TEKS Lesson Plan/Unit Plan s8

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TEKS Lesson Plan/Unit Plan s8

Focus Plan Texarkana Independent School District

GRADING 3rd Six Weeks PLAN CODE: SS8.4.2 PERIOD: writer: Ruth Bates Course/subject: Social Studies

Grade(s): 8th Time allotted for 1 Class Period instruction:

Title: Freedom for All

Lesson TOPIC: Freedoms contained in the First Amendment

TAKS Objective: 04: The student will demonstrate an understanding of political influences on historical issues and events.

FoCUS TEKS and Student 8.20 The student understands the rights and responsibilities of citizens Expectation: of the United States. The student is expected to: (B) summarize rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights

Supporting TEKS and Student 8.22 The student understands the importance of the expression of Expectations: different points of view in a democratic society. The student is expected to: (B) describe the importance of free speech and press in a democratic society.

Concepts Enduring Understandings/Generalizations/Principles The student will understand that Freedom of Religion the government cannot establish an official religion, nor can it force you to attend. Freedom of Speech each citizen has a right to say what he thinks. Freedom of the Press the government cannot control the media. Freedom of Assembly citizens have a right to hold a peaceful assembly. Freedom of Petition citizens have a right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

 Division of Curriculum and Instruction  School Improvement Department  Texarkana Independent School District I. Sequence of Activities (Instructional Strategies)

A. Focus/connections/anticipatory set

The teacher will place a large container filled with jelly beans or M & M’s at the entrance to the classroom. A sign reading “Free, take one” will be placed next to the container. Students will be encouraged to make their selection before taking their seat.

B. Instructional activities (demonstrations, lectures, examples, hands-on experiences, role play, active learning experience, art, music, modeling, discussion, reading, listening, viewing, etc.)

1. Objective: Students will be able to summarize the rights and responsibilities guaranteed in the First Amendment.

2. Procedures: Peer grouping to locate newspaper articles relating to each freedom contained in the First Amendment.

3. Modeling: The teacher will state, “Perhaps the most important amendment is the first amendment. It is also the longest amendment and contains five parts or freedoms established by Congress. These freedoms are not absolute, but are limited by the rights of other individuals. One of the freedoms is Freedom of Religion. Just as you chose the color of a jelly bean (or M & M) as you entered the classroom today, you have the freedom to choose how you wish to worship. The government cannot establish an official religion and force you to attend nor can it support that religion with taxes. The other four freedoms include: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Petition.”

“Today, you will be working in groups to locate newspaper articles, which relate to each of the five freedoms.”

C. Guided activity or strategy

The teacher will select a newspaper. Looking at the front page the teacher will search for an article that relates to one of the freedoms. The teacher will read the headline and scan the article. Next the teacher will clip the article from the newspaper, read the entire article and write a summary on an index card.

The teacher will explain that articles are often found elsewhere in the newspaper and not always on the front page. Students may have to search through several pages before locating an appropriate article.

The teacher will ask, “Where are articles relating the Freedom of Speech found in the newspaper? Correct response: on the editorial page. (Students should be familiar with various sections of the newspaper. If not, the teacher may wish to review them).

D. Accommodations/modifications

E. Enrichment

 Division of Curriculum and Instruction  School Improvement Department  Texarkana Independent School District II. STUDENT PERFORMANCE

A. Description

Students will be assigned to work in groups of five. The teacher will select a leader for each group. The leader will distribute newspapers to their respective group. Each student in the group will locate an article relating to a freedom contained in the First Amendment, assigned by the leader. After locating the newspaper article, the student will write a summary of the article on an index card.

B. Accommodations/modifications

C. Enrichment iii. Assessment of Activities

A. Description

Students will be assessed on the basis of class participation. The teacher will perform informal assessments as students work in groups to scan newspaper articles and write a summary on index cards. The teacher will talk with students to keep them focused and on task as she/he circulates around the classroom.

B. Rubrics/grading criteria

The teacher will explain the rubric/grading criteria.

Freedom For All Rubrics Possible Points Notes/Comments Criteria Points Earned Following Procedures Listened 10 attentively Participated 10 in class discussion Stayed on 15 task Used time 15 efficiently

Completion of Task Summary 50 of Freedom

C. Accommodations/modifications

D. Enrichment

 Division of Curriculum and Instruction  School Improvement Department  Texarkana Independent School District E. Sample discussion questions

1. If you were to lose one freedom listed in the First Amendment, which one would it be? Responses will vary among students. There is no right or wrong answer. 2. Why do you think Freedom of Religion was included in the First Amendment? One of the main reasons the Pilgrims (Colonists) came to America was seeking religious freedom. 3. Does Freedom of the Press have a different meaning today than it did when it was added to the Bill of Rights? Yes. Today the press includes TV, the internet and electronic communication that had not been invented. 4. What is one exception to the Freedom of Speech? For someone to yell “Fire” in a crowded theater for a prank. 5. When is it appropriate for the police or military to break up an assembly? When it is no longer peaceful and becomes a riot.

IV. TAKS Preparation

A. Transition to TAKS context

The First Amendment protects rights that we often take for granted. Imagine how it would be to spend an entire day without talking; going an entire six weeks or semester without an assembly; being told you had to attend a particular church. These are only three freedoms granted in the First Amendment. The media also plays an important role in our society today just as it did during colonial times – reporting current conditions and situations.

Look for key words when answering questions on the TAKS test. Does the question related to the First Amendment? If so, what are the five freedoms included in the First Amendment. Remember, the Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.

B. Sample TAKS questions

2003 TAKS Question # 17

One reason freedom of the press was included in the Bill of Rights was the important role newspapers played in –

A alerting the British troops about the colonists’ activities B publishing battle plans and detailed maps C spreading information and helping unify the colonies D spreading Loyalist propaganda

Correct Answer: C

2006 TAKS Question #2

Among the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment is the right to –

A the free exercise of religion B keep and bear arms C due process of law D a speedy and public trial

Correct Answer: A

 Division of Curriculum and Instruction  School Improvement Department  Texarkana Independent School District 2006 TAKS Question # 21

Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.

- Benjamin Franklin, 1722

Which statement best summarizes the ideas expressed above by Franklin?

A The government must inform the people of its laws. B The government can make treaties with other nations. C Citizens can impeach government officials. D Citizens must be allowed to discuss ideas with one another.

Correct Answer: D

2006 TAKS Question #36

Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

Speaker 1: The government must give accused persons the right to a quick and public trial.

Speaker 2: The government should not force citizens to house soldiers in their homes.

Speaker 3: People should be allowed to peacefully protest actions of the government.

Speaker 4: People should not be deprived of their property without fair payment.

Which speak is voicing a right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution?

A Speaker 1 B Speaker 2 C Speaker 3 D Speaker 4

Correct Answer: C V. Key Vocabulary redress, grievance. prohibit, peaceably, abridging

VI. Resources

A. Textbook

The American Republic To 1877, page 244

B. Supplementary materials Rubrics Sample TAKS Questions Transparency Newspapers Scissors Index cards Large container filled with M & Ms or Jelly Beans

 Division of Curriculum and Instruction  School Improvement Department  Texarkana Independent School District C. Technology

Overhead projector

VII. follow up activities (reteaching, cross-curricular support, technology activities, next lesson in sequence, etc.)

VIII. Teacher Notes

 Division of Curriculum and Instruction  School Improvement Department  Texarkana Independent School District

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