HSC Aboriginal Studies

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HSC Aboriginal Studies

Northlakes High School HSC Aboriginal Studies Assessment Task 2 Major Project

Subject/Course: HSC Aboriginal Studies Unit or Topic: Major Project Assessment Task Number: 2 Assessment Task Name: Major Project Weighting: 40% Outcomes Assessed: H4.1 plans, investigates, analyses, synthesises and communicates relevant information, incorporating Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples’ perspectives H4.2 undertakes community consultation and fieldwork and applies ethical research practices

Task Description: The Major Project constitutes 40% of internal assessment, inclusive of the allocation of 15% for the student log book. Assessment tasks related to the project may include a number of assessment components. It will also form part of the HSC examination being weighted at 15% of the exam mark

Project Schedule

Due Date Stage Weighting Item/s

Term 4 2017 Week 6 1 Project Consultation Wednesday

Term 4 2017 Week 9 2 Logbook Review Wednesday by 3pm

Term 1 2018 Week 2 3 Logbook Review Wednesday by 3pm

Term 1 2018 Week 10 4 40% Project & Logbook Friday by 3pm

Project Topics Students should determine project topics after they have consulted with their teacher, the Aboriginal Education Assistant (if available) and members of the Aboriginal community/ies where possible. The Project topic can be based within the local Aboriginal community/ies or it may focus on an area of interest beyond the local community/ies. Projects can have a contemporary or historical, a personal or objective focus on individuals, communities, families or organisations. • Aboriginal artists: biographies of local or prominent personalities • Aboriginal Education • Aboriginal Housing • Aboriginal industries and trade • Aboriginal people and sport • Aboriginal writers: biographies of local or prominent personalities • Area Health Services, What problems, what we do • Art - research , create, present • Bush foods eg research and get samples, recipe book • Bush foods of the local area • Bush medicine • Bush medicines of the local area • Clothing, jewellery, decoration • Constellations eg book for kids? • Contemporary music • Criminal justice eg Legal services, Kariong, • Dance, eg research, create, perform • Dreaming stories in the local area • Family trees/histories • History of local organisations: eg health service, preschools, legal service, Lands Council, welfare organisations • Human Rights issues in Australia • Impact of Christianity • Kindy book. eg Activities to teach Aboriginal stuff • Land Rights and Native Title • Landscaping projects • Local Aboriginal enterprise • Local history • Local language and culture • Local sites of significance • Local stories – perhaps presented as an illustrated book for use in local schools (or a ‘big book’ for primary schools) • Mandatory sentencing • Mission/reserve life in the local area • Native Garden, eg plant plants, research plants, interview Chris Nowland, get history • Northlakes High Aboriginal Programs • Oral histories (eg local identities involved in sport or community organisations, war service in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam)) • Presenting a self-guiding tour for the school’s collection of artefacts, with lesson plans, activity sheets, etc, for use by primary students • Racism in Australia: history, current manifestations, discrimination, legislation, comparisons with other groups • Self-guided tour for Aboriginal sites on Central Coast. • Stolen Generations: Aboriginal children in institutions • The Aboriginal Education Council • The Aboriginal Progress Association • The Aborigines Protection Board • The AECG and its operations • The Dreaming • Weapons and Tools, Didgeridoo, eg Research, create

It is important for students to identify and concentrate on a focus for their project topic. For example, the topic ‘Aboriginal Art’ is immense and it would be best to focus on particular styles of Aboriginal art, a particular artist or region or possibly the contribution of Aboriginal art to society. Students choose the medium of presentation for their project from a variety of methods that may include: Final Presentation The medium of presentation is left to the individual student. It can include: • written reports • performances of dance, music, song or drama • writing of a play or poetry • visual arts • teaching/learning kit • multimedia presentation • photographic essay • video presentation • website

• and any other medium negotiated with the teacher. Presentations can include a variety of media.

Project Proposal DUE Term 4 2017 Week 6 Wednesday Period 4

To ensure that you have given serious thought to your project topic you will complete a Project Proposal form as Stage 1 of this Assessment Task. This requires students to outline the focus of their Project, its scope, and the community consultation that will take place and how they will overcome difficulties in finding information. The Project Proposal will allow your teacher to ensure that you are setting realistic goals and have considered community consultation as an integral part of your research.

A Project Proposal form is found at the back of this booklet and is set out as per the HSC Aboriginal Studies Syllabus support document (page 43) which can be found at; http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/pdf_doc/aboriginalstud_hsc_support.doc Project Consultation This will involve:  handing a completed written Project Proposal which is attached  Answering any questions the teacher has in regards to your Project Proposal during the consultation  Questions may be asked specifically in regards to: - The nature of your project (what is it you are going to do) - What questions are you attempting to answer? - What sources are you using? - What ways are you going to utilise community consultation? (Who, Why, When) - What method of presentation are you going to use? - What will be the most difficult aspect of your project? - How do you plan to overcome these difficulties? - What do you hope to learn from the project? - What planning have you already completed? - What clear steps do you need to take to bring your project to completion?

You will be assessed on:  Select and organise resources and evaluate their usefulness  Displays a clear understanding of the role of Community Consultation in your project  Plan an investigation and identify what is required to complete it  Communicate clearly and directly using appropriate language and concepts

The Marking Criteria and Rubrics can be found at the end of the booklet.

The Log and Community Fieldwork The log is an essential tool through which the student must be able to demonstrate the conceptual and sequential development of their project, including all fieldwork undertaken. The log should also reflect ethical research and methodological issues that were raised and/or addressed in the project. As such, it is an ongoing diary that documents all work completed as part of the project research.

The log:  provides an initial summary and outline of the complete research process  records values, attitudes and feelings  reflects honestly on issues encountered during the research, and their resolution  records conversations, contacts, readings and sources of secondary data  clearly records Aboriginal community input into the project conceptualisation and development  describes methods used to interpret data.

The marking of the log will encompass these elements. Community fieldwork is an essential component of the project. It should be ongoing throughout the duration of the Major Project, and must be thoroughly documented. This includes a record of all meetings, letters, phone calls and interviews. The Project Logbook The Logbook is a compulsory element of the Project. It must be completed by all students and is weighted at 15 of the 40 available marks for this section of the course assessment. The purpose of the Logbook is to allow students to demonstrate the process of their Project. This will allow students who have problems receiving responses or finding appropriate information to still receive marks for their efforts. It also shows the knowledge and skills learned in the Research and Inquiry Methods section of the course have been put to practical use. The Logbook must be an accurate and ongoing record of all work done on the Project. It will include copies of all correspondence, records of phone calls, interviews, research and the time and date they took place. The Logbook is also a place for students to reflect upon their research and consider adjustments to how their Project will finally be presented. The Logbook is also a record to show that genuine community consultation has taken place.

The Logbook does not need to consist only of written text. Students producing artwork, or music or other creative works should include sketches, song lyrics or other thoughts as part of their Logbook. The Logbook should not only be an account of community fieldwork, but also the student’s reflection on the process of learning and what they have gained from completing the Project. Protocols Protocols are appropriate ways of behaving, communicating, consulting and showing respect for diversity of history and culture. Protocols make vary from community to community. When making contact with members of your Aboriginal community/ies: • be aware that resources are stretched to the limit • make sure you give plenty of notice for appointments or visits • have realistic expectations of how people may be able to help • be willing to adapt your program/approaches on advice from the Aboriginal community/ies • always respond to requests and concerns put forward by Aboriginal people who are assisting you • recognise and respect Aboriginal people’s skill and expertise • always acknowledge the contribution of Aboriginal peoples to your work (this involves footnotes and bibliography) • make appointments beforehand and explain the purpose of the meeting • as you will need to take notes or record the meeting/interview ask permission before you begin • always be polite and offer your thanks for any assistance • when interviewing people make sure you have the questions already prepared before the interview. Give a copy of the questions to the person before the interview. This will allow them to be prepared. It will also enable them to let you know if any of the questions are inappropriate. Issues of Copyright

Within the final presentation of the Project, you must acknowledge the sources of all quotations, photographs, illustrations, text and periodical articles as per the requirements of All My Own Work. A number of agreements can be found in this project package. The aim of this agreement is to acknowledge the rights of the participant (community member) and the responsibilities of the student. For each person you interview you will need to have one of these agreements completed.

Your Major Project is worth 40% of your assessment marks You are allocated 30% of class time to conduct research and develop your project in order to submit it by the due date. This amounts to around 40 lessons that are dedicated to completing you Major Project. You will be told in advance when these lessons will be so that you are able to forward plan. This time will need to be carefully planned to ensure that time is allocated to planning, consolidating and producing your final product of your project. I will help you do this so that you stay on track with your work. If you are not working in the classroom during this time, I need to know where you are. eg. Library, computer room, Aboriginal Education Office, off the school premises Therefore you need to see me and have your attendance recorded at the start of each lesson, collect a note from me to be off school premises before the lesson or at the beginning of the lesson, and record on an attendance sheet where you will be. OR have made an arrangement with me beforehand.

What might you do in these lessons so that they are constructive? • Plan your work • Spend time refining work with your teacher • Make contacts with the AEO/AEW’s – you will need to pre arrange time with them – they are busy • Make phone calls • Prepare interview questions • Write up interviews • Complete drafts of your work • Create final copies of your work

Year 11 & 12 Submission Details:

 This is a COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT for all Year 12 Aboriginal Studies students.  This assignment is worth 40% of your final mark and therefore has a significant influence on your final ranking within the class.  All assignments must be submitted by 3pm Friday Term 1 Week 10 2018  Non-completion of this task may result in a poor grade or an N-AWARD warning in your course  All work MUST BE SUBMITTED ON TIME. Late assignments cannot be given a mark, as this is unfair to those students who submit their work on time  An alternative date must be organised by the student in consultation with the teacher no later than a week before if a student knows that he or she will be absent on the due date  You will sign and date a faculty record when you receive and submit your task.  Please submit your final proposal in hardcopy.  A TECHNOLOGY problem will NOT be a valid excuse for the late submission of work.  DO NOT simply download or copy information from the Internet or from written text, this.is called PLAGIARISM and will be heavily penalised. Plagiarism is easily detected using Internet search engines.  You must clearly label all parts of your assessment task with your name, class and teacher Aboriginal Studies Project Proposal

Name: ______

1. Project topic: ______


2. Project title: ______


3. Identify the essential question/s for your topic: ______










4. Identify two subsidiary questions for your topic: ______






5. List 4 sources of information that will assist you in your research.




______6. Who do you plan to include in your community consultation? Include the names and contact details of the people and/or organisations.









7. How do you plan to present your Project? ______



8. What do you see as the most difficult part of your Project? How do you plan to overcome these difficulties?







9. List any expenses you may have. ______



10. What do you hope to learn from undertaking your Project?



______Northlakes High School HSC Aboriginal Studies Interview and copyright consent form

I, ______(Community participant’s name) of ______have agreed to make this interview for the purpose of research for the Major Project, which is part of the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies course. I understand that any further use of this material will need my consent.

I have agreed to make this interview for the purpose of research for the Major Project, which is part of the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies course. I understand that any further use of this material will need my consent. I understand that I am or my community/country is the custodian and still owns the intellectual property/copyright in this interview, but that I am giving permission for the student named below to use this information for the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies HSC Major Project and that it is not to be reproduced by anyone else. I agree to the use of material and information that I provide, as outlined in this consent form.

1. I have been provided with information about the nature and purpose of the research/interview project. 2. I understand that this consent form applies for the duration of the research and that I have the right to withdraw at any time during the course of study. 3. I realise that the content of what I say during interviews, and other information I provide, is not intended to be confidential. I do / do not want my name acknowledged in the final presentation. 4. I agree to clearly indicate to the researcher any matters about which I wish confidentiality to be respected and to be treated as “off the record”. 5. I am aware that I may ask to examine the interview notes and transcripts, if made, to ensure they are an accurate reflection of my statements. I do / do not want to be able to check the material before it is published or presented for display. 6. I understand that I can obtain a copy of the research task if I wish to. I do / do not want a copy of the finished project. 7. I am aware that I may request feedback on the research task.

Phone number of participant ______

Signature of participant ______

I, ______(student’s name) of

______(student’s school) agree to abide by the decisions of the above community member.

Aboriginal Studies student’s signature: ______Name of Aboriginal Studies teacher ______

Signature of Aboriginal Studies teacher ______Northlakes High School HSC Aboriginal Studies Interview and copyright consent form for Minors

I, ______(Parent / Carer) in regard to the participation of ______(Community participant’s name) of


I have agreed to allow ______to participate in this interview for the purpose of research for the Major Project, which is part of the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies course. I understand that any further use of this material will need my consent. I understand that I am or my community/country is the custodian and still owns the intellectual property/copyright in this interview, but that I am giving permission for the student named below to use this information for the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies HSC Major Project and that it is not to be reproduced by anyone else. I agree to the use of material and information that I provide, as outlined in this consent form.

1. I have been provided with information about the nature and purpose of the research/interview project. 2. I understand that this consent form applies for the duration of the research and that I have the right to withdraw at any time during the course of study. 3. I realise that the content of what the participant says during interviews, and other information he/she provides, is not intended to be confidential. I do / do not want their name acknowledged in the final presentation. 4. I agree to clearly indicate to the researcher any matters about which I wish confidentiality to be respected and to be treated as “off the record”. 5. I am aware that I may ask to examine the interview notes and transcripts, if made, to ensure they are an accurate reflection of their statements. I do / do not want to be able to check the material before it is published or presented for display. 6. I understand that I can obtain a copy of the research task if I wish to. I do / do not want a copy of the finished project. 7. I am aware that I may request feedback on the research task.

Name of parent/carer ______

Phone number of parent/carer______

Signature of parent/carer ______

Name of participant ______

I, ______(Aboriginal Studies student’s name) of______(Aboriginal Studies student’s school) agree to abide by the decisions of the above community member.

Aboriginal Studies student’s signature: ______

Name of Aboriginal Studies Teacher ______

Signature of Aboriginal Studies teacher ______

Northlakes High School HSC Aboriginal Studies Publication of Work or Photographs consent form

I am writing to request your permission for photographs of your child to be taken for the purpose of research and presentation for Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies HSC Major Project and may also be used for educating students, promoting the school, or promoting public education. I am also seeking your permission for the school to publish photographs and/or samples of your child's work

If you give your permission, the school may publish photographs of your child in a variety of ways. The publications could include, but are not limited to Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies HSC Major Project, school newsletters (online and in hard copy), Department of Education and Training Internet or intranet websites, school annual magazines and local newspapers. If published, third parties would be able to view the photographs and work.

If you sign the attached form it means that you agree to the following:

1. The school is able to publish photographs of your child and samples of your child's work as many times as it requires in the ways mentioned above.

Your child's photograph may be reproduced either in colour or in black and white.

The school will not use your child's photograph or samples of your child's work for any purpose other than for the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies HSC Major Project, the education of students, or for the general promotion of public education and the school.

Any photographs taken by the school will be kept for no longer than is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes and will be stored and disposed of securely.

Whilst every effort will be made to protect the identity of your child, the Department of Education and Training cannot guarantee that your child will not be able to be identified from the photograph or work.

If you agree to permit the school to take photographs of your child, and to publish photographs of your child, or samples of your child's work, in the manner detailed above, please complete the consent form.

This consent, if signed, will remain effective until such time as you advise the school otherwise.

------Consent Form for Publication of Students' Work or Photographs

I agree, subject to the conditions set out above, to the taking of photographs of my child during school activities, to be used by the school in Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies HSC Major Projects, educating students and promoting the school and public education. I also agree to the publication of photographs or samples of work of my child. I will notify the school if I decide to withdraw this consent.

Student's name ______

Signature of parent/caregiver ______Date ______

Signature of student ______Date ______

Northlakes High School HSC Aboriginal Studies Copyright consent form

I, Warren Welham as relieving principal of Northlakes High school have agreed to allow the publication of students works for the purpose of research for the Major Project, which is part of the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies course. I understand that any further use of this material will need my consent.

I am giving permission for the student named below to use this information for the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies HSC Major Project and that it is not to be reproduced by anyone else. I agree to the use of material and information that I provide, as outlined in this consent form.

1. I have been provided with information about the nature and purpose of the research/interview project. 2. I understand that this consent form applies for the duration of the research and that I have the right to withdraw my permission at any time during the course of study. 5. I am aware that I may ask to examine the interview notes and transcripts, if made, to ensure they are an accurate reflection of my statements. I do / do not want to be able to check the material before it is published or presented for display. 6. I understand that I can obtain a copy of the research task if I wish to. I do / do not want a copy of the finished project. 7. I am aware that I may request feedback on the research task.

Signature of Warren Welham as principal of Northlakes High school


I, ______(student’s name) of

______(student’s school) agree to abide by the decisions of Merrilyn Rowley as principal of Northlakes High school

Aboriginal Studies student’s signature: ______Name of Aboriginal Studies teacher ______

Signature of Aboriginal Studies teacher ______Year 11 & 12 Submission Details:

 This is a COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT for all Year 11 Aboriginal Studies students.  This assignment is worth 40% of your final mark and therefore has a significant influence on your final ranking within the class.  All assignments must be submitted by 3pm Friday Term 1 Week 10 2018  Non-completion of this task may result in a poor grade or an N-AWARD warning in your course  All work MUST BE SUBMITTED ON TIME. Late assignments cannot be given a mark, as this is unfair to those students who submit their work on time  An alternative date must be organised by the student in consultation with the teacher no later than a week before if a student knows that he or she will be absent on the due date  You will sign and date a faculty record when you receive and submit your task.  Please submit your final proposal in hardcopy.  A TECHNOLOGY problem will NOT be a valid excuse for the late submission of work.  DO NOT simply download or copy information from the Internet or from written text, this.is called PLAGIARISM and will be heavily penalised. Plagiarism is easily detected using Internet search engines.  You must clearly label all parts of your assessment task with your name, class and teacher


Please read, sign and have your child return the form below

This is to inform parents/guardians that their child ………………………………………………………. is currently studying Aboriginal Studies and as a result will have to complete a Major Project. The Project, which involves original research on a topic of the student’s own choosing, is carried out in class time and the student’s own time. This research may involve visits to sites by each student independently.

The Major Project is set out in three stages and students are required to meet deadlines for each stage of the Project, so that they can be submitted for assessment. It must be emphasised that this assessment task contributes to the final Higher School Certificate assessment mark. It is worth 40% of the total mark.

The Major Project will be formally examined in the HSC examination in Section III – Research and Inquiry Methods. It is worth 15% of the total examination mark.

Signed: …………………………………………………………………..… Date: ………………………. Aboriginal Studies Major Project Marking Criteria Name ______Outcomes: P4.1 plans, investigates, organises and communicates relevant information from a variety of sources incorporating Aboriginal and other Indigenous perspectives P4.2 undertakes community consultation and fieldwork and applies ethical research practices

Submitted on time: Yes/No

Mark Allocations: Log Book: /15 Major Project: /25

Criteria for assessing the Project Tick Marker’s comments Community consultation  Is genuine community consultation evident in the log book and the project?  Does the project take into account Aboriginal people’s views Planning research  Is the topic clearly explained?  Is the purpose of the project clear?  Is there evidence in the log book of a systematic approach to the investigation? Acquiring information  Has a wide range of stimulus material been used including primary and secondary sources such as texts, reports, bibliographies, and print and digital media, and qualitative and quantitative methodologies such as surveys, structured interviews, observation, statistical analysis, focus groups  Have all the sources been acknowledged accurately?  Have ethical research practices including issues of copyright, Aboriginal perspectives on ethics and cultural ownership been applied  Would the research breach confidentiality?  Would research place students or community members at risk? Processing information  Is the content sufficient?  Is the content accurate?  Is the content relevant to the topic?  Have accurate and appropriate conclusions been reached? Communicating information  Is there evidence of original work in: o Design o Presentation o Research  Has the student effectively communicated his/her ideas in the final presentation?  Does the project have a clear structure that effectively communicates the key concepts covered?  Is there evidence of communication with the community including phone calls, letters, emails, and accessing the internet and other appropriate technologies  Is the log book a thorough representation of the process including the recording of all fieldwork and community consultation, correspondence and reading, and matters related to research methods and ethical issues encountered through the project? The Logbook Marking Rubric (15 marks 30/2) Marks Planning and Review 5 5. Evidence of superior planning and review strategies to bring the Major Project to completion in a logical manner. 4. Evidence of competent planning and review strategies to bring the Major Project to completion. 3. Evidence of sound planning and review strategies to bring the Major Project to completion. 2. Evidence of basic planning and review strategies to bring the Major Project to completion. 1. Limited evidence of planning and understanding of what is required to bring the project to a successful conclusion. Community Consultation 10 5. A comprehensive log of ongoing community consultation and fieldwork which demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of protocols and methods for effective and genuine community consultation throughout the Major Project. 4. A thorough log of ongoing community consultation and fieldwork which demonstrates accomplished knowledge and understanding of protocols and methods for effective and genuine community consultation throughout the Major Project. 3. An adequate log of community consultation and fieldwork which demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of protocols and methods for effective and genuine community consultation 2. A basic log of some community consultation and fieldwork which demonsrates a basic knowledge and understanding of protocols and methods for effective and genuine community consultation 1. A reference to community consultation and fieldwork which demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of protocols and methods for effective and genuine community consultation References and Resources 5 5. A comprehensive and ongoing log that thoroughly acknowledges information from an extensive variety of visual, written and oral stimulus material that has been used throughout the Major Project. 4. A thorough log that acknowledges information from a wide variety of visual, written and oral stimulus material that has been used throughout the Major Project. 3. A sound log that acknowledges information from a variety of visual, written and oral stimulus material that have been used throughout the Major Project. 2. A basic log that acknowledges information from a limited variety of visual, written and oral stimulus material. 1. An attempt to provide a log and collect information from stimulus material . Research Practices 5 5. Demonstrates an extensive knowledge of appropriate research practices and their application in undertaking research and fieldwork 4. Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of appropriate research practices and their application in undertaking research and fieldwork 3. Demonstrates a sound knowledge of appropriate research practices and their application in undertaking research and fieldwork 2. Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate research practices and their application in undertaking research and fieldwork 1. Demonstrates minimal awareness of research practices and their application in undertaking research and fieldwork Student Reflection 5 5. Extensive evidence of student’s ongoing reflection on the process of learning and what they have gained from completing the Project 4. Detailed evidence of student’s reflection on the process of learning and what they have gained from completing the Project 3. Adequate evidence of student’s reflection on the process of learning and what they have gained from completing the Project 2. Some evidence of student’s reflection on the process of learning and what they have gained from completing the Project 1. Very limited evidence of student’s reflection on the process of learning and what they have gained from completing the Project Major Project Marking Rubric (25 marks) Marks Processing Information 10 5. comprehensively investigates, analyses and synthesises information 4. competently investigates, analyses and synthesises information 3. attempts to investigates, analyses and synthesises information 2. investigates and analyses information 1. investigates and recounts information Aboriginal perspectives 5 5. demonstrates extensive integration of Aboriginal peoples’ perspectives 4. demonstrates detailed integration of Aboriginal peoples’ perspectives 3. demonstrates sound integration of Aboriginal peoples’ perspectives 2. demonstrates minimal evidence of Aboriginal peoples’ perspectives 1. demonstrates awareness of Aboriginal peoples’ perspectives Presentation 10 5. comprehensively and effectively communicates information in the final presentation with all the key concepts covered. 4. competently communicates information in the final presentation with most of the key concepts covered 3. adequately communicates information in the final presentation with most of the key concepts covered 2. communicates information in the final presentation with most of the key concepts covered 1. attempts to communicate information in the final presentation with limited reference to key concepts covered.

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