Straightforward Elementary Unit Test 4 Name ______Score ______


A Write the missing months.

January, February, (1) ______, April, (2) ______, June, July, (3) ______, September, (4) ______, November, December

B Complete the text with correct form of the verbs from the box. take out make have (x 2) go (x 3) get do

Carl Riggs wakes up at 6 o’clock every morning. He (5) ______a shower and (6) ______dressed, and he always (7) ______the bed. He usually (8) ______to work by car. He (9) ______a lot of meetings and he finishes work at about 5 p.m. Sometimes he (10) ______to the gym or he (11) ______the shopping. In the evening he watches TV. He (12) ______the rubbish before he (13) ______to bed.


C Choose the correct word, a, b, or c to complete 14–20.

(14) I usually go to work ______eight o’clock. a) at b) in c) on

(15) My birthday is ______March. a) at b) in c) on

(16) What do you usually do ______the evening? a) at b) in c) on

(17) I always visit my parents ______Christmas. a) at b) in c) on

(18) The meeting is ______Tuesday. a) at b) in c) on

Straightforward Elementary Unit Test 4 p1 (19) Do you usually work ______the weekend? a) at b) in c) on

(20) Is your birthday ______16th April? a) at b) in c) on

D Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentences.

(21) What time do you get up in the morning? (usually) ______

(22) How do you make the bed? (often) ______

(23) I go to work on Sunday. (never) ______

(24) I visit my parents. (twice a year) ______

(25) She is on the phone. (always) ______

(26) Mark has breakfast in the morning. (hardly ever) ______

Straightforward Elementary Unit Test 4 p2 E Correct the mistakes in the sentences. There is one mistake in each sentence.

(27) I go usually to work by bus. ______

(28) I always start work on eight o’clock. ______

(29) Is your birthday on August? ______

(30) How do you often do the housework? ______

(31) I do on Wednesday the shopping. ______

Functional language

F For 32–36, write the times.

(0) 10.00 – ten o’clock (00) 10.55 – five to eleven (32) 4.30 ______(33) 9.15 ______(34) 8.10 ______(35) 6.45 ______(36) 2.50 ______

G Write questions for these answers.

(37) A: ______? B: It’s a quarter to ten.

(38) A: ______? B: I get up at half past six.

(39) A: ______? B: It’s 22nd October.

Straightforward Elementary Unit Test 4 p3 H Complete 40–47 with the words and the number from the box.

019 4767 a message answer call minute number speak wrong

(40) I’d like to ______to Max Smith, please. (41) Just a ______. (42) I’m sorry you have the ______number. (43) Can I take ______? (44) What’s your phone ______? (45) I’ll ______you back. (46) Is that ______? (47) I can’t ______the phone right now.

Straightforward Elementary Unit Test 4 p4