Fleet Parish Council

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Fleet Parish Council

Fleet Parish Council Minutes of Meeting held 20 July 2015

A Meeting of Fleet Parish Council was held on Monday 20th July 2015 at the Community Hall, Hargate Close, Fleet commencing at 7pm. Those present: Councillors: Paul Chapman (Chairman) Peter Coupland Annette Dean Ross Dean Joan Woolard Valery Gemmell County Councillor William Webb was also in attendance plus 9 parishioners and PCSO Ian Cripps. A 10 minute Open Forum was held prior to the Meeting and the following points were raised by parishioners:

 Thanks extended to everyone who had contributed to ensuring that the village looked attractive for the ‘Best Kept Village Competition’.

 Reactive road sign – concerns as to whether it was working correctly.

 Litter bins in Children’s play area – problems occurring with broken glass and litter as there is currently no bin as refuse operatives will not go down this far to empty. Councillor Gemmell will speak to Street Scene Collector to see if there is a spare bin and Mr Quant who currently does the litter picking, will be consulted to see whether he could empty a bin weekly if one were provided.

 Suggestion box placed in Post Office to allow villagers to put forward their ideas. Chairman mentioned that this can be done on the website and also by e mailing the Clerk but he will speak to Postmaster to see if he is in agreement with this idea.

 Official letter of thanks to be sent to Michael Seymour.

Minutes: Action:

1. Apologies – Councillor Arthur Male, Mr Phillip James.

2. Vacancies on Village & Fen wards - two vacant seats on the Council following May elections which had been advertised resulting in two applications being received, one from Mrs Eileen Gilliatt and the other from Mr Phillip James. Mr James had given his Apologies but as Mrs Gilliatt was present she signed her ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office’ Clerk form and was duly invited to join the committee. Clerk to contact Mr James to arrange to provide him with the necessary paperwork prior to the next meeting.

3. Minutes of previous Meeting (22/5/15) and matters arising – the Minutes of the previous Meeting having been circulated prior to the Meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

4. Declarations of Interest – Clerk made reference to the Declaration of Interest book which was made available.

5. Police matters – PCSO reported that there had not been many incidents since the last Meeting. Councillor R Dean reported a suspicious white van with ‘JJ’ written on the side which had been seen driving around the village on several occasions. PCSO suggested that Police should be telephoned if it is seen again and they will come out and look. Councillor Gemmell wished to extend her thanks to the Police for their swift response in dealing with a potential rave in Fleet.

6. Finance Matters - the following cheques were resolved: Cheque Payee Reason Amount number 100855 Unipart Reactive road £2719.20 Dorman sign 100856 HM Customs Income tax £156.60 & Excise due for quarter 100857 Sally Wages for £187.56 Goodacre June 100858 Jill Harrington Wages for £181.67 June 100859 Peter Quant Wages for £42.73 June 100860 LALC Councillor £75.99 Handbooks 100861 Mark Grass cutting £780.20 Grummitt - May 100862 Sally Wages for £183.16 Goodacre July 100863 Jill Harrington Wages for £181.67 July 100864 Peter Quant Wages for £42.53 July 100865 Mr P Coote Flowers for £59.80 Church End planter 100866 Grant Annual £120.00 Thornton Return 100867 Tyrell Planters £2812.80 Contractors 100868 Hooks of Materials to £21.72 Holbeach repair Donkey 100869 Peter Flowers for £36.16 Coupland planter near A17 100870 Mrs E Flowers for £67.94 Penney planter near Bull Inn Clerk

Clerk reported that Parish Precept had been received £17040 together with reimbursement from SHDC for litter picking (£570) and VAT repayment of £185.75 resulting in a bank balance of £22554.50 when all the above cheques had been deducted. She requested permission to purchase a Scribe accounting package to facilitate preparing the Accounts, forecast budgets, requisition orders and maintaining an Asset Register at a cost of £195 per annum (Licence fee). Councillor R Dean proposed that sanction be given for this which was seconded by Councillor Gemmell. Clerk

 Audit - Clerk reported that the External Audit had been completed by Grant Thornton and had been returned with a comment concerning earmarked reserves. It was suggested that the council should quantify the costs of projects to be covered by earmarked funds in the future, something that the Scribe package will assist with.

 Letter from EELS – copy previously circulated to allow Councillors time to consider the request for funds to assist with music event in Long Sutton. Councillors were unanimous in their decision not to use Fleet Precept monies towards an event outside the Parish.

7. Planning Applications – Clerk  Results – none to report other than notification from SHDC concerning an Appeal made by Mr David Smith (DNS Transport) against the issue of an Enforcement Notice.

 Letter from Sutton Bridge PC (copy previously Cllr R Dean circulated) regarding the fact that comments submitted by non-statutory consultees to the District Council’s planning department were no longer being Cllr Coupland uploaded to the planning portal. Sutton Bridge PC felt that this discriminated against those residents who were not able to travel to Spalding to view the planning files and were seeking the support of other Parish Councils to reinstate such letters to the portal. Members considered this request but were unanimous in their support of SHDC’s decision to Cllr Coupland cease uploading the letters because of the amount of time it took to do so and the frequent ensuing problems that resulted. Clerk will advise Sutton Cllr R Dean Bridge PC of this decision.

8. Playing Field:

 Report by Sub-Committee – Cllr R Dean reported that the repaired donkey would be returned to the play area this week; cost of repair was £21.72.

 New signs – Cllr Coupland reported that the signs were finished apart from the plastic laminate which should be completed and erected by next week at a Chairman cost of £726.

 Pavilion – Cllr Coupland reported that he had asked a contractor for a rough estimate of costs to repair the pavilion which came out at between £3k and 4k. Members were asked whether they wanted him to arrange for proper quotations bearing in mind the cost and it was agreed that if this amount was not spent now then it would only increase in the future. Cllr Coupland will arrange for 3 quotations which will be discussed at the next Meeting. Clerk  Annual inspection of play equipment – Cllr Dean has received the necessary training to carry out this inspection and will do so in the next 2 weeks.

 Correspondence from Mr S Joel – Chairman reported that Mr Joel had been written to on 13th June but there had been no reply to this letter to date.

 Additional seat – Chairman reported that the existing seat offered by Cllr Woolard required too much work Clerk to make it useable so it would be more cost effective to purchase a new one. Councillors were shown pictures of various options which were maintenance free and it was agreed that a seat with a back would be the best option rather than a bench. Chairman will arrange quotations for the next Meeting to include cost of seat, concrete base and a post to tie dogs to so that they do not run into the play area.

 Football Club – Cllr Coupland reported that use of the pitches on the playing field would be considerably reduced now that the new Football Academy at Pennyhill is up and running as this was the preferred site for the majority of clubs.

 Letter from Mark Waterfall (copy previously circulated) – Members agreed to hire the pitch on a Clerk bi weekly basis as requested by Mr Waterfall at a cost of £20 per session provided that the area was left as it was found. Other conditions were that games should be in an organised league and that a full contact list was provided to ease communication. Clerk will write to Mr Waterfall outlining these conditions and enquiring whether he still wishes to proceed.

 Dyke maintenance – Chairman reported that the dyke at the bottom of the playing field is quite overgrown with weeds now creeping onto the field. Contractor had been consulted about clearing the middle and sides as the rear is the responsibility of SHDC and he had quoted £425 to do this. Cllr Coupland proposed that this work be undertaken which was seconded by the Chairman with the agreement of all Members. Mark Grummitt (Contractor) will be provided with a Purchase Order and asked to carry out the work as soon as possible.

9. Highway matters:

 Penrics Way – LCC Highways had been written to requesting assistance to rectify the problem of parking against the dropped kerb. They had replied Chairman stating that obstruction of the highway was a matter that the police had the power to enforce and also that they do not mark dropped kerbs. PCSO thought that the dropped kerb was there due to a former garage on the site of the new houses and was therefore longer than necessary. He said that Enforcement Officers issued Fixed Penalty Notices if there was an obstruction and these came under the jurisdiction of SHDC. It was agreed that a letter would be sent to SHDC to see if they would be willing to send out Enforcement Officers to look at the problem stressing the danger it caused due to lack of visibility for cars Clerk pulling out of Penrics Way onto Old Main Road. County Councillor Webb was sympathetic to the problem and disappointed that LCC were not taking the matter more seriously. Cllr Gemmell suggested that Sue Cooper, Highways Officer be consulted to see if she would come down for a meeting with Councillors to look at the affected area if SHDC were not willing to do anything. Cllr R Dean Cllr Gilliatt asked whether polite notices could be put up in the Post Office and shop asking people not to block the entrance to Penrics Way and also signs on the wall at the sides of the dropped kerb. Chairman felt that SHDC would be approached first and the outcome of this assessed before further measures were considered. Clerk will write to SHDC Clerk and Agenda item for further discussion at next Meeting.

 Lincs Community Speed Watch – Chairman reported that passive signs had now been erected on Old Main Road and Hocklesgate and would be moved around according to need and subject to agreement from Lincs Road Safety Partnership (LRSP). The reactive sign is causing problems as it cuts off at 30 mph and although it is recording data it is proving difficult to access this. Chairman has put in a call to manufacturer requesting assistance. This sign will also be moved about where required but at the moment the only approved sites are: Clerk Old Main Road Lamp post numbers 2, 9, 12, 17, 18 Old Main Road Lamp post numbers 5 Eastgate South Lamp post numbers 301, 304, 307 Hocklesgate Lamp post numbers 319, 321, 322, 323

Clerk will write to LRSP requesting consideration for signs to be erected on Foxes Low Road – lamp post numbers 5,7A, 9, 12, 13 & 15 and Branches Lane lamp post numbers 0287, 0290 & 0291. Correspondence had also been received from a resident of Long Lane who was concerned about speeding along this road. The Chairman suggested that if Parishioners experienced problems with any other roads then they should e mail the Clerk. PCSO advised that once the data could be collected from the reactive sign then this should be reported to them for monitoring purposes.

 Memorial seat outside Post Office – Cllr R Dean reported that this is still being sorted out.

 Imminent road works – Clerk reported that overnight resurfacing works would be carried out on the A17 between Holbeach and Gedney roundabouts between 18th and 24th July.

 Pot hole, Eastgate – this has now been repaired. Cllr Dean reported a large pothole on Ravensgate which needed attention; Clerk will report.

 Footpaths, Old Main Road & Little Marsh Lane – Chairman has logged a call with LCC Highways regarding bags of building materials left on the pavement outside the old gym on Old Main Road and Chairman/Clerk weeds growing through the pavement between Little Marsh Lane and Cherry Lane. 10. Confirm date of next Meeting: next Meeting is scheduled Cllr Coupland for 19th October but Councillors felt that 3 months was too long between Meetings so decided to meet again on Monday 21st September 2015.

11. Cherry Lane Playground: no change since last Meeting. Clerk and Chairman will draft a letter to SHDC to formalise complaint about the condition it is in.

12. Best Kept Village Competition: Judges had been seen inspecting the designated area and Cllr R Dean had spoken to them. They were happy to see signs advertising the event for which they gave extra points but no results received so far.

13. Replacement Bus shelter Old Main Road, Fleet Hargate: at the last Meeting Members had voted to replace the demolished bus shelter. The Chairman had therefore carried out a survey of the area in question and reported that the footpaths were very narrow and the verges small due to the amount of parking that had been installed which would cause difficulties if a new bus shelter were constructed. It would also have to be in the front of a residential property and the Chairman suggested that property owners should be consulted by letter to gauge their opinion of this. If their views were negative the Chairman felt that it would be difficult to gain the necessary Planning Permission from SHDC. Cllr Coupland felt that the old bus stop had been sited in the best place and suggested that between 10 and 20 households living either side of this were written to. Cllr Gilliatt thought that a diagram showing the type of proposed shelter should accompany the letter so that residents could make an informed comment. Cllr Woolard suggested that perhaps a shelter could be constructed nearer to the road and was aggrieved with the length of time it would take to sort out as residents would then be subjected to bad weather whilst waiting for a bus. Cllr Gemmell wondered whether part of the parking bay could be utilised but it was agreed that the first step was to distribute the letters and gauge the response. Clerk will draft a letter with the Chairman’s approval and distribute accordingly. 14. Provision of a defibrillator for the village – this had been mentioned at the last Meeting but no costs had been provided to date. LALC circular contained an advert showing one complete with appropriate cabinet for £1375 + vat. Cllr Coupland will obtain further quotes and also ascertain how many First Responders there are in the area who are trained to use one. Agenda for next Meeting.

Clerk 15. Planters for village & associated costs: Chairman reported that all four planters were now in situ and complete Agenda with plants. Mentioned that all associated receipts should be given to Clerk for reimbursement. Cllr Gemmell reported that as she had lost her receipt for the plants she purchased she was happy to donate them for which she was thanked. Chairman wished to discuss the cost of the planters and it Clerk was agreed that this would be done in a Committee session after the main Meeting was closed. Agenda

16. LALC Circular No 154 & appointment of Parish Representative – each Member was provided with a photocopy of the circular which detailed the 2015 LALC AGM and Conference. Cllr Male had previously attended this event as Parish Representative but Cllr Gemmell explained that she would be happy to report back as she was already going as the representative of Holbeach PC; this would therefore negate any cost to Fleet PC. Chairman proposed that this should be agreed which was seconded by Cllr Coupland.

17. General correspondence and any other business - Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:

Dated Received from Subject matter July 2015 Lincolnshire County Public Consultation Council on possible changes to Lincs CC Non- Residential Contributions Policy 16 June 2015 Lincolnshire County Revised Speed Limit Council Policy and Draft Lincs Traffic Policy for Schools 02 July 2015 Lincolnshire County Notice of Submission Council of Core Strategy & Development Management Policies 24 June 2015 Shooting Star Lincs Healthwatch Survey 01 July 2015 South Holland DC Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities 14 July 2015 Willows Day Sports Day Nursery July 2015 LALC Dog Fouling Campaign 09 July 2015 Lincolnshire County Extended funding Council deadline for Rural Shops 14 July 2015 Mr Peter Quant Litter picking in Fleet 22 June 2015 NALC Fly a flag for the Commonwealth – 14.3.16.

 Cllr Coupland requested that the Clerk write to Mr Stinders regarding his offer of a £500 donation towards the cost of a replacement bus shelter as this had not been forthcoming.

 Cllr Gemmell requested that 30 mph signs at the top of Princes Street should be put on the Agenda for discussion at the next Meeting.

There being no further business the Meeting was closed by the Chairman at 20:35.

Signed as a true account by:

Councillor Paul Chapman

Chairman – Fleet Parish Council 21st September 2015


 Invoice for planters – Chairman wished to discuss the cost of the planters as the invoice was higher than Members were expecting and he wished to establish where the money was coming from to pay for them as previous Minutes stated that Cllr Coupland would draw from his Budget to cover the installation costs. Total cost was £2812.80 inc vat. Cllr Coupland informed Committee that he had transferred £800 from his Budget 18 months ago to assist with the cost of the planters. This had to be done at that time otherwise it would have been lost if unspent. Cllr Gemmell proposed that the invoice should be paid and this was seconded by Ross Dean and all were in favour with this and agreed that the contractors should be reimbursed from Fleet PC funds. Chairman reiterated that it was imperative that Members were clear when they voted what they were actually voting for and were happy with all the details of any proposal and associated costs. It was agreed that all matters required total transparency and that in future Purchase Orders would be raised for each item requiring any form of payment thus satisfying audit requirements. The new Scribe package will enable the Clerk to produce these and from here draw up a forecast budget and detail earmarked funds.

 Previous Clerk’s wage – Chairman wished to discuss the fact that although the previous Clerk had retired on 31st March she was still being paid a full wage. He could see nothing in the Minutes stating what had been agreed in this regard although Members had discussed a handing over period to assist the incoming Clerk. Cllr Gemmell proposed that the Chairman write to Mrs Harrington thanking her for her support and assistance and informing her that payment would cease as from 31st August 2015; this was seconded by Cllr Coupland.

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