Southern Kennebec Child Development Corporation s1

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Southern Kennebec Child Development Corporation s1

Southern Kennebec Child Development Corporation

Code of Conduct - Early Care and Education Programs


SKCDC operates early care and education programs and services for families in southern Kennebec County. Our responsibility is to provide safe, healthy, nurturing and responsive environments for children. Their vulnerability must be constantly acknowledged and protected and we as employees must recognize that we are individually and collectively responsible for the trust they place in us and for their well-being. We are committed to supporting children’s development, respecting individual differences, helping children live and work cooperatively and promoting health, self-awareness, competence and self-worth. The Code of Conduct addresses appropriate ECE program staff, consultant and volunteer behavior. Failure to adhere to its specifications can result in employee disciplinary action – up to and including dismissal.

Professionalism  Confidentiality practices are followed at all times. Refer to the Personnel Policy Manual Chapter 15.  Staff increases their skills and competencies through on-site experience, training and supervision. All staff completes at least the minimum number of hours of training requirement by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Rules for the Licensing of Child Care Facilities and the Quality Rating System.  Smoking is prohibited on the premises of all child care facilities and on home visits to enrolled families. Employees follow the smoking policies of the partnership and/or collaboration programs where SKCDC programs are housed.  Personal visits or phone calls are limited to break time. Phone calls or visits during the workday however, may occasionally be necessary. They are brief, whether calls are placed or received on agency or personal phones. Personal cell phones are turned off when with children. Personal business does not interfere with child supervision or ability of staff to implement programs for children.  Staff/Volunteers are open to feedback and coaching from supervisors.  Staff/Volunteers are always aware of how others may interpret their comments and actions with children and adults.  Social networking sites are not appropriate forums to engage in differences of opinion with respect to work related issues, engage in criticism of management or co-workers or address concerns regarding the performance or competence of employees. Staff are prohibited from posting comments (and photographs) that are defamatory to the agency, staff or clients.  Specific observations which may be indicators of possible child abuse are reported immediately to the supervisor and/or Program Manager. The observation is documented as soon as possible.  Adult to adult conversations in the classroom are limited to that which is necessary for the smooth operation of the classroom. Adult socialization, staff to staff or staff to parent/volunteer is not permitted within the confines of the classroom or outdoor play spaces.  Food and drink (water is an exception) in the classroom when children are present is not permitted except at meal and snack times when children and staff have the same choice of foods.  Staff/Volunteers practice reliability and dependability and maintain a professional, positive attitude in all aspects of employment.  Staff/Volunteers maintain effective working relationships with co-workers and clients.  Staff/Volunteers utilize the chain of command.

Conduct with Children  Staff/Volunteers accept a child’s expression of strong feelings … love, rage, joy, sadness, jealousy or grief without being duly upset or denying the child’s feelings.  Toilet accidents are treated calmly.  Children who are capable of toileting on their own should have the opportunity to do so. Staff and/or consultants are near the bathroom area to supervise or to assist the child if needed and to clean the area, if needed, after use.  Bathroom doors remain open when a staff person is in a bathroom with a child or children.  Staff/Volunteers personal use of the classroom bathroom is allowed when not in use by children.  Adults ensure that children are appropriately dressed for all program activities. Staff ensure children wear appropriate, secure footwear that provides adequate seasonal protection.  Preschoolers, who do not sleep, rest for a period of time based on their individual needs. The daily program includes plans and activities for those children who do not nap. Rest/nap time for infants and toddlers is individualized to meet their particular needs.  Nap times require restful environments. Some children need help relaxing. Staff rubs children’s backs, but do not share a child’s blanket or mat. Extremely dark nap rooms are prohibited.  Adult – child conversations are age appropriate and sincere. Vulgarity and sarcasm have no place in staff – child interactions.  Staff/Volunteers are sensitive to and respect each child’s need for physical attention and nurturing. Exchanges of affection are appropriate and sincere. Under no circumstances does a staff member force gestures of affection on a child.  Children’s questions about human anatomy and sexual development receive serious, age appropriate, factual answers – no more and no less than what is requested. Staff demonstrates sensitivity to parent values and feelings on these subjects.  Use of computers in Head Start classrooms must in accordance with our Guidance for Teachers: Use of Technology in SKCDC Head Start Classrooms. Early Head Start Classrooms are screen free environments.

Child Guidance  Methods of discipline are based on expectations of children depending on their developmental levels and their individual needs and abilities. Our goal is to promote self-esteem, cooperation, self-control and self-direction with all children.  Staff, consultants and volunteers use positive methods of discipline outlined in the agency’s Infant Toddler Guidance Practices and Child Guidance Practices.  It is expected that staff work with children to develop classroom rules and discuss and explain these rules with all children throughout the year.  Behavior Support Plans and/or Individual Needs Support Plans are developed as needed by the Mental Health Consultant under the guidance of the Disabilities/Mental Health Manager.  Spanking, slapping, shaking, biting, yelling, abusive language, shaming, embarrassing, rough handling, exclusion from outdoor play or discipline associated with food, drink or rest is inappropriate and strictly forbidden.  A Behavior Incident Report Form is completed, signed by the parent and sent to the Program Manager within 24 hours of an atypical incident (i.e. removal from the classroom, restraint, harm to another child or staff, etc.). Managers provide a copy to the Disabilities/Mental Health Manager.

Safety Precautions and Procedures

 All staff, consultants and volunteers recognize physical hazards and report them to the immediate supervisor. All physical hazards are eliminated immediately.  All staff, consultants and volunteers actively cooperate in the maintenance of a healthy, safe work environment.  SKCDC does not allow weapons on agency property, except by authorized law enforcement personnel. Persons in possession of a weapon (guns, knives, etc) are prohibited from our properties. Persons determined to be in possession of a weapon will be required to leave the property.  Griddles, toasters, or warming units of any kind are not allowed in classrooms.  Staff conducting home visits are responsible to take precautions to protect their safety:  Assure that their vehicle is in good working order and have a first aid kit and flashlight.  Inform their supervisor of any changes to their schedule and how they can be reached.  Keep their cell phones on and with them at all times. Inform their supervisor before and after any visit that poses a potential danger.  Call parents before the visit so that they can watch for staff’s arrival and to ensure any animals are secured. Ask parents for the safest place to park.  Get acquainted with the local law enforcement personnel.  If a situation does not feel right, staff should not leave their car. If they are in the home, excuse themselves and leave.  When staff leaves the home, they have their car keys in their hand.  Staff, consultants and volunteers do not permit unknown adults to enter program areas nor to interact with the children. Unidentified persons entering the center are approached and/or reported to the immediate supervisor.  Staff, consultants and volunteers who observe people exhibiting atypical behavior in proximity to program areas take precautionary measures: 1. Immediately remove all children from the area (clear the halls, lockdown). 2. Report the behavior to a supervisor as soon as possible.

 Staff is authorized to take pictures in the classrooms and at family/center events for the following purposes: portfolio samples, classroom labeling, educational projects. Families are authorized to take pictures during family/center events. Pictures taken either by staff or families are not posted on the internet or sent by email to a n y other individual. Staff ensures that any child for whom photo permission has not been received is excluded from all pictures taken.  Staff releases children only to authorized individuals, including custodial parents and guardians or specific people authorized in writing or verbally by custodial parents/guardians. Verbal authorizations are communicated directly from the parent/guardian to an authorized staff member. The receiving staff member records the request in writing on a Phone Permission Form and has the request signed by the person picking up the child. Date and time of pickup is specified. The request is then signed by the authorizing parent/guardian as soon as possible thereafter and filed the child’s classroom record.  Staff request proof of identity from person whom the staff person has not met previously and who is seeking release of a child. Acceptable forms of identification include: a current driver’s license or a photo identification card or a combination of two forms of identification. A child’s recognition of the person seeking release is not an acceptable verification of identity or reason to release.  We limit live animals who reside in our classrooms to fish or hermit crabs. Staff must ensure that pet cages and containers are kept clean and odor free and that all related tasks are completed by adults only. Close supervision must be ensured at all times. For additional information regarding our requirements relative to animals please refer to our Domestic and Wild Animal Policy, Attachment 6 of the Employee Safety and Accident Prevention Plan.  Children are supervised at ALL times. Children are never left alone, period. Children out of sight are at risk. Employees are at risk of disciplinary actions when a child under their care is out of their sight. Staff – child ratios are maintained in accordance with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Licensing.  Staff, consultants and volunteers are in key areas of the classroom and playground, interacting with children at all times.  Staff place themselves to allow for constant visual scanning of children under their supervision and to be near enough to intervene as needed.  If staff are unable to properly supervise an area of the classroom or playground that area will be closed to children’s access.  Redundant procedures are in place to ensure that no child is left alone, i.e. a second staff person is designated to check classroom, outdoor play areas, sleeping areas, and vehicles during transitions and prior to departure.  Staff and consultants do not complete extensive child observations or developmental therapy plans of care when children are present.  Staff require parents to accompany their child (ren) to home based socializations.  When children are present, each center has a minimum of two (2) employees on duty.  There is a staff person designated in charge of the center and classroom(s) at all times.  Doors of classroom and all rooms used for children’s activities are kept closed at all times.  Walks outside of program areas are adequately supervised. Program areas include space used on a daily basis within the program buildings and designated outside play areas. Written permission from the parent/guardian is required on the appropriate forms for all walks outside the program areas. Walks do not require Program Manager approval.  Based on the Head Start Act and Head Start performance standards transportation regulations, only incidental transportation of children is allowed*. Examples of incidental transportation are: medical, dental and developmental appointments/clinics or if a child needs to be taken home due to illness or head lice. *Transportation services to children served in the home based option are excluded from these requirements.  No staff person transports children alone in a vehicle without the prior knowledge of the supervisor.  Two cell phones are provided to each center location (exception – preschool collaborations and single classroom sites receive one). One phone remains at the center and one phone accompanies staff on home visits as necessary. Center staff is responsible for ensuring cell phones are maintained in “charge” status and locked in a secure location when not in use. Center Supervisors maintain a sign-out sheet for cell phone accountability of usage. Copies are filed at center level, original submitted to the Program Manager monthly. Refer to the Information Systems Policy for further information regarding use of cell phones.  SKCDC adheres to the Maine Department of Education Rule Chapter 33: Governing Physical Restraint and Seclusion. Preschool staff are trained and certified in “Safety Care” Behavioral Safety Training, per these regulations. Parent Communication

 Staff, consultants and volunteers maintain professional relationship with families. All information recorded in a client’s file is confidential.  Staff supports the child’s family life by involving parents in the care of their children and by keeping them informed of their child’s progress and growth. Teachers complete a minimum of two (2) parent/teacher conferences per year for child care families, two (2) parent/teacher conferences and two (2) home visits per year in EHS/Head Start and weekly home visits in the home based program.  Any concerns that arise regarding a child’s behavior are promptly addressed with the parent or guardian. Purpose of contacting the parent include one or all of the following: 1. To inform parent of concern about behavior. To try to determine if there are any unusual circumstances which have brought about a change in behavior. 2. To develop, in cooperation with the parent, an Individual Needs Support Plan. 3. To discuss Infant Toddler Guidance Practices/Child Guidance Practices. 4. To discuss referrals to other professional as appropriate.  All staff wears their Employee Identification Badge during working hours. Name tags are worn by all Volunteers and Consultants. Consultants and visitors sign in and out at sites.  Staff, consultants and volunteers do not become directly involved in the personal problems of families outside of the professional relationship. Intentional non-professional contact with families outside of work is prohibited.  Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit program areas/centers whenever possible. No prior notification is required.  All parents/guardians of children are informed, at the time of enrollment into the program, that all program staff is required by law to report any suspected cases of child abuse/neglect to the Department of Health and Human Services – Child Protective Services.  All parents/guardians of children are informed, at the time of enrollment into the program, that all program staff adheres to SKCDC policy and procedures in response to Public Law 393 An Act to Prohibit Unauthorized Contact of Persons Convicted of Sex Offenses against Persons under 14 years of age with Persons under 14 years of age.

Confidentiality (refer to the Personnel Policy Manual, Chapter 15)  Confidentiality respective to other staff, children and families is respected and maintained at all times.  Information about children, clients and staff is not discussed outside the agency in any manner that breaches their privacy. Staff, consultants and volunteers refrain from identifying children by name in any communications outside the agency, unless written permission is obtained from the parent/guardian.  All staff, consultants and volunteers are discreet in program-necessary conversations about children and families that occur within the agency. Discussion is limited to those personnel that are necessary for the delivery of services, program operations and intervention. Discussion is not held in public areas where they may be overheard by other children, families, staff or clients. Gossip and breaches of confidentiality are strictly prohibited. Confidentiality Practices  All records on personnel, children, families and clients are confidential and maintained in locked files in centers and offices. All file cabinets where children’s files are kept have an authorization list displayed on them. Consultants/CDS have access to files only with written permission from the family.  Staff ensures the security of child/family files before, during and after home visits.  Confidential information is not shared with outside agencies unless required or specified by law.  Requests for information from outside agencies and school systems are accompanied by a release signed by the parent/guardian/client which specifies the information requested and the durations of time for which permission is granted. Releases and requests must be submitted to the assigned manager.  Release authorizations are maintained in the employee/client record.  Parents/clients and volunteers are prohibited from having access to confidential records other than their own.  Personnel records are available for routine uses for which they were collected by employees authorized to handle the data and are not disclosed without written consent by the staff member. The Human Resources Director is responsible for the maintenance and control of personnel records.  An employee may not remove any record, but may arrange to review or duplicate records with authorization of the Human Resources Director and payment of appropriate costs. Personnel records are not released without the knowledge of the Agency Director. 8.2.16

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