Romeo and Juliet Study Questions

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Romeo and Juliet Study Questions

Romeo and Juliet Study Questions


1. What information does the prologue give about the play?

Act 1, Scene 1 [Day 1 (Sunday)]

1. Who is Paris? Why does he speak to Old Capulet?

2. Why is Romeo unhappy? Give a quote to support your answer.

3. What makes Benvolio a good friend to Romeo?

4. Identify two puns and explain their meaning.

5. Prince Escalus dispersed everyone except whom?

6. What promise did Benvolio make to Romeo?

Act 1, Scene 2

1. How old is Juliet?

2. Who gave whom consent to pursue Juliet's heart?

3. Why does Old Capulet ask Paris to hold off marriage to Juliet?

4. Why does Benvolio suggest to Romeo that he attend the Capulet event?

5. How did Benvolio and Romeo find out about the Capulets' party?

6. Why does Romeo go to the party?

Act 1, Scene 3

1. What does Lady Capulet want Juliet to do at the party?

2. What are Juliet’s thoughts on marriage?

3. What kind of relationship do the nurse and Juliet have? Give two examples.

Act 1, Scene 4

1. What was discussed amongst Benvolio, Romeo, and Mercutio prior to entering the party? A) Dreaming B) Delaying C) Dancing D) Destiny E) All of the above

2. Describe two characteristics of Mercutio.

Act 1, Scene 5

1. Explain the line, “My only love sprung from my only hate,” and identify the speaker.

2. Quote the line that expresses Romeo’s feelings of love at first sight.

3. What prevented Tybalt from killing Romeo?

4. Tybalt told Capulet that what will be bitterly regretted?

5. Beyond learning each other's name, what did Romeo and Juliet both realize by the end of the party?

Act 2, Scene 1

1. Both boys (Benvolio and Mercutio) make comments about what kind of love?

Act 2, Scene 2

1. Juliet was compared to what stellar object?

2. Romeo sees more danger in Juliet's eyes than in what?

3. Why didn't Juliet want Romeo to swear his love by the moon?

4. If Romeo were Juliet's pet bird, she'd kill him with what?

5. In the balcony scene, why is Juliet embarrassed when Romeo speaks from below?

Act 2, Scene 3 [Day 2 (Monday)]

1. How does Romeo explain that his love for Juliet is different from his love for Rosaline? Why is the Friar skeptical?

2. In the end, why does Friar Laurence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet? 3. Friar Laurence felt that young men's love lied where?

Act 2, Scene 4

1. Mercutio warns of Tybalt’s dangerous nature. He says that Tybalt is “more dangerous than Prince of Cats”. What might this image foreshadow?

2. What are the two instructions Romeo gives the nurse for Juliet?

Act 2, Scene 5

1. How do the nurses’ actions add suspense to the scene?

Act 2, Scene 6

1. What does Friar Laurence mean in his final statement to the couple?

Act 3, Scene 1

1. What insult did Tybalt launch toward Romeo?

2. Which two men first drew their swords to fight?

3. Benvolio's rendition of the fateful fight was unacceptable to whom?

4. What was Romeo's penalty?

Act 3, Scene 2

1. What was Juliet's response toward Romeo when she learned that he had killed Tybalt?

2. What realization gave Juliet some comfort?

3. What hope did the nurse offer?

Act 3, Scene 3

1. Friar Laurence wanted Romeo to keep a low profile in what city?

2. Quote statements by Romeo that indicate he shares Juliet’s feelings about his exile.

3. When the Friar protests that being exiled is a merciful sentence, how does Romeo respond? 4. How is Romeo finally comforted?

Act 3, Scene 4

1. Why did Capulet push the wedding between Juliet and Paris back one day from Wednesday to Thursday?

Act 3, Scene 5 [Day 3 (Tuesday)]

1. Quote the lines that indicate it is morning. Also, tell why Juliet says the birdsong was a nightingale’s.

2. Quote lines that foreshadow Romeo’s death.

3. Locate clues to Capulet’s feeling when Juliet refused to marry Paris.

4. Why is Juliet going to see the Friar? What else may she be planning?

5. Does Juliet play to confide in the nurse? Quote lines to support your answer.

Act 4, Scene 1

1. Why is Paris talking to the Friar?

2. If the Friar cannot help her, what has Juliet decided to do?

3. Briefly state the Friar’s solution and plan.

Act 4, Scene 2

1. What causes Capulet to say, “My heart is wondrous light”?

Act 4, Scene 3

1. Quote a line from Juliet’s soliloquy which foreshadows her death.

2. List three of Juliet’s fears as she considers taking the potion.

3. Report Juliet’s final action of this scene.

Act 4, Scene 4 [Day 4 (Wednesday)]

1. Describe how the actions of this scene are in direct contrast to the actions of the previous scene.

Act 4, Scene 5 1. How did Capulet, Lady Capulet, the nurse, and Paris all respond to Juliet’s supposed death?

2. What reason did Friar Laurence give so that Juliet's parents would cease grieving and begin to rejoice?

3. Everything that was for the wedding will now be used for what?

Act 5, Scene 1 [Day 5 (Thursday)]

1. What is the news Balthasar brings Romeo?

2. Why was the pharmacist reluctant to sell Romeo poison?

Act 5, Scene 2

1. Why was Friar John's journey to Mantua stopped?

2. Juliet was to awaken within how many hours?

3. What does Friar Laurence plan to do?

Act 5, Scene 3

1. Who interrupted Paris's ritual for his true love?

2. Why does Romeo kill Paris?

3. How did Juliet die?

4. What two relatives did Prince Escalus lose?

5. Quote at least two statements that show the feud is over.

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