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TEXTBOOK GLC WEBSITE - ESSENTIAL STANDARD ESSENTIAL DEPTH for CALENDAR COMPASS CHAPTER & SEQUENCED ESSENTIAL QUESTION MASTERY MATH LEARNING LESSON LESSON PLANS [3] - Identifies and writes What are the Part of a whole Chapter 11 March Day 151, 155 MA2.07.01 fractions to describe parts of a different ways to Lessons 1, 6 MA2.07.02 region as a whole and discrete identify parts of a MA3.01.04.01-02 sets (halves, thirds, fourths, whole? MA4.07.01.01-03 sixths, eighths, and tenths). 11 - Measures using How can you use Measures using Chapter 4 Aug.-Dec. Day 76, 79, MA2.04.01-06 appropriate instruments and appropriate customary units Lessons 3, 6 -9 March-June 101,105 MA2.04.09 appropriate units, length, instruments to of length, MA3.07.02.01-02 capacity, (Continued) measure different temperature; MA4.03.02.01-03 weight/mass, time, and units? reviews time MA4.11.02.01-02 temperature. Length, Millimeter, Inch, Centimeter, Foot, Meter, Yard, Kilometer, Mile, Capacity, Milliliter, Ounce, Liter, Cup, Pint (Liquid and Dry), Quart, Gallon, Gram, Ounce, Kilogram, Pound, Time, Second, Week, Minute, Month, Hour, Year, Day, Decade, Century, Temperature, Degree Fahrenheit and Celsius 18 - Recognizes different names What are the All Chapter 1 November Days 12-14 MA3.01.01.01 for whole numbers through different ways Lesson 10 Feb.-June To thousands MA3.01.02.02 9,999 including names in whole numbers can MA4.01.01.03 expanded notation form be written? (9000+900+90+9; 9 thousands, 9 hundreds, 9 tens, 9 ones; nine thousand, nine hundred, ninety-nine).

3RD Grade Math, 2nd 30 days 1 TEXTBOOK GLC WEBSITE - ESSENTIAL STANDARD ESSENTIAL DEPTH for CALENDAR COMPASS CHAPTER & SEQUENCED ESSENTIAL QUESTION MASTERY MATH LEARNING LESSON LESSON PLANS [21] - Identifies place value How does the All Chapter 1 Aug.-Nov. Days 12, 14 MA2.01.01 through hundred thousands placement of a Lesson 10 January To thousands MA3.01.01.01-02 and identifies the number of number change its February MA4.01.01.03-04 hundred thousands, thousands, value? hundreds, tens, and ones in a given number. 3.24 & [4.1] - Rounds, two-, What determines All Chapter 1 None Day 33 MA2.01.05 three-, and four- digit numbers how a number is Lessons 4 Round to nearer 10, MA3.01.03.02 to the nearer ten, hundred, or rounded to the No new lessons 100 & 1,000 MA4.01.03.01 thousand. nearest ten, hundred or thousand? 31 - Continues or completes a How can you show Counts by 1s, 2s, Chapter 1 Aug.-Oct. Day 18 MA1.01.06-07 given number sequence patterns in 3s, 4s, or 5s to Lessons 1, 4 Discover and MA2.01.02 counting by ones, twos, threes, numbers? complete a No new lessons extend number MA3.01.02.03-04 fours, fives, tens, hundreds, and sequence patterns; count by thousands (including skip 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s counting on a number line). 33 - Identifies information What steps are All Chapter 6 Aug.-June Days 28, 44 MA3.05.01.02 needed to solve a given needed to solve a Lesson 5 Identify extraneous MA3.09.01.01 problem. problem? information and important details 3.34 & 4.20 - Selects What steps are Addition and No new lessons Aug.-June Days 28, 37, 39 MA2.02.05 appropriate operation needed to solve a subtraction Addition and MA2.02.11 (addition, subtraction, or problem? problems subtraction; MA2.03.05 multiplication) for a given problems MA2.08.05 problem situation. containing MA2.09.01 extraneous MA3.02.03.01-03 information MA3.03.01.03 MA3.05.01.01-02 MA3.05.01.05-06 MA3.05.01.08 MA3.09.01.01-04 MA4.08.01.01-05 MA4.12.01.01-06

3RD Grade Math, 2nd 30 days 2 TEXTBOOK GLC WEBSITE - ESSENTIAL STANDARD ESSENTIAL DEPTH for CALENDAR COMPASS CHAPTER & SEQUENCED ESSENTIAL QUESTION MASTERY MATH LEARNING LESSON LESSON PLANS [35] - Employs problem solving What steps are Using estimates, Chapter 4 Aug.-June Days 58, 59 MA2.09.01 strategies (e.g. draw a picture; needed to solve a make a graph, Lesson 4; MA3.03.01.03 make a chart, graph, or table; problem? look for a Chapter 7 MA3.09.01.02-04 guess and check; look for a pattern Lesson 5 MA4.08.01.01-05 pattern). MA4.12.01.01-06 [3.36] & [4.22] - Solves one- and What steps are As appropriate Chapter 2, Aug.-June Days 58, 59 MA3.02.01-03 two- step worked problems needed to solve a for third grade Lesson 11; MA3.03.01.03 related to appropriate third and one-step problem? Chapter 3, MA3.04.01.03-04 fourth grade objectives. A two-step Lesson 8 MA3.05.01.01-03 Includes oral and written problem? MA3.05.01.05-06 problems and problems with MA3.05.01.08 extraneous information as well MA3.07.01.04-05 as information from sources MA3.09.01.01 such as pictographs, bar MA4.12.01.03 graphs, tables, and graphs. MA4.12.01.05 3.39 & [4.25] - Collects, reads, What are the steps Data from Chapter 2, Oct., Dec., Days 58-59 MA2.09.01 interprets, and compares data involved in making graphs Lesson 11 Jan., March, Bar graphs, MA3.01.01.01-03 in charts, tables, and graphs. and reading graphs? May, June pictographs MA3.02.02.01-05 MA4.10.01.01 MA4.10.02.01-02 [3.46] & [4.34] - Selects How do you know >, <, = Chapter 3, Aug.-June Day 75 MA2.01.03 appropriate symbol (+, -, x, which symbol to Lesson 11 MA2.01.04 division, <, >, =) for use in a use in a number MA4.05.01.01 number sentence. sentence? [3.47] & [4.31] - Adds and What are different All Chapter 3, Aug., Sept., Day 29 MA1.03.01-04 subtracts whole numbers (one-, ways to add and Lessons 5, 11 Oct., Nov., Three-digit MA2.02.01-03 two- and three-digits, without subtract whole Two- and Jan., Feb. addition MA2.02.05 or with regrouping), initially numbers? three-digit MA2.03.01-05 using manipulatives and then addition and MA3.01.02.05 connecting the manipulations to subtraction MA3.02.01.01-06 symbolic procedures (problems MA3.05.01.08 presented vertically and MA3.07.01.04-05 horizontally with the horizontal problems rewritten vertically).

3RD Grade Math, 2nd 30 days 3 TEXTBOOK GLC WEBSITE - ESSENTIAL STANDARD ESSENTIAL DEPTH for CALENDAR COMPASS CHAPTER & SEQUENCED ESSENTIAL QUESTION MASTERY MATH LEARNING LESSON LESSON PLANS 48-Recalls basic multiplication Why is it important 0,1,2,5 Chapter 5 Dec.-March Day 49, 60 MA3.04.01.01 facts through 9x9. to know your Lessons 4-6 MA3.04.02.01 multiplication facts? MA3.08.03.03 MA4.05.01.07 IMPORTANT 1 - Applies estimation strategies How can we use All Chapter 3, Aug., Sept., Day 67 MA3.08.03.01-02 beginning with front-end front-end estimation Lesson 11 Dec., MA4.06.01.01-03 estimation and simple to get a reasonable Feb.- March MA4.06.03.02 compatible numbers to answer? MA4.06.03.04 predict appropriate results. 17 - Translates words to How can numbers All Chapter 1 Nov.-June Days 11, 12 MA3.01.01.01 numerals and numerals to be written into Lessons 3, 7, MA3.01.02.02 words up to 9,999. words? 10 No new pages 26 - Writes a number sentence What number Addition and Chapter 2, December, Day 18 MA2.02.06-08 represented by a picture or an sentence subtraction Lesson 10 February Multiplication facts MA3.04.01.01 array. represents this to 9 MA4.05.01.04 picture? 38 - Organizes data into charts What are the steps All Chapter 7 Oct., Dec., Days 58, 59 MA2.09.01 and tables and constructs involved in making Lessons 1, 3 Jan., March, MA3.03.02.01-05 bar graphs using scales of and reading graphs? May, June MA3.03.01.03 one, two, five or ten unites MA3.03.03.01 and pictographs using MA4.10.02.01-02 scales of one, two, three, four, five, or ten units. 45 - Uses properties of addition How are addition All Chapter 5 None Days 35-36 MA1.02.09 and multiplication and multiplication Lessons 3, 10 Identify MA2.02.02 (including commutative, related? What are commutative MA2.02.04 associative, and properties the properties of associative MA3.04.01.01-02 of zero and one). addition and MA3.04.01.07 multiplication and MA4.05.01.07 how do we use them?

3RD Grade Math, 2nd 30 days 4 TEXTBOOK GLC WEBSITE - ESSENTIAL STANDARD ESSENTIAL DEPTH for CALENDAR COMPASS CHAPTER & SEQUENCED COMPACT REVIEW QUESTION MASTERY MATH LEARNING LESSON LESSON PLANS 23 - Uses a number line to What can you use to All Chapter ,1 Aug.-Sept., Day 31 MA2.01.02 determine to which round numbers? Lesson 4 Oct.-Dec. To nearest 100 MA2.01.05 multiple of 10 or 100 a No new lessons given number (up to 1,000) is nearer. 28 - Identifies subsets of given How many different All Chapter 11 None Day 19 None sets. groups are Lesson 4 represented in our class? 29 - Uses the terms: all, some, What is the All Chapter 7, None Days 19, 20 None and none. difference between Lesson 4 all, some, and none? Critical Thinking 30 - Determines a pair of How do rules help All Chapter 2, None Days 43, 45 MA3.09.02.01 numbers or a missing us find numbers? Lesson 2 MAS.01.04.01-02 element of a pair when Practice pg. 49, MA2.01.05.01-02 given a relation or rule. #23-27 Determines the relation or rule when given a pair of numbers. COMPACT REVIEW 50 - Selects appropriate What area the All Chapter 3, Aug.-Jan. Day 67 None methods and tools for different ways to Lessons 1, 14 computing with whole numbers find answers to from among mental math problems? computation, estimation, calculators, and a paper and pencil according to the context and nature of the computation and use the selected methods or tools.

3RD Grade Math, 2nd 30 days 5 52 - Describe, extend and make What steps are used All Chapter 1, Aug.-Sept. Day 41 None generalizations about in making a Lesson 1 Extend patterns geometric and numeric geometric or Number with pattern blocks patterns. numeric pattern? patterns

3RD Grade Math, 2nd 30 days 6

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