Fitness Zone FZ Database

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Fitness Zone FZ Database

Fitness Zone FZ Database Design Document

UHCL Fitness Center Database Application

Instructor: Dr. Kwok-Bun Yue

Mentor/Client: Ms. Denise B. Cazes

Project Team Members: Hala Annab Mark B. Jones Wei (Lawrence) liu Jacqueline Matekwa Mbata

Spring 2007

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction...... 4

2. System Overview...... 4

3. Design Considerations...... 6

3.1 Network...... 6

3.2 Database...... 6

3.3 System...... 6

4. Assumptions and Dependencies...... 6

5. General Constraints...... 7

6. Goals and Guidelines...... 7

7. System Architecture...... 9

8. Detailed System Design...... 10

8.1 Database...... 10

8.2 Interface Development...... 11

9. References...... 12

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1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to give a comprehensive description of the design of a database application, hereafter referred to at “The Fitness Zone Database Application,” which would be used by management and staff of the Fitness Center at the University of Houston-Clear

Lake (UCHL). The target audience for this document is team #1 from the Spring 2007 Capstone class at the School of Science and computer Engineering, UHCL. The document also aims at providing adequate documentation of Fitness Zone Application design for future teams that may work to add new features or improve on the features that would be implemented by the team #1.

2. System Overview

The UHCL Fitness Center runs several programs and services such as Fitness Zone membership, the 100 Mile Club, locker rental, body fat testing, and Yoga for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and family of faculty and staff. The Fitness Center needs an application to track facility usage, program participation, and use of services. This includes checking members in and out of the Fitness Zone, logging member submitted activity for the 100 Mile Club, and keeping track of locker rentals. This application will be supported by a Computer Science

Student Assistant and needs to be scaleable to support future programs similar to the 100 Mile

Club, additional membership groups, and direct access by members.

To accommodate the immediate and future requirements this application will be implemented as a Web application that will run locally on one of the computers in the Fitness

Zone. The immediate needs only require that the application be accessible from the two computers in the Fitness Zone, but designing the application on Web based architecture will allow it to be moved to a public Web server at some point in the future to support direct access 4 Page of 9 ã Copyright 2007 University of Houston Clear Lake Modification Date: 5/1/2007 10:26:00 PM Fitness Zone FZ Database by members. Implementing the application locally satisfies the immediate access requirements while avoiding the need for support from University Computing and Telecommunications


The system will be implemented as a three tier Web application using ASP.NET for the presentation layer, C# for the business logic, and Microsoft Access for the database. Any

Computer Science Student Assistant should be familiar with these technologies which should facilitate support for the application. Microsoft Access should require little maintenance and is easy to backup. This should also simplify support for the application.

The vision for the future of this application is that it will eventually be moved to a public

Web server so that functionality can be added for members to access the system directly to apply for membership, update their own 100 Mile Club activity logs, and perhaps other services. This should reduce the work load for the Fitness Zone manager and staff as well as adding services and convenience for Fitness Zone members. As the system grows it may also be necessary to migrate to a more robust database such as MS SQL Server, Oracle, or MySQL. The system will be designed with the future in mind such that the application will scale as usage increases and additional functionality can be added easily.

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3. Design Considerations

3.1 Network

The manager of the Fitness Center hopes that the members participating on programs at the

Fitness Center will be able to access the Fitness Zone Application remotely from a public

Web server. At this point in time however, users will not be able access the system off

campus. As a matter of fact, only employees of the fitness zone will use the application. The

application will be installed on 2 computers at the Fitness Center and it will be accessible

locally using IIS.

3.2 Database

Access is the database chosen for this application. This is not an optimal choice but it is

sufficient and easy to manage under the current circumstances. A Computer

Science/Computer Information Systems major student will be hired to maintain the database.

3.3 System

There is need for UCT to set up IIS, to migrate from .NET framework 1.1 to 2.0, and also to

grant administrator access to the manager and student employees at the Fitness Center.

4. Assumptions and Dependencies

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 The design in this document is based on the assumption that the necessary upgrades and

installations mentioned in the section on System above will be carried out by UCT in

advance of system installation and testing.

 The application is designed with the intention that as the system grows, it may be

necessary to migrate to a more robust database such as MS SQL Server, Oracle, or

MySQL in order to take full advantage of concurrency control and backup.

5. General Constraints

The major constraint encountered during the design of the Fitness Zone Database

Application is the unwillingness of the UCT at UHCL to provide administrative and/or maintenance support for any Web application developed by a none-UCT development team. This prompted our development team to focus on an application that would run locally on IIS. The manager at the Fitness Center would therefore have to hire a student worker who would maintain the system. Other system constraints are mentioned in the section on Design Considerations above.

6. Goals and Guidelines

The Manager and team #1 expect this design to produce an application that is scaleable and easy to build upon. It should be possible for a future capstone group at the School of Science and Computer Engineering to add new functionalities or modify existing features with ease and without completely overhauling the existing design. The immediate goal is to produce an interface by which:

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 the manager can analyze the Fitness Center usage data

 the student workers can enter member applications and check in and check out Fitness

Center members.

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7. System Architecture

Three tier Web application architecture will be adopted for the Fitness Zone Database

Application. The application will run locally at the Fitness Center. The users, who will comprise the manager and student workers for now, will access the system via the UHCL network

intranet `

Application Server

Database DataBase

Figure 1: The System Architecture

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8. Detailed System Design

8.1 Database

Roles Addresses Terms u:C Rentals PK roleIndex SMALLINT PK addressIndex LONG PK,I1 termIndex LONG d:C PK,I1 rentalIndex LONG u:C description VARCHAR(20) street VARCHAR(50) description VARCHAR(50) d:C FK1 lockerIndex LONG FK1,I1 personIndex LONG city VARCHAR(25) u:C fee CURRENCY state VARCHAR(25) d:C zipCode VARCHAR(25) FK2,I5 termIndex LONG country VARCHAR(25) FK3,I6 membershipIndex INTEGER FK1,I1 personIndex LONG PersonType u:C u:C PK,I1 personTypeIndex COUNTER u:C d:C d:C d:C description VARCHAR(50) Membership u:C PK,I1 membershipIndex LONG d:C FK2 personIndex LONG Persons FK1,I2 termIndex LONG joinDate DATETIME PK personIndex LONG u:C endDate DATETIME d:C membershipStatus VARCHAR(50) U3,U4 uhclID VARCHAR(20) medicalCondition BIT firstName VARCHAR(50) paymentStatus BIT middleName VARCHAR(50) paymentType VARCHAR(20) u:C I1 lastName VARCHAR(50) comment VARCHAR(50) d:C birthdate DATETIME gender VARCHAR(15) MemberPrograms I3 driverLicence VARCHAR(50) FK1,I2 typeIndex LONG PK,FK1 personIndex LONG I5 telephone VARCHAR(50) PK,FK2 programIndex LONG I4 email VARCHAR(50) account VARCHAR(15) startDate DATETIME userPassword VARCHAR(15) u:C endDate DATETIME d:C progress LONGCHAR u:C fee CURRENCY d:C Sessions goals LONGCHAR PK sessionIndex LONG Lockers u:C Guests FK1,I1 membershipIndex LONG PK,I1 lockerIndex LONG d:C PK guestIndex LONG timeIn DATETIME rented BIT checkInDate DATETIME timeOut DATETIME dateIn DATETIME section VARCHAR(15) FK1,I1 personIndex LONG I2 lockerNumber VARCHAR(50)

u:C d:C Programs EmergencyContacts PK programIndex LONG PK contactIndex LONG Relationships programName VARCHAR(50) description LONGCHAR firstName VARCHAR(50) PK relationshipIndex LONG offered BIT I2 lastName VARCHAR(50) u:C startDate DATETIME FK2,I3 personIndex LONG d:C description VARCHAR(50) endDate DATETIME FK1,I1 relationshipIndex LONG progressUnit VARCHAR(50) phoneNumber VARCHAR(15) 10 Page of 9 ã Copyright 2007 University of Houston Clear Lake Modification Date: 5/1/2007 10:26:00 PM Fitness Zone FZ Database

8.2 Interface Development

The system will be implemented using ASP.NET for the presentation layer, C#

for the business logic, and Microsoft Access for the database. We will use a third party

charting tool called WebChart to create the required graphical reports. WebChart is a

library of web controls that can be used to generate several different styles of graphical

charts [Mares].

The team decide to adopt the KISS (Keep It Simple) Below is the interface design

which the team intents to use throughout the application

Figure 2: Interface Prototype

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9. References

1. Zafar, Sohail; Zhu, Hongbing; Satewar, Rajesh. “PROJECT NO. 3 Fitness Center

Tracking Application” 2006. CAPSTON PROJECT SUMMER 2006. 2007


2. UHCL. “Student Life Fitness Zone” 2004. Fitness Zone. 2007


3. Mares, Carlos Aguilar. “WebChart Control for ASP.NET” 2006. 2007 <>

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