
To provide an environment where women can begin or deepen their walk with Jesus, through studying God’s Word and building friendships with one another.

Values Authenticity The atmosphere of the Bible Study should encourage openness and transparency among members. This is an environment where people should feel free to be themselves.

Confidentiality For authenticity to occur, members must be able to trust that issues discussed within the group are not to be shared outside of the group.

Participation Everyone is given the right to their own opinion and all questions are encouraged and respected. The study is discussion oriented and everyone is encouraged to participate, but no one is ever required to answer. Each member should monitor their own discussion time so that everyone has a chance to share.

Respect Members should never say anything that will embarrass other members of the group.

Preparation We will strive to come to the study with our assignment completed. However, our priority is spiritual growth within the group. We would prefer you to attend and learn through discussion rather than missing the meeting.

Affirmation It is important to create an atmosphere where members affirm and encourage one another, build each other up in Christ, love and care for one another.

Acceptance Because we represent many denominations, we will accept and value our differences (which are few) and will celebrate and focus on what we have in common – God’s Word spoken to us through the Bible. We will refrain from discussing denominations or any differences and from using denominational language that is not common and familiar to everyone.

Prayer While we recognize the awesome power of prayer, our primary focus is on Bible study. We will have a time for prayer and prayer requests at each meeting. Prayer requests will be emailed to members each week for individual prayer time. We should feel free to share prayer requests without judgment. Advice should be withheld unless requested and then given only after the meeting.

Guidelines The NBS will meet on Fridays. The meetings will begin at 9:45 am and end at 11:30 am. The studies will typically consist of 15 minutes of sharing/social time, 1 ½ hours of study/discussion, and then end in prayer.

*This is a sample of a Mission & Values statement. Please edit to meet the needs of your NBS. Or, use as is simply changing the details of when you meet.