One Is the Loneliest Number Uno Pier One Imports One Life

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One Is the Loneliest Number Uno Pier One Imports One Life


I wonder if today will be the day. It has to happen soon. Everything points to today. I guess we’ll see. I just hope it doesn’t take too long Hopefully I can breathe better today. Oh it’s cold....

One is the loneliest number .....Uno...Pier One Imports..One life takes two to tango..twins..Rip weighs 2 pounds... Three blind mice.. 3 Musketeers..3 Stooges..3 degrees of glory..3 members of the Godhead Four kids...4 grandkids...Fourth article of faith...

I just need to catch my breath.....

Five Golden Rings..Mom and Dad have 5 kids.. Six of one...half dozen of the other...six Seven wonders of the world..7 deadly sins..7-11..The Greeks believed there were 7 Heavens. So to be in 7th Heaven it meant that you had attained the highest one....777 means perfection. Ocho..Herbie the Luv Bugs nickname from #53..5+3=8 Ocho in Spanish...8 ball..crazy 8's Ninth month is September.Dads birthday is 23rd, Rustys the 3rd..nine innings...nine months of pregnancy... Ten lost tribes..10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, blastoff...Do I need to count to 10?...10 virgins... Elevens the number for me..I like 11.. One Two Three! Four Five Six! Seven Eight Nine! Ten Eleven Twelve! Lady Bugs at the Lady Bug Picnic! 12 months in a year...12 pack of Pepsi..12 apostles...

I can breath ok now....

Thirteen is my lucky number..13th Warrior..Antonio Banderas....ahhhhhh..Sadies age...Friday the 13th Feb 14th... Valentines Day..14 carat gold..D&C 14 “And if you keep my commandments and endure to the end, you shall have Eternal Life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.”

My legs are starting to hurt...I wonder what that means...

What is it called when a Spanish girl turns 15 and has a coming out party?? Kinsinera??..April 15 is tax day..half way through the month..the ides of March... 16 candles...a horse 16 hands high..drivers license..lost 116 pages was the book of Lehi... 17...JennyLees birthday..or was it the 19th??...Cathy died when she was 17..Age Sawyer left home...St. Patricks Day..plant peas Eighteen wheels and a dozen roses, one more mile on my 4 day run..18 holes of golf...I have never played golf... I was 19 when I got married...D&C 19 Christs suffering.. speaking of suffering, it’s getting harder to breathe..

20/20 vision...20 questions.. Twenty one is legal age..Blackjack..21 gun salute..My age when Jaimie was born... 22....11x 2 = 22 23rd Psalm...yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... 24 hours in a day...24 , the show Cinny watches 25 is Christmas Day...25 cents is two bits... September 26..Ryans birthday..he had his golden birthday last year..26 on the 26th.. When mom was 27 she worked in the Hospital in Moab..had Rocky when she was 27... 28.....I wish my waist size was this many inches... 29 is that eternally perfect age..leap year Feb 29th.. 30...Jaimie and Nicolee and Cami all born on the 30th of their month and a day before a holiday.... 31 days has September..31 Flavors at Baskin Robbins... 32...32 miles from Moab to Cresent Junction...

I just want to be done... Where was I....

33...3 x 11.....33.33 is 1/3 of 100.... 34...thirty four...thirty four.... 35...half of would it be to be 35 again....and still know what I know...hmmmmmm 36 inches in a yard...I have a cool old yardstick from Woolworths..I wonder how much I could sell it for on Ebay.. 37..nothing rings a bell about 37 38 caliber gun...does Brett have one of those?... 39...Genesis 39, She’s not mine..Joseph of Egypt said about Potiphirs wife.. I wonder about her..she never left Joseph alone.. 40.. 41 cents to mail a letter now...quarter..dime..nickle..penny yew..oh 43..super calla fragile istic ex pee ali docious 44 144 thousand lifted up to meet Christ at the 2nd Coming...12x12. 45 degree angle.

I’m not cold anymore....

46..docious ali expee..istic..fragi...calla rupus..backwards 47...Days of 47 Parade.. The girls and I walked in that parade dressed up like pioneers when we lived in was fun..and very touching... 48...I think this is how old I am now..49 on my birthday... 49..California Gold Rush.. .San Francisco jerseys?? 50..50 cent piece..I have a bunch of old ones....Jubilee year..I remember when Dad turned 50 and we teased him about being as old as Brett is 51...½ As old as a tree..50 States..50 ways to leave your lover...Hop on the bus Gus.. 51...area 51...Las Vegas 51's baseball team... 52...weeks in a year... 53...vette...Brett wants one... 54...he’d take this year of corvette too... 55.....long forgotten speed limit...

How long has the pain been gone?? It is starting to be easier...I just feel weightless..

56..1956 was a good year! Brett was born... Heinz 57..I can’t remember the last time I tasted Heinz 57 58 was a good year too...I was born... 59..Sabbath divine in D & C 59...that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world..thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon this hoy day.. 60..minutes in an hour..60 Minutes on NBC??... 61 bottles of beer on the wall..61 bottles of beer..yuck.. 62..early retirement... 63 Chevy pickup..white..step side..long wheel base...only vehicle we had for a few years... 64...D & C 64.....Tithe or burn for sure....D & C 64 Forgive more... 65..retirement??? 66..get your kicks on route 66...

I don’t know if I can do this much longer...It has to be over soon....

67....there’s nothing left.... 68.....breathe...breathe...breathe... 69.....69 reminds me of the ying and yang and everything really black or white?..... 70..there are three quorums of the 70's...that 70's show...I graduated from high school in the 70's... 71.....concentrate...71....71 cans of Pepsi 72....seems like a nice old age...but its not really that old... hand is going numb.... 74...74....ok...I am’s over...done...I’m going...floating...I’m going home......

As I look up he extends a hand towards me....The light is so bright I can hardly bear it....I wipe my wet eyes and reach for his hand....I am finished...... my legs feel weak....I didn’t realize it would feel like I did it! I made it!!

“So how long did it take you?” the man asked as I stood next to him, “I’ve been watching you.” “One and a half hours. But that’s not bad considering it’s the first time.” “You did 74 laps? Did you count?” he questioned. “Yes. I think of things that go with that number....” “Good job! Swimming a mile is quite an accomplishment! Are you coming back tomorrow??” “Yep! Everyday from now on. I want to swim til I am 100.” “You go girl!” “Thanks, Coach! I’ll see you at 7:00 in the morning.” “OK. See ya.” “Bye.”


Raelynn Stewart May 26, 2007

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