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Wichita State University College of Education
COURSE: EL 805/832: Practicum School Opening 1 & 2 SEMESTER: Summer 2009
FACULTY MEMBER: Dr. Denise Seguine Dr. Marilyn Herr
OFFICE: 105L Hubbard Hall OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Department Office: 978-3325 Direct Office Line: 978-6337 FAX: 978-6996 (WSU) Weather line: 978-6633, then press 2
FACULTY & E-MAIL ADDRESSES: Dr. Denise Seguine [email protected] Dr. Marilyn Herr [email protected] Dr. Patrick Terry [email protected]
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Engage in opening the school year with a principal/ mentor.
PREREQUISITES: Admission to the Master's in Educational Administration or instructor's consent.
TEXTS: Wichita State University (2008). Educational Administration and Supervision. The practicum guide for building-level mentors and administrative interns. Wichita, KS: Author.
MAJOR TOPICS: Students, enrolled in the Practicum: EL 805 School Opening 1/EL 832 School Opening 2, will participate as administrative interns under the direct supervision of their administrative mentor to perform school opening activities for 25-40 hours. During this first school opening practicum, student experiences will focus on learning the tasks to prepare the staff and facility for an academic year, as well as assuming a leadership, as appropriate. Students will respond to reflective questions on Blackboard and complete a practicum time log. The reflective questions on Blackboard will contain a discussion of the selected activities integrated with learning from seminars, research, and other areas. The practicum time log will contain an annotation of practicum activities, time expended, dates accomplished, and applicable standards.
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o i e e t o n s i C r s a n C e e o f m p C o u x r E H P , Participate in new teacher X orientation Participate in student X enrollment Participate, as a leader in X school opening staff meetings Participate Professional X development and professional development planning; Participate, as appropriate in X open house planning Participate in faculty X assignment Participate in resource X allocation and distribution Participate in a diversity X experience Participate in other activities, X as deemed appropriate by the mentor and intern
TECHNOLOGY EXPECTATIONS: Candidates are expected to use technology to communicate electronically with other candidates and faculty during seminar and field study. Also candidates are expected to use the Internet to conduct research for seminar and field research, retrieve documents and communicate via Blackboard. Many assignments such as data analysis and presentations require the use of technology.
PROGRAM STANDARDS ADDRESSED: The concept of the MEd practicum is for the students to take a holistic approach and accomplish as many principalship tasks as opportunities arise. The 6 standards and indicators are listed because they apply to each of the MEd 6 practica. Students in the school opening practicum should focus on these standards and indicators: Standard 1: Performance Indicators 2, 3, and 4. Standard 2: Performance Indicator s 4
2 Standard 3: Performance Indicators 1 and 3 Standard 4: Performance Indicators 2 Standard 5: Performance Indicators 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Standard 6: Performance Indicators 1, 2, 3, and 4
Standard 1: The building level administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school and community. The building level administrator has an understanding of: Performance Course Outcomes Related Guiding Principles Guiding Type of The Candidate will: Assessment Unit Conceptual Principles from Knowledge (per Framework (PR, HDD, Guiding Program NCATE CTA, T, CKS, C) Document Standard) 1.2. The building level School Opening Collaboration (C2) Community Professional administrator leads Practicum Self- building (CB) Knowledge and faculty and staff in Assessment Skills developing the building Rubric mission and goals. 1.3. The building level School Opening Collaboration (C3) Community Dispositions administrator leads Practicum Self- building (CB) faculty and staff in Assessment implementing the Rubric building mission. 1.4. The building level School Opening Content Knowledge, Service (S) Professional administrator utilizes Practicum Self- Pedagogical Knowledge and research, data, and Assessment Content Knowledge, Skills effective teaching Rubric and Alignment with strategies to increase Standards (CKS3) student learning for regular education and exceptional children and youth implementing a school improvement plan. Standard 2: The building level administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a building climate and instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. The building level administrator: Performance Course Outcomes Related Assessment Guiding Principles Guiding Type of The Candidate will: Unit Conceptual Principles from Knowledge (per Framework (PR, Guiding Program NCATE HDD, CTA, T, CKS, Document Standard) C) 2.4. The building level School Opening Technology (T1) Technology (T) Professional administrator utilizes Practicum Self- Knowledge and technology for effective Assessment Skills student management Rubric practices.
3 Standard 3: The building level administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment: Performance Course Outcomes Related Assessment Guiding Principles Guiding Type of The Candidate will: Unit Conceptual Principles from Knowledge (per Framework (PR, Guiding Program NCATE HDD, CTA, T, CKS, Document Standard) C) 3.1. The building level School Opening Professionalism Professionalism Dispositions administrator develops Practicum Self- and Reflection and Reflection and utilizes appropriate Assessment (PR5) (PR) human resource Rubric procedures. 3.3. The building level School Opening Professionalism Service (S) Dispositions administrator uses Practicum Self- and Reflection knowledge of facilities Assessment (PR5) and staff to promote Rubric effective instruction. Standard 4: The building level administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community needs and interests, and mobilizing community resources: Performance Course Outcomes Related Assessment Guiding Principles Guiding Type of The Candidate will: Unit Conceptual Principles from Knowledge (per Framework (PR, Guiding Program NCATE HDD, CTA, T, CKS, Document Standard) C) 4.2 The building level School Opening Collaboration Community Dispositions administrator Practicum Self- (C3) building (CB) participates in activities Assessment to foster communication Rubric among the various school publics. Standard 5: The building level administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. The building level administrator has knowledge of: Performance Course Outcomes Related Assessment Guiding Principles Guiding Type of The Candidate will: Unit Conceptual Principles from Knowledge (per Framework (PR, Guiding Program NCATE HDD, CTA, T, CKS, Document Standard) C) 5.1. The building level School Opening Professionalism Integrity (I) Professional administrator practices a Practicum Self- and Reflection Knowledge and personal and Assessment (PR5) Skills professional code of Rubric ethics.
4 5.2. The building level School Opening Professionalism Integrity (I) Dispositions administrator Practicum Self- and Reflection demonstrates values, Assessment (PR5) beliefs, and attitudes Rubric that inspire others to higher levels of performance. 5.3. The building level School Opening Professionalism Service (S) Dispositions administrator accepts Practicum Self- and Reflection responsibility for school Assessment (PR5) operations. Rubric 5.4. The building level School Opening Professionalism Integrity (I) Dispositions administrator applies Practicum Self- and Reflection laws and procedures Assessment (PR5) fairly and accurately. Rubric 5.5. The building level School Opening Professionalism Integrity (I) Dispositions administrator treats Practicum Self- and Reflection people fairly, equitably, Assessment (PR5) and with dignity and Rubric respect. 5.6. The building level School Opening Professionalism Integrity (I) Dispositions administrator protects Practicum Self- and Reflection the rights, Assessment (PR5) confidentiality, and Rubric privacy of records for students and staff. Standard 6: The building level administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context: Performance Course Outcomes Related Assessment Guiding Principles Guiding Type of The Candidate will: Unit Conceptual Principles from Knowledge (per Framework (PR, Guiding Program NCATE HDD, CTA, T, CKS, Document Standard) C) 6.1. The building level School Opening Collaboration Community Dispositions administrator Practicum Self- (C3) building (CB) demonstrates the ability Assessment to work with all the Rubric members of the school community. 6.2. The building level School Opening Professionalism Service (S) Professional administrator Practicum Self- and Reflection Knowledge and demonstrates the ability Assessment (PR4) Skills to address trends, issues, Rubric and changes occurring in the school environment.
5 6.3. The building level School Opening Collaboration Community Dispositions administrator maintains Practicum Self- (C3) building (CB) an ongoing dialogue with Assessment diverse populations in the Rubric school community. 6.4. The building level School Opening Collaboration Community Dispositions administrator maintains a Practicum Self- (C3) building (CB) visible presence in the Assessment school community. Rubric
ACADEMIC HONESTY: “A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students abridging a standard of honesty must accept the consequences; penalties are assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated people. Serious cases may result in discipline at the college or University level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Dismissal from a college for academic dishonesty constitutes dismissal from the University.” (WSU Student Handbook)
SPECIAL NEEDS If you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, contact the Office of Disability Services (DS), Grace Wilkie Annex, room 173 (voice phone number 978-3309; tdd/tty phone number 978- 3067). DS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate for you. All information and documentation of your disability is confidential and will not be released by DS without your permission.
COURSE SCHEDULE: The actual hours for this course are arranged between the candidate and mentor. A minimum of 25 to 40 hours is spent on building-level opening duties.
COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: During the summer 2009 practicum experience, students will participate in activities related to school opening. Suggested activities include:
Experience in Building: 1. New teacher orientation; 2. Student enrollment; 3. Opening staff meetings; 4. Professional development and professional development planning; 5. Open house planning; 6. Faculty assignment; 7. Resource allocation and distribution; 8. Diversity experience; and 9. Other activities that provide knowledge for opening the school and preparing for the school year, as deemed appropriate by the mentor and intern.
6 CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Completion of reflective questions on Blackboard. Due: August 21, 2009. 2. Submit practicum log annotating time and experiences by standard and indicator. Due: August 21, 2009 (please submit EL 805 to [email protected] and EL 832 to [email protected]). 3. Submit self-assessment of your school opening practicum experience. Due: August 22, 2008 (please submit EL 805 to [email protected] and EL 832 to [email protected]). 4. Diversity experience –a day visitation interacting with a diverse population who represent a population different than your educational setting. Record your experience in your school opening practicum log and reflect on your experience in your school opening reflective log. Due: August 24, 2009 (please submit to your faculty supervisor). 5. Insert appropriate artifacts in your portfolio. Due: Coordination with faculty supervisor (please submit to your faculty supervisor).
PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT: The grade for EL 805 and EL 832: Practicums in School Opening is based upon the standards in addition to completion of the practicum log, reflective log, and participation in the Blackboard discussion. The determination of the grade is based on the following percentage weights:
Assessment of Practicum- Self 30% Reflective Questions on Blackboard 30% Practicum Time Log (Continuing) 40% Diversity Experience* Portfolio**
*The faculty action research team leader will assess the diversity experience. **The faculty action research team leader will assess the portfolio in conjunction with overall evaluation of the portfolio.
ASSIGNMENTS and SCHEDULE: Your self-assessment will include your performance as of August 21, 2009. Activities beyond August 21st will be recorded as a continuation on your practicum time log.
Activity Final Due Date/Person Submit To Reflective Questions on August 21st-Questions Participation on Blackboard Blackboard #1,2,3,4 Practicum Time Log August 21 Marilyn Herr, Denise Seguine Self-Assessment August 21 Marilyn Herr, Denise Seguine Diversity Experience August 24 Faculty Action Research Supervisor Portfolio Coordination with Action Faculty Action Research Research Supervisor Supervisor