IAN Board Meeting on March 5, 2009 in Springfield, IL at the Scope Office Building

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IAN Board Meeting on March 5, 2009 in Springfield, IL at the Scope Office Building

Illinois AfterSchool Network Board Minutes December 1, 2011 Teleconference 10 am – 12 pm

Board members in attendance:

Stacie Haley, Chris Bzdon, Julie Dakers, Terri Eppinger, Carole Franke, Camille Harmon, Tammy McCullough, Deb Rogers Tony Stahl, Jaye Curtis Peace, Jr. Executive Director. A quorum was present.

Proxies: Terri Eppinger for Queen Drake and Jaime Stephanidis

Call to order: Stacie Haley, Board President, called the scheduled IAN Board meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.

I. Minutes of the October 6, 2011 Board Meeting Stacie changed from new business the second sentence to read FY12 Budget adding in the cost of a grant write to the budget discussed the proposal side as being from 80% for DHS and 20% for Board split. The Motion to approve changes made by Terri Eppinger, duly seconded by Carole Franke. Motion carried.

II. Approval of Agenda: The Agenda was approved with the change of two items: Stacie moved up new business to Item 3 and moved the Executive Director’s report to the bottom. Carole Franke motions to move FY12 Budget under new business Financial. Motion to approve changes by Carole Franke, duly seconded by Terri Eppinger. Motion carried.

III. Financial Reports: Tony Stahl, Treasurer, submitted a written report and reviewed that the IAN is bringing in the anticipated money. The NASA training is a new dollar income for the IAN and seeing a net from that activity. Tony noted that Curtis is doing a great job looking for additional income and fulfilling our mission. FY12 Budget report was updated and includes increase of wages for IAN employees. Also included is $3500 for a grant writer.

V. FY12 Budget: Discussion was Chris reported that we have a nice clean budget to propose. Stacie Haley was pleased that there is money for a grant writer in the budget. Tony Stahl suggested spending the money that is available; Curtis noted that the budget he was viewing was an old one that has been corrected. Tony placed $352 in training supply line 24. Deb Jaye questioned if the $35000 is the cap for the grant writer and it is. Motion to approve the budget was made by Tony Stahl, duly seconded by Carole Franke. Motion carried.

VI. Executive Director Report: Office Matters  New signage in the office. Looking good!  Monitoring bills (utilities and electricity) closely now that the IAN is the sole tenant in the building.  Reminded the board to please copy him with projects that you are being sent to Linda.  Office closed on Friday, December 23'd and Monday, December 26th in observance of Christmas and Monday, January 2, in observance of the New Year holiday. Financial Matters  Bank account $82,325.99  IAN Audit- no findings- two recommendations: Curtis signs off on the bills and the auditor recommends a second person to look at checks for over $500 and someone from the board to look at what we are signing. The auditor offerd to come to the next board meeting in February to explain the audit.  990 Form update filed an extension by the auditor Josh to include how many new board members, etc… 2012 Spring Conference  Website update (conference RFP, vendor form, registration form and FAQ are all posted on the website)  Conference RFPs' are coming in. 1  Met with Professional Development Committee on November 22"d to discuss conference committees and expectations  Conference evaluation form has been revamped. Draft of form will be sent over to the PD committee for final approval before copies are made. Thanks to Debbie Jaye for taking time to look over the form and give suggestions.  Conference registration booklet will be mailed out at the beginning of January  2012 Spring Conference Line-up *Friday, May 4th Jason Leahy- Executive Director, Illinois Principals Association Julie Ewart, Director of Communications and Outreach, Region Five (5), U.S. Department of Education *Saturday, May 5th Kathy Ryg, President, Illinois Voices for Children Welcome - Two youth from the Project SCOPE After School Program Entertainment- Springfield Urban League, After School/Youth Program Follow up: Senator Toi Hutchinson and Chief of Staff- Desirae Duoma  Mix Master will be a vendor besides sending in their RFP to present Partnerships/Collaborations  In Feb or Mar we will host with ActNow  Chris Bzdon spoke about how everyone needs to be on the registry , simplify and get the word out  IL Mental Health Partnership offer for Curtis to sit on advisory board  Jim Cheshire, Chicago provider WPQA model for older kids is gathering information and will be presenters in May  United Way, Adam is now working for them  Dec 8 meeting with IL Trainers Network Level 1 School Age Credential  Act now Coalition, Curtis appointed to Youth Development Council National AfterSchool Association Update  Membership issue has been taken care of  National update (committee work and upcoming convention) They are looking at Illinois as the model to build infrastructure, Paul is trying to bring everyone else up to the Illinois level I-SAY Leadership Team Meeting  Credential meeting in Bloomington on October 18th - meeting cancelled  Leadership Team Conference call on October 26th - Level One Training roll out- ITN and IAN will co-sponsor the trainings IDHS Advisory Council Meeting  Meeting on November 9 in Naperville, Illinois at DePaul University  Focus of the day- Race to The Top- Early Learning Challenge  70 million for 5 years being offered, will start early care then onto older and after school kids. Thanks Deb for sharing the good news and for reaching out and at the table. We are supporting role willing to cross those bridges. Thanks Kathy Kloppenburg for stepping out of her comfort zone. Act Now Coalition  Meeting on November 9 in Naperville, Illinois at DePaul University

VII. Business

New Appointments: Stacie Haley welcomes Chris Bzdon to the Executive Committee. Announced Alice Kirby is a new board member from Region 3 and will attend the next Board Meeting. Stacie reminds the board that the secretary position is vacant and thanked Tammy McCullough for taking the last minutes and Linda Flesch for taking today’s minutes. She also thanks the board for moving things forward.

Partial Conflict of Interest Policy: The Governance Committee makes the motion to approve the Partial Conflict of Interest Policy as submitted and proposed at the October Board Meeting. Board members need to sign the COI Statement annually. Carole Franke stated that if a board. Motion to approve was made by Carole Franke, duly seconded byTerri Eppinger. Motion carried.

Accrued unused vacation days: Request to change accrued vacation days. Governance committee makes the motion to approve that IAN will pay for unused days. will pay for unused accrued vacation days, duly seconded byTerri Eppinger. Motion carried.

New Board Member Forms: Deb Jaye sent a form to new board members and will send the answers to Stacie and Linda. Orientation needs feed back, presenting a policy in place. Mentors/mentees for new board members, will finalize

2 like a contract. The Board Orientation Feed-back Form will be sent to Curtis Peace and Stacie Haley for approval, then to be added to IAN Policy and Procedures.

September, October Financials: The Finance Committee makes a motion to enter the September October Financials to the record for the future audit. Stacie Haley thanks Chris and Tony for all their hard work on the budget piece. Motion to approve was made by Carole Franke, duly seconded by Julie Dakers. Motion carried.

Grant Writers: The Resource Development Committee proposes to hire Rosie Dale to work on infrastructure and work on grant proposals, duly seconded by Chris Bzdon. Motion carried. Rosie will put templates in place. It was also suggested to use Lori Bonds (Brenton?) in the future. Deb hopes for a tentative meeting with Rosie on December 16.

Membership and Marketing Committee: Stacie and Deb states that the membership drive is going forward and asks the board members to please forward to your contacts in your region. Deb suggests doing this again in the spring. All new and renewing members can quality to get t-shirts among the first 50 membership applications.

Professional Development Committee: Terri on Nov 1, the following documents were voted – training contract, policies and entered into the record. Curtis commented that the committee did an excellent job and may forward those in a short time.

Committee Job Descriptions: Updated committee job descriptions were included in the board packet. Motion to approve the new version was made by Terri Eppinger, duly seconded by Deb Jaye. Motion carried.

FY12 Committee Goals: The three year strategic plan came to an end and currently the IAN is not jumping into another three year strategic plan. The group decided to just look at next year. How we are going to be accountable. The retreat pages were updated and adjusted with targets, measures, plans, eliminations and priorities. Stacie Haley has put every goal from every committee on one sheet of paper and requests the she be on each next committee call for fifteen minutes to go over each of their committee goals. Those will be noted at the next board meeting.

Next IAN Board Meeting: Will be held Thursday, February 2, 2012 in Springfield, the location to be announced.

Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:42 a.m. on a motion by Camille Harmon, duly seconded by Tony Stahl.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Flesch Linda Flesch, Transcriber for lack of a current Secretary


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