Lnhs Graduation Project

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Lnhs Graduation Project



Successful EVALUTION ITEMS Has NOT Completed Completion Developing/ Resubmission Not Exemplary Satisfactory Emerging Necessary Submitted 4 3 2 1 0 FOCUS adequate minimal insightful, NO Thesis statement insight & insight & NO Paper focused insight or focus focus focus Connections between thesis & NO strong adequate insufficient NO Paper significant related ideas Connections ORGANIZATION Logical progression of related does not ideas and supporting information effective adequate poor provide NO Paper in paper body progression Use of transitions to connect does not supporting information clearly effective adequate ineffective provide NO Paper transitions well- documented, adequately insufficiently does not arrive logical and documented documented at documented NO Paper Conclusion involves conclusion critical thinking SUPPORT/ELABORATION NO evidence of Synthesizes complex ideas from effectively sufficiently ineffectively synthesizing NO Paper research ideas Selection of supporting information exceptional sufficient insufficient lacks clearly relevant to the thesis and its selection selection selection supporting NO Paper related ideas information does not Presentation of multiple meaningful adequate limited present NO Paper perspectives multiple perspectives does not Balanced use of quotations and effectively adequately insufficiently balance quotes NO Paper student paraphrasing balanced balanced balanced and paraphrasing skillfully Integration of student-generated integrates effectively includes shows no use of NO Paper visual aids (i.e. diagrams, charts, aids to integrates visual aids to aids to clarify graphs, pictures, graphic emphasize aids to clarify clarify content content organizers) important content content COLUMN TOTALS


EVALUTION ITEMS Successful Completion Has NOT Completed

Developing/ Resubmission Not Exemplary Satisfactory Emerging Necessary Submitted 4 3 2 1 0 STYLE skillful use: good use: Ineffective: severely flawed effective word some mastery of weak word use: weak NO Paper choice, clarity, word choice, choice, limited word choice, no Use of language consistent voice clarity, consistent clarity, clarity or voice voice inconsistent voice exceptional - sufficiently varied limited fluency varied sentence sentence structure, through structure, paragraphing, flow sentence lacks fluency NO Paper Fluency paragraphing, of ideas and structure, flow of ideas and transition paragraphing, transition flow of ideas and transition CONVENTIONS Use of prescribed format (MLA or APA), including sophisticated use adequate use limited use NO use NO Paper title page, pagination, and citations Use of standard writing conventions in grammar, consistently generally minimally does not use NO Paper spelling, capitalization, standard punctuation and usage conventions INFORMATION LITERACY does not Demonstrates integrity in conscientiously generally inconsistently demonstrate NO Paper citing practices and consistently integrity in citing effectively adequately employs a does not Use of primary & secondary employs an employs a limited variety employ a NO Paper sources & current data extensive variety sufficient variety variety demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates Skills in determining resource strong evaluation sufficient limited no evaluation NO Paper credibility and reliability skills evaluation skills evaluation skills skills COLUMN TOTALS

TOTAL POINTS – THIS SIDE ______FINAL SCORE ______(Add Total Points from BOTH sides) (Minimum Points for a Passing Score = 51) Student’s Name ______Evaluator’s Signature______

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