Wood Badge 2016 Leaders Meeting Minutes

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Wood Badge 2016 Leaders Meeting Minutes

Wood Badge 2016 Leaders Meeting Minutes October 27, 2015 6:00-9:00pm Council Service Center

 Opening Pledge, Invocation and motivational reading given by Lloyd o Poem “The Bridge Builder”

 Opening Comments o Bob-welcome

 Minutes from last meeting/comments o Minutes accepted as is

 Admin/Course Update o Course Number/Open positions/Registrations . TG Bobwhite – still open . Course is full with a waiting list forming – 59 total o Recruitment . Due to course registration numbers it was decided to only recruit at staff “home” roundtables. Try to recruit Venture crew members. . Nick will still include flyers in RT commissioner folders; need more on wait list o Jim Stallings needs . List of those who cancel . List of all who registered / paid . List of who are on waitlist o Bob will send reminders to staff and participants . Reminder to pay . Reminder to get medical forms  Medical forms (A, B & C) o Need to be good through the end of course (4/18/16) o Kathy will be medical coordinator o Bob will be collecting o Al will be tracking allergies o Kenny & Jim to take pictures along with Doug H. and Rosemary T.

 Bob and Charlotte attended the Northeast Woodbadge conference. This conference was better than the Atlanta conference. Many good ideas that might be implemented into this course. Seeing how other courses are run has reinforced the methods that we currently use.

 SDM agenda and review o Agenda’s for SDM0 and SDM1 (samples) passed out o Lloyd to come up with ideas for openings at both SDM’s o During SDM0 we will be asked to state a National brand that describes oneself (ex. Nike, Pepsi, etc.) and explain in one sentence why. o SDM0 . Wear Woodbadge shirt . Discuss official uniform 1  Need everyone to be consistent for the course o Bob to decide on what is “proper” attire o Al and Charlotte to bring display samples for “what’s appropriate”  Red jack with simple patches  CSP / no RELC or out of council patches  Will be able to order uniform items with some discount during SDM1 . Program  Project leadership flowchart during the presentation  Tell staffer what is expected from each  Pleas reply to email’s with “Got it” or “Received” unless otherwise noted on the email. o Email lists can be found on the website and in dropbox  Staff bios need to be completed when registered. They are all listed on dropbox.  Promote Venture recruiting. Bob to contact Rachael Park, Jim McCoy or Tom McKee to ask for help.  December 17th is the 1st TG meeting  Need matrix printed by SDM1. Will update and decide on which columns to print

o Course CSP/patch/shirt/color . Subcommittee to be formed to make decision (Charlotte, Heather and Al) . Will bring ideas to SDM1  Team Updates o Quartermaster – John B. . Inventory of shed has been completed  8 patrol tubs of items . Needs toilet paper and paper towel rolls, and 20 oz and 2 liter soda bottles . Needs poster boards and other large scale printing to be done as soon as possible (ex. Game of life poster); John B. may be able to print. . Need rope burners  None found in storage  Jim S has a new one for course and also a personal one  Pat Dillion has one that he is willing to loan . Scott Street has the game buzzers . Need game show “Vanna” o TG’s – Kathy . Has been emailing troop guides . Has not heard back from HC, Rory and Richard. Will try again. . Has discussed upcoming meeting dates/times/places. TG’s need to bring calendars to SDM0. . Has been following prior courses’ schedules . Schedules will be placed in Dropbox when completed and added to Google calendar . Should have all dates by end of SDM0 . Will contact presentation reviewers when dates are finalized. ------o Communications . Announce deadlines and send other scribe announcements o Tech 2 . Review website and Dropbox o Bring critters and name plates (if you have them) to meetings o Do we need the “-1” behind the course number? Bob will research. (Update on 11-09-15 – we do not need to display the “-1” at the end of the course number.) o At SDM0 we will be dismissed to teams for calendar discussions and scheduling committee meeting dates. o Bob will try to get the United Methodist center for SDM2 o Al Best is in Paris and will miss Sept and Oct meetings. o Nick, Al and Heather will run trading post; Nick to create a schedule o ASM – troop guides . Bob to send email reminders . Patrol presentation books have been reviewed and updated to remove critters  Books need to be printed and provided by SDM0  Bob has the binders  The edited copies are on Dropbox . Troop guides should bring calendars to SDM0 . Kathy to provide contact list . TG’s are blue team . Charlotte has provided meeting scheduling ideas to Kathy. TG’s will have 5 to 6 meetings in addition to full course meetings . TG folder has been created in Dropbox o Senior Patrol leader . Finding songs for critters to play between presentations . Will look at syllabus and discuss at next meeting o Scribe . Need a schedule of due dates . Dates need to be printed . Need to establish material deadlines . Should bring schedule to all meetings o QM . Need to inventory materials . QM & stuff are the only ones who can communicate with camp rangers . Will review and update if required, the needs forms . Ron Alexander has agreed to help with miscellaneous such as the campfire, weather rocks, etc. . Presenters can being their own materials, props, etc. outside of that usually required by the syllabus . John B. has found red cord for woggles. Will need 175-180 feet plus additional for staff woggles if theirs has been lost or is a different color. o Food . Menus are in the works . Craig Britt has retired from food service . Goal is to have two separate teams, to alternate between courses . Many meals will have a seafood option due to Lent and other food preference reasons. . If matrix changes are made please communicate with Ed and food service staff. . Due to matrix requirements Catholic mass services must take place during the first part of dinner on Saturday evening. o SDM-0 3 . November 10th . Needed materials need to be printed . Need to start meeting with ASM scribes and quarter masters . Get all pre-work done.  Matrix o Mark with dates o Print matrix on 8 ½ x 11 paper, landscape o Need to print 26 copies o Charlotte to tweak and send to scribe for printing o Can print on 11 x 17 if required o Print on card stock for more durability

 Round the table o Nick – use me where needed. Will be happy to be liaison with council office and Robin Rush. Will have print flyers for roundtable recruiting o John M – all going well o Ed B – needs to be added to course email list. Medicals for aux staff have been collected will send to Bob. o John B – need to do inventory and continue having fun at meetings o Lloyd – all good o Kathy – all good; will start sending emails to update TG’s o Heather – will schedule a time to have a meeting with Charlotte and Bob. Continue having fun. o Bob – recruiting to continue o Charlotte – will contact everyone once a month to check on progress, review needs and solve road blocks. Will continue to work on Matrix. Everyone should start to look at assigned presentations. Challenged everyone to NOT reinvent the wheel. Use what has already been done. o Bob – we are still forming and gave scoutmaster minute (golf balls).  We are the Cadillac of courses.  Next meeting will be Oct 27th at the Council Service Center beginning at 6pm


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