Due 9/2/16 to Teaching Learning

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Due 9/2/16 to Teaching Learning

School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning

Step 1: Review 15-16 School Imp. Plan Reflection Step 4: Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses Step 2: Executive Summary Step 5: Continuous, Job-Embedded Prof. Learning Plan Step 3: School Improvement Plan Step 6: 16-17 SIP Reflection due Friday, June 16, 2017 ___ CCPRI Goal ___ Academic/Instructional Goal ___ Climate Goal 2015-18 Executive Summary Continuous AdvancED Standards Learner Profile Support from FCS Depts.* Improvement Goals (Check all that apply) (Check all that apply) (List all that apply) CCRPI Goal Brookwood Elementary X Purpose & Direction X Pursue Teaching and Learning: Continued Continuous School CCRPI Score will X Governance & Leadership Exhibit Strong ELA Support in implementing Personal increase in the area of X Teaching & Assessing for Learning X Utilize balanced literacy and writing Creative & progress points. X Resources & Support Systems X Engage & strategies Contribute X Using Results for Continuous Improvement x Interact Academic / Instructional Goal Effectively Brookwood Elementary X Purpose & Direction X Pursue Teaching and Learning: Continued Continuous School Mean Student X Governance & Leadership Exhibit Strong Support in implementing balanced Personal Growth Percentile will X Teaching & Assessing for Learning X Utilize literacy and writing strategies Creative & increase. X Resources & Support Systems X Engage & Contribute X Using Results for Continuous Improvement X Interact Climate Goal Effectively Brookwood Elementary X Purpose & Direction Pursue Student Support Continuous School will earn a 5 Star X Governance & Leadership X Exhibit Strong Personal Rating in school climate. X Teaching & Assessing for Learning X Utilize Creative & X Resources & Support Systems X Engage & Contribute x Using Results for Continuous Improvement X Interact * FCS Departments: Educational Leadership, Facilities, Finance & Operations, Food & Nutrition Services, HumanEffectively Resources, Public Information & Communications, School Safety & Discipline, Special Education, Student Support Services, Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Technology & Information Services, and Transportation School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning 2016-17 School Improvement Plan CCRPI Goal: Brookwood Elementary School CCRPI Score will increase in the area of progress points. SMART Goal: The percentage of students who will earn typical or high growth in the area of ELA in grades 4 and 5 will increase from 73% in 2016 to 75% in 2017 as represented on the Georgia Milestones.

Actions, Strategies and Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Resources Needed? Interventions Timeline (“If…then...” Statements) Who is Responsible? (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) Professional learning opportunities provided for certified teachers to share If teachers are provided the opportunities to share and learn Instructional Coach ideas for guided reading strategies and guided reading strategies and meaningful learning activities for 2016-17 School Year how to provide meaningful learning literacy centers, their literacy block will be more effective. Teachers activities for students at Literacy Centers. Professional learning opportunities If teachers are provided with opportunities to learn how to use provided for certified teachers regarding Literacy Team what is available on itslearning for the HMH program, they will what is available through HMH, including 2016-17 School Year be more likely to use the materials resulting in higher levels of Instructional Coach the additions to the leveled book room student achievement. HMH Leveled Readers and on itslearning. F&P running records will continue to be used for all students in grades K-3, with If teachers in grades K-3 are able to use the F&P running records grade level TKES goals set for the number System F&P training as a tool to guide instruction and measure reading progress, 2016-17 School Year of students making high growth from fall students will read and comprehend at higher levels. Teachers to spring administration.

F&P running records will be used for 4-5 If teachers in grades 4 and 5 are trained and use the F&P grade students who did not experience running records to measure progress and guide instruction with System F&P training high or typical growth in grades 3-4 as 2016-17 School Year students who scored at a level 1 or 2 on the Georgia Milestones evidenced on the Georgia Milestones in Teachers ELA, reading levels will increase. the spring of 2016. In grades 3-5 students are instructed in If students are grouped based on academic achievement levels Teaching and Learning groups based on academic achievement in the area of ELA and math, more individual and personalized Teachers 2016-17 School Year levels in specific content areas in order to instruction can be provided and student achievement will meet the individual needs of all students. Support Staff Administrators increase. Instructional Coach Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: Data Team meetings, Interims, Common Assessments, IST meetings, F&P Data, Classroom Observations School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning Academic / Instructional Goal: Brookwood Elementary Mean Student Growth Percentile will increase.

SMART Goal: The Brookwood Elementary Mean Student Growth Percentile will increase from 61% in 2016 to 63% in 2017 as represented on the Georgia Milestones.

Actions, Strategies and Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Resources Needed? Interventions Timeline (“If…then...” Statements) Who is Responsible? (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) RACE Strategies will be used to help If students learn and use the RACE Strategy, they will be more 2016-17 School Year Instructional Coach students comprehend evidence-based likely to comprehend evidenced based text and formulate and Classroom Teachers text, and formulate and answer answer questions related to that text. questions related to that text.

Journaling and writing across the If students are taught to journal and write throughout the day 2016-17 School Year Classroom Teachers curriculum. and across the curriculum, they will become more proficient writers. Instructional coach will work with If teachers learn to design writing lessons that align with the teachers to design writing lessons that Instructional Coach expectations on the Georgia Milestones, they are more likely to will align with expectations on Georgia 2016-17 School Year experience typical or high growth on the ELA portion of that Milestones. Classroom Teachers assessment. Teachers will provide deliberate work If teachers work with students regularly to build endurance with students to build endurance when when completing reading and writing activities, they will be 2016-17 School Year Classroom Teachers reading and writing to better prepare more capable of successfully completing longer responses on them for Georgia Milestones. the Georgia Milestones. Use of anchor papers and exemplars Instructional Coach with students to help them better If teachers use exemplars and anchor papers to help students Classroom Teachers understand how to achieve personal see where they are with writing and where they need to go, the 2016-17 School Year Anchor Papers growth in writing. quality of student writing will improve. Exemplars

Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: Data Team meetings, Interims, Common Assessments, IST meetings, F&P Data, Classroom Observations School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning Climate Goal: Brookwood Elementary School will earn a 5 Star Rating in school climate.

SMART Goal: The student response score on the Georgia Student Health Survey will increase by 2 percentage points (from 80.2 to 82.2) with a focus on responses to questions 1, 2, 8 and 10.

Actions, Strategies and Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Resources Needed? Interventions Timeline (“If…then...” Statements) Who is Responsible? (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) If parent education is provided for 7 Mindsets, then parents will 2016-17 School Year Counselors Parent Education Night is scheduled be more knowledgeable, increasing their ability to reinforce and 7 Mindsets Committee with a focus on The 7 Mindsets support the program at home. Staff (parent and student interactive). Chelsea Buchanan from 7 Mindsets Classroom teachers hold class meetings If classroom teachers use the 7 Mindset platform with their 2016-17 School Year Classroom Teachers and 7 Mindset/Olweus lessons weekly students and reinforce the 7 Mindsets consistently, then Counselor Support using the platform. students will be more likely to apply these mindsets to their daily lives. Chelsea Buchanan from 7 Mindsets will If teachers see modeled lessons, they will learn new strategies model lessons for teachers with 2016-17 School Year Chelsea Buchanan and ideas for implementing the program. Brookwood students. Staff spotlight on 7 Mindsets at faculty meetings to share ideas they are using, If staff members share ideas they use to incorporate 7 Mindsets Administration particularly in regard to questions 1, 2, 8, into daily classroom routines, their colleagues will gain new 2016-17 School Year Counselors and 10 on the Georgia Student Health ideas to use with their students. Staff Survey. Increased focus on 7 Mindsets by If all staff members focus on the 7Mindsets consistently, support staff, including but not limited to students will understand that this is a school-wide focus and 2016-17 School Year Staff EIP, IRR, ESOL, Specials and Special they will be supported. Others. Professional Learning for staff to help If professional learning is provided for the staff in regard to how them make the connection between the the 7 Mindsets align with the learner profile, staff will be better Counselors 2016-17 School Year 7 Mindsets and the Forsyth County able to see and articulate to parents and other stakeholders the Administration Learner Profile value in and importance of both of these initiatives. Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: Classroom observations, parent feedback from Parent Education Night, teacher feedback after modeled lessons, conversations with students regarding focus questions on Georgia Student Health Survey School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning

Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses Measure(s):

Brookwood Elementary School will utilize the school Student Growth Percentile to measure the growth of teachers of non-SGP courses and grades.

Implementation Plan

Teachers in self-contained classes and specials teachers will be working on Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing during RTI and in their classrooms throughout the day. Each teacher has a plan of action as outlined on the TKES platform/PAC Plan. School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning Plan

Professional Learning Goal(s):

Timeline: Dates/Hours Professional Learning Actions, Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Connection to Continuous (Add/Modify as Needed) Strategies and Interventions (“If…then...” Statements) Improvement Goal(s): NEO/SLO (K-3), July 25 NEO (K-12), July 26-27 If teachers are trained in how to use the Seven Mindsets platform and how to incorporate the 7 Mindsets Training for all new staff Climate Goal mindsets into classrooms, the students will learn to connect the mindsets to their lives Preplanning, July 28-29 & Aug. 1-3 If administrators provide orientation training for Climate Goal TKES process to teachers, they will have a Academic Goal TKES Orientation better understanding of the process and the Instructional Goal changes that have been made this year. CCRPI Goal August 3 If teachers have itslearning training for changes Climate Goal to and system expectations of how this Academic Goal Itslearning Training with M Paluzzi platform is to be used, teachers will be better Instructional Goal able to follow the guidelines CCRPI Goal If teachers have attorney guided training for the Aug. 22 Climate Goal Code of Ethics: PAGE Attorney GPSC Code of Ethics, they will be better able to follow these guidelines. Aug. 29 If administration leads staff in 3 Pillars, teachers Climate Goal will have a better understanding of the Academic Goal TKES: 3 Pillars importance of cognitive engagement and how Instructional Goal the rating system works. CCRPI Goal Early Release/Prof. Dev., Aug. 31 If staff is involved in the self-study for the Climate Goal AdvancED re-accreditation, they will have a Academic Goal AdvancED Organizational Meeting/Webinar better understanding of what we are doing well Instructional Goal and areas of need. CCRPI Goal Sept. 6 If teachers have additional training with Brian Academic Goal Envision Learning with Brian Lack during Lack regarding how to use the Envision Math Instructional Goal planning Program/Components, students will benefit CCRPI Goal with higher levels of achievement Sept. 12 TKES Formative Assessment Practice It administration leads staff in TKES Formative Climate Goal Assessment Practice, teachers will have a better Academic Goal understanding of how the rating system works. Instructional Goal School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning CCRPI Goal Oct. 3 If staff begins to participate in professional Admin Team from GWES present what they learning regarding personalized learning, they are doing with personalized learning to BES will have a better understanding of what it can Professional Learning Team look like in their classrooms and will be more likely to begin implementing Oct. 4 Climate Goal If teachers have direct training in regard to ESOL Training with Michelle Slaton during Academic Goal strategies that are effective with ESOL students, planning Instructional Goal all students will benefit CCRPI Goal Oct. 10 Faculty/Professional Learning: Chelsea If teachers have time to compare the Student Buchanan works with staff to see alignment Learner Profile with the 7 Mindsets to see Climate Goal between the Learner Profile and the 7 similarities, they will be more likely to help their Mindsets students and parents make these connections.

Prof. Dev., Oct. 21 Climate Goal Academic Goal DCD Instructional Goal CCRPI Goal Faculty Meeting: Culminating Event for Team Nov. 7 Climate Goal Building Activity Nov. 14 If staff begins to participate in professional learning regarding personalized learning, they Professional Learning Team: Greg Singleton Academic Goal will have a better understanding of what it can presents system work in this regard Instructional Goal look like in their classrooms and will be more likely to begin implementing Dec. 5 If staff begins to participate in professional learning regarding personalized learning, they Professional Learning: Jigsaw articles on Academic Goal will have a better understanding of what it can personalized learning Instructional Goal look like in their classrooms and will be more likely to begin implementing Dec. 14 If staff begins to participate in professional learning regarding personalized learning, they Academic Goal Professional Learning: Book Study kickoff for will have a better understanding of what it can Instructional Goal personalized learning look like in their classrooms and will be more likely to begin implementing Prof Dev., Jan. 4 Prof. Dev., Feb. 21 Post Planning, May 30-31 School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning School Name: Due 9/2/16 to Teaching & Learning 2016-17 School Improvement Plan Reflection Please provide a short reflection summary for each goal listed below. (Did you meet your goals? Why or why not? What were your strengths / weaknesses? Did you monitor your goals throughout the year? If so, then how? Did you revise your goals throughout the year? If so, then why? What can be improved?) CCRPI Goal

Academic / Instructional Goal

Climate Goal

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