Childrens Corner Inc

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Childrens Corner Inc

CHILDREN’S CORNER INC. 58 Aldrich Rd, Wilmington, MA 01887 Ph (978) 658-6829 Fax ((978) 658-2127 E-Mail [email protected] Web Judy Austin Director / Owner

Health Care Policies Health Care Consultant Telephone Judy Baptiste 978-203-0544 Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887

Emergency Telephone Numbers Fire 911 Police 911 Rescue/Ambulance 911 Poison Prevention Center 911 Designated adult – Betty Molvar -978-658-3610 Hospital(s) utilized for emergencies Winchester Family Medical Center Salem Street Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887 Emergency Procedures (Step-by-Step, including transportation method and notification of parent.) An attempt will be made to contact the child's parent or guardian by calling the numbers on the Emergency Medical Card. Any accident or illness requiring treatment by a physician will be treated at the Emergency Room of Winchester Family Medical Center in Wilmington. The child will be transported by the 911 services if transportation other than parental is necessary.

Emergency Procedures if parents cannot be contacted If parents or guardians cannot be reached, attempts will be made to contact the parent or guardian through all of the persons listed on the Emergency Medical Card. An attempt will be made to contact the child's physician.

Emergency Procedures when off the premises (including walks off the premises, field trips, and participation at off site facilities). In the event of an emergency one staff person will tend to the injured child(ren) while the rest of the staff will remain with the other children. All staff people are trained in first aid and CPR. When off site, staff brings children records in order to have necessary information available in the event of an emergency. Children's medical release forms will also be brought on field trips along with First Aid Kits. For missing children at school> Upon arrival of students the playground gate shall be locked. One staff will go out to bring child in other staff will be with children in the building. On field trip>florescent shirts will be worn, headcount constantly, one staff will stay with children other will go to find child. Procedures for utilizing First Aid Equipment 1. Location of First Aid Kit(s): on wall to left of play house 2. Location of First Aid Manual: on shelf over phone counter 3. First Aid Kit is administrated by: staff members who have had first aid training 4. First Aid Kit is maintained by: the Director 5. Contents of First Aid Kit(s) 1 box of different size Band-Aids 2 rolls of paper adhesive tape 1 sling 2 in.. cell bandages 10 3 in.. x 3 in.. gauze 1 box of alcohol swabs 2 rolls of cling gauze bandage scissors tweezers gloves Plan for Injury Prevention and Management (Describe procedures for monitoring of the environment for removal and/or repair of hazards.) The staff regularly monitors the program area for potential hazards. This includes storing of any toxic materials, and or medications. All Staff are mandated reporters, trained to observe for signs of abuse and neglect and shall report any incidents of abuse or neglect to the Director who will report to the Department of Social Services.(1-617-727-0900). The Director shall immediately report to the Department of Social Services and the Office for Child Care Services any suspected cases of abuse and neglect while in the centers care. SA 51A will be filed and any allegedly accused staff person shall have no contact with the children at any time until an investigation has been completed. The Director will comply with these agencies and all procedures will be maintained in writing. Procedures for clean up of blood spills Disposable gloves are used. Affected area is disinfected. Used gloves thrown away in a lined covered container. Licensee will ensure staff will wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after cleaning up bloody area. Bloody clothing should be sealed and returned to parents at the end of the day. Procedures for maintaining and monitoring a central injury log There is a central log of accident/injuries. This log is bound and will show all records of incidents, action taken, date, time, and is signed by one or more staff persons. Procedures for informing parents when first aid is administrated to their child, including time frames and documentation The director will notify the parent in writing immediately when first aid is administered to their child. This notification will include nature of the incident, first aid administered , time of the occurrence, and any other action that was taken.

Procedures for informing OCCS of serious injury, inpatient hospitalization, death of child while in program care The director will notify OCCS immediately, first by telephone and them will follow up in writing any incident which involves serious injury, inpatient hospitalization, death of a child while in program care.

Plan for infection control and monitoring Surfaces will be washed daily with solution of bleach and water. In the event of a child who appears to have a communicable disease, he/she will be isolated from the group. The parent will be notified. If it is established by physician’s examination, that child is contagious, Physician will state when child may return to the program once he/she is no longer contagious. Parents of the children who have come into contact with the child who was ill will be notified for their own protection. Hand washing procedures for staff and children Staff will wash hands with soap and water before handling food and after bathroom use and after touching bodily fluids and after cleaning. Children will wash hands with soap and water before handling food and after each bathroom use. Procedures for washing and disinfecting specific equipment items, or surfaces including 11.04 (7) (a) 2. after each use see 7.07(20)b 1. at least monthly see 7.07(2c)(b)3 at least daily see 7.07(20). Surfaces on desks/tables will be disinfected with bleach and water solution daily. A mild cleaning solution will be used during interim times when necessary. Emergency plan for evacuation of the program or facility Are separate evacuation plans posted for each activity area and next to each exit? yes Who leads children out of the building? the head teacher, Director, or acting director who is in charge of each class Who checks for stragglers? the staff members who are assigned to walk with the last child checks for stragglers. Attendance sheet and phone and childrecord files are brought with emergency numbers. In the event of natural disaster requiring evacuation of the building we will be evacuated to the Boutwell School with the assistance of the Wilmington Fire Department. If area is evacuated we will evacuate to Sandra Lane Preschool, Sandra Lane , Reading, Massachusetts 01867. When are practice evacuation drills conducted? (Exact number of drills and date/required quarterly) once the first week of October and monthly throughout the school year.

Who documents date, time, and effectiveness of each drill? (attach copies of evacuation procedures with designated exits for each room.) Director Describe plan for dispensing medication (prescription and non-prescription) and the plan for recording of the dispensing of medication. (See 11.04 (8)(a)-(h)) The following policy is given to all parents prior to admission: Staff members will dispense non-prescription medication with written permission on the appropriate forms signed by the parent or guardian and Doctor. Medication will only be dispensed when it is in its original container with expiration date visible. Prescription medication will be administrator by staff members with written permission on the appropriate forms signed by the parents or guardian. The medication must be in its original container and must have the doctor's name and orders. The first dosage shall be administered at home. For non prescription medications, we will accept as the written parental authorization a signed statement authorizing the center to administer non prescription medication in accordance with the written order of the physician. This statement shall be valid for no more than one year from the date it was signed. With written instructions from doctor the parent could train staff in medication administration. The parent shall be notified in writing each time a non - prescription medication is administered to a child. All administrations of prescription and non - prescription medication shall be recorded in the Medical Book. Each entry will contain the time, date, child's name, medication, amount of medication, and shall be signed by the staff member administering and one other staff member. An attempt will be made to reach parent(s) before administering medication. All unused/outdated medications will be returned to parent. Topical non prescription medications are not administered without parents written permission. Describe plan for the child care of mildly ill children in the center The child's parents or guardian will be contacted. Medication will be administered with permission from the parent or guardian, in the manner that is described in the medication dispersion policy. The child will be instructed to lie down and rest quietly. The child will be closely watched. Conditions which necessitate parents to pick up an ill child: Parents will be called when a child is mildly ill. This includes headache, fever, stomachache, etc. Conditions under which child may return to the program: When the symptoms have abated and/or the child has been on medication for 24 hours. Procedures for identifying and protecting children with allergies and/or other emergency medical information Emergency Medical Records, registration forms all ask for information concerning the child's allergies to objects and medications. Staff members will plan activities and field trips with this information in mind. Exclusive policy for serious illness, contagious disease, reportable diseases to health department In the event of reportable diseases the health department will be contacted and directed to Health Consultant: Judy Baptiste, R.N. (978-203–0544) Should a child be suspected of having a communicable disease the child will be isolated, parent(s)/guardian will be notified and the premises will be washed down with a half bleach and half water solution. Procedure for parent notification in accordance with the Department of Public Health Parents will be notified in writing by the director of any communicable diseases that may affect their child. An informative posting will be located in the coat room above the hook area for parents information. Location of storage Toxic Substances: cleaning supplies on top shelf in Bathroom Medication: Hazardous Items: N/A Epi-pens/benedryl in child’s change of clothes box Location of staff smoking area (if applicable) - none Toileting and Diapering When a child has had an "accident" and soils his/her clothes under the supervision of the teacher. He/she receives whatever assistance that he/she needs in cleaning himself up by the teacher who is using latex gloves. The soiled clothes are placed in a plastic bag and returned to the parent. The surfaces that are involved are then wiped down with a solution of bleach and water. Both the child and the teacher wash their hands after this procedure. REMINDER - Copy to each staff person Staff are trained in health care policies during orientation Parent furnished copy upon request Posting of location of health care policy and first aid kit We recognize the obligation as an employer to provide a safe working environment for all employees. As part of this commitment, Children’s Corner, Inc. recognizes that employees with life threatening illness, including, but not limited to cancer, heart disease and AIDS, may wish to continue employment. The employee must meet acceptable performance standards, and provide medical evidence that their condition in not a threat to themselves or others in order to continue employment. Federal and State laws also mandate, pursuant to the laws protecting disabled individuals, that those individuals not be discriminated against on the basis of their handicaps. The director will make an effort to become educated and informed of the latest facts regarding the HIV virus and how it is and is not transmitted and will make a concerted effort to educate the employees. Personnel and medical files or information about employees are exempt from public disclosure of M.G.L. Chapter 4, 7(26). Thus, special precautions should be taken to protect such information regarding an employees health condition to prevent instances of disclosure that may invade the personal privacy of employees. The prevention of privacy regarding health issues holds true for students as well. Precautions should be taken to protect the disclosure of such information except from those employees who need to know in order to provide supportive services for health reasons. Only employees with a clear need to know should be informed of an infection status of a student. Children’s Corner, Inc. STANDING ORDERS Children in the program must have a health form and Emergency Contact Record on file with the Director. The school shall contain a First Aid Kit, a Medical Log, and all medical records. The Medical Log will be kept for all First Aid and medical treatments. Any accident or illness requiring treatment by a physician will be treated at Winchester Regional Medical Center of Wilmington’s Emergency Room. If the parent is unable to transport the child the Wilmington Fire Department ambulance (911) will be called to assist and transport the child. In the event of accident or illness, the child's parent or guardian will be notified as soon as possible. TREATMENTS (1) ABRASIONS, SCRATCHED, OR CUTS Clean with soap and lots of water; dry the area well. Apply sterile dressing, if necessary. If bleeding is severe the cut is extensive, apply pressure to the sterile dressing, and transport patient to Winchester Family Medical Center of Wilmington’s Emergency Room. Clean skin with soap and water for superficial splinters; apply Band-Aid; and refer to parent or guardian. All other splinters should be removed by a physician. (3) INFECTIONS Do not treat; refer to a physician, or leave to discretion of parent or guardian. (4) SPRAINS, STRAINS, OR FRACTURES Apply ice bag; if this relieves pain , and there is no swelling child may resume play. If swelling is severe, keep limb elevated, and do not allow child to use limb until seen be a physician. If there is a fracture in an upper extremity, use a sling. If there is a fracture in a lower extremity, transport the child to Winchester Family Medical Center of Wilmington Emergency Room. (5) HEAD INJURIES If any head injury is accompanied by dizziness, unconsciousness, headache, nausea, vomiting, change in pulse rate, severe nosebleed, or other symptoms: keep warm and quiet. Transport the child to Winchester Family Medical Center of Wilmington. If the child has a severe head or back injury, call the ambulance. 6) BRUISES OR BUMPS Apply cold compresses or ice. Consider possibility of fracture or deep injury if tenderness or pain is severe. 7) FOREIGN BODY IN EYE Refer treatment to the parent or guardian. Suggest that a physician be consulted if discomfort persists. 8) BLEEDING a. Arterial or Vein First, use pressure with sterile dressing over wound. If bleeding is on an extremity, elevate the limb. Transport to Winchester Family Medical Center of Wilmington in all instances of severe bleeding. b. Nosebleed Sit the child erect with head forward. Gently compress nostrils with thumb and forefinger against nasal septum. 9) BURNS Consider burns as serious injuries, and the areas burned as open wounds. Cool burns immediately with running cold water. If burn is extensive, cover with sterile compress and bandage. (10) SUNBURN Avoid long exposure of untanned skin. Give abundance of fluids for sunburn. If sunburn is severe and extensive, recommend that the child see a physician. (11) SUNSTROKE Remove child to a shady, cool place. Apply cool, wet cloth or ice bag to head. Give cool drink. 12) INSECT BITES OR STINGS Remove stinger, if still present. Apply ice to bee sting. Refer treatment to parent or guardian. If the child has a severe reaction or anaphylactic shock, call ambulance immediately for emergency transport to Winchester Regional Medical Center of Wilmington. (13) REACTION TO POISON IVY, POISON OAK, OR POISON SUMAC Refer treatment to parent or guardian. 14) Parent or guardian will be notified immediately for any of the following conditions: a. Abdominal pains and tenderness, with or without nausea; have child lie down and rest. b. Diarrhea, have child lie down and rest. c. Earache, have child rest in comfortable position. d. Sore Throat, have child lie down and rest. e. Communicable Disease, isolate the child. f. Scabies, impetigo, ringworm, head lice, isolate the child

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