Algebra III and Trigonometry

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Algebra III and Trigonometry

Mrs. Emery Room: A105 [email protected]

Algebra III and Trigonometry Course Policies and Guidelines: 2016-2017

I. Course Goal

This course is designed to bring each student to a mastery level in algebra. It will also provide a strong background in trigonometry. Algebra III/Trigonometry will expand students’ ability to use logical and abstract thinking.

II. Necessary Materials

Students are expected to bring the following to every class:

 Pencils

 Notebook – I recommend having a notebook and a folder for this class only, or a binder

 Graphing Calculator – TI 83 PLUS or TI 84 PLUS is required

III. Grading Policies

A. Tests (50%) - There will be two or three major tests each marking period. A brief review will occur the day before each exam. A calculator is permitted on all tests.

B. Quizzes (35%) – There will be at least one quiz per chapter.

C. Homework/Labs/Participation (15%) – Homework may be assigned every night. Please put proper time and effort into every assignment. It is important for you to be an active participant throughout the entire school year. This includes working hard during in class assignments.

Homework Grading:

3pts – All problems are completed with work shown. (Answers alone are not enough to earn 3 points)

2pts – Most of the problems are completed with work shown or 1 day late.

1pt – Only a few of the problems are completed with work shown.

0pts – No homework or only answers are provided.

IV. Make-up Work/ Absences

 It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work due to an absence.

– Check Class Calendar Online!  If a student is absent one day they will have one day to make up their missed work (EX. If you are absent Tuesday you have until Thursday to turn in the make-up work from Tuesday.)

 If a student is absent the day before a test or quiz (Ex. Test/Quiz Review Day) they will still be responsible to take the test on the same day as the other students. If a student is absent on the day of a test they will take the test the day they return to school.

V. Additional Help

I wish for all students to be successful in this course! Don’t wait until the problem gets big to come and see me. Please let me know in advance and we will set up a time for you to come in for help. Also the CSR (Curriculum Support Room) is open to students before/after school and throughout the day where they can get help.

VI. Classroom rules and procedures

It is my expectation that there will not be any discipline problems in class. The key to success is cooperation with both me and fellow classmates. If a problem occurs (such as cutting class, cheating, use of improper language, and proper dress) it will be handled in the manner described in the student handbook.

1) Be courteous and respectful to others at all times

2) Be prepared. Bring notebook/paper, pencil(s), homework, and calculator to class every day.

3) Arrive on time to class. This means you are in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings! Lateness to class without a pass will not be tolerated. Note: If you are coming from the 2nd Floor West wing, please let us know. Lateness Policy: Two warnings followed by teacher detention (after school)

4) Do not talk when the teacher is talking or when another student is addressing the class.

5) Follow directions the first time given.

6) Stay on task during work times.

7) Keep all cell phones, iPods, and headphones off and stored away in your backpacks.

8) No food or drink (besides water) in class.

9) One student at a time is permitted to sign out to use the restroom/water fountain. Please refrain from signing out during a lesson. Use of the restroom and/or water fountain is a privilege. Please do not abuse it, or this privilege will be revoked.

10) Remain in your seats until you are dismissed by the teacher.

Consequences are as follows: 1) Warning 2) Detention 3) Referral The first week of school will serve as an opportunity to get acclimated to the expectations listed above. Following that, any accrued warnings and detentions will remain for the duration of the year and will NOT reset at the beginning of each marking period or semester. Persistent offenses will be referred to the building level administrator for further punitive action.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in class or via email.

Google Classroom Code: 5hu3h9q

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