New Mexico Geographic Information System Advisory Committee s1

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New Mexico Geographic Information System Advisory Committee s1

New Mexico Geographic Information Systems Advisory Committee GISAC MINUTES New Mexico Geographic Information Systems Advisory Committee July 13, 2004 Room 2022 – State Records Center & Archives Santa Fe, New Mexico

Chair: Glenn Condon Recorder: Glenn Condon Called to Order: 9:30am

Agencies and Private Companies Represented: NM Office of State Engineer, New Mexico Environment Department, New Mexico Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources, EMNR-Forestry, State Game & Fish, New Mexico DOT, NMGIC, RGIS-EDAC, New Mexico Taxation & Revenue (Property Tax Division), National Geodetic Survey, Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, Division of Government Research, Bernalillo County, City of Albuquerque, US Forest Service, Bohannon & Huston, URS.

The minutes from the June meeting and the agenda were approved.

Old Business

 Statewide GIS Data Acquisition and Distribution Working Group – Mike Inglis – o Official GDACC committee membership approved by Governor Richardson.

 Voting Members: o Mike Ingles: New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System Program; RGIS Director o Gar Clarke: New Mexico State Government Representative (GISAC Member); Office of the State Engineer o Rich Kohler: o Jon Phillips: New Mexico Local Government Representative (GISAC Member); Bernalillo County o Glenn Condon: New Mexico Geographic Information System Advisory Committee Representative (GISAC Chair); NMDOT o Janet Greenlee: Geospatial Data Community At Large Representative; Associate Director, Laboratory for Environmental Spatial Analysis (LESA) Department of Geography New Mexico State University  Non voting members: o Benito Martinez, SF County Assessor . o Earnest Coriz, professional engineer


 I nformation Technology Commission (ITC) – Neil Meoni not present.

 National States Geographic Information Council ( NSGIC) –Amy Budge reports:

1 o State Summaries: NSGIC has requested each state to prepare a state summary on GIS activities and issues. The summaries will be posted on the NSGIC website and also may be presented in booklet form (or on CD) at the upcoming annual meeting. Amy responded and submitted the New Mexico summary which included here.

A. Describe your state’s top 3 geospatial accomplishments during the past year: 1. An Executive Order was issued by Governor Bill Richardson to establish the Geospatial Data Acquisition Coordinating Committee (GDACC). GDACC’s mission is to assess and coordinate acquisition of aerial and mapping data for New Mexico. Responsibilities include: 1) represent the State’s mapping priorities and requirements; 2) assess, prioritize, and request aerial and mapping data; 3) coordinate aerial and mapping needs with New Mexico’s congressional delegation; and 4) identify funding sources. 2. 3.

B. Describe your state’s top 3 geospatial goals for the coming year: 1. Acquire digital aerials & orthophotos for entire State 2. Upgrade RGIS Clearinghouse capabilities (v.2 under development) 3. Improve coordination of geospatial activities between agencies????

C. Describe the 3 most significant geospatial challenges for your state: 1. Parcel mapping??? 2. Wireless E-911??? 3. Homeland Security???______

D. Describe any significant cooperative efforts with Federal, State or Local partners: 1. Federal Geographic Data Committee – cooperative agreement focused on “Metadata Outreach.” This project is: 1) assisting state and local agencies in creating FGDC-compliant metadata; 2) providing metadata training to these agencies, if needed; 3) providing online metadata tools for us by these agencies; 4) serving agency metadata on the RGIS Clearinghouse; and 5) promoting and encouraging development of metadata at state and local meetings. 2. Others???

E. Describe any significant data development activities, innovative applications, cost saving measures, contracts, etc.: 1. Upgrades to the RGIS Clearinghouse - The team at EDAC has been developing and maintaining web-based data discovery, delivery, and visualization applications using a variety of commercial and open source platforms and applications. The development team built OGC WMS services, and clients based upon those services, using both ArcIMS and Minnesota Map Server, and developed and presented WMS implementation workshops. A planned data registration and registration update system will facilitate data maintenance activity while also allowing for remote data registration by state data provider partners. 2. Governor’s consolidation plan???? 3. Others???

F. Please provide the following information; (enter N/A if not applicable or unknown; also enter a URL if available on the Internet) 1. GIS mission statement: See GISAC Strategic Plan: 2. GIS Statutory authority: 3. GIS Coordinator: N/A 4. GIS Coordinating Body: Geographic Information Systems Advisory Committee (GISAC) 5. GIS Personnel Classifications: 6. GIS Data Distribution Policy: 7. GIS Data Standards: 8. GIS Budget (including grants, etc.): 9. Other policies, publications, RFP’s, etc.:

G. Other comments: (e.g., Has participation in NSGIC benefited your state’s geospatial efforts?)

2 o NSGIC 2004 Annual Conference Grant: An application has been sent to NSGIC requesting full financial support for a representative from NM to attend the annual NSGIC meeting in Austin this September. Full support includes airfare, meals, meeting registration and lodging. No response has been received as of yet. o RAMONA User Needs Assessment: RAMONA is the Random Access Metadata tool for Online National Assessments. RAMONA is an effort to provide a simple and useful tool for data managers that have not embraced the FGDC metadata standard. NSGIC plans to work with state councils to adopt RAMOMA and support its use if the FGDC metadata standard is not being used. This tactic is to make sure that data are documented in some way. NOAA has funded NSGIC to develop a user needs assessment and requirements analysis for RAMONA. A draft version is available from ssment_Draft_Version_2.0.doc. NSGIC is asking all stakeholder organizations and state coordinators to review and comment on the assessment by July 16, 2004. Questions can be directed to Bill Burgess at [email protected].

 Western Governor’s Association (WGA) – Rick Kohler – no present.

 Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) – Mike Ingles reports a collaborative effort with a imaging firm (Specteir?) to look at use of hyper-spectral imagery (240 channels-4m pixel) and developing classification schemes for 2 riverine environments in the state – Canadian River Canyon and the Acacia area south of Albuquerque.

 New Mexico Geographic Information Council ( NMGIC) – Bart Matthews & Rick Kohler announced topic for fall meeting will be Conservation/Environmental GIS. Workshop will be on 3D visualization.

 Geodetic News – Bill Stone – the NMDOT is installing a new CORS network GPS base

 Office of Homeland Security Meeting. NM Homeland Security Office Meeting: Mike Ingles, Rick Kohler and Glenn Condon met June 8th with David Albright, Chief of Staff NMHSO, to discuss efforts to obtain new statewide DOQQs. Purpose of the meeting was to inform HSO of GISAC efforts to obtain funding for a new statewide DOQQ set of imagery and determine if there was interest on HSO’s part in supporting this effort. HSO expressed support for a statewide DOQQ but stressed the position that any request for financial support from HSO must be submitted in the form of a proposal.

 SWUG: Gar Clarke – the Southwest User’s Group coming up with a new set of By Laws; representatives to serve on the board will be needed for NM.

 Agency Reports o Larry Spears from DGR reports the Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBR) has been funded (House Bill 2) to conduct a more comprehensive estimate of

3 population for NM. The efficacy of this study is highly dependent on successful address geocoding.

o Jason Fink announced that the City of Albuquerque is getting ready to go live with a new ArcIMS/Java Connector Web site. The city’s current web site can be found at

o Kerri Mich, US Forest Service identified web sites for tracking forest fires on Forest Service reserves: has fire perimeters from current incidents, and also statewide GIS data for 11 western states. GIS specialists on incident management teams (mostly type 1 incidents, some type 2) get a password to put their data up under incident_specific_data. Anyone can download from the site. Usually has shapefiles of the perimeter, and sometimes .jpg or .rtl or .pdf of incident maps. has the statewide large fire perimeter coverages for NM for 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003.

o Gar Clarke announced that riparian vegetation mapping data from the US Fish & Wildlife Service is available for the area along the San Juan River and Middle Rio Grande (in draft form); the Pecos system will be completed soon. The data will be made available through the RGIS web site. The classification categories mapped can be found in the documentation at the following URL:

The meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 12:00 pm. Committee has decided to move August meeting to 1st Tuesday of the month (the 3rd) to avoid a conflict with the ESRI’s Users Conference.

4 Next Meeting The next meeting will be August 3rd at 9:30 am – at the State Archives.

Adjourned: 11:30 am.


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