Development Assessment Fact Sheet

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Development Assessment Fact Sheet

Construction Management Plans DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT FACT SHEET Brisbane City Council is committed to ensuring construction works are undertaken with minimal impact and disruption to the surrounding community.

implemented, depending on the type of works or To minimise disruption to the local community, size of the development to be undertaken. Council may require the submission of a Construction Management Plan (CMP) before A minor CMP must be prepared and endorsed by works can commence. Some areas that may need a suitably qualified consultant, but is not required to be addressed in a CMP include: to be endorsed by Council. A major CMP must be  public safety, amenity and site security prepared by a suitably qualified consultant and submitted to Council for endorsement.  construction hours What documents are required to be kept on site?  noise control A copy of the CMP, regardless of whether it is minor or major, must be kept on site at all times.  air and dust management

 stormwater and sediment control A major CMP will outline any additional  waste management documents, such as the approval package, plans and reports that must also be kept on site for  traffic management. inspection as required.

The aim of a CMP is to document the agreed What happens if work commences without construction approach on an approved the required CMP in place? development. Under the provisions of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) a breach of development approval How do I know if a CMP is required? conditions can result in Council issuing an on-the- If a CMP is required, it will be included as a spot infringement notice, a stop work notice, a condition in the development approval provided by warning penalty infringement notice or Council. The condition will state if a minor or immediately commence legal proceedings via the major CMP is required. Queensland Planning and Environment Court.

Condition packages and associated approved Approval to operate outside of normal work plans and reports can be found on Council’s hours website using PD Online – Council’s property The Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EPA) development and application search tool. To specifies 6.30am-6.30pm, Monday to Saturday as access the tool, visit standard working hours for construction activities. and search for ‘PD Online’. Sometimes, works may need to be undertaken Types of CMPs outside of these hours. In such circumstances, a As part of the development approval, Council may request can be made to Council to assess and require a minor or a major CMP be prepared and CA14-324450-03-1787 issue a permit to operate outside of the standard working hours.

A request to operate out of hours is only available for works resulting from a development approval issued by Council that has a major CMP condition. Requests to operate outside of standard working hours can be made to [email protected] and must include supporting information justifying why works cannot be undertaken within the standard EPA hours.

Additional permit requirements To ensure public health and safety, Council regulates activities undertaken on roads, footways/footpaths and shared pathways/bikeways.

Roads, footways/footpaths and shared pathways/bikeways may contain natural and Council assets such as pavements, trees, signs, seats and lights. Management of these assets must be considered as part of any construction process and may require permits.

CA14-324450-03-1787 Approval may be required to work on or use Specific permit requirements will be outlined in the Council property for activities such as: conditions of the development approval. These  placement of hoarding or gantries over should be read carefully. footways  construction or repair of a driveway For further information about how to obtain permits to work on roads and footways/footpaths,  construction or repair of a visit and search for footway/footpath ‘roads and footways’.  depositing equipment and materials on a footway/footpath More information  temporary access to drive over the For more information about Construction constructed kerb and channelling other Management Plans contact Council’s Suburban than the driveway Construction Management Taskforce (SCMT) by  opening or breaking the surface of any visiting or calling (07) part of street or footway/footpath 3403 8888.  placement of a temporary fence around a building or structure under construction or repair  display or storage of goods on a roadway or footway.

Construction Management Plan Assessment Table (Excludes a Class 1a building1)

Site location Size of development Within 400 metres of a neighbouring development Less than 10 residential units (currently under construction) (1 point) (1 point) Within 1 km of a school, aged care facility, childcare Between 10 and 50 residential units centre or hospital (2 points) (2 points) Within 1 km of a major transport facility Development with road or streetscape frontage (e.g. train station or bus interchange depot) works (2 points) (2 points) Within 1 km of a major or principal activity centre2 Subdivision of 6-15 lots (2 points) (2 points) Development has access from a district road3 Greater than two storeys (2 points) (2 points) Within 10 metres of a signalised intersection for local Greater than 2500 m² (site cover) roads3 (2 points) (3 points) Within 30 metres of a signalised intersection for district Greater than 50 residential units roads3 (3 points) (3 points) Within the city frame or core4 Subdivision greater than 15 lots (3 points) (3 points)

Note: A score of three or more points triggers a major CMP and less than three points triggers a minor CMP. Points should be calculated across the fields that apply.

Legend 1 point 2 points 3 points

Table 1: Assessment table used by Council to determine whether a major or minor CMP is required.

1 Class 1a building is a single dwelling being a detached house, or one of a group of two or more attached dwellings, each being a building, separated by a fire-resisting wall, including a row house, terrace house, town house or villa unit.

CA14-324450-03-1787 2 Major and principal activity centres is defined in Brisbane City Plan 2014 3 Local and district roads is defined in Brisbane City Plan 2014 4 City frame or core is defined in Brisbane City Plan 2014 in Figure A of 9.4.11 Transport, access, parking and servicing code.

Disclaimer: The content of this document has been developed to provide general advice and information on what a well- managed construction site should look like. Brisbane City Council expressly disclaims all liability for errors and omissions of any kind whatsoever whether negligent or otherwise for any loss, damage, injury or other consequences that may arise from reliance on this publication.


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