Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 5 Good to Be Me Blue Book Year 2 Class s2
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Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 1 New Beginnings Revised Early Years Foundation Stage Red Set Booklet 30-50 months
Small group Curriculum and other links/follow- Whole School Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with SEAL) Aspects of learning activities up work The Assembly: begin theme Circle games and rounds At the start of the term, make sure that all See Silver Core activity Creating a class or group This theme focuses with whole school assembly children are familiar with the expectations and agree ground rules (see Booklet family album, or a wall display ‘All about on developing story (see p6 – 17 of TOB for Purple set for suggested ground rules and whole school resource file us’ (see p37) children's knowledge, actual story and variations, for circle-time poster) Ongoing Whole understanding and and see website for additional Class activities Communication, language and skills in four key assemblies) Circle games Clap your hands…‘We are special’ game (see p5 and literacy Read stories about starting social and emotional p6) Emotional school. Hot-seat children asking how aspects of learning: Whole school focus for barometer they felt and thought at different points . Empathy noticing and celebrating Rounds Pass the teddy. The children pass the teddy saying hello and Find a visual in the story. Create a story of a puppet achievement (see p 4) To telling him their name. They repeat the activity the following day method for your coming to life in the setting when the notice and celebrate (using because teddy is ‘forgetful’ (see p6) children to show children go home, describe what he will usual means – certificates / how much they see and do (see p37) See also calls home etc) children and Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Core Activities Exemplar Lesson p38 and p39 are feeling (see . Self awareness adults who are observed: Whole School Resource file) Problem solving, reasoning & Week 1 Belonging Knowing that we belong to a group and knowing the people numeracy Understanding how many in our group (see p6) 30-50mths Making someone feel welcome Calming down children allowed in an area at one time Understanding rights and responsibilities Learning how the setting routines Think by supporting them in counting and Week 2 works – getting to know routines (see p8) 30-50 months about matching activities. Use pictorial . Social skills Doing something brave – timetable to sequence pictures of Self-awareness Knowing we are different and knowing something establishing one overcoming feelings of regular events in the setting and home. special about ourselves (see p10) 30-50 & 40-60 months if you don’t have fearfulness one Use the language of ‘first’, ‘second’, Understanding my feelings Knowing when we are happy or sad, ‘next’, ‘finally’, etc. (see p37) Week 3 excited or scared etc. (see p10) 30-50 & 40-60 months Peaceful . Motivation Solving a Managing my feelings Knowing ways to calm down when we are Problem Knowledge and understanding of the problem/remembering to use upset (see p12) 30-50 & 40-60 months Solving Process world: Children to explain how to get the problem-solving process Use this from one place to another by taking Understanding the feelings of others Knowing to be kind to new whenever digital photographs and making Week 4 people in the setting (see p13) 30-50 & 40-60 months appropriate as drawings of layout of setting. Use Calming down/helping Social skills Sharing, taking turns and joining in games (see p14) well as when part laptop to create a slide show (see p37) someone to calm down of planned Ongoing Activities Organising the day. The environment. The role of programme (see Physical development Children are Follow-up assembly End adults. (see p 15-16) whole school introduced to new skills such as At the start of a New theme with children presenting Assessment resource file) learning to ride a bike, doing a Beginning for the their best work (see p10 of Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. Identify how they will handstand etc. Encourage them to child and teacher the TOB) know when a child ‘can do’ (see p1) articulate the emotions that go with this key ideas will be new learning - fear, anxiety about orientation, Note: Vocabulary failure, excitement, pride etc. (see p37) establishing routines When the younger children are Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for their class. Share with others and learning basic to attend their first whole- in the key stage as appropriate (see p4) Creative development Self portraits skills and strategies school assembly, have them using mirrors. Add speech bubbles to e.g. the conventions paired with an older child, and Key resources say what they like and don’t like. Use of circle games and let the older children explain SEAL resources range of media to express and explore rounds. what happens. some of the feelings you have been discussing (see p37) NB All page references concern the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage Red Set booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/Early Years Foundation Stage revised Red set booklets
Problem solving Physical Development reasoning & numeracy
Link to work done with children on counting and Link feeling to learning a matching activities new skill
Knowledge and Literacy Understanding of the World
Narrative Predictable Look at the children’s structures and patterned setting language Use a camera Make a pictorial map New Label photograph See exemplar sequence of work Beginnings
Creative Development Communication language and literature
Read stories Make pictures of Use puppets and create a themselves story
Disposition and Attitudes Confidence, self-esteem, Behaviour, Self-control Self-care and relationships, community Independence
30-50 months 30-50 months 30-50 months 30-50 months 40-60 months 40-60 months 40-60 months 40-60 months
SEBD Team – Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 1 New Beginnings Revised Early Years Foundation Stage Red Set Booklet 40-60 months
Small group Curriculum and other links/follow-up Whole School Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with SEAL) Aspects of learning activities work The Assembly: begin theme Circle games and rounds At the start of the term, make See Silver Booklet Core activity Creating a class or group family This theme focuses with whole school assembly story sure that all children are familiar with the expectations and album, or a wall display ‘All about us’ (see on developing (see p6 – 17 of TOB for actual agree ground rules (see Purple set for suggested ground Ongoing Whole p37) children's knowledge, story and variations, and see rules and whole school resource file for circle-time poster) Class activities understanding and website for additional Circle games Feelings game… ‘Name songs and Communication, language and literacy skills in four key assemblies) activities…Clap your hands…‘We are special’ game…Swap Emotional Read stories about starting school. Hot-seat social and emotional places…Pass the smile…Pass the squeeze…Pass the hug children asking how they felt and thought at aspects of learning: Whole school focus for barometer (see p21 to p22) different points in the story. Create a story of . Empathy noticing and celebrating Find a visual a puppet coming to life in the setting when the achievement (see p 4) To notice method for your Rounds Pass the teddy (see p22) children go home, describe what he will see and celebrate (using usual children to show and do (see p37) See also Exemplar Lesson means – certificates / calls home how much they are Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Core Activities p38 and p39 etc) children and adults who are feeling (see Whole observed: School Resource . Self awareness Belonging Knowing we belong to our setting (see p22) 40- file) Problem solving reasoning & numeracy Understanding how many children allowed in Week 1 60 months Calming down an area at one time by supporting them in Making someone feel welcome Self -awareness Telling other people what is special about counting and matching activities. Use themselves (see p25) 40-60 months routines Think pictorial timetable to sequence pictures of Week 2 about establishing Understanding rights and responsibilities Knowing what regular events in the setting and home. Use . Social skills Doing something brave – one if you don’t to do in the setting (see p25) 40-60 months the language of ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘next’, ‘finally’, overcoming feelings of have one etc. (see p37) fearfulness Understanding my feelings Knowing how we feel and how to react in an appropriate way (see p27) 40-60 months Peaceful Problem Knowledge and understanding of the Week 3 Solving Process Managing my feelings Knowing how to calm down when world: Children to explain how to get from Solving a problem/remembering Use this whenever . Motivation we feel upset (see p29) 40-60 months one place to another by taking digital to use the problem-solving appropriate as well photographs and making drawings of layout process Social skills Sharing, taking turns, joining in games and as when part of welcoming new people (see p30) 40-60 months planned programme of setting. Use laptop to create a slide show (see whole school (see p37) Week 4 Understanding the feelings of others Knowing Calming down/helping someone resource file) everyone has feelings and how to be kind to new people Physical development Children are to calm down in the setting (see p31) 40-60 months introduced to new skills such as learning to ride a bike, doing a handstand etc. Follow-up assembly End theme Ongoing Activities Organising the day. The Encourage them to articulate the emotions At the start of a New with children presenting their environment. The role of adults. that go with this new learning - fear, anxiety Beginning for the best work (see p10 of TOB) Assessment Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. about failure, excitement, pride etc. (see p37) child and teacher the Identify how they will know when a child ‘can do’ (see p1) key ideas will be Note: Creative development Self portraits using orientation, When the younger children are to Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for their mirrors. Add speech bubbles to say what establishing routines attend their first whole-school class. Share with others in the key stage as appropriate they like and don’t like. Use range of media to and learning basic assembly, have them paired with (see p4) express and explore some of the feelings you skills and strategies an older child, and let the older have been discussing (see p37) e.g. the conventions children explain what happens. Key resources of circle games and SEAL resources rounds.
NB All page references concern the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage Red set Booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/Early Years Foundation Stage revised Red set booklet
Problem solving Physical Development reasoning & numeracy
Link to work done with children on counting and Link feeling to learning a matching activities new skill
Knowledge and Literacy Understanding of the World
Narrative Predictable Look at the children’s structures and patterned setting language Use a camera Make a pictorial map New Label photograph See exemplar sequence of work Beginnings
Creative Development Communication language and literature
Read stories Make pictures of Use puppets and create a themselves story
Disposition and Attitudes Confidence, self-esteem, Behaviour, Self-control Self-care and relationships, community Independence
40-60 months 40-60 months 40-60 months 40-60 months
SEBD Team – Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 1 New Beginnings Blue Book Year 1 Class______
Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with Small group Whole School Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning SEAL) activities
Circle games and rounds At the start of See Silver The Assembly: begin Citizenship QCA Unit 1 Taking Part - developing skills of This theme focuses on the term, make sure that all children are Booklet theme with whole school communication and participation. And, Respect for all: valuing developing children's familiar with the expectations and agree assembly story. Ongoing Whole diversity and challenging discrimination (see p27) knowledge, understanding and ground rules (see for Purple set for (see p4 for key points Class activities skills in four key social and suggested ground rules and whole school Art and design QCA Unit 2C Can buildings speak? Looking at from story) (see p6 – 17 of emotional aspects of learning: resource file for circle-time poster) how colours make us feel. (see p27) TOB for actual story and Emotional . Empathy variations, and see Circle Games How do you do. Building barometer ICT Children to use Dictaphone or other ICT equipment to make website for additional community. Hello, how are you? (see p6) Find a visual a record of why they think people in their school are special (see assemblies) p28) Rounds I am special because … I feel method for your happy at school when … I think it is fair children to show Geography and D&T QCA Geography Unit 3 An Island Home . Self awareness Whole school focus for when … (see p6) how much they and QCA D&T Unit 1D Homes - looking at belonging to a noticing and celebrating are feeling (see community and how we feel when others join our community. achievement (see p 5) To Focussed Class Learning Opportunities Whole School How we feel when our community changes (see p28) notice and celebrate / Core Activities Resource file) (using usual means – Science QCA Unit 1A Ourselves – how we were as babies and . Social skills certificates / calls home Creating a community Identifying skills Calming down how we have changed (see p28). QCA Unit 1B Growing plants etc) children and adults needed to create successful learning routines Think and QCA Unit 2B Plants and animals and the local environment who are observed: community (see p7 – p9) about – looking at planting seeds and what changes we can see establishing one throughout the growth cycle. Role play based on a garden Week 1 What if there’s a problem? Knowing if you don’t have centre – perhaps selling matured plant to aid children in a . Motivation Making someone feel how to solve a problem. Using the one developing country (see p28) welcome problem-solving process (see p9) Literacy, drama and geography Use poem Faisal by Tony Peaceful Langham to explore how we are unique. Also, use Katie Morag Week 2 Focus on feelings Identifying feelings Problem and the Tiresome Ted by Mairi Hedderwick to explore issues Doing something brave – and knowing how to make others feel Solving Process arising from feelings of new members arriving in a group (see overcoming feelings of better (see p9 and p10) Use this p29). Also, see SEAL exemplar lesson plan based on We’re fearfulness whenever going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen which explores feelings At the start of a New Assessment appropriate as around new experiences (see p29 and p33-p34) Beginning for the child and Week 3 Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ well as when part teacher the key ideas will be Solving a statements. Identify how they will know of planned PE/dance/music Meet and Greet activity to do with greeting orientation, establishing problem/remembering to when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) programme (see new people (see p30). QCA Section 3 Knowledge and routines and learning basic use the problem-solving whole school understanding of fitness and health looking at developing own skills and strategies e.g. the process Vocabulary resource file) cooling down activities that can be linked to calming down conventions of circle games Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for strategies (see p30). Also, QCA Games Activities Section 2 and rounds. Week 4 their class. Share with others in the key Selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas – Calming down/helping stage as appropriate (see p3) create and evaluate games. Think about how it feels to win and Plans and focus for Class someone to calm down lose (see p30). See SEAL exemplar lesson plan based on Meeting: Key resources creating performance based on the theme of The Creation (see Follow-up assembly End Assembly key points for follow-up p30 and p35 – p40). Also, Outdoor and Adventurous activities – theme with children discussion (see p4) thinking about skills of problem solving through discussion (see presenting their best work SEAL resources p31) (see p10 of TOB) RE Thinking about the Creation story (see p31)
NB All page references concern the New Beginnings Years 1 and 2 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)
SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 1 and 2 Blue set
Science PE, Dance and Music Literacy, Drama and Geography QCA Unit 1A, 1B & 2B QCA Unit 2 Dance Narrative 2 Y 1 T1 T5 T9 T10 See exemplar lesson plan Y2 T1 T5 T12 pages 37-40
T3, T7, T1 S1 Dr 8
See exemplar lesson plan pages 33-34
Link with work done with children on feelings
Art and Design New See exemplar lesson plan Beginnings pages 41-43 QCA Unit 2C
Music and Citizenship Speaking and listening
Years 1 & 2 Units 1A, 1B, 1C & Year 1: T1 3 1D Year 2: T1 15 Units 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D & 2E Units 3A & 3B Units 4A &4B Geography and Design and Technology QCA Unit 2 Music As for QCA Unit 3 See exemplar lesson Geography plan pages 35-36
SEBD Team – Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 1 New Beginnings Blue Book Year 2 Class______
Small group Whole School Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with SEAL) Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning activities The Assembly: begin Circle games and rounds At the start of the term, make See Silver Citizenship QCA Unit 1 Taking Part - developing This theme focuses on theme with whole sure that all children are familiar with the expectations and Booklet skills of communication and participation. And, developing children's school assembly story. agree ground rules (see for Purple set for suggested ground Respect for all: valuing diversity and challenging Ongoing Whole knowledge, understanding (see p4 for key points rules and whole school resource file for circle-time poster) discrimination (see p27) Class activities and skills in four key social from story) (see p6 – 17 Circle Games Lining up game. Hedgehogs. Listening Art and design QCA Unit 2C Can buildings speak? and emotional aspects of of TOB for actual story Game (see p16) Looking at how colours make us feel. (see p27) learning: and variations, and see Emotional . Empathy website for additional Rounds I feel happy at school when … The best thing barometer ICT Children to use Dictaphone or other ICT assemblies) about this class is … If we didn’t have rules in school it Find a visual equipment to make a record of why they think people would be … I think the best rule in our class is … (see p16) method for your in their school are special (see p28) Whole school focus children to show for noticing and how much they Geography and D&T QCA Geography Unit 3 and . Self awareness celebrating Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Core Activities are feeling (see QCA D&T Unit 1D - looking at belonging to a achievement (see p 5) Whole School community and how we feel when others join our To notice and celebrate Building a community Knowing we belong to a community Resource file) community or it changes (see p28) (using usual means – and have a right to a safe and fair class (see p17) Science QCA Unit 1A – how we were as babies and certificates / calls home Calming down how we have changed (see p28). QCA Unit 1B – . Social skills etc) children and adults Exploring feeing Knowing when others are sad or scared routines Think looking at planting seeds and what changes we can who are observed: and how to make them feel better (see p19) about see throughout the growth cycle. Role play based on establishing one a garden centre – perhaps selling matured plant to Week 1 Calming down Knowing some ways to calm down when if you don’t have aid children in a developing country (see p28) Making someone feel we feel scared or upset (see p20) one welcome Literacy, drama and geography Use of poem . Motivation Faisal by Tony Langham to explore how we are Welcoming others Knowing how to make others feel Peaceful unique. Also, use of Katie Morag and the Tiresome Week 2 welcome (see p20) Problem Doing something brave Solving Process Ted by Mairi Hedderwick to explore issues arising from feelings of new members arriving in a group – overcoming feelings What if there is a problem? Knowing ways to solve a Use this of fearfulness (see p29). Also, see SEAL exemplar lesson plan problem (see p21) whenever appropriate as based on We’re going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen which explores feelings around new Week 3 The flag challenge Thinking about belonging and feeling well as when part experiences (see p29 and p33-p34) At the start of a New Solving a safe in a range of communities and good about ways we are of planned Beginning for the child problem/remembering similar and different (see p22) programme (see PE/dance/music Meet and Greet activity to do with and teacher the key ideas to use the problem- whole school greeting new people (see p30). QCA Section 3 will be orientation, solving process Assessment resource file) Knowing and understanding your own fitness looking establishing routines and Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. Identify how at developing own cooling down activities - linked to learning basic skills and Week 4 they will know when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) calming down strategies (see p30). Also, QCA strategies such as the Calming down/helping Games Activities Section 2 – create and evaluate conventions of circle someone to calm down Vocabulary games. Think about how it feels to win and lose (see games and rounds. Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for their class. Share p30). See SEAL exemplar lesson plan based on Follow-up assembly with others in the key stage as appropriate (see p3) creating performance based on the theme of The Plans and focus for Class End theme with children Creation (see p30 and p35 – p40). Also, Outdoor Meeting: presenting their best Key resources and Adventurous activities – thinking about skills of work (see p10 of TOB) Assembly key points for follow-up discussion (see p4) problem solving through discussion (see p31) SEAL resources RE Thinking about the Creation story (see p31) NB All page references concern the New Beginnings Years 1 and 2 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 1 and 2 Blue set
Science PE, Dance and Music Literacy, Drama and Geography QCA Unit 1A, 1B & 2B QCA Unit 2 Dance Narrative 2 Y 1 T1 T5 T9 T10 See exemplar lesson plan Y2 T1 T5 T12 pages 37-40
T3, T7, T1 S1 Dr 8
See exemplar lesson plan pages 33-34
Link with work done with children on feelings
Art and Design New See exemplar lesson plan Beginnings pages 41-43 QCA Unit 2C
Music and Citizenship Speaking and listening
Years 1 & 2 Units 1A, 1B, 1C & Year 1: T1 3 1D Year 2: T1 15 Units 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D & 2E Units 3A & 3B Units 4A &4B Geography and Design and Technology QCA Unit 2 Music As for QCA Unit 3 See exemplar lesson Geography plan pages 35-36
SEBD Team – Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 1 New Beginnings Yellow Book Year 3 Class______
Small group Whole School Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with SEAL) Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning activities Circle games and rounds At the start of the term, make See Silver Literacy See SEAL exemplar lesson on Grandpa This theme focuses on The Assembly: begin sure that all children are familiar with the expectations and Booklet Chatterji – looking at new beginnings and welcoming developing children's theme with whole agree ground rules (see for Purple set for suggested ground new members to the community. Also, read The knowledge, understanding school assembly story. Ongoing Whole rules and whole school resource file for circle-time poster) Angel of Nitshill Road by Anne Fine – looking at new and skills in four key social (see p4 for key points Class activities beginnings from the point of view of others (see p37 and emotional aspects of from story) (see p6 – 17 Circle games Changing places. Mime (see p5) and p41 – p42) learning: of TOB for actual story Rounds I like … and my classmate likes ... I would like the Emotional . Empathy Art and design QCA Unit 3A - getting to know and variations, and see class to be … I like school when … I learn when … What I barometer classmates through production of a double portrait website for additional like about this classroom is … What I would change about Find a visual (see p37) assemblies) this classroom is … (see p5) method for your children to show Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Core Activities Music QCA Unit 14 Salt pepper, vinegar, mustard – . Self awareness Whole school focus how much they Exploring singing round games (see p37) for noticing and Getting to know each other Knowing what is special are feeling (see D and T QCA Unit 4B Storybooks – make a moving celebrating about people in our class (see p6) Whole School achievement (see p 4) Resource file) guide to how show how the class works (see p38) Gifts and talents Knowing people in class and feeling To notice and celebrate ICT Children create the class charter using Word or valued (see p6) (using usual means – Calming down Classroom guide using Publisher (see p38) . Social skills certificates / calls home The class charter Contributing to a class charter. routines Think Mathematics Solve handshake problems (see p38) etc) children and adults Understanding rights and responsibilities (see p8) about who are observed: establishing one History QCA Unit 6B (Anglo Saxons) or 6C (Vikings) Exploring feelings Knowing how we might feel when if you don’t have – write diary based on settlers feeling before they left Week 1 things are new and how to cope (see p10) one and on arriving to start a new life (see p38) . Motivation Making someone feel Calming down Knowing how to manage our own feelings Geography Thinking about new beginnings in the welcome and finding a way to calm ourselves (see p11) Peaceful local environment based on QCA Unit 6 and Unit 21 Problem The problem solving process Knowing ways to solve a (see p38) Week 2 Solving Process problem (see p11) Doing something brave Use this PE QCA Section 3 looking at developing own cooling – overcoming feelings Welcoming people to our group Knowing ways to make whenever down activities - linked to calming down strategies – of fearfulness people feel welcome and valued (see p12) appropriate as “What happens to our bodies when we calm” (see At the start of a New New beginnings Knowing we belong to a community and well as when part p38). Also, Outdoor and Adventurous activities – Week 3 Beginning for the child that we have a responsibility to make it safe and fair for of planned thinking about skills of problem solving through Solving a and teacher the key ideas everyone (see p13) programme (see discussion, working as a team and creating a safe problem/remembering whole school environment (see p39). Also, QCA Games Activities will be orientation, to use the problem- Assessment resource file) Section 2 – create and evaluate fair rules for games. establishing routines and solving process Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. Identify how Think about how it feels to win and lose (see p39) learning basic skills and they will know when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) strategies such as the RE The Ten Commandments – discuss the need for Week 4 conventions of circle Vocabulary rules in society (see p39) games and rounds. Calming down/helping Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for their class. Share someone to calm down with others in the key stage as appropriate (see p3) Citizenship QCA Unit 1 Taking part – developing skills of communication and participation – reviewing Plans and focus for Class Follow-up assembly Key resources the class charter and creating a school council (see Meeting: End theme with children Assembly key points for follow-up discussion (see p4) p40) presenting their best SEAL resources work (see p10 of TOB)
N.B. All page references concern the New Beginnings Years 3 and 4 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 3 and 4 Yellow set
Design and Technology Music Literacy and Drama
As for QCA Unit 4B Narrative dialogue QCA Unit 14 Y3 T1 T3 T9 T10
See exemplar lesson plan pages 41-42
As for QCA Units 6B or 6C
Art and Design New Beginnings QCA Unit 3A
See exemplar lesson plan pages 43-44 PE
As for QCA Units section 2 & 3
Citizenship Speaking and listening
Years 3 & 4 Geography Unit 1B & 1C Year 3: T1 27 Unit 2B, 2D & 2E Unit 4A, 4C & 4D Year 4: T1 38 As for QCA Units 6 & 21
SEBD Team – Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 1 New Beginnings Yellow Book Year 4 Class______
Small group Whole School Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with SEAL) Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning activities Circle games and rounds At the start of the term, make Literacy See SEAL exemplar lesson on Grandpa This theme focuses on The Assembly: begin See Silver Booklet sure that all children are familiar with the expectations and Chatterji – looking at new beginnings and developing children's theme with whole agree ground rules (see for Purple set for suggested Ongoing Whole welcoming new members to the community. Also, knowledge, understanding school assembly story. ground rules and whole school resource file for circle-time Class activities read The Angel of Nitshill Road by Anne Fine – and skills in four key social (see p4 for key points poster) looking at new beginnings from the point of view of and emotional aspects of from story) (see p6 – 17 Emotional others (see p37 and p41 – p42) learning: of TOB for actual story Circle Games Favourites (see p21) barometer . Empathy and variations, and see Art and design QCA Unit 3A - getting to know Rounds I found out something good that I didn’t know Find a visual website for additional classmates through production of a double portrait method for your assemblies) about ____ this week. It is … One of the groups I belong to is (see p37) … (see p21) Focus: we are constantly getting to know new children to show how much they are Music QCA Unit 14 Salt pepper, vinegar, mustard Whole school focus things about each other and we are all in many different . Self awareness feeling (see Whole – Exploring singing round games (see p37) for noticing and groups School Resource celebrating D and T QCA Unit 4B Storybooks – make a file) achievement (see p 4) Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Core Activities moving guide to how show how the class works To notice and celebrate (see p38) Calming down (using usual means – Creating a community Knowing how to make someone . Social skills routines Think ICT Children create the class charter using Word certificates / calls home feel welcomed and valued at school (see p21) about establishing or Classroom guide using Publisher (see p38) etc) children and adults The problem-solving process Knowing how to use the one if you don’t Mathematics Solve handshake problems (see who are observed: problem-solving process to solve a problem (see p24) have one p38) . Motivation Week 1 Our class charter Contributing to a class charter (see Peaceful Problem History QCA Unit 6B (Anglo Saxons) or 6C Making someone feel p25) Solving Process (Vikings) – write diary based on settlers feeling welcome Welcoming people to our group Knowing how to make Use this whenever before they left and on arriving to start a new life someone feel welcomed and valued at school (see p26) appropriate as well (see p38) Week 2 Joining a new group Knowing how to join a group and as when part of Doing something brave Geography Thinking about new beginnings in the predicting how new situations make us feel (see p27) planned – overcoming feelings local environment based on QCA Unit 6 and Unit programme (see At the start of a New of fearfulness Calming down Managing feelings and finding ways to 21 (see p38) whole school Beginning for the child and calm down when necessary (see p 28) PE QCA Section 3 looking at developing own resource file) teacher the key ideas will be Week 3 New beginnings Knowing we belong to a community and cooling down activities - linked to calming down orientation, establishing Solving a that we have a responsibility to make it safe and fair for strategies – “What happens to our bodies when we routines and learning basic problem/remembering everyone (see p29) calm” (see p38). Also, Outdoor and Adventurous skills and strategies such as to use the problem- activities – thinking about skills of problem solving the conventions of circle Assessment solving process (see p39). Also, QCA Games Activities Section 2 – games and rounds. Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. Identify how create and evaluate fair rules for games. Think they will know when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and p2) Week 4 about how it feels to win and lose (see p39) Plans and focus for Class Calming down/helping Vocabulary RE The Ten Commandments – discuss the need Meeting: someone to calm down Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for their class. Share for rules in society (see p39) with others in the key stage as appropriate (see p3) Follow-up assembly Citizenship QCA Unit 1 Taking part – developing End theme with children Key resources skills of communication and participation – presenting their best Assembly key points for follow-up discussion (see p4) reviewing the class charter and creating a school work (see p10 of TOB) SEAL resources council (see p40)
SEBD Team – Children’s Services NB All page references concern the New Beginnings Years 3 and 4 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)
SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 3 and 4 Yellow set
Design and Technology Music Literacy and Drama
As for QCA Unit 4B Narrative dialogue QCA Unit 14 Y3 T1 T3 T9 T10
See exemplar lesson plan pages 41-42
As for QCA Units 6B or 6C
Art and Design New Beginnings QCA Unit 3A
See exemplar lesson plan pages 43-44 PE
As for QCA Units section 2 & 3
Citizenship Speaking and listening
Years 3 & 4 Geography Unit 1B & 1C Year 3: T1 27 Unit 2B, 2D & 2E Unit 4A, 4C & 4D Year 4: T1 38 As for QCA Units 6 & 21
SEBD Team – Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 1 New Beginnings Green Book Year 5 Class______
Small group Whole School Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with SEAL) Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning activities The Assembly: begin Circle games and rounds At the start of the term, make See Silver Citizenship Children run circle group for the whole This theme focuses on theme with whole sure that all children are familiar with the expectations and Booklet school. QCA Unit 1 Taking part – developing skills of developing children's school assembly story. agree ground rules (see for Purple set for suggested Ongoing communication and participation – understanding knowledge, understanding and (see p4 for key points ground rules and whole school resource file for circle-time Whole Class democracy and the voting process (see p30) skills in four key social and from story) (see p6 – 17 poster) activities emotional aspects of learning: Art and design Create a visual feelings wall of TOB for actual story . Empathy Circle games Starcatcher. A sticky situation (see p5) focussing on an event in their lives (see p31) and variations, and see Emotional website for additional Rounds I find it easy to learn when … I find it harder to barometer Music QCA Unit 17 – using rounds to help children learn when … Something I really enjoy in school is … work in partnership and consider the range of assemblies) Find a visual Something I have learned by myself is … I helped method for cultures represented in the class (see p31) . Self awareness someone in my class when I … (see p5) Whole school focus your children Science QCA Unit 5B Life Cycles – children research for noticing and to show how life-cycles and present info using ICT(see p31) celebrating Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Core Activities much they are achievement (see p 4 feeling (see Geography Think about and debate how changes in To notice and celebrate Creating a community Knowing things that help us in Whole School the locality affect the people that live there (see p31) . Social skills (using usual means – school to learn and play well together (see p6) Resource file) History Local area/Britain since 1930 – what view of certificates / calls home Our class charter Understanding our rights and the future did the planners and architects have after etc) children and adults Calming responsibilities in school. Understanding the need for the WWII bombings? (see p31). Also, Respect for All who are observed: down – thinking about Jewish evacuees and issues around rules in society and why we have rules in school. . Motivation routines immigration (see p31) Week 1 Knowing what to do when we don’t agree with Think about Making someone feel something in school – knowing how to go about trying establishing Dance / Music Producing a music/dance welcome to change things (see p8) one if you don’t performance for end of Theme assembly on The Creation Exploring feelings Developing strategies for dealing have one Week 2 with uncomfortable feelings and to calm ourselves when D and T Producing a design for a perfect community / Doing something brave necessary. Knowing how others may be feeling when Peaceful creating a temporary shelter for people who have lost – overcoming feelings they are in an unfamiliar situation and helping them to feel Problem their homes due to earthquakes etc. (see p31) At the start of a New of fearfulness valued and welcomed (see p9) Solving Beginning for the child and Process PE QCA Section 3 looking at developing own cooling teacher the key ideas will be Week 3 Welcoming and belonging Knowing that we are valued Use this down activities - linked to calming down strategies. orientation, establishing Solving a at school, how it feels to start new things and solving a whenever Think about what happens to our bodies when we routines and learning basic problem/remembering problem together (see p11) appropriate as calm. Think about how it feels to win and lose (see skills and strategies such as p38). Also, Outdoor and Adventurous activities – to use the problem- New beginnings Knowing some of the things that help well as when the conventions of circle problem solving as a team (see p32) solving process us in school to learn and play well together (see p12) part of planned games and rounds. programme Mathematics Working together to identifying rules Assessment Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ Week 4 (see whole about numbers (see p33) statements. Identify how they will know when a child ‘can Calming down/helping school Plans and focus for Class do’ (see p1 and p2) Literacy Design a Dream school. Also, Look at someone to calm down resource file) Meeting / Cross Age stories which explore issues concerned with coping in Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for Meetings: unfamiliar situations (see p33) Follow-up assembly their class. Share with others in the key stage as End theme with children appropriate (see p3) ICT Creating a brochure for a dream school (see p33) presenting their best Key resources RE Looking at Creation stories from the Jewish and work (see p10 of TOB) Assembly key points for follow-up discussion (see p4) Islamic perspective (see p34) SEAL resources NB All page references concern the New Beginnings Years 5 and 6 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet) SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 5 and 6 Green set
Science Music Literacy
QCA Unit 5B Life Cycles Y5 T1 T13, 26 QCA Unit 17 See exemplar lesson plan Y6 T1 T3, T18 See exemplar lesson plan pages 43-44 pages 35-37
PE Design and Technology
QCA QCA Unit 5A & 6A Unit on Knowledge and Understanding Unit on Games Unit on Selecting and Applying skills, tactics History, Art and Design and compositional ideas Link to work done with children on Local area/ Art and Design New Britain since 1930 Beginnings Link to SEAL theme 7 Changes to explore ideas To collect visual and of new beginnings other information to help children develop their ideas
ICT Link to work done with PE children on multimedia QCA Y6 Unit 6 Dance presentations
See exemplar lesson plan See exemplar lesson plan pages 38-40 page 41-42
Citizenship Speaking and listening
Year 5 & 6 Geography Year 5: T1 50 QCA Unit 1A & 1B Year 6: T1 60 Unit 2A, 2B & 2C QCA Unit 12 & 20 Unit 3A & 3B Unit 4A
SEBD Team – Children’s Services Medium Term Plan: SEAL Theme 1 New Beginnings Green Book Year 6 Class______
Small group Whole School Focussed Class Work (PSHE links with SEAL) Curriculum and other links/follow-up work Aspects of learning activities Circle games and rounds At the start of the term, Citizenship Children run circle group for the whole This theme focuses on The Assembly: begin See Silver Booklet make sure that all children are familiar with the school. QCA Unit 1 Taking part – developing skills of developing children's theme with whole expectations and agree ground rules (see for Purple communication and participation – understanding knowledge, understanding and school assembly story. Ongoing Whole set for suggested ground rules and whole school democracy and the voting process (see p30) skills in four key social and (see p4 for key points Class activities resource file for circle-time poster) emotional aspects of learning: from story) (see p6 – 17 Art and design Create a visual feelings wall . Empathy of TOB for actual story Circle Games Feelings games (see p17) Emotional focussing on an event in their lives (see p31) and variations, and see Rounds People look happy/sad/angry when they … barometer Music QCA Unit 17 – using rounds to help children website for additional If I had a magic wand in my hand right now, I would Find a visual work in partnership and consider the range of assemblies) method for your change … The world I would like to go to would be cultures represented in the class (see p31) . Self awareness … (see p17) children to show Whole school focus Science QCA Unit 5B Life Cycles – children research Focussed Class Learning Opportunities / Core how much they are for noticing and life-cycles and present info using ICT(see p31) Activities feeling (see Whole celebrating School Resource Geography Think about and debate how changes in achievement (see p 4 Building a community Working well in a group and file) the locality affect the people that live there (see p31) To notice and celebrate knowing what helps groups work well together (see . Social skills (using usual means – p17) Calming down History Local area/Britain since 1930 – what view of certificates / calls home the future did the planners and architects have after The class charter Understanding how it works (see routines Think etc) children and adults about establishing the WWII bombings? (see p31). Also, Respect for All p21) – thinking about Jewish evacuees and issues around who are observed: one if you don’t . Motivation Focus on feelings Uncomfortable feelings, coping have one immigration (see p31) Week 1 in unfamiliar situations, making people feel valued Dance / Music Producing a music/dance Making someone feel and welcomed. Understanding how it feels to do or Peaceful Problem performance for end of Theme assembly on The welcome start something new, and why (see p23) Solving Process Creation Use this whenever Focus on managing feelings Strategies to cope D and T Producing a design for a perfect community / Week 2 appropriate as well with uncomfortable feelings and calming down (see creating a temporary shelter for people who have lost Doing something brave as when part of p24) their homes due to earthquakes etc. (see p31) At the start of a New – overcoming feelings planned Beginning for the child and New beginnings Knowing some of the things that of fearfulness programme (see PE QCA Section 3 looking at developing own cooling teacher the key ideas will be help us in school to learn and play well whole school down activities - linked to calming down strategies. orientation, establishing together (see p25) Week 3 resource file) Think about what happens to our bodies when we routines and learning basic Solving a Assessment calm. Think about how it feels to win and lose (see skills and strategies such as problem/remembering Teacher to think about the ‘I can’ statements. Identify p38). Also, Outdoor and Adventurous activities – the conventions of circle to use the problem- how they will know when a child ‘can do’ (see p1 and problem solving as a team (see p32) games and rounds. solving process p2) Mathematics Working together to identifying rules Vocabulary about numbers (see p33) Week 4 Plans and focus for Class Calming down/helping Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for their class. Literacy Design a Dream school. Also, Look at Share with others in the key stage as appropriate Meeting / Cross Age someone to calm down stories which explore issues concerned with coping in Meetings: (see p3) unfamiliar situations (see p33) Follow-up assembly Key resources ICT Creating a brochure for a dream school (see p33) End theme with children Assembly key points for follow-up discussion presenting their best (see p4) RE Looking at Creation stories from the Jewish and Islamic perspective (see p34) work (see p10 of TOB) SEAL resources NB All page references concern the New Beginnings Years 5 and 6 Guidance booklet (except those marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overview booklet)
SEBD Team – Children’s Services SEAL curriculum links/follow up work Years 5 and 6 Green set
Science Music Literacy
QCA Unit 5B Life Cycles Y5 T1 T13, 26 QCA Unit 17 See exemplar lesson plan Y6 T1 T3, T18 See exemplar lesson plan pages 43-44 pages 35-37
PE Design and Technology
QCA QCA Unit 5A & 6A Unit on Knowledge and Understanding Unit on Games Unit on Selecting and Applying skills, tactics History, Art and Design and compositional ideas Link to work done with children on Local area/ Art and Design New Britain since 1930 Beginnings Link to SEAL theme 7 Changes to explore ideas To collect visual and of new beginnings other information to help children develop their ideas
ICT Link to work done with PE children on multimedia QCA Y6 Unit 6 Dance presentations
See exemplar lesson plan See exemplar lesson plan pages 38-40 page 41-42
Citizenship Speaking and listening
Year 5 & 6 Geography Year 5: T1 50 QCA Unit 1A & 1B Year 6: T1 60 Unit 2A, 2B & 2C QCA Unit 12 & 20 Unit 3A & 3B Unit 4A
SEBD Team – Children’s Services