This project is to be done on the Windows Movie maker/Power point/Poster. You should write/record 2 complete sentences using learnt grammar (present , preterit and imperfect Charts) and vocabulary! The more information, the better grade. This will be a test/project grade. If you are doing a poster, you should paste pictures related to the needed items.

Presentation due date: March 4th Food day: Thurs, March 6th

Important!!!! You should take presentation notes in your notebook for the quiz at the end of the presentations.

1. Nombre, Clase, Profesor y Fecha- Name, Class, Teacher and Date 2. País- Country map 3. Dibujo de la capital – Picture of Capital- capital 4. Datos del país(Quick Facts Page). Población- population of the country 5. Mapa- map of the country in the continent, borders 6. Ciudades- List main cities- Población- population 7. Ríos- List main rivers 8. Montañas- List main mountains 9. Bandera- Picture of the flag 10. Lengua oficial- official language 11. Moneda- currency 12. Dos animales del pais. Two animals. 12. Climate: Information about the climate. 13. Tradiciones-Main country traditions 14. Fiestas- Holidays (2) 15. Atracciones turísticas- Tourist attractions, pictures 16. Comida- Food, typical products *

* Typical food. You should look for a recipe from your project country, make it at home and bring a sample of it to class on the food day. You have to explain how you made it. You are also responsible to bring plates, forks, tea spoons and napkins to taste the food.

17. Famous singer- One singer or group of singers from the country. * Sample song to be play on presentation day.

18. Fotografías (Picture Page). A gallery of pictures (3-6) with captions in Spanish (one/two lines of typed text) related to the topics above.

Bibliografía - List resources used

Buena Suerte!