Targeted Language Progress Indicators
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Lesson Plans
Unit: Communities—Costa Rica Lesson 1
Targeted Language Progress Indicators Students use targeted vocabulary to identify prominent landforms surrounding their community as well as those of the targeted community. Students describe in Spanish the landforms that surround their community as well as those of the targeted community.
Targeted Wyoming Content Strands for Other Disciplines SCIENCE: HISTORY AND NATURE OF SCIENCE IN PERSONAL AND SOCIAL DECISIONS 2. c Origins and conservation of natural resources, including Wyoming examples.
SOCIAL STUDIES: PEOPLE, PLACES AND EVIRONMENTS 5.1 Students use charts, maps, and graphs to answer questions dealing with people, places, events, or environments. 5.2 Students apply the themes of geography to topics being studied.
Language Structures to Culture to Teach/Review Teach/Review R-The verb “estar” for location Products, practices and perspectives associated with communities of Latin R-Muchos y pocos (a/as) America. R-Verb “Haber-hay”
Focus Vocabulary for This Lesson: El golfo Los parques nacionales La península Las zonas ecológicas La comunidad R-Norteamérica/ Suramérica
*See teacher’s notes for definitions.
Materials Needed for This Lesson
Map of North and South America Physical map of the target country (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout2) Physical map of Wyoming (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout1) Color pencils or crayons Flashcards of landforms (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-PP1) Students will need one copy of: -Black line master of Wyoming (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout3)
Lesson Plans: Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1 Unit: Communities—Costa Rica 1 Lesson Plans
Unit: Communities—Costa Rica Lesson 1 -Black line master of Costa Rica (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout4)
Lesson Steps
Warm-up: Introduce the new unit to your students by leading them in a discussion about communities. Begin by focusing on a map of their state and pointing out major cities. (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout1) Narrow the talk down to your community. Let the students know that they will be talking about the landforms and parks that surround their area, as well as important professions and people. Emphasize the word comunidad throughout the discussion.
Activity 1: Review land forms: montaña, río, lago, volcán, bosque, selva, playa, isla and océano, using flashcards (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-PP1) or TPR. Students will identify their state on a map of North America and will also identify Costa Rica. Students will then compare a map of their state (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout1) with the map of Costa Rica (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout2). They will identify geographic landforms on both maps (mountains, lakes, rivers, volcanos, forests, tropical forests, beaches, islands and oceans).
Activity 2: Introduce definitions and show flashcards (use the maps of Wyoming and Costa Rica: Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout1 & Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout2) of new vocabulary words: península, golfo, parque nacional, and zona ecológica. Have students identify the words on their maps and any ecological zones in their area/state and the national park, Yellowstone, as one of the protected areas/resources of their community.
Activity 3: Having reviewed the landforms found on both maps, the students will identify and color each form using blank maps of Wyoming and Costa Rica (Grade6- Unit2.Lesson1-Handout3 and Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-Handout4) with the following colors to differentiate every landform. Students will keep these maps for reference later on. montaña café río azul lago azul volcán rojo bosque verde selva verde playa amarillo isla anaranjado océano azul
Closure: General review of new vocabulary and terms learned previously. This can be done using TPR and the maps. As you say the vocabulary words students respond with
Lesson Plans: Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1 Unit: Communities—Costa Rica 2 Lesson Plans
Unit: Communities—Costa Rica Lesson 1 sí o no if the term can be found on either one of the maps. Students then say which map the land form is on and point to its location on the map.
Notes to the Teacher *Golfo (Gulf): a large inlet of a sea similar to a bay but often longer and more enclosed by land.
*Bahía (Bay): an area of sea enclosed by a wide inward-curving stretch of coastline. Inlet: a narrow stretch of water reaching inland from a sea or lake
*Península (Peninsula): strip of land projecting into water. A narrow piece of land that juts out from the mainland into a sea or lake.
*Parque nacional (National Park): land protected by government. A large area of public land chosen by a government for its scenic,, recreational, scientific, or historical importance and usually given special protection.
*Zona ecológica (Ecological Zone): relating to organisms and the environment. Relating to the interrelationships of organisms and their environment. Protective of the environment and its preservation.
About Handouts and Other:
The General Information file (Información General sobre COSTA RICA: Grade6- Unit2.Lesson1-TeacherResource5) can be used throughout the lesson (s). Please note there are several maps* provided and you can choose the ones that would work best for each lesson.
*Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-TeacherResource1, Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-TeacherResource2, Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1-TeacherResource3, Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1- TeacherResource4
The following website is great for printing maps that the kids can use for drawing the landforms of the country.
This is an excellent site for maps from all over the world. It is called “Maps that teach”.
Lesson Plans: Grade6-Unit2.Lesson1 Unit: Communities—Costa Rica 3