Rhymes, Stories and Games I Enjoy

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Rhymes, Stories and Games I Enjoy

My Personal Education Plan and Reviews

Early Years Foundation Stage/Settings (age 0-4 ) Initial/Annual

My surname is: My first name is: I am also known as: My age: The date I was born is: My ethnicity is:

EAL Y N (UAS) My Swift ID is: Unaccompanied My first language is: Asylum Seeker Y N Date of this initial/annual PEP: My PEP review date(s):

My 6 Month CLA review date: My Statutory Care Review date:

My pre-school setting: Date I started this pre-school education setting:

PEOPLE INVOLVED IN MY PEP (THOSE WHO MUST ATTEND HIGHLIGHTED) Person Name (& Contact Details) Telephone Present Number Me Parent (if appropriate) Foster Carer Social Worker Designated Teacher/ Key person Prospective adoptive parent Adoption social worker Area INCO Setting manager Other agencies Virtual School Officer Section 1 My Voice- All About Me

These are photos of things I like to do:

Rhymes, Stories and games I enjoy: Write in the boxes or put the photographs of what the child enjoys:

Section 2 : What my Carer/Parent/Guardian thinks: What will help me to build on my strengths, do my best and be my best?

As a carer you may want to consider: 1. Are they keen to come to the early years setting? 2. Do they feel they have a good relationship with staff and their peers? 3. Do you know if they are confident to ask questions or talk to their key person? 4. Are they keen to take part in a variety of activities? 5. Do they have any particular anxieties, worries or concerns?

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 3

Section 3: Essential Information about me from my social worker

My Profile Please provide details in each box My current care episode began on:

The number of previous care episodes I have had is:

My current legal status is:

My Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) is:

The person who holds parental responsibility for me is:

My current placement type is:

The number of social workers I have had in this care episode is:

My specific cultural & religious requirements are:

My past and current health concerns are: Please give details or state not applicable:

Strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) For children age 4+ My score on my most recent SDQ was……

My next SDQ will be completed on……

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 5 Please name anyone for whom contact with me is prohibited and what position the setting should take if contacted by this person. Who will the setting ring in an emergency?

Who will the setting send important letters to?

Who will the setting send my reports to?

Who will come to parent/carer meetings?

Who will come to my setting events?

Who will authorise photographs of me? My Designated Teacher/key person has seen a copy of the full Care Plan Y N

Summary of my care plan Strengths are considered to be:

Enter key points from the care plan that will impact on my development and education. Could include:  Permanency  Stability  0-5 development  Cultural, social, emotional, cognitive  Engagement in education to date, attendance and factors impacting on my attendance, current reasons for any absence or lateness  Current issues or religious observances which should be considered

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 7 Section 4 – Academic Attainment Information from my Designated Teacher Early years setting(s) Date of admission Days of am pm am pm am pm attendance Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Attendance: (% out of total available sessions)

Characteristics of Learning: I can do these things

The prime areas

Specific Areas

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 9 Learning and development summary

Two Year old check Date of check Underline the appropriate age band for the two year old check. For children of other ages attach the progress summary used in your setting to the PEP.

Communication and Language: listening and attention; understanding; speaking comment

Listening and attention 0-11 8-20 16-26 22-36 30-50 40-60+

Understanding 0-11 8-20 16-26 22-36 30-50 40-60+

Speaking 0-11 8-20 16-26 22-36 30-50 40-60+

Personal, social and emotional development: self confidence and awareness, making relationships and managing feelings and behaviour. comment

Self confidence and 0-11 8-20 16-26 22-36 30-50 40-60+ awareness Making relationships 0-11 8-20 16-26 22-36 30-50 40-60+

Managing feelings and 0-11 8-20 16-26 22-36 30-50 40-60+ behaviour

Physical development: moving and handling; health and self care comment

Moving and handling 0-11 8-20 16-26 22-36 30-50 40-60+

Health and self care 0-11 8-20 16-26 22-36 30-50 40-60+

Characteristics of learning: Playing and exploring; active learning; creating and thinking critically Comment Next steps to support learning and development

Parents/carers comments

Additional Needs If there are any additional needs, what are they?

What will happen now to meet those needs?

Copy of additional documentation attached? (Y/N) (please state name of document) Copy of ECH plan (Y/N)

Aspects of EHC plan to be addressed in my targets and interventions

Supporting services: Name Role Service offered or Date accessed

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 11

Comments from my education setting relating to:

My Strengths:

Areas for Development:

Barriers to Learning (informed by EYE PEP needs analysis & EYE PEP Toolkit) The Hampshire PEP Toolkit reminds us that behaviour is NOT an area of need, simply a way of communicating an underlying unmet need or an area of difficulty. Use the needs analysis tool to identify primary areas of need/difficulty and note the strategies and interventions that will support the looked after child. These will need to be recorded precisely and personalised to meet their individual needs. The cost of any additional interventions should be noted in Appendix 2.

Possible Interventions required related to above (Transfer these as needed into action plan section 5)

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 13 Section 5 Action Plan : My Targets (SMART) – Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Time related and linked to needs analysis. To be written up by Designated Teacher/key person as an outcome of discussion at the meeting. My Initial PEP Action Plan

Looked after children aged 3 and 4 are eligible for the Early years Pupil Premium. Use this page to record pupil premium spend and its impact if the child is eligible

Identified Specific Who will help me, how How will we Please indicate how any Actual Review need and actions/intervention and when? know when I additional funding will be outcomes Date targeted s planned have achieved used to support this target achieved/impact objective my target? of intervention

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 14 Appendix 1

My 1st PEP Review Meeting Led by my Designated Teacher/key person

Date of meeting d/m/y Attendees Social workers must attend at least one PEP review. sheet. Add other attendees as relevant in the spaces provided. Designated Teacher/key person Social Worker Parent Carer Setting manager Prospective adoptive parents Adoption social worker Area INCO Virtual School Officer Other

Things that have changed in my life since my Initial/Annual PEP Designated Teacher/key person to have gained and input information from the social worker if he/she is not attending Change Explanation/ Details (Reassess needs and barriers to learning and progress as required:

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 15 Review of Previous PEP Targets: Where I was: 1. Where I am now: 2 3 4

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 16 My New Targets A target could be continued if still having impact or remain the same with a new intervention attached to it Identified need Specific Who will help How will we Please indicate Actual outcomes Review Date and targeted actions/intervent me, how and know when I how any achieved/impact objective ions planned when? have achieved additional of intervention my target? funding will be used to support this target

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 17

My 2nd PEP Review Meeting Led by my Designated Teacher/Key person

Date of meeting d/m/y Attendees Those in bold must be present for a PEP review to take place. Social worker must attend at least one PEP review. Please provide names and contact details if not on the PEP cover sheet. Add other attendees, as relevant, in the spaces provided. Designated Teacher/key person Social Worker Parent Carer Setting manager Prospective adoptive parents Adoption social worker Area INCO Virtual School Officer Other

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 18 Things that have changed in my life since my last PEP review Designated Teacher/key person to have gained and input information from the social worker if he/she is not attending Change Explanation/ Details (Reassess needs and barriers to learning and progress as required:

Review of Previous PEP Targets: Where I was: Where I am now: 1. 2 3 4

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 19 My New Targets A target could be continued if still having impact or remain the same with a new intervention attached to it Identified need Specific Who will help How will we Please indicate Actual outcomes Review Date and targeted actions/intervent me, how and know when I how any achieved/impact objective ions planned when? have achieved additional of intervention my target? funding will be used to support this target

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 20 My 3rd PEP Review Meeting Led by my Designated Teacher/key person

Date of meeting d/m/y Attendees Those in bold must be present for a PEP review to take place. Social worker must attend at least one PEP review. Please provide names and contact details if not on the PEP cover sheet. Add other attendees, as relevant, in the spaces provided. Designated Teacher/key person Social Worker Parent Carer Setting manager Prospective adoptive parents Adoption social worker Area INCO Virtual School Officer Other

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 21 Things that have changed in my life since my last PEP review Designated Teacher/key person to have gained and input information from the social worker if he/she is not attending Change Explanation/ Details (Reassess needs and barriers to learning and progress as required:

Review of Previous PEP Targets: Where I was: 1. Where I am now: 2 3 4

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 22 My New Targets A target could be continued if still having impact or remain the same with a new intervention attached to it Identified need Specific Who will help How will we Please indicate Actual outcomes Review Date and targeted actions/intervent me, how and know when I how any achieved/impact objective ions planned when? have achieved additional of intervention my target? funding will be used to support this target

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 23 Appendix 2

My Education Setting’s summary of use of funding to meet my needs with breakdown of costs and evaluation of impact

Amount of funding available Pupil Premium: £1500 (July 2015) (per financial year) Dedicated £1987 School Grant: Total funding available PP + DSG £3487

Intervention implemented Cost Evaluation of impact £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Cost of interventions by funding stream this financial year PP £ DSG £ Total funding spend £ Leave Blank

EYFS Pre School PEP Updated July 2015 Page 24

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