian Games and Asian keep their body warm as it was minus zero Games for the Disabled – 22 and 23 degree after midnight on the hill. January, 2010 The most exciting moment came when It is our firm belief that sports rehabilitation is participants were asked to gather at 4:30 a.m. to the most effective way to help blind people jointly walk up to the top of the hill. As it was regain their self-confidence and integrate into so dark (no light at all), participants had to society. As such, HKBSA would like to walk hand in hand (two people in one group) promote marathon training in China. To start and close to each other (as they felt freezing with, we contacted the China Association of the cold). Under the guidance of the experienced Blind (CAB), Guangzhou Disabled Persons boy scouts and volunteers, they eventually Federation (GDPF), Guangzhou Association of managed to reach the top of the hill. On that the Blind (GAB) and the Pan Yu Disabled early morning, it was quite foggy and cloudy. Persons Federation (PYDPF) to jointly Everybody waited there for a long while. As organize the 1st Hong Kong-Guangzhou time passed, they began to feel disappointed Marathon Exhibition Match cum Tandem that they might not see the sunrise with such Cycling Activity in Pan Yu Ta Fu Shan Park on foggy weather. Just at that very moment, 22 and 23 January, 2010. Altogether there were morning sun suddenly appeared in front of 75 blind members and 200 volunteers them! Every participant jumped to their feet, participate in this event. cried and hugged each other and took photos in In the afternoon of 22 January, a marathon order not to miss any moment of the sun rise! workshop was conducted during which our Our blind friends were told that when the sun marathon coach, Mr. Shum, our experienced rose, it had 4 colours and the colours kept on sighted guide runner, Ms. Kitty Chan, our changing until it became more and more shiny. Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Kim Mok, and On our way back, our blind friends kept on our Director, Mr. Galant Ng who happens to be talking that this was an unforgettable a blind person and is also the full marathon experience for them. It was their first time to runner, shared with the participants from Hong see the sunrise and to have opportunities to Kong, Guangzhou and Pan Yu their experience meet people from different sectors. They were in marathon training and the exercise that they very grateful to the volunteers who looked after must do to keep their energy and strength. them so well on the way to the top of the hill. Participants were also asked to practice the As for the volunteers, they also treasured this exercise on the spot with the coach, which experience as they learned from our blind brought to the highlight of the workshop. All friends how to understand and appreciate every participants enjoyed the workshop very much. matter and every item by sense of touch, smell, In the morning of the 23rd, Hong Kong, hearing and language. Through this event, it Guangzhou and Pan Yu Teams all lined up at also shows that if we could make up our mind the entrance of the Pan Yu Ta Fu Shan Park. and not so easily give up, everyone can realize They were all dressed in their own uniforms their dream, live in faith and love, and lead a holding their own team flags and ready for the bright future! 5K run. After the official kick-off ceremony, the Executive Vice Chairman of CAB, Mr. Li Wei Hong, the Presidents of the Guangzhou Braille authorities in Japan organized the and Pan Yu Disabled Persons Federation, Mr. Braille Big Event on October 31 and November 1, Leung Chor Yee and Ms. Chang Bor, the Vice in commemoration of Louis Braille bicentennial President of GDPF, Ms. Fu De, Chairman of and the 150th birthday of Kuraji Ishikawa, the GAB, Mr. Chen Yang and Mrs. Grace Chan, founder of Braille in Japan. Big Event consisted CEO of HKBSA led all participants to start the of Braille Essay Contest among primary school marathon run. During the activity, many students at blind schools and sighted primary visitors stopped and watched our blind friends school students who had exchange programs with running. Some even gave applause to blind schools, Braille reading and writing encourage them to run. As a result, our Hong competitions, and 2 lectures by a Braille authority Kong marathon runner, Mr. Ho Wing Luen, and another by a prominent novelist. The Big finished the 5K run in 18 minutes followed by Event also highlighted donations of Braille paper, our Mr. Liu King Tsang and Dai Shek Lung styluses and slates, and English picture books within 20 minutes. The teams from Guangzhou with Braille and tactile pictures, to developing and Pan Yu received special achievement countries in Asia and Africa. The Event had the awards. honor of being attended by secretaries of In the afternoon, participants were divided into embassies in Japan, from the Philippines, Timor 2-member groups (1 sighted in front and 1 Leste and Cameroon. blind at the back) to enjoy the tandem cycling in the Park. Some were even so courageous that ****** two blind persons played the tandem cycling together! BRAILLE ROCK ON MANLY The Park has all of a sudden become an BEACH, AUSTRALIA Adventurous Park with laughing, screaming and singing in every corner of the Park! Braille on Manly Beach was a celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille We are so pleased to see that our initiative has with a truly Australian flavor. We want to spread aroused the interest of organizations of and for the the word that Braille rocks. blind in China. We sincerely hope that these After 18 months of planning, Braille on activities just mark the beginning of blind sports Manly Beach became a happening thing on development in China and more such activities Sunday September 20 as part of the Manly Arts especially marathon can be organized in different Festival. Teams of volunteers coordinated by parts of China. Maybe one day we will have a artist Anne Walton and under the expert guidance blind marathon activity in China! of sand sculptor Dennis Massoud worked enthusiastically to make a giant Braille message ****** in the sand of Manly's West Esplanade harbor- side beach. BRAILLE BIG EVENT: The teams that had been recruited prior to the celebrating the bicentennial of event were joined by dozens of beach-going Louis Braille and 150th locals and tourists of all ages who pitched in to anniversary of the birth of Kuraji shovel sand and carry buckets of water. The Ishikawa shoveling and water-carrying began at 9:30, and the 23-dot message quickly took shape. Each dot was 1 metre in diameter and 0.5 metres high. The entire message was completed at about 3pm, NATIONAL CONVENTION 2 hours ahead of schedule, and just in time for the 2009 helicopter fly-over that produced some stunning aerial photographs of the message set amid the On 17 and 18 October 2009 Blind Citizens panorama of Sydney's northern beaches. Australia (BCA) held their biennial national Those who preferred a more relaxed convention at Royal on the Park hotel in Brisbane. experience kept themselves busy buying tickets in The two day event was preceded by a Technology the raffle for 4 tactile T-shirts with the alphabet Expo which allowed blind and vision impaired embossed on the front in Braille and print. Long people to check out the latest technology and to lines of children formed near the marquee waiting also speak to service providers. The expo was to have messages Brailled for them by a crack very well attended at all times. team of on-location Braille transcribers, while The weekend began on Friday night with a others contributed messages to the Braille time welcome function hosted by the Brisbane branch capsule. at the Irish Club. About seventy blind and vision Just before 5pm, a short ceremony took place, impaired people walked to the venue, a distance during which Disability Discrimination of about four city blocks, to enjoy drinks, finger Commissioner Graeme Innes unveiled the food and the opportunity to greet other convention message that had been made in the sand: Braille attendees. The function manager at the Irish Club rocks (using the "brl" contraction for "Braille"). commented it was great for her staff to learn to Graeme also announced the four lucky winners of provide a service which could accommodate the the Braille T-shirts. needs of blind and vision impaired people. The time-capsule will be earmarked for Convention was officially opened on Saturday opening on January 4 2109, the 300th birth of morning by the Hon. Bill Shorten, Parliamentary Louis Braille. Graeme and I have already put it in Secretary for Disability in the Australian federal our diaries. government. Key note speaker at the convention, Braille on Manly Beach was conceived by Dr Mark Maurer, President of the National Anne Walton, who has become internationally Federation of the blind in the United States, spoke respected for working with Braille in ways that passionately about We honoured Louis Braille at are both artistic and inclusive, and Braille morning tea with a birthday cake to celebrate two advocate Bruce Maguire. It was made possible by hundred years of Braille. the expertise and enthusiasm of sand sculptor The theme of the convention program was Dennis Massoud, and the event was supported by “Strengthening Our Voice” and we began with a a grant from the Community Partnerships session on Capacity Building at a local, Asia Division of the Australia Council. And it all Pacific regional and an international level. Mary happened because so many people were inspired Ann Diamond, president of the World Blind by the coming-together of Braille and the beach, Union, participated in this session. and gave generously of their time and energy. The day proceeded with session son “Service Thank you to all who were involved. Providers: Are they meeting our needs?; Education revolution: Is equal opportunity leading ****** to equal outcomes?; and Our Vibes –blind and low vision everyday stuff. BLIND CITIZENS AUSTRALIA It was Saturday night and time to relax and ****** catch up with old friends at convention dinner. During the dinner BCA presented several awards: WE CAN CHANGE The Aspirations Award presented by the ATTITUDES NOW: Association Women’s Branch to a member who has been an of Blind Citizens of New Zealand outstanding role model for blind ad vision Conference 2009 impaired women was presented to Christine Simpson; Over the weekend of 9-11 October, in The David blithe award for outstanding service Auckland, this conference focussed on how we as to the blind and vision impaired community was blind and vision impaired persons can change the presented to Barry Chapman; attitudes of others in the commercial sector, local Certificates of appreciation were presented to and central government and the general public Erica Webb and Lee Smith; with regards to the abilities of people with Sunday began with the Annual General disabilities. Changing one’s own attitudes around Meeting of BCA which included the President’s blindness, service provision, possibilities with report and the financial report as well as the regards to advocacy efforts, employment, etc was executive officer’s report. Two new board also touched upon. members were welcomed together with two Keynote and guest speakers, addressing newly elected representatives to the National conference, included Rosslyn Noonan, NZ’s Policy and Development Council (NPDC) Chief Human Rights Commissioner, Maryanne Following the AGM we heard national office Diamond – President of the WBU, our Associate happenings with reports from Jodie Holdback Minister for Disability, the opposition party’s National Advocacy Officer and Wayne Hawkins Spokesperson on Disability and the Mayor of National Policy Officer Communications and Manukau City, the region we met in. Information Access, Youth Leadership and A panel discussion was facilitated around Beyond Blindness with appositive Attitude attitudes and the UNCRPD (United Nations commanded attention and participation from Convention on the Rights of Persons with convention attendees. The convention came to a Disabilities) in NZ and specifics were raised close with a light hearted and satirical look at the around the fact that websites in the public domain Good, the bad and the Unsightly of National are still not accessible and whether legislation re Convention 2009. this should be advocated for, as is the case with National convention provides members with an regards to public buildings. opportunity to network become more Aspects such as reasonable accommodation independent, socially interact with other vision and undue hardship were discussed in the light of impaired and blind people and gain new skills: new NZ legislation, allowing small and medium there were one hundred and twenty six attendees sized businesses to fire a person following 90 at this convention, thirty six of whom were first days of employment, without providing a reason, time attendees, making it one of the most for many disabled people feel quite threatened by successful national conventions yet. , this latest employment law item. By Cheryl Pascual, Vice-President of Blind Our 10th year of hosting leadership seminars Citizens Australia (BCA) directly prior to Conference, was celebrated and, Email: [email protected] this was also the third year that we facilitated an advocacy workshop directly following Conference, so, our suite of capacity building The 2009 conference was attended by opportunities is expanding into more than 1 area. approximately 70 delegates and was preceded by a women’s forum, and followed by a general ****** meeting of the PDF Council. The women’s forum included the launch of a PARENTS FORUM IN FIJI United Nations Development Program Pacific Centre 2009 report, written by Daniel Stubbs and A great forum was held in Fiji for parents of Sainimili Tawake, titled “Pacific sisters with children who are blind or have low vision. This disabilities: At the intersection of forum brought many parents from remote areas of discrimination”. A report was tabled the Fiji together for the first time where they following day at the main conference including exchanged stories and ideas about getting their recommendations such as: ‘Pacific Governments children access to education. In particular, parents that have not already done so, need to ratify the were connected with community rehabilitation United Nations conventions for children (CRC), workers that were responsible for their regions women (CEDAW), and persons with disability and gained key contacts and confidence to assist (CRPD) and their respective Optional Protocols; their children. A national parent body was and ensure that CRPD Article 6, Women with established which is a direct outcome of the disabilities and other CRPD Articles containing efforts and commitment from Fiji and people like gender equity measures be given priority for Paul Manning from NZ and Frances Gentle in implementation’ implementing the EFA campaign. The two-day main conference was officially opened by His Excellency, Kalkot Mataskelekele, ****** President of the Republic of Vanuatu. The opening ceremony included a keynote address by PACIFIC DISABILITY FORUM Ms Maryanne Diamond, President of the World CONFERENCE: VANUATU Blind Union. Maryanne focused on the lack of rights and disadvantaged faced by women with The Pacific Disability Forum (PDF) is the disability, especially in developing countries, and peak body representing organisations of persons Maryanne’s message to all was to ‘Go for it’ and with disabilities in the Pacific region. PDF was work together to get our voices heard to attain established in 2004, and its current membership those basic human rights now endorsed by the consists of approximately 34 full and associate United Nations Convention on the Rights of member organisations including: Australia, Cook Persons with disability (CRPD) and other UN Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, instruments. Kiribati, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua The theme of the PDF conference was New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, “Advancing disability concerns in the Pacific Tuvalu, and Vanuatu, as well as representatives Region”, and included presentations by national from Timor-Leste, development partners, regional disabled persons organisations (DPOs), the and international organisations such as the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS), AusAID International Council for the Education of persons and NZAID, the United Nations Development with Vision Impairment (ICEVI). World Blind Program (UNDP) Pacific Centre, WBU-AP Union Pacific-Oceania sub-region is a full Pacific-Oceania, ICEVI Pacific, and the member. Australian Human Rights Commission. Presentation topics included case studies on organisational members, and the election of the development in the Pacific, the implementation of executive committee for the next two years. the CRPD, the situation of women and girls in the Pacific, inclusive education, the rights-based ****** approach to disability development and current regional development assistance for disability- VISIT TO MYANMAR related programs. Frances Gentle, representing ICEVI and Dato' Kulasegaran, in his capacity as the Chair Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children of the South-East Asia Sub-Regional Committee, (RIDBC) (Australia) gave a presentation on the and Ivan Ho, the Secretary General of WBUAP, launch of ICEVI and World Blind Union’s visited Myanmar from 20 - 23 December 2009. “Education for All Children with Vision They held long discussions with the Impairments” (EFA-VI) global campaign within representatives from the Education Centre for the Pacific region. The presentation included an Blind Affairs (ECBA) and the Myanmar National overview of EFA-VI activities during 2008, Association of the Blind (MNAB) immediately including the development of the Fiji EFA-VI upon their arrival. MNAB very kindly arranged National Task Force and Fiji EFA-VI Plan and for them to visit two of their affiliates, St. Mary's the train-the-trainer “Professional Diploma in Workshop for the Blind and the Collective Orientation and Mobility, Pacific Region”. Two Workforce Association of the Blind. graduates of the orientation and mobility program St. Mary's Workshop is built on a two-acre site were awarded their certificates and a donation of and it has 26 male and female workers who stay white canes as part of the presentation. in the compound with their families. The workers Conference delegates were advised of the are mostly masseurs as weaving and basket- adoption of Unified English Braille (UEB) code making have ceased due to the high prices of raw in Australia and New Zealand in 2005, and the materials. The Collective Workforce Association merit of adopting one Braille code across all is a merger of two organisations, the New Light English-speaking Pacific Island countries. and the Collective Workforce, which came The Pacific Regional Conference on together in 2003. They raised some funds from Disability concluded with the production of a their fund-raising activities and bought a piece of report containing 12 recommendations that were land measuring 25 by 60 feet on which they built unanimously endorsed by PDF and the conference a thatched shelter (without rooms) for their delegates. These recommendations are available regular gatherings and activities. Last year, at Cyclone Nargis brought the shelter down and they This report was presented to Mr. Joe Ligo, had to rebuild part of the structure with financial Director General, Ministry of Justice and Social assistance from MNAB which was donated to Welfare during the conference closing ceremony, MNAB by WBUAP. The members are mostly with a request that the recommendations be raised masseurs or handicraft-makers and they operate by the Vanuatu government at the August 2009 from their own houses and do their own Pacific Islands Forum meeting. marketing. The Collective Workforce Association The PDF Annual General Meeting was held supplies their members with the raw materials at on Thursday April 23rd, and included the tabling cost price. of the Chief Executive Officer’s Report, audited Their efforts in persuading ECBA to join financial accounts, reports from PDF MNAB were unsuccessful although ECBA assured them that they would, wherever possible, As reported briefly in east Wind No. 6, work closely with other organisations serving the DANIDA Capacity Building Project has been blind. On the other hand, MNAB has forged going on in the Asia Pacific Region practically ahead since their last visit in 2007. MNAB has since 2006, mainly targeted at our colleagues in helped with the training of masseurs, setting up Mongolia and Lao PDR, with the hard works of massage centres and formed an ICT Committee our colleagues at the Danish Association of the with the aim of teaching computer skills to both Blind and support from DANIDA, the blind users and teachers of the blind. MNAB has development aid agency of Danish government. also drawn up an Action Plan to impart teaching The whole project aimed at organizational of blindness-specific skills to people having strengthening, increased capacity in advocacy and connections with blind people, to create public lobbying, establishment of women’s wings, and awareness on the capabilities of blind people and the increased capacity of WBUAP as a regional their need for employment opportunities. structure. For this purpose, various activities were Currently, the most popular avenues for conducted including: Leadership Training employment are massage and playing music. seminars and Follow-up Seminars on Dato' Kula advised MNAB to form the organizational skills and leadership, research of Committee on Education For All Vision Impaired blind and visually impaired women of the two Children and to appoint an independent countries, and women’s forums in the two Chairman, preferably from the Government, and countries. to invite members from bodies interested in the The 3 years of these activities brought about education of blind children, including ECBA, to remarkable achievements. The two organizations serve on it. MNAB have informed them that they are now stronger, more visible and recognized in have approached the Government, which is very their societies, have more members and branches receptive to the idea, but indicated they prefer a of their organization. LAB succeeded in being committee for all disabled groups. Dato' Kula's registered from the government, while MNFB has advice to them was to convince the Government been presenting itself as a strong advocate. that the EFA-VIC Initiative was an ICEVI/WBU Although women’s wings are not yet in place as Project; failing which, MNAB should request that initially anticipated, their women’s forums made sub-committees be set up for each group to deal enormous changes to the blind and partially with their specific needs. sighted women who attended them, and some of Before departing, Dato' Kula presented the them are even developing leadership skills. donation of Braille items from the National The Project also set aside some of the funds Council for the Blind, Malaysia (NCBM) worth for so-called Small Scale Projects: the two over $800 comprising white canes, writing slates, organizations were to design their own activities, chess sets and talking calculators to ECBA and and the Project Steering Committee reviewed and MNAB. made suggestions. This was a wonderful scheme, as the outcome of these activities was brilliant. ****** Following are some of the very successful Small Scale Projects: DANIDA CAPACITY BUILDING PROJECT UPDATE Mongolian National Federation of the Blind:  MNFB established several additional branches in provinces where there were no branches before, so that the MNFB services  Vision Conference (May) in Vientiane, Lao can be reached to the blind and visually PDR: Representatives gathered from MNFB, impaired individuals living in rural areas of LAB and DAB as well as from Vietnam, the huge land of Mongolia. Indonesia, Myanmar, Brunei, and AP Board.  MNFB set up information centers and library The conference was aimed at common within their provincial branches, sometimes understanding of what have been useful in the using the local government offices for their project, sharing the status of organizations sites. These offices made the rural blind attending, gather ideas for possible future people more visible to the general public, opportunities and cooperation, etc. which eventually increased the number of  Evaluation Workshop (September) in Ulan volunteers in reading, writing or guiding. Baator, Mongolia: Representatives from They also provoked support from other local MNFB, LAB and WBUAP, jointly with organizations. colleagues from DAB and the Evaluator, to  MNFB held a workshop in a provincial discuss findings and lessons learned from the branch attended by representatives from 4 years of the Project, to be a step forward for smaller districts. The workshop highlighted the idea of future projects. fundraising and other organizational  Logical Framework Workshop (December) in management issues, advocacy and lobbying, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Representatives issues of human rights etc., so that these from MNFB, LAB and WBUAP, together knowledge will be shared by the blind living with colleagues from DAB discussed and in rural areas. presented ideas to be included in the application for future project to be submitted Lao Association of the Blind: to Danida, focusing on the areas of  White Cane Day: LAB held a large event in strengthening organization, advocacy and 2008 with participants from the government, lobbying, and strengthening of regional business circles, the media, and more than functions. 200 blind and visually impaired persons, raising awareness about the needs of the blind The WBUAP Mid-term Assembly, scheduled in a very visible way. for October 2010 in Chiba, Japan, will have a  LAB purchased musical instruments, trained session on the project and capacity building, and their members, and formed a musical group. we are hoping to welcome our colleagues from The bank plays at public events or even for MNFB, LAB and DAB, to share more of the some money, which can be shared by the stories with us. members themselves and the LAB.  LAB used the project fund to create the ****** brochure of their activities.  LAB succeeded in making the media WBU-AP LOW-TECH broadcast LAB programs, on the ratio and on EQUIPMENT RECYCLING the TV. WEBSITE

During the year 2009, there were 3 major After a successful pilot project in 2008, WBU- project-related events in our Region. AP with the support of Royal Society for the Blind (RSB) of South Australia, has established a region-wide low-tech equipment recycling "Some Things Are Meant To Be True". She is website. People who are blind or have low vision awarded the prize for the following reasons: throughout the Asia-Pacific region can visit the (a) She is able to bring out a clear message of site and request items available for free, such as hope concerning the role of Braille in helping her magnifiers, digital watches, Braille items, white to appreciate music and achieve success. canes etc. We also encourage organizations who (b) She is able to depict a struggle of have surplus or obsolete low-tech equipment to determination and positive outlook despite great visit the site and donate their stock to the site. odds to fulfill her life's goal in the field of music. Have a look at: PRIZES FOR CATEGORY B ****** (Ages from 26 years old and above): 1. The Excellent Prize of $500 was awarded to WINNERS OF THE WBUAP Mr. Atung Yuniarto from Indonesia with his entry ONKYO BRAILLE ESSAY "Touching The Points of Hope" which scored 73 CONTEST 2009 points. The reasons for awarding him the prize are: The Sponsors of the Contest, Onkyo (a) He displayed very well his writing craft Corporation and the Braille Mainichi of Japan, with interesting and varied details as he depicted together with the WBUAP Onkyo Selection his journey of hope and ultimate success. Committee, announced the winners of the 2009 (b) He showed how with the help of Braille he Contest as follows: was able to fulfill his dream and to inspire others.

THE OTSUKI PRIZE: 2. Two Fine Works Prizes of $200 each are The Otsuki Prize of $1,000 was awarded to Mr. awarded to: Dong Huy Lieu from Vietnam with his entry 2.1. Miss Khong Thanh Thuy from Vietnam “Braille - Lighting Up My Life". The reasons for 2.2. Miss Daw Byar Mee from Myanmar awarding him this prize are: (a) It is a well rounded essay with a clear focus We take this opportunity to extend our heartiest on the topic. He is able to show how Braille has congratulations to all the winners. We also wish helped him to achieve his goals in life. to express our deep gratitude to the National (b) He is able to bring out the positive spirit in Onkyo Selection Committees of Australia, his struggle to live a normal life and how this Indonesia, Myanmar and Vietnam for enabled him to inspire others around him. encouraging, facilitating and selecting the best (c) While relating his personal experiences, he entries sent to the WBUAP Onkyo Selection has provided interesting insights into Vietnamese Committee. life as he made his personal journey on the road to success. ******

PRIZES FOR CATEGORY A OBITUARY: (Ages from 14 to 25 years old): 1. The Excellent Prize of $500 was awarded to At the WBUAP Joint Board and Policy Council Miss Ria Andriani from Australia with her entry Meeting held in Mongolia in September 2009, the Vice-President reported the sad news that Prof. Datuk Dr Ismail Md. Salleh, the Chair of the WBUAP announced the start of the 8th WBUAP ICEVI East Asia Committee, and President of the Onkyo Braille Essay Contest for blind and vision Malaysian Association for the Blind, passed away impaired people in the Asia Pacific Region. Cash on 27 August 2009. A moment of silence was prizes of US$1,000.00, US$500.00 and observed in his memory. US$200.00 will be awarded respectively to the The death of Datuk Prof. Ismail Md. Salleh was best seven entries from two age groups from all a great loss, not only to his family and country, countries in the region. but also to the blind people of Malaysia and the The closing day is April 30, 2010. region. He struggled against the limitations of For further details, please contact Ivan Ho Tuck vision impairment to become one of the Choy at the contact details at the end of this outstanding blind persons in Malaysia. The late newsletter. Datuk Prof. Dr Ismail was conferred the Professorship on Economics by the National The 10TH WBUAP Regional Seminar on University of Malaysia, thus becoming the first Massage for the Blind blind Malaysian to have achieved this intellectual position. Subsequently, he was appointed a Date, Monday May 3 to Thursday May 6, 2010 member of the Think-Tank group at the Institute Place: Seoul, Korea of Strategic and International Studies of Malaysia. For further details, please contact the On account of his long and dedicated services to Conference Secretariat at: Korea Blind Union, 3F the blind people of Malaysia as the President of Eroom Center 17-13 Yeouido-dong the Malaysian Association for the Blind, and as Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea Chairman of the Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Tel: 82-2-6925-1114 Hospital, and his understanding of the issues of Fax: 82-2-6925-1117 persons with disabilities, he was appointed the E-mail: [email protected] first Senator for the Disabled in December 2007. That same month the Malaysian Parliament The 13TH World Conference of the passed the Persons with Disabilities Act. International Council for Education of People We have lost an outstanding man in Datuk with Visual Impairment Prof. Dr Ismail who demonstrated that blindness was no barrier to success, and what it means to be Date, Monday August 9 to Friday August 13, blind. The President of WBUAP, and all Board 2010 and Policy Council members extend their heartfelt Place: Hotel Ambassador City, Jomtien, condolences to his wife and children. Thailand For Abstract Submission contact the ICEVI ****** Secretariat at: 3, Professors' Colony, Palamalai Road, S R K Vidyalaya Post, Coimbatore 641 COMING UP….. 020, Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tel : +91 422 2469 104 The 8th WBUAP Onkyo Braille Essay Contest Fax : +91 422 2693 414 2010 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] The Onkyo Corporation Ltd., The Tenji [email protected] Mainichi Newspaper "The Braille Mainichi" and For Registration contact the Foundation for the election of our new Treasurer, we have our new Employment Promotion of the Blind at: 2218/86 USD account in Australia. Chan Road, Khet Yan Nawa, Bangkok - 10120, Please direct your payment to: THAILAND National Australia Bank Tel : +662 6780256 / 6689 8302573 Bank Address: 330 Collins Street , Melbourne, Fax : +662 6780765 Australia E-mail : [email protected] BSB: 083-004 The Conference has opened its own website at: Account Number: WBUAPUSD01 Swift Code: NATAAU3303M Name: World Blind Union – Asia Pacific The WBUAP Mid-term Assembly ****** Date, Friday October 29 to Monday November 1, 2010 CONTACT DETAILS Place: Hotel Green Tower, Chiba, Japan For further details, please contact the secretariat President, WBUAP of the organizing committee at the National Chuji Sashida Committee of Welfare for the Blind in Japan, at: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] National Committee of Welfare for the Blind in Japan THE International Conference on Low Vision E-mail: [email protected] 2-18-2 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-0051 Date, February 2011 Japan Place: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Editorial: ****** Michiko Tabata E-mail: [email protected] We Are Waiting for Your National Committee of Welfare for the Blind in Contributions!! Japan Send in your writings…reports, essays, poems, E-mail: [email protected] commentary, just about anything, that you might 2-18-2 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-0051 want to share with your friends and colleagues in Japan the Region. Secretary General: Your Donations Is Always Ivan Ho Tuck Choy Welcome!! E-mail: [email protected] Help us make a difference of what it means to National Council for the Blind, Malaysia be blind. Your donations will help our 94B Jalan Tun Sambanthan international blindness movement in particular 50470 Kuala Lumpur from our friends in less economically privileged Malaysia circumstances. Your generous contribution is very much East Asia Sub-Region appreciated. Please note that, following the Michiko Tabata Pacific-Oceania Sub-Region Kevin Murfitt E-mail: [email protected] 3-6 Allambee Ave Camberwell, Victoria, 3124 Australia

South East Asia Sub-Region Dato Kulasegaran E-mail: [email protected] National Council for the Blind, Malaysia 94B Jalan Tun Sambanthan 50470 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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