Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission s1
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Minutes KEEP ARKANSAS BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION Rick Evans Grandview Prairie Conservation Education Center 1685 County Road 35 North, Columbus, Arkansas 71831 May 22, 2003
Commissioners Present:
Sarah Wruck, Chairman Brenda Williams, Vice-Chairman Laurie Black Phyllis Jones Thurston Lamb Gelene MacDowell Mary Smith Linda Westergard
Commissioners Absent:
Dixie Carlson
Staff Present:
Robert Phelps, Brenda Halbert and Jack Singleton, Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Guests Present:
Deede Phelps of Little Rock Rob Bell and Julie Robbins of Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper, Little Rock
Call to Order:
Sarah Wruck called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., and Brenda Halbert called the roll. Guests were welcomed.
Presentation of Minutes:
Ms. Wruck asked for corrections or additions to the March 19, 2003 minutes.
Ms. Westergard referred to page 9, bullet point 5, that should read: Richard Davies….has committed Tourism's support if a "reliable annual statewide wildflower bloom can be produced". Ms. Wruck asked that page 10, last paragraph, reflect that Keep Arkansas Beautiful (office) devise a litter index, not the Commissioners. After some discussion, the following action was taken:
Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Linda Westergard, to approve the March 19, 2003, KArB Commission minutes as corrected. The motion passed.
Financial Report:
Mr. Phelps presented the Financial Report for the period ending April 30, 2003, reflecting expenditures of 71% of the budget. Mr. Phelps noted the last deposit in June, from May taxes, will be approximately $39,500. He stated the budget appropriation is a more inflated figure, KArB Commission Minutes May 22, 2003 - page 2 because it includes carry forward monies of KArB. He emphasized, however, the importance of operating within the actual annual income. A new budget, including new media plan, will be presented at the July meeting.
Ms. Jones expressed two concerns:
Administrative recommendations to reduce expenses should be presented with the new budget in July. Expenses associated with the Affiliate Conference and Awards and whether or not they are included in the regular budget.
In regard to the awards and affiliate conference expenses, Mr. Phelps explained that some expenses such as equipment rental would come out of advertising and M&O. The remaining expenses would be absorbed by the KArB Foundation. Ms. Jones said she would like to see a comparison of conference expenses to income at the next meeting.
Ms. Westergard asked if an in and out cash account would be available to sell t-shirts, wildflower booklets, etc. Mr. Phelps stated Mr. Davies had recommended against it, but it could be done through the KArB Foundation.
Ms. Wruck asked for approval of the financial report:
Phyllis Jones made a motion, seconded by Gelene MacDowell, approving the KArB Financial Report as presented for the period ending April 30, 2003. The motion passed.
Chairman’s Report:
Ms. Wruck reported on the following:
KArB Affiliate Conference was a success and the Awards Luncheon was very well attended; complete reports will be presented by Ms. Jones and Ms. Westergard. Committees: 1) Current agenda: other than conference and awards, no committee reports will be presented today; 2) Recommendation that the committees' work be suspended as of now. July Commission meeting will be an all-day agenda, including review of the new budget, as well as new structure and responsibilities of Commissioners working in their Congressional Districts to strengthen the overall KArB Affiliate program. Extended appreciation to the Grandview Prairie staff for the Commission meeting venue and opportunity to visit an area rich in natural beauty, particularly wildflowers.
Executive Director's Report:
Mr. Phelps reported a conflict with the July 24 Commission meeting date. After some discussion, July 15 was agreed upon as the next meeting date in Little Rock. KArB Commission Minutes May 22, 2003 - page 3
Mr. Phelps continued his report as follows:
KArB Commissioner Dixie Carlson from Marion, Arkansas, is the new representative from Congressional District 1. She attended the KArB Affiliate Conference dinner and has met with Mr. Phelps a couple of times via phone. Ms. Wruck has a meeting scheduled to familiarize her with the KArB mission, protocol, travel regulations, etc. Critiques of awards and conference: encouraged Commissioners to send to the KArB office, as these are needed to compile final results and recommendations. ADPT executive staff was unable to attend today due to Nature Conservancy meeting. FY04 budget and media plan to be presented at July meeting. "Mow Across America" event in Bentonville - report referred to Mr. Singleton.
Mr. Singleton reported that MTD, national corporate sponsor of the Great American Cleanup, contracted with a college soccer coach (with support entourage of twenty) to ride a lawnmower from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Statue of Liberty, Bentonville being one of seventeen stops involving a cleanup, planting or similar event. Local representation was excellent from Wal-Mart, local sponsor, to Benton County Judge Black and Environmental Services (KArB local Affiliate) along with Keep Arkansas Beautiful staff and Commissioners Wruck and Jones. A cleanup as well as planting took place at the intersection of I-540 and State Highway 72 to Pea Ridge. Ms. Wruck noted great response from the Benton County Affiliate as well as attendance by KAmB representative, Gail Cunningham. KArB has received five MTD Yard-Vacs over the past three years.
Law enforcement initiative report referred to Mr. Singleton:
Jack Singleton reported that he will be visiting with several law enforcement agencies on how KArB can best partner with them toward reducing litter. The first meeting was held with three officers from Arkansas Game & Fish Commission. Framework was developed for a KArB award to be presented to one or two wildlife officers who have best upheld litter enforcement at their July 15 awards event.
Lengthy discussion followed regarding collection of fines. Mr. Singleton noted there are times when judicial education is needed regarding enforcement and innovation. He outlined further strategy including meetings with municipal law enforcement and the county sheriffs' association. Ms. Black suggested educational presentations to specific groups at their statewide conferences might be more effective. Ms. Williams stated she had presented and reviewed Act 145 (litter law) to both the municipal judge in Marshall as well as the county sheriff. Commissioners requested that another copy of Act 145 be mailed to them along with a synopsis.
AHTD is assembling an anti-task force to get more serious on litter, and Mr. Phelps has been asked to participate in that process. This is an opportunity to expand on the partnership developed through their sponsorship of the Great Arkansas Cleanup. It is KArB Commission Minutes May 22, 2003 - page 4
hoped that a meeting will take place with Dan Flowers, Executive Director, before the July 15 Commission meeting. Amendment 75 - five-year success was recently celebrated: A recent quote by a state senator was read with Mr. Phelps emphasizing the continued importance of the way KArB funds are utilized and the results that are produced.
Advisory Reports:
No report given in the absence of Mr. Davies.
Governor’s Office:
Marynell Branch was not present for a report.
Guests' Remarks:
Committee Reports (all committee reports suspended with the exception of the following):
KArB Affiliate Network Conference:
Phyllis Jones reported as follows:
Julie Robbins of MHRC will present a final report representing evaluations by conference attendees. Ms. Jones reiterated a request for everyone else to submit their critiques, noting a major concern was attendance. 2004 events: Scheduled at the new Embassy Suites and Hot Springs Convention with a tentative date of April 27-28. Awards Luncheon: recommendation that it continue as a part of the 2004 conference. MTD Yard-Vac to be presented to a conference attendee: Mr. Phelps confirmed the recipient has been drawn but not notified, and the presentation will be made soon. Ms. Jones reviewed remaining thank you notes to sponsors, vendors and presenters.
Mr. Phelps reported that Senator Bumpers contributed his time to speak at the opening luncheon as well as splitting the proceeds of his book sales for the KArB Foundation.
Julie Robbins of MHRC presented analytical and statistical data:
Conference evaluation forms: most helpful in knowing the positives and negatives of this year's event as well as for planning future events. The number of evaluations decreased from last year. KArB Commission Minutes May 22, 2003 - page 5
Tested areas included speakers/presenters, subject matter, publicity materials, overall conference, quality of information presented, quality of food, audio/visual presentations, quality of sound, speed/efficiency of food service, room setup, entertainment and vendor booths/displays: 11 of the 12 areas received more positive remarks this year, from 3.43 to 3.84 on a 4.00 scale. Concurrent workshop evaluations reflected that speakers Singleton and Caveness received the highest marks.
Ms. Halbert reported on numbers and percentage of attendance, breaking it down by Affiliates, non-Affiliates, Commissioners and staff, and presenters. Attendance total was 84 or 16 percent less than 2002. In comparing to past conferences, she stated it was the most organized, flowed smoothly and was well received. It was noted that office staff did not have extra time to make the usual Affiliate contacts, as so much energy was devoted to the awards luncheon.
Lengthy discussion ensued with several suggestions:
Simplification of the grant process to enable more Affiliates to attend. (Mr. Phelps noted that we were within budget on grants.) Utilize budget ability to hire extra help to assist with paperwork in the KArB office. Possibility of holding the meeting on Friday and Saturday (non-work day) so that minimal work time is lost for attendees. Pros and cons were reviewed, stressing a need for Affiliates' input.
KArB Awards 2003:
Ms. Westergard presented her final report, noting that attendance was the highest ever. She attributed much of the success to Mr. Singleton's role in at the beginning in procuring applications once the Nucor grants were confirmed. Points covered were as follows (see attached):
Local news conferences: 25 events with 580 people in attendance with an advertising-equivalency rate of coverage valued at $7,000. Awards Luncheon: 12 of 34 finalists received Crystal Awards of Excellence as well as a $500 grant from Nucor Corporation; Charlotte Nabholz received the first ARKeeper Award; four businesses and individuals sponsored awards. Reception for finalists in the Great Hall of the Governor's Mansion: 100 people attended reception hosted by First Lady Janet Huckabee; all the finalists have been mailed photographs autographed by Mrs. Huckabee. Evaluation results: Excellent to good ratings were received on the awards process, banquet and local press conferences; attendance at local press events was the only point that received a poor rating. Additionally, over fifty attendees expressed an interest in becoming more involved with KArB. 2004 recommendations: 1) Maintain the awards luncheon as a part of the affiliate conference; 2) Host local news conferences in finalists' home towns as in 2003. KArB Commission Minutes May 22, 2003 - page 6
Ms. Westergard stated the Awards Luncheon attendance was up 25 percent this year, response was outstanding in so many ways, i.e., the trophies and cash awards, with the final result of more involvement with KArB in the future as the ultimate reward. Ms. Westergard emphasized the importance of beginning publication of next year's events now with a flyer outlining dates and location for use in speaking to groups statewide. Ms. Westergard concluded, stating she felt a motion is needed to insure that the luncheon remains a part of the conference next year.
Linda Westergard made a motion, seconded by Thurston Lamb, that the 2004 KArB Awards Luncheon shall remain as an integral part of the 2004 Affiliate Conference.
After lengthy discussion, Ms. Wruck called for the vote.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper:
Rob Bell continued the MHRC report, highlighting the following:
New billboard signage: "Every Day Two People Die Dodging Highway Litter". KArB radio spots on KARN (0920 AM): Janet Carson Show and Chuck Barrett's sports program (tapes were played).
Ms. Wruck expressed appreciation to Ms. Robbins and Mr. Bell for their reports and the fine work they do for KArB.
Old Busine ss:
New Business:
Mr. Singleton stated that former Governor Frank White passed away on May 21, suggesting that the KArB Commission/Staff send condolences to his family.
Mr. Phelps encouraged Commissioners to complete all TR1's for processing, as the KArB office needs to close fiscal year processing by June 20.
Mr. Phelps mentioned that Dhu Thompson of Delta Plastics has made a verbal commitment to sponsor an award next year (they have been recipients at each awards event). Ms. Westergard praised Mr. Phelps for his diligence in adding the sponsorships of Weyerhaeuser and Arkansas Realtors. Additionally, he played a major role in procuring Nucor's sponsorship. She noted that KArB Commission Minutes May 22, 2003 - page 7
Bob Hice has also signed on as the first $10,000 a year commitment as a KArB Foundation Board member.
There being no further discussion, Ms. Wruck called the meeting adjourned at 12:00 Noon.