Directions for Accessing the Physics Message Board

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Directions for Accessing the Physics Message Board

Directions for accessing the Chemistry Message Board 2014

Registration Directions. 1. The class message board is located at:

then click on 'Sign Up Now' at the top of the board to register for an account. 2. Fill in the screen seen below. Type your full name as the desired user name, no nicknames please. (ie John Smith) and fill in the rest of the form. If your name is already in use then use John Smith DAHS.

3. Before you can post, you must go to your e-mail and accept YUKU. Close out of YUKU, go to your e-mail and click on the authorization link. Next, get a picture of you ( head shot please). 4. Return to Click on the images link at the top, then Profile About Me Edit Put the media card in your computer and navigate to the photo to add it to your profile. For your profile, just enter your picture and your birthday, leaving the address line alone. 5. Return to and apply for membership. Let me know when you are finished so I can accept you. Using YUKU 1. Enter the site by going to:

In the Chemistry Discussion area, enter strand titled “ Welcome to Chemistry Discussion”. You can either reply to my welcome or start your own message. To start your own new message area, just click on the NEW TOPIC button. Make sure you put something in the subject line for your new topic postings. 2. There are discussion areas for each week. There is also an Announcements section that I will use to post special announcements to the class so keep watching that spot. You can talk about other topics with your classmates in the General Chat Area. 3. When you are ready to post to a specific week, just click on that week and hit the New Topic Button or reply to one someone else posted. Summer Reading Directions This summer reading project is optional but can be useful for you in three ways. 1) It will count as a replacement test grade that can replace any one test grade you choose. This is the only bonus that will be available to you this year. 20 Points-At least one question and one answer/comment for each week but you are welcome to post more. Do not wait until the end of the week to post if you want to earn the full 20 points! 50 Points- Submit online book reports to my e-mail, one for each reading. These should be a short summary of the article. You can submit the four for each week on the same page. See the sample report for more details. Simply e-mail me your report titled with the week and your name ie Week 1- John Doe 30 Points- At least 4 new vocabulary words each week from the reading. These should be defined and used in a sentence. These should be at the end of your weekly book report. . I have posted sample questions and answer/comments in the Welcome to Chemistry Discussion Area in a topic titled Sample Posts so you can see how to do it. If your posts are not “A” work, i.e. too brief, not accurate, off topic, I will notify you and give you a chance to remedy before the next posting 2) Many of you will need college recommendations. It is important for the recommending teacher to tell what sets a student apart from others. A couple years ago, I had four students who got full ride scholarships ( over $60,000 each). They did an exceptional job in their postings over the two summer reading projects and I was able to use that information in their recommendation. I believe it helped those students get scholarship monies. 3) Improve ACT Scores- The science portion requires you to read a scientific passage and answer questions. This will give you practice reading science passages. My e-mail Send your reports to my classroom assignment page. This is located at Select DAHSTeacher Web Sites Mrs. McCullough  Classrooms Chemistry. Create your report in a word document then send to me by choosing Submit Assignment under the appropriate week. Put your e-mail and also name on the document. I will try to e-mail you back with comments about your report. It would also be wise to save all of your weekly reports in case there is a problem. If you have issues, you can contact me at:

My Home Phone 330-332-5146 Home e-Mail [email protected] School Website DAHSTeacher Web Sites Mrs. McCullough Twitter @McDAHS2016

If you find that you will be away, let me know and you can post early or late. Try to keep to these times so everyone can be discussing the same chapters together.

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